Team Jelly Belly!!!

Lol its ok...oh so your a teacher..thats exciting!:) How old is your lo..2? lol i totally say, oh thats nice"..all the time !hehe.

I havent had any spotting like all day.....?
You ladies have been chatty! I'm trying to catch up...

Gabrielle, keep holding onto those strings of hope, it's still possible!!! Pink could be implantation no?

Fingers back to catching up!
Just a quick hi, to say I am thinking of you all and Gabby and Sara I have my FX for you both. Will keep checking in to see you get your :bfp:
Morning girls....WEll i had a ugly TEMP drop she must be on her way right? ...i took it an hour early but still it was only 97.7...! When i got up to see if she was here i still only had a bit of light pink cm when wiping...ahhhh just come witch please!!!!!!

Hey Debs, glad you stopped by, how are you feeling?

How is everyone else.

Ladies so something totally scary.....i woke up in the middle of the night to wee...and i heard something....i looked the basement door was opened, and my DRYER was running! WTH??? I was soo scraed i had hubby go look and he didnt find anyone but still! I couldnt sleep the rest of the night! We live in a VERY nice town, and nothing ever happens but idk that just spooked me! :) lol
That would totally scare me! Maybe Dh or you started it and dont remember? I would hope thats the case or maybe something happened to the dryer to start on a timer? Or the intruder needed to some laundry! JK. haha
oh my gosh Gabby that is scary!! I came home from work Friday night and the door to my house was open! I was freaked, dh looked everyewhere, no one was in the house and all our animals were still inside safe, but I was worried because is was so cold, my furnace ran all day long...not happy about that! We determined that dh didn't shut the door all the way before he left for work that day, still someone could have come right in if they wanted. I was upset with him needless to say! We too live in a quiet neighborhood but 2 years ago our house was broken into so I'm always paranoid, there is no safe place!

Feeling very lazy and icky today, all weekend actually. We went out for lunch yesterday and i have felt awful ever since, can't wait till this 1st trimester is over! Only 3 more weeks!!! :hugs:
Oh Gabby, that is quite scary. I am sure there must be some explaination, but it is alwasy good to be cautious. And Rhonda, the door to your house being left open is equally a bit frightening.

We couldn't get away with that in South Africa!!!

Sorry you aren't feeling well this weekend R, but like you say at least there are only three more weeks and then you are into that lovely second trimester.

I was really devistated when I heard we can't do IUI this month but since then my parents have invited us to go away with them to the beach for Christmas. I just love going to the beach for Christmas and spending those hot summer days in the warm sea.

What is everyone else doing for Christmas? I bet you will have snow. I love the snow. I am snow mad, we very seldom ever get snow in our winter.
So I am so excited for two reasons. One my temp went up to 98.2 today but it was an hour later, still I am taking it as a sign I Oed because my temp never gets that high in the morning if I did not O. Secondly our dog had her puppies last night and they are so cute, she had SIX!!!:saywhat: I don't know how that many ft in her but Oh well. I will post a pic soon but they are nursing and I do not have my camera here any ways. I went and saw that movie that Sarah and were talking about (Of course the dog had her babies while I was in the theater so thankfully there were no problems because honey's Mom did not know what to do if there were any) It was ok but I think that if you read the book and try to watch the movie you would be disappointed, if you never read that book you might like it because they do tell the story just not in many details and they are going to make the sequels. That being said, I would still watch it again.

Gabs- Sorry your temp went down, Hope it it just playing tricks on you and it jumps back up. Maybe an hour really would have made a difference, I know it drastically does on mine. I took my temp at 4 this morning after not quite 3 hours of sleep and my temp was 97.2, then I slept for 3 and a half hours soundly and it was 98.2. I just put it at 98.2 and the time I took it. Good luck,
I would have been scared of the dryer going off too. I get these feelings sometimes and freak myself out like there is someone in our house. I can not go back to sleep afterwards because I am planning an escape route in my mind in case I see someone I plan how i will get the baby out and then the dogs. :rofl: I think i just have problems though.

R- sorry you feel like crap, still excited over your picture.
Debs- glad you stopped by, hope you are feeling ok

Anyone else I missed I am so sorry but my mind is going a mile a min and I am still tired.
Wow Debs!! I guess I never knew where you lived before, South Africa! Your like on the total opposite side of the world from me! Is it always hot there? It is so cold here right now, and the northern half of the state got snow yesterday..glad it missed me this time as I'm not a huge fan of the white stuff, its pretty and all but I hate the clean up and driving in it is no fun! I hear its suppose to snow Monday night into Tuesday though, ugh! I guess it has to come eventually, I'm surprised we haven't gotten any by now actually.

Sara yay! Temps went up for you..woo hoo!!! Sorry your movie wasn't all that you had hoped. I haven't read the book, thought about seeing the movie but probably not in the theater, hard to do with a kiddo!! We have no family around so no sitters! :( Awwh puppies!! You must show us pics, what kind of dogs are they??

Well I feel pretty useless this weekend, mostly couch bound, very lazy and just blah, I hate feeling like this as its so not me! I have zero energy to do anything and my house looks like a tornado spun through it :dohh: live in South Africa ? WOW thats crazy!!!! It must be super hot there!
I live in Wiscosin...northern part of USA....and we get SNOW plenty! Come steal it..i HATE it :) Its pretty..but its soooo cold and i hate driving in it as well! Going to the beach for xmas..that sounds nice!:) Im jealous.

Rhonda..sorry your feeling so crappy, and your house is a mess! i know what thats like and then to have a LO to take care of ...gosh i feel bad for you! No family to help out..that stinks too..make hubby clean the house!:) ...i CANT believe your almost done with first trimester..its FLYING by! i feel like yesterday you got your bfp! Are you going to find out what your having? I found out with our last baby at 13wks! crazy eh!?

Sara~thats sooo when is af due? or should i say a BFP? when are you going to test!?

Ms twiggy..where are are you feeling?

Everyone else?

Yeah i totally dont know what happened last night..but we were all fine so thats the good news..i couldnt go back to bed and my heart kept racing.! So i'm alittle sleepy today. Still spotting just a tiny bit of pink..and its all only when i wipe nothing more..? Idk what it is im totally lost but just praying af will come now!
:rofl: DH clean house :rofl: Actually he did a lot for me this morning, took care of DS, as I couldn't scrape myself off the couch! Little bit better since I ate something but still feeling blah. Of course I am going to find out, I am way to anxious, don't know if I'l make it to 20 weeks! Gabby you found out at 13 weeks? WOW I didn't know you could find out that early!! That is crazy!!

Oh yes Sara I ment to ask you that ealier too, when are you going to test??!!

Gabby have you decided to wait?

well off to do some :laundry:
Anxiously awaiting test results....I'm still thinking positive! GOod luck ladies

Gabby, lots of snow here too, well, not all that much, cause most of the time it's too cold to snow! eep!!
Rhonda...well i'm assuming af shall be arriving soon, so figured i was already out so i wasnt planning on testing...if for some odd reason that she doesnt show i guess i will test on Wednesday...but dont worry that wont be happening!:(
Hi gals I tried to get some tests in the house today but it did not happen. I might talk Hubby into going to the dollar store tonight but he is busy moving the rest of our crap in the new house. I guess if my temps stay up then I know without a doubt that I did O and if it was on CD 16 then AF should be here on Tuesday, My LP is usually only 11 days but I won't get too excited if she does not show then because my LP could be a little longer since having a baby I really do not know what to expect but if I had tests I would take them now. :rofl: I know I have a problem but I can not help it.
The puppies are so cute and when I get my camera back from my mom and the get a little bigger, (only hours old right now) I will take and post pics, I have one but it is from my camera phone and crappy but I will get it and post it here, or try to. BRB
ok I am going to see if this works. Here is a picture of one of the puppies, it looks a little like a rat. still cute though i just want to kiss the living daylights out of them.


  • puppie.jpg
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Awww very cute..but indeed looks like a little rat...but thats ok!:)

So hubby is gone and I'm just home with the kids..and i keep hearing noises like somone is up stairs!!!!! I just got home about 30mins ago and checked the whole house..and didnt find anyone(hehe)..but as soon as we were down in the living room i SWEAR i heard someone walking! GOsh im sooooo scared and its another two hours till hubby comes home?!!!>....No one lives real close besides mother in law...but i dont want to bug her. Theres probly no one here right?.....Its been like 15mins since i heard noise, dont you think they would come out by now if they were?..SOOO paranoid!

Also btw.....still just have brown, light pink when i wipe or check cm? Could i be pregnant...or is this af? do you get this ever? Its been FOUR days!!!! grrrrr never spotted like this little
Hello ladies!

I'm here Gabby! :D

Currently doing fine, thank you :) AF is gone *phew* and I'm back in the run, although a totally new cycle now.

OH heyy!! Now that we know everyone's names, it's great to know where everyone is from :D South Africa Debs? Woww, I've never been there, how is it like?

I think not many of you know where Malaysia is, heheheh, hence the silence whenever I mention it. It's part of Asia, we don't have four seasons it's either rain or shine and we NEVER GET SNOW!! Hahahah, so yes, I've never seen snow in my entire life.

What about the rest of you ladies?

Btw, if anyone of you out there are in Australia or the US, I just have to share this with you. My wedding phtographer takes THE MOST AMAZING family portraits. You should just see his collection online!!

When I actually do get a kid, I assure you I'm going to get him take the special picturesque shots *swoon*
ok I am bored, I am really tired but my son is not asleep yet and I can't go to sleep until he is asleep because well he will leave his room and get into a lot of stuff he shouldn't he will probably eat dog food.
So while writing in my journal I wrote an AA introduction, sort of. Like to hear it? Here it goes
Hello my name is Sara and I am a Pee-On-a-Stick-Aholic, Thank you all for welcoming me and though I know this group can not help me stop (like that would happen you dang stick pushers), it is nice to be surrounded by those who face the same struggle daily. To pee or not to pee, that is the question.
Don't ask where that came from of what I was thinking because I do not know, Talk to you all tomorrow.
Good morning girls! Feeling a little better today but back to work :( luckily because of the holiday I only have a 3 day work week this week :happydance:

Gosh Gabby I would be scared as hell if I were you. How old is your house? Maybe its haunted??? Ever have anything like this happen before??

msTwiggy glad the :witch: is gone for you! I live in the US, Maine to be exact, way up near Canada, we ALWAYS get snow and right now its cold as hell here!! Your photographer takes amazing photos!!!

Sara puppies are soooo cute, even if they do look a little rat like, they are adorable!!

So who else is from the US besides Gabby and I??

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