Team Jelly Belly!!!

Good Morning Ladies,

I had to play catch up with all the posts from the last few days. :witch: is about gone so yeah to that and I can't wait for some good food on Turkey Day! I'm from NJ. It's a little better temperature wise this week; it was so cold last week. I can't wait to see more snow especially when I have no place to go.

Debs, Sorry about the wait but like you said miracles can happen. A New Year's bean is great too! I hope I don't let you down this cycle! Even if it doesn't happen we can do next cycle together! What beach do you go to in South Africa?

Sara, I still think you o'd and :bfp: is on it's way. The puppy is cute!

Gabby, I don't know what to say about the spotting. I hope AF isn't coming for you but if she is I wish she would just hurry up and come so you can start a new cycle.

Liyana, Malayasia that is far. I had to look at a map to remind myself of exactly where it is. Where were those pictures taken? Those little girls are adorable.
Rhonda, I can't believe the time is going by so fast. Almost done with 1st trimester. I love the pic of the bean and I hope it's a girl.
I am from Ohio. It is cold here too! I hate winter though. I like dressing in comfortable clothes, but I hate being cold! I was born in July so I love summer! I do a lot of driving for work and getting in and out and things like that, so winter is just bad for me. Well on Cd 8 now, almost time to get the bding marathon going! I am going to hold off on using opks till cd 11 this cycle, I hope by some fluke i dont miss it though. I dont usually ov until cd 18 or so, so i dont think i will. I am having c cm already though and some slight tinges in my side, maybe i will ov early, but not this early! I have my preseed ready to go! but no chance to bd until wednesday, so hold of eggy a little longer! Still have to call dr to set up cd 21 blood work, but i will call closer to ov. hope everyone is having a good day!
Hello gals, well I was so excited to wake up and take my temp this morning but of course I ran into some problems. 1st my husband was not feeling good, his stomach has hurt him for the past two days and he was up at 1 asking my to cuddle with him to keep him warm because he was freezing. I did take my temp then it was 97.9 and my adjustments usually are .5 every half hour so i made it 98.15. 2nd my son woke up right after, the dog had to go out and my husband continued to moan until I passed out at 2, then my husband woke me up at 4:30 cuz he was getting up for work. I knew it was not enough time to take mt temp and my house was freezing and my husband had taken all the covers durring this time but my temp was 97.6. Should I just leave it at the 98.15 I adjusted it to or should I mark it as 97.9 at 1 A.M. ?

R- I was getting ready to complain how cold my house was and saw that you live in Maine, now i can not complain because I am in Southern California and it is probably only 60 something outside. I'm still complaining though.

Gabs- waiitng for you, really hope :witch: stayed away.

Nyltin- I don't think I caught your name, I will review the posts to find it. :rofl: scatter brained today. Thanks for the vote of confidence, I still do not feel like it, other than twinge in the boobies, my cramps have gone but I am gassy so the cramps traded with another stomach problem. :rofl: isn't one enough?

I am so excited about my puppies, i just want to squeeze them and kiss them. I can not wait to post cute pictures for you gals. I wanted to get little x-mas hats and put them on the puppies, their mom, and my dog (their dad)and take a picture. Then I realized that their mom probably would not like that and I do not think I could get 8 dogs to sit still for any length of time so I threw that thought out the window. :rofl: I went to sleep at 9 last night cuz i was so tired, oh yeah I am tired too forgot to add that, sore boobies, gassy and tired.
1st baby, good luck catching that egg, i hope you get enough :sex: in to bombard that egg with an overwhelming amount of spermies all up there waiting to pounce on her. :rofl:
Morning Girls...sorry i'm at work today so dont have time to chat!

Hope your all doing well!:)

For me..temp was only 97.5 that must mean witch should be here right????
Well still light spoting only when wiping..sorry tmi.
And i was sooooooo sick to my stomach last night and also very constipated today..sorry tmi!

Could there be any reason for me to spot and have temps lower but no witch..could i be pregnant?
Sorry Gabby but with me usually when my temp dropped it meant AF would show up that day. I will search FF PG charts and get back and let you know if any of those charts dropped and went back up like that.
ok I am specifically looking for dips at 12 DPO and I found this

I only got to a few pages but I got stuck with my internet not responding on FF so I found these, they had dips at 12 DPO and were PG. I could not find any that were almost just like your because of my internet acting up but 12 DPO seemed like a late time for a dip so I found two for you. You will have to wait today for AF to show and then again tomorrow to see if your temps rise. Good luck
What if af doesnt show today..and my temp is low tomrrow?
Then AF is probably on her way but I have seen a few charts where the temp was at cover line for two days then jumped back up, Hope AF stays away and temp goes up.
SHE almost here! grrrr but actually happy! Starting to see more red and drips..tmi sorry! FINALLY!!!!!!!! idk if i should call the dr or just move on with this cycle alone?
Why would you need to call the Dr? If she is here today then your LP is 11 days and thats what mine usually is and i got PG on that LP length.
oh no Gabby!!! :cry: I think I am more upset about your :witch: than you are! What is going on in come no one else is pregnant?! I just don't get it!! Sara hun you HAVE to be!!! Someone join me please so I don't feel like such an outcast! :hugs:
Hi Girls, will have to catch up with all of you tomorrow I only got home from work at 20:00 and I got to work at 06:30 this morning so I am completely knackerd I should have finished at 16:00 but had some urgent stuff I had to get done before I could leave.

Gabby, I think only time will tell, lets keep our fingers and toes crossed. I hope you get a good nights sleep and feel safe in your home. The mind is cruel and can play scarry tricks on us.

Sara when are you going to test? I hope your hubby is feeling better and your little boy lets you sleep in. Oh and that puppy is sooo cute.

How my other girls? Are we all still riding the crimson wave?!!!! I am almost done, probably tomorrow!

Night night, sleep tight. Big hugs, Debs
R- how are you? any weird dreams? i will test when I get a chance to buy some tests, hopefully I can get out today but waiting for the plummer so I do not know. I want to test but not because I feel pregnant because I really do not feel pregnant but I want to test because I like to POAS, I will not be upset if AF comes tomorrow because that means I am getting back on track. If she does not come tomorrow I will have to either re-evaluate when I Oed or assume my LP is longer. I think thats why I want to test so I know if my LP is longer or if it is a :bfp:. That way when it says NO I will know it is a longer LP. AHH too much going on in my mind right now.
Debs sorry you had to work so hard, hope you sleep well.
Sorry I am rambling on , I am just so scatter brained today.
Hello girls...well af is HERE! Finally a flow! kinda glad...but hate that my periods vary length every month!!! WHy is this? I'm seeing the doctor on the 11th of December to figure out why they vary and make sure i'm ovulating! But this TIME>...i am going to bd everysingle day after af untill i get a clear temp change on ff!!! grrrrr that maybe alot of bding!!!! Also..i just ordered some internet opks..that i got 30 for 18 dollars..instead of 7 for 25!!!!! I think i'll be using alot again!

HOpe you all are well....gotta go make dinner and give kids a bath! just got home from work! fun!:) Luv ya all!
Gabs- so sorry the :witch: found you, Sorry R but I think you might be on your own again for another month, I would just say "wow a lot of pressure on me to join you" but that would give you false hope and I really do not think I am PG so I can not give you false hope. Gabs I hope the Dr can figure out what is going on with you.
sorry to hear that AF officially made her appearance. Sounds like you have a good game plan for next month...fx for you!
ok now I posted this is my journal but before you read this DO NOT GET EXCITED!!!!! I REPEAT DO NOT GET EXCITED!! My husband is bringing me home some tests. I might take one tonight just because I have them and depending if I have to pee. I know the answer will say no but I like to POAS so I will test anyways. Remember DO NOT GET EXCITED FOR THE RESULTS!!!
Well Sara....I'm excited cause I wana know!!!!!!!!!!

Hope everyone is doing well. I have Thanksgiving break coming up, so I'll be more available to chat!

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