Team Jelly Belly!!!

OK Team Jelly Belly do not get down, Stay positive, just because we did not have any pregos this cycle only means we are going to have a lot next cycle. Where are you gals? I am the one who should be pouting today and I am not, BFN? I say BFD (Big F ing Deal for those that don't know). Keep u the PMA or I might have to start cheering and no one wants to hear that. DAMN IT where is JAI JAI? She could kep up the PMA like no one's business.
Ashley, I'm decided not to use preseed this round for two reasons.

1. Debs' doc doesn't seem to think it's that great a thing.
2. I used it last cycle and nothing happened.

So therefore trying it au naturale this cycle :D

I know what you mean, I've read tonnes of reviews that people got pregnant on the first try with preseed as well. You try it this round ok? Hope it brings a BFP for you!!:happydance:
Yeah I am going to try this round and if nothing happens then I wont use it anymore. I dont get ewcm, so I thought it may help. I have heard one more person say their dr does not advise to use it either. I guess it depends on the person. Someone else was trying over a year, used it and got pg first try. After this month I plan on going completly natural, no temps no opks no nothing, just bding. That way less stress. So I will try this last attempt at doing everything I can to get pg, then its up to god.
Good Morning ladies! how are we all today?

Sara did af come? I hope so!!

Well nothing exciting over here...other than NO bad dreams:). We are going out with tons of friends from high school a thanksgiving reunion we do every year , so i'm kinda excitied....other then the fact i was hoping i could've told ppl that i was pregnant...but obviously not the case!:(
Also SIL, her friend was pregnant with her second baby, and loss the baby yesterday at 20wks>..:( SO sad for her..she went into preterm labor and they couldnt stop it and obvioulsy couldnt save the baby. It was a baby boy...please pray for her:). Her first baby is just a year and he too was born at 27wks..but made it and is SO super cute and healthy....i'm very sad for her today.
Evening Ladies.

That is such sad news Gabby. I will definitely say a little prayer.
By the way I hear you on the BnB thing, it probably is a good idea to be less adictive but is it really possible?!!!! Maybe rather then giving it up completely we should just spend a little less time each day, but I definitely need my daily fix and we would all miss you if we didn't get to hear from you at least once a day, okay two at the most!!!!

1stBaby you must follow your heart regarding the Preseed. My fertility specialist was dead against it but the dude is not God so he doesn't have all the answers and like you said we have heard quite a few stories where there were happy endings. I wish you all the best.

Hubby is calling me, I will pop back again a bit later.

Big hugs,
hehe say Evening Ladies, i say Good funny!:)
How sad Gabby, I feel so sad for her, will def say a prayer for her and her family. Poor thing. Good luck gals with your revised plans for this cycle, Hope a little change works and each and every one of you get knocked up :rofl:
Still no AF for me but I feel like she might be coming, a few crampy things here and there. Temp was 97.7 at 4 in the morning. Still low but just high enough to be confusing.
Such sad new is on tv right now in Cali, a man jumped a curb and hit two children this morning. a three year old is in critical condition and her sister is in the hospital too along with their father.
Thanks. yeah I figure one go at preseed wont hurt, i mean nothing has worked so far, y not try. and with all the stuff i am doing this month (vitamins, opks, temping/charting, blood work, preseed, checking cm) i may as well do the max possible for results. if it does not work this time, then next month its back to the all natural way, which by the way is how i got pg the first time. I think in my head and heart I feel like since i had the procedure something messed me up or i would be pg by now. this is cycle #3 since the procedure and i should not give up so fast but i am not positive this month at all. DH asked this morning, i was being negative about being pg, i said we would start working out and join a gym when af comes this month, he was like y r u so sure she will? I said I just am.. I dunno y. Anyway, next month will be bnb only. that way i will not be outta the loop with you guys ttc.
so sorry about your friend gabby, that is horrible. that reminds me to check on my friend she is 22 wks now i believe. that is sad. i will pray for her too.

I got a coffee today, i am bad, two days in a row, i was trying to do good, but thought well i am depressed so y not, and thanksgiving is tomorrow so who cares what i put in my body the next two days.

that is sad on the news sara, things bad are happening everywhere, on the news here, there were 3 children killed in a fire two days ago, only the dad made it out, he tried to save the kids and he is in critical condition now, the roof collapsed on them. that is heart breaking, and right before the holidays.
It always seems that bad things are on the new before the Holidays, well actually all the time but Holidays make it sadder. I feel so bad for the family's and it makes me hug my son that much tighter and be thankful for what I do have. I was feeling depressed today too wondering what is going on with me but with Thanksgiving coming up I will not think about it for the next few days.
:cry: oh my look at all the sadness in here..why are we all so gloom today? Sorry to hear about your friend Gabby that is terrible, I will def say a prayer for her, that is so sad!!

Well I am out of here for the day, not sure if I will be on tomorrow at all as I'll be on the road all day, traveling to the in-laws for Turkey Day... :hissy: Just wanted to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving!! Eat till you are ready to bust, its the only day we're aloud to! :happydance:

Cheer Up everyone! Its Turkey Day tomorrow!!!!! Yay...get to eat tons..even though i already do! Well I hope you all have a wonderful and Happy Thanksgiving! I will look forward to hearing from you all :) Drive safe, if your driving away! Luv you girls so very much!

Btw, Thanks for all the prayers, its nice to know I can count on you ladies to make someones day just alittle better!:) You all are so wonderful! Buh bye for now! HUGSS
I am doing better, I got my Vitex and started taking it so I hope it works. So excited that it is Thanksgiving tomorrow. I too plan on stuffing myself. I was hoping to be pregnant by Thanksgiving so I can have really happy holidays. It just was not meant to be though so I will suck it up and enjoy the holidays non pregnant.
I know what you mean, i was so wanting to be pg by thanksgiving, maybe by christmas right?
Hey Guys!! How is everyone?? I am soooo shocked that no one is pregnant!!?! How did that happen?? Don't worry Rhonda we will be joining you very soon hopefully in Dec somewhen :dance: I am a little :cry: at the moment though, not sure why things just seem to be getting on top of me!! I miss all you guys so much and feel I am losing out on a lot!! I hate this not having the internet thing :cry: life is a little low atm too and I come here to discuss TTC but also oto talk about other things and forget the real world and I cant and I need you all as you are all such lovely ladies :cry: sorry for my rant!!

Mstwiggy (Liyana?)-
I have decided not to use preseed this month either just cos i did last month and a few ppl have advised me not to as I get EWCM. But Ashley it could work for you cos it has for a lot of others :D so FX for your bfp this month!!

Rhonda - Oh how wonderful with your piccy its sooo goregous!!! :D I must admit though I miss you very much and I am quite sad at the moment espesh without you to talk to!!

Lea - How are you feeling?

Debs - you ok?? thanks for your concern and all your PMA what would we do without you hey??? How are you now? whats going on this cycle??

Gabby - I am sorry the witch got you and for everything else I am praying too!! How are you feeling??

Sooo everyone?? How are we all feeling PMA??? What are we doing differently this month?? I am not using preseed, OPK's or temping - just straight :sex: and see how that goes for me this month!!! :D FX

Jai!! We missed you!! :hugs:

I think most of us are doing without many things this month. You, myself and a few others are all going without temping. I'm the same as you, no temping, opks, preseed, just good plaid bd. LOL.
I wish that were the case for me this cycle, not using anything, as i am using every means possible this month, and then stopping everything if af shows up again. I have blood work this month and thats why i am using everything, so i can tell the dr when i ov and what not. Then after this cycle if af shows up and all my blood work comes back normal, i will stop being worried and just bd, thats it, just lots of bding haha! We miss you to jai jai, and I hope everyone has a great holiday! Dh and i are going to the movies today to see Four Christmas' then to his family for Thanksgiving again, so i wont be on until tomorrow. Have a great day!
Hi Girls,

Jai-Jai, how lovely to have you back. I really hope you get your internet back soon.
What is getting you down? Are things okay with DF and did you get that new job?

Rhonda, when is your next appointment? I am sure you told us but I just can't seem to remember.

Gabby, have you had any more strange noises in the house?

Sara, has the witch arrived or are you going to get a bfp?
Sarah, Lea, Ashley, Liyana I hope you ladies are doing well and to those of you in the USA I hope you enjoyed your Turkey Day!!!

I am hating sitting this round out. We are going to try natual but I wish I could give it everything I have got. I am only on CD10 but i did have the starting of what sort of looked like EWCM so who knows maybe I will end up ovulating all on my own this month. That would be soo awesome.

You can add me to the list of no temping, no opking and therefore just plain bding as much as possible between tomorrow and Wednesday.

It is really hard to keep up the PMA but just think with every month that passes our chances of concieving go up.

It is the weekend and it is so great. DH has gone to buy us Pork Ribs for dinner, yummy sorry to any one who is a vegetarian and I am going to have a glass of "champayne" (sparkling wine!!!), we are going to watch:

How I met your Mother
Big Bang Theory
and CSI

A real vegging weekend and then on Sunday is my brother's girls birthday so going to a BBQ to celebrate that.

What are you girls up to?
Hey Jai Jai glad you were able to get onlne.
Debs no AF but if you look at my chart my temps are dropping so I can only hope that I did O and my LP is just getting a little longer than it was which is good because my usual LP is 11 days kind of on the short side so 15 or 16 while a really long wait it would still be better fertility wise. Today we are moving the rest of our stuff out of storage and I am doing my homework and watching Ghost whisperer and not sure about the weekend. Hope everyone had a good thanksgiving.
I love Ghost Whisperer, Jennifer Love-Hewitt is so cute.

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