Team Jelly Belly!!!

Hi to all my beautiful ladies! :hi:

Turkey day was actually pretty good, ate lots and didn't get home till late last night. It's rainy here today so haven't been very motivated to do a whole lot, heading out the the store as soon as ds wakes up from his nap which should be anytime now. Just wanted to drop in and say hello to you all. Hi Debs, nice to hear from you! My next appointment is Dec. 11th first thing in the morning, they have set up another ultrasound to check for downs, and more bloodwork, I need to check and see if my ins covers it first though...but it would be neat to see the baby now, actually looking like a baby and not just a bean :) well ds is up and I need to go to the bank, but I will chat with you guys later.

Hello ladies! Hope you all are doing good today!

Jenna..nice to hear from you! Glad you doing the relaxed approach this time around!:) better get bding soon....your close to o day! Good luck.

Debs..sounds like a nice relaxing day! I know you want to try this month..but hey maybe you will ovulate on your own and get a lil bean!!!:) Hope so

Rhonda~are you feeling better hun? Glad turkey day was nice and you ate lots!:) Best time to be preggers..then you dont feel so fat after you eat...b/c usually you already do hehe....a good fat ofcourse!:)

Sara~Well temps do look good, and a longer lp would be GREAT...hope af arrives soon for you!

Lea~hope your doing well! how are you ? it o time yet! and hey dont be discouraged about preseed...many have had GREAT sucess with it! Good luck babe!

Lyiena~(hope i spelled that right..eek!?...Good for you , the relaxed approach thats great!!!

WEll girls....tbh now i feel like you all will have lil beans for xmas b/c of the relaxed way! I want to do it that way..but the thing is my cycles vary so i dont know when i ovulate....but i am bding everyday so knowing isnt going to help me much...other then I'll have nooooo idea when to test ..hehe..idk what do you girls think? Natural..or EVERYTHING??.....also kinda want to see what my temps do this cycle as well..hmm idk?
Debs...nope no more noises the last couple of days..THANK GOD..hehe
Well Thanksgiving was nice..we took lots of nice pictures of the boys, SO cute! WE have lots of leftovers..and its the only leftovers i ever eat:)
Today we put up the Christmas was super fun and looks wonderful! And also me n hubby went xmas shopping and spent tons..haha
Well talk to you girls later..i have to work this weekend...blah, blah , blah!
Had to write to mr. stroky girls...hope you find time to check it out.:) luv ya!
Gabby you made me cry reading your letter to Mr. Storky. I think you are the nicest most kindhearted person ever and if Mr. storky brings you a :bfp: instead of me this month i will gladly step aside and smile and whole heartedly be happy for you. You deserve another blessing just as much as anyone. Just because you already have two wonderful babies at home does not mean you do not deserve to complete your family.
Gabby just had a question were you going to temp vaginally this cycle or try orally? I am still unsure what I will do, it depends on how I feel when I finally get AF.
Awwh Gabby, i read your letter to Mr. Storky, what a sweetheart you are! Thanks for being so wonderful to us all, I really hope the stork visits you this month and drops you off a little girl as you so deserve one!!

:kiss: & :hugs:
I hope everyone is having a great weekend. I am going to put my christmas stuff up in a few minutes until DH gets home, then we are going to the winter festival. I am still not very positive about this cycle. I have not gotten any signs I will ov soon and its already cd 13, i need to ov by cd 16 for my lp to be a good one, and i dont know if the vitamin b complex will work, I am worried I will not ov or something. i dont know. I just have to wait till the blood work and stuff. Just not feeling like it will happen for me anytime soon. Anyway sorry to be so down, I just wish I could see things different, maybe when or if I ov I will get better pma. I have been ov between cd 18 and cd 20. I hope its earlier this month.
Gabs that was so nice of you and I love your letter to mr storky. I think you should do whatever would make you stress less. do you think knowing your temp and when you ov would make you stress less, or just hoping it happens would make you stress less.

I am doing everything possible this cycle because of the blood work, if it comes back i ov and everything is good, then i wont need to do anything but bd next cycle and that will make me stress less. To me using opks and temping and all that good stuff makes me stress because i am constantly wondering whats going on.
Gabby!!! Your letter to Mr Storky was just the sweetest!! Thank you for your kind thoughts *hugs*

I hope everyone had a great Turkey Day :) I don't celebrate Thanksgiving so no turkey for me, heheheh
Where is my Internet family???? I miss you girls! its the week get your cute butts on here!!!!:) HOw are you all doing?.....
I know, I was on yesterday and saw no one...where are you all? trying to avoid bnb this month? I hope not! I am here Gabby, how was your weekend? I was good Sat, got lots done but yesterday I kind of over did it in the morning and pooped myself out for the rest of the day so I didn't even get my tree up like I had planned :( maybe next weekend!
Moring Rhonda...glad you got some stuff done! i know this beginning of pregnancy sucks ! steals all your energy!

My weekend sucked tbh..haha i worked all weekend and top of that it SNOWED soooooo much! YUCk....we have about 6 inches outside maybe more! :hissy:

Also i was on call for the ambulance last night...and there was a car accident and well a lil mom and daughter are in the hospital now in critical was so sad. i wont go into details about the accident unless you girls want me to.:cry:

Also...a women at work...her parents were on their way to her hous for thanksgiving and well they got into a car accident and her mom was pronouced dead in the ER..and her dad died a day later in the ICU.....SO sad for her! tears.:cry:

One more thing! There are 7 girls pregnant at work!!! you can only imagine how i feel right now!!!!:(.....:hissy:

ANd (sorry so long) but owen my 3yr old hit the baby with a toy in the face while i was at work and babies lip got puffy and nose was bleeding ...i was so mad at hubby! Owen has said sorry like 100times since then....:) I think hes getting jealous of his brother lately...

Anyways..haha...on a postive note....AF is gone today!!! YAY!!!!!!! So we start our everyday bding tonight....gosh i better lose some wieght with all this exercise haha. Hope this cycles short and sweet and ends with a XMAS BFP!!!!:)


Hope you all had a good weekend. Sorry yours wasn't the best Gabby.
We really all have a lot to be greatful for.

Not much news to report here, except I think I am having twingy like feelings on my left side, I have my FX that it is ovulation twinges. If I am going to ovulate it should be either today or tomorrow or at least I hope so. Poor DH, I have been making us baby dance like rabbits all weekend and I have to try and get him to do it again until at least Wednesday!!!! I am trying for a miracle!

I did all my Christmas shopping this weekend which was lots of fun and now I wish I was going on holiday tomorrow but alas I have to wait until 19th December.

Are any of you taking leave or going away?
Aw Debs....i HOPE its Ovulation......bring on that miracle baby!!!:)...Tell OH is very important to bd now!!!!

THanks...also just finding out Gavin my 9month old may need surgery..:(..he's been puking and spitting up since he was born....but they thought it was just reflux and would get better. Well now hes not gaiining any weight, still puking and eats often. SO they did some tests and we have one more test to do. :(....gosh i hope he doesnt need surgery.

Nope we dont go anywhere besides visitng family:)...where do you go Debs?
well ladies, hello! thanksgiving and thanksgiving weekend were great for me. DH and I did a lot of shopping and going out. we went to a movie, went ice skating, went to festival, all kinds of things. we enjoyed each other a lot. back to the weekdays where i am thinking of baby a lot! my temp dropped a huge amount for me this cycle, i am having twinges and ov pain, and i had some break outs, these are all signs of ov for me, yet no pos opk!!! I am having some c cm still so i guess it has not happened yet. this makes me mad though because I wanted to ov early unless the b complex makes my lp longer its not going to happen for me this month either. all i can do is keep temping though and bding! i am mad though cause my temp will be off tomorrow a little I have to get up an hour earlier than normal so this will throw me off. guess i wont really have a good idea until the end of the week now. does anyone know if the b complex will affect ov? or affect the opks?
so sorry about your friends gabs, and I really hope your son is ok. that is crazy about the 7 women at work! I know 5 pg women right now so I know what you mean. I only see two of them though so its not soo bad, still hurts though.
Hey gals, glad everyone had a good Thanksgiving,
Gabs-Sucks about the sad news in your area. Hope you get your :bfp: for x-mas and have a lot of fun doing it. Poor Baby got a BooBoo, their sibling rivalry will probably get worse before it gets better. :rofl: But it is so worth it.
Debs- I am so hoping you get a miracle baby and wish you luck I hope you are Oing right now.
1st baby- almost time for O right? How are things going? Glad you and DH had so much fun.

As for me if you check my chart you will see that FF took my O day away like I thought but I am ok, I still have a little hope to O sometime and get a :bfp: still. I do not know what to think but am ok with a hope of things getting back to normal soon.
Alright girlies 1st belly pic is here, 10w2d, not much of it is baby I'm afraid, lots of bloating, left over belly from ds and I had just eaten my supper so...mostly fat I am afraid but here you go anyways, enjoy :blush:


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I love your belly, it looks so cute I just want to rub it. I am so excited so can we expect these belly pictures weekly or what?
aww thanks girls I was a little hesitant on posting cause I feel so bloated and fat, thanks for making me smile! Probably not weekly, I took belly shots every 4 weeks with ds and could see a drastic change each time so I'll probably do that again, unless I feel bigger the next week :rofl: I'm so worried as I didn't have a belly at all when I was 10 weeks with ds...god I'm going to be HUGE this time :blush:

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