Team Jelly Belly!!!

Omg...nothing but PURE Beautiful!:) R~ your belly is gorgeous:)
I'm afraid my second time around i was looking 5month pregnant at 3months..haha! :0 soo we'll see what you do the second time around:)

Girls..i think i have a yeast infection!!!!:(.....Im so worried my chances are shot now b/c of it!!
Thanks Gabby!! I think its true, I'm almost 3 months and I look like 5, did it even out for you the second time, or were you bigger the whole way through? If I showed you girls a pic of me at 41 weeks with ds it would frighten you, it scares me!!! I am so afraid I'll be bigger than that this time and I honestly don't see how I can stretch any more than I did :sad2:

Gabby get to the doctors asap to clear that up! Maybe if you catch it early you can still be in this month, don't they have 1 day treatments out there? Sorry I'm not much help I've never had one :blush:
Awwwwww Rhonda lush bump :D I wanna rub it too lol!! Dont worry you will be fine I think you just show more earl;y on with 2nd bubba not necessarily get bigger the whole time!!! dont u worry!!!

How is everyone? I have no signs of ov yet but got a couple more days me thinks so anytime now just :sex: now :D

Have had a rubbish morning - the catch on my bonnet of my car broke so i tried to get to uni to hand in a paper and then i had a bump :( but was ok!! i got someone to help with bonnet so i could put washer in the car and then i could see again :D was late handing in paper but they said that they would be ok with it FX

so ladies how are you all feeling??? Gabs sorry u had a bad time at work sounds so hard i dunno how u do it - and loving ur letter to storky xxxx

I dont think i am going to ov today, maybe tomorrow. i hope soon though. blah, today is a bad day and cold.

R- you have a beautiful tummy! i cant wait! glad things are going well and I am sure you will do just fine stretching as needed!
JAI_JAI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :yipee: Hi hun how have you been? Sorry to hear your morning has been so awful...hopefully that was the worst of it and your day will be better from here on out! I have missed you soooo much!! Any word on when you'll get the internet at home?? Sorry I'm sure you've been asked this a million times already.


INTERNET WILL BE UP AND RUNNING BY SATURDAY!!!! WOOOOOHOOOOO!!! Just in time for my 2ww and you know ladies that I cant just cant get through it without you all :dance:

Rhonda I think it was the worst of it, I am just a nervous driver now as I too totalled my car back in 2003 so I hate driving now!!! Mine was on the iceist/foggiest day of the year :cry: i loved that car too but if i had hit the tree 2" to the right i would have been dead!!! DF was not very comforting to me today!! Said I was trying to make him feel guilty!!! mmmmmm NO!!! xxxxx
Rhonda, I love the belly. I do believe you show early the 2nd time around and I think you feel the kicks earlier too. Have fun and enjoy!
i just noticed that I am on CD15!!!! why oh why do i not have any ov symptoms??!?! :cry:
Ooooo back up and running for Saturday, wooooo hoooo!!! Yay!!! That is fantastic news!! I'm so glad to hear that Jai!! :happydance: Yeah I totalled my car in 2003 also, stupid slippery roads, and it was the LAST snow storm of the year, go figure! I can't believe DH said you were trying to make him feel guilty, grrr!! Men!!!!!
Ohh Lea I hope you are right, I felt DS kick when I was just 17 weeks....

Jai not to worry, I ov late on my last cycle (on CD19) and I still got my :bfp: so don't worry and certainly don't go stressing about it, ok...promise me, stress free month and lots of :sex: = :baby:
i promise promise :D off to boring lecture now but will chat thurs and then sat :dance: yay
Oh wow R! That is sooooo awesome. I also want to rub it!
I can't wait to see the next pic. I am guessing the people at work know you are pregnant?

Jenna, lovely to hear from you. Sorry about your car hassels but glad it is sorted out.

Sara, has AF still not shown up? Are you going to go to a FS to find out if someone can help you to get regular? Perhaps you can go on clomid to ensure that you do ovulate.

Gabby, I hope that your DS is going to be okay. How scary to have to worry about surgery when he is so young. As for the yeast infection I have only ever had one and that was quite a few years ago, but I do recall I was given a single tablet that cured it almost immediately and it was over the counter meds so no prescription required.
Also drink lots of Cranberry juice and water, these are excellent for any bladder infection.

I know I mentioned having a slight twinge but I don't think it was ovulation.
I had a tinsy-winsy bit of stretchy cm on Friday and Saturday CD10 and CD11 but wouldn't call it EWCM and now I am back to C CM. Do you girls think you can fall pregnant without EWCM? I don't think so. I think I will post it in a thread and see what all the girls think. Wish there was a book of facts, but we are all so different *sigh*
DH was too tired last night to bd and he is working late because his overseas head office have scheduled a meeting for late so I can only cross my fingers he will have enough energy to bd tonight.

1stBaby, why don't you think you are ovulating today?

MsTwiggy, has your DH left for his business trip yet?

Nlytin how is your TTC schedule? I hope your DH is keeping up :)
No they still do not know at work, I am wearing my jacket all day to hide my bump, but its always cold here so I would need to anyway! Thinking of telling them next week if I can make it that long, I would like to tell them after my doctors appt next Thursday that way I can just go to people and say hey wanna see a picture of my kiddo...:rofl: they will think I am talking about ds of course....we'll see how it goes!!

Debs how are you checking for ewcm? I thought I didn't have any either with my last cycle, guess I did it just wasn't traveling south (sorry tmi) it stayed tucked up high in cervix so it is possible you have some and just don't see it...hopefully that is the case, fx for you hun!!
Ah R, I hope you are right. I am not traveling to far at all I just wait to see if anything comes out (tmi). Can't wait for the baby pic next week. Wish I could see the look on the faces of the people at your work when you tell them the exciting news.

Gabby I have only just had time now to go past the Mr Storky thread. My gosh girl, you are just to precious for words. We are all so lucky to have you in our team.

Dear Mr Storky,

Well I havent seen you in awhile...about a year and ahalf ago. I am awating patiently for you to come again!:) I will wait and do what i have to do for you to come visit me and i know in my heart you will be back again.

But really i came by to ask for something else.
You see, I have join this website full of these most AMAZING, BEAUTIFUL, CARING women who are longing for a Little one. They all are working so hard and doing the best they can and for some reason you havent stopped by them? I'm just wondering whats taking you so long? I know you have so many places to visit..but if you could please take time to stop by all these incredible women that would make me the happiest person in the world.
A few i have in mind....

Debshopeful~she is such an amazing girl and you brought her a bean but sent it up to heaven shortly after she found out. Shes been through alot with the lil bean and will never forget him/her and they will meet again in heaven. But shes needs to have a lo to spend the rest of her life with.:) Make Mr. Storky shes been told theres no chance this month and to take a i know you could help her out and make her miracle!!:)

Jai Jai~Well she is just full of PMA and shes trying so hard for this, please let her rest and stop by her this month! So doesnt have time to come by us right now and its making life alittle rough, a lil bean would sure cheer her up!

1st baby~Shes kinda quiet and is waiting patiently for you! shes having a few bumps in the road and if you could just swing by her too!:)

SRM0421~Shes a very bubbly person and well shes got a lo at home who is longing or a sister or brother as well, and they are losing alittle patience:)

MsTwiggy~Well shes just a sweet one, and she needs to have a lil one too!:) Shes nice and relax and waiting for you.

Rhonday~ well shes gotten a visit from you..but just a side note...that better have been a little girl you dropped off!:)

There are many others out there that are waiting in line...please Mr. Storky the one thing i ask is go out there and give this most amazing gift to my friends and all those women and families that have been waiting for so many years! WE are doing all we can, we need alittle bit of your help!:)

Thank you for listening to me and reading this letter, and please if you dont have time to come by me, i understand i know I've got my hands full with these two beautiful, Precious boys!:)

Live, Laugh , Love,

Debs try exercising, it will bring whatever is up there down, then you will get a better look, its the only way I can ever see any.
Hey gals, glad Jai Jai will be back soon. Still no AF here but I am not going to take Provera until after x-mas if my body does not work itself out by then, I don't want to miss the chance to let my body go back to normal.
Debs- my cycles are irregular because of BCPs, I just stopped taking them 8-13-08 and had a wacky cycle (77days) but took provera so my body did not fix itself, if I had waited 2 more weeks (my longest cycle was 84 days) it probably would have worked out and I would be in the TWW right now. Oh well though can't change the past only look towards the future.
Gabs- I don't know about TTC and a yeast infection but I know you can get a prescription for Diflucan, one pill, one day clears up real quick. I got a bad yeast infection when I was pregnant with my son and it was horrbile, that is the only time I really had a bad yeast infection and had to use cream on the outside which meant it took longer to clear up but man it sucked bad.
So no one has Oed yet right? That means lots and lots of :sex: is going on now. Good luck gals, I will catch up to you all in first tri soon, well R you will probably be in 2nd tri but I will find you.
I dont think I have ov yet because of my temps and because I have c cm and I have not gotten a pos opk yet. I have twinges and ov pain though. I am taking b complex and I am hoping this is not going to hurt this cycle i hope it helps. I hope i ov soon. I will have a chance to bd every night if I need to though. I still am going for blood work, but I dont know when I should go because I have not ov yet. Dr said cd 21 but thats just going to show I didnt ov on cd 14 or 15 right. So I will have to call and ask her. Anyways, so glad to hear from everyone, I have been down lately, I just dont feel like its going to happen for me, I dont know why, but I just dont feel lucky I guess. Only time will tell. I hope I get more excited when i ov.
Hi girls, you are my second family and I so need someone right now. :sad2: oh I feel so awful! :sad2: I just e-mailed my mom and sent her my belly pics :cry: sorry I can't stop crying....called her when I didn't hear from her and she opened them and was all OMG I can't believe your that big already, your going to be huge, I'm sorry girls I just don't know why I am sooo upset, maybe it was her tone but now I so regret sending them to her. :sad2: :cry:
Jenna~ nice to hear from you! Dont worry that you didnt o yet! ....if you stress about it , you'll never o!!! Glad your internet shall be up and running this weekend! yay!!!

Rhonda~ I didnt get WAY bigger just in the beginning..and i also reckon i felt movement at 12wks with the second! eek it was sooo cool!:)

Sara...still no sign of af? are you going to see if you o again?

Ashley~your oing soon! how exciting!!!!

Lyiena~ did you o yet?

Lea~ whats the news with you?

Debs~ Your welcome for the storky letter:).....and dont worry that you dont have lots of ewcm down low, it may be up close to the cervix like r said.

ok girls so i have an appt friday for my problem down there...but i didnt say anything about ttc and having one!!! She still technically thinks we are i didnt want to metion it....eeks!....but i used that external cream and im not itching at all anymore...i have alot of waterish discharge...but we bd last night....maybe it was semen coming out today? ....idk i've read its fine to ttc with a yeast infectoin so i guess will see. Also way TMI...but it seems like a foul odor down there....?
Oh, Rhonda hunni dont cry sweeite........its ok. You belly isnt huge and its beautiful!!!! your not going to be huge!!!! Trust me, you just get bigger faster thats all. If that was my mum i'd call her up and yell at her!!!

That belly is amazing and there is the most precious thing inside of there and you should be proud that that lil bean is growing nice and big inside of you!!!:) Nice healthy baby.!

Happy thoughts...and hey I"d KILL for that belly right now..btw i already have one and im not pregnnat....;)


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