Team Jelly Belly!!!

R- Dont be sad! You are beautiful! Remember there are lots of women out there that would love to get huge with a baby inside! You look so wonderful before you are pg, and you will look that way again! I am sure you wont get too huge, and who cares, youre having a baby!!! I think you look great now and your bump is perfect, your mom should know you are hormonal, haha. It will be ok!
R- maybe my new pic will make you laugh! these are my babies haha, i have a cat too not in photo

I dont know why the photo is not showing up but its in my profile...
Thanks Gabby...I honestly don't know why I sent that to her now, I never like how she reacts to anything I say or do...I'm such an idiot! :dohh: I am just super emotional and very self conscience of my belly, I know its growing a wonderful little person but I feel I shouldn't be this big yet and both DH and mom think I am too big and it just makes me want to :cry: I can't help it.

oh and Gabby, no :sex: while you have this infection as DH can catch it and will keep giving it back to you, your fine if you :sex: yesterday as :spermy: hang around for atleast 3-4 days!
No BDING...are you girls insane???? Im BDING everday! I've just read that a yeast infection doesnt hurt ttc just the meds do! SO guesss what! IM GOING TO LIVE WITH IT!!!!.....i'm just using the vaginal cream on the outside to make me feel better.:)
R- maybe my new pic will make you laugh! these are my babies haha, i have a cat too not in photo

I dont know why the photo is not showing up but its in my profile...

I posted a pic of my dog on my profile too...she's a definate giant baby! Thanks for the smiles!
ok girls sooooo i called the pharmacist and she said to call the dr and get a prescription for the oral pill that way it wont interere with trying to i called just my family doctor waiting for the nurse to call back!:) I should be good to go! hopefully
ok heres the scoop! I called the pharmasict and they said to have the doctor write a precription for the i called the doctor.....and they say no pill , that when your pg or ttc the tube stuff is the best!! grrrrrr im annoyed....guess i'll just use this crap a and get it over with! thanks for all your replies girls.

btw she also said best thing too is to just keep hydrated and eat yogurt which i've been doing all day!
I hope what youre doing works gab!

I am having an awful day, DH and I have been arguing over the whole vacation thing, which really upsets me, one of my friends and I were supposed to hang out tonight but they are in a bad mood fighting with their OH and doesnt want to go out tonight anymore, and I am not looking forward to my work day tomorrow. I am trying to eat healthier, but all I want to do now is get some ice cream and chips *not together, though if that were the case I would hope I were pg!!! haha* and veg and cry in front of a good movie.
aww Ashley I'm sorry your day is so horrible! If I lived closer I would gladly go out with you tonight, or just veg with you on the couch...which sounds really good atm! Cheer up hun, the day is almost over! :hugs: Mmmm ice cream...and chips :rofl: JK!!!!
thanks! i know you would! I just had a pizza from the store and it was good, so gonna watch fever pitch now since its been a while, i am way too into movies haha
Hello ladies!!

Oh dear, seems like everyone doesnt seem to be in a good mood. Come now, positive energy to all of you!!!

Debs, DH has already came back from his trip just in time to make the "green boxes" although we a day's rest after every two days of BD. It's quite tough wanting to BD every day as I'm rushing to meet a dead line for work!!


I don't know if I have OVed or not as I've ditched the whole temping and tracking almost completely. I only track days I BD, just to keep me happy :happydance:

Gabby hun, hope you clear up soon!!

R, don't listen to your mom!! You're beautiful!! I'm just short of singing that James Blunt song to you.. you're beautiful.. lalalalaa.. it's true..

Jai jai!! :D how are you?? Maybe you do have OV symptoms but was too busy to notice them?

Sara, definitely lots of :sex: going on now :D
thanks! i know you would! I just had a pizza from the store and it was good, so gonna watch fever pitch now since its been a while, i am way too into movies haha

OMG me too, HUGE movie fanatic!!! I swear we have enough at home to open our own video rental store :rofl: what's your favorite movie? I know its hard to pick just one! I have 2 favorites, "Save the Last Dance" and "The Notebook" I love dance movies! My favorite kids movie is Monster's inc...LOVE IT!!!!

Glad you got some yummy pizza last night, that is a HUGE weakness of mine!! Even when I'm not pregnant!!
Pizza is my favorite! I love pinapple pizza! I am silly I know, my DH hates it! My new Favorite movie is P.S. I Love You! Its so me and my DH, if you have seen it you know what I mean by Dh and I are like the friend and her. My best friend passed away when I was 18 DH and her were together then. Crazy story I know. Anyway, The Notebook comes in second place now, DH took me to see The Notebook in theater our first birthday date, we both cried! We loan our movies all the time to friends as well we have so many we should charge!

So just an update on today, I think I ov on cd 16... My temps are up today! If they stay up I shall know for sure, but I have not gotten a pos opk yet! This is unusual for me, I have always had at least one pos by now. I honestly think that the B Complex has diluted my urine! Is that possible! I had every sign yesterday of ov! Who knows, I am going to go in on cd 22 for blood work because this is driving me crazy.
I was always told, go by your body, not the OPKs, if you had all the signs and your temps were right then I would say you def ov, OPKs are not always acurate, and like you said maybe your meds are affecting your urine...

R, I hope you have listened to all the girls, you are so beautiful and that bump is awesome I want one, I want one :)
I know what you mean about a mother that just always says the wrong thing. My mum is exactly like that, and she is totally into tough love.
She can't understand why I don't just forget about this whole baby thing completely and just move on and when it happens it happens...grrrr!

Gabby, I hope that cream is working. What a pain about not being able to take the tablets, that would have been much easier.

Ashley, vitamin B complex I am not a doctor but I can almost garuantee you will not do anything bad to your ovulation. If you were taking vitamin A, it would be a different story.

Liyanna, I am glad that your man is back and the bding is being done!

Lea, where are you? We haven't heard from you in a while?

Sara, any more pics of your puppies?

Sarah, any more movies you can recommed to these addicts?!!!!

Jenna, how is the car? Did you do well in your paper?

No news here, still just got that c cm and no EWCM. I am completely out of a gym routine R, I really must make a plan to do some and if it helps to spot ewcm then all the better but I know next month with IUI I it won't be up to me to spot it, which is great.

FX for this month, I hope we have a whole hurt of :bfp:s!

I dont think it would hurt ov either, but I am wondering if it would delute my urine to make my opks negative.

Well either way I kind of have a good look for the future going on right now, it may be because i am drinking coffee!!! i have not had regular caffeinated coffee for over a week! I am proud and enjoying this cup! My schedule changes a bit on the 14th, thats also when I should c af (or not see her), and is also the day DH and I are joining a gym! I will have my blood work back by then and if af does show I can stop doing all this temping and opk stuff! So only less than two more weeks for me and things will get better and change for the better, pg or not. Then a month and a half after that and DH and I are going on vacation!! Note to self "just get through the next two weeks"
Ashley I was just looking at your chart, it looks good hun, I can't believe your already on CD17! WOW!! Where does the time go anyway???

I have been bad too, haven't exercised since we started trying back in Aug! I exercised my first pregnancy in the begining and started spotting, so I stopped and the spotting stopped a week later. I was freaking out and so far haven't had any spotting this time so I think I'll wait till I'm out of 1st tri before I do anything, not a ton of energy to do much now anyways! But I am scared this time as I do not want to gain the 50lb I did with ds!!! :dohh: Maybe it was all the cheese I ate with him as I was craving it all the time!! Can't believe it didn't constipate me :rofl: So far I have only gained 4lbs so fx I don't gain more than 30 this time around!!
That would be nice! Funny the things you crave. You look great and only 4 lbs is awesome! My friend is only 5 1/2 months along and she gained 30 already and the dr told her not to gain anymore because she was overweight to begin with. I hope she listens to her.
That is also the reason I dont want to work out, I am scared if I get pg and work out in the tww i will do something bad to the baby, but i cant go on not knowing and gaining weight because I am afraid, so I am going to work out because it makes me feel better, and my nice new clothes are tight.
R- I just walked a lot after my 1st trimester and it seemed to help, I think that i heard that you should not increase your exercising while pregnant so if you already worked out before PG then it is ok in moderation but if you didn't then stick to walking,

Debs- No pics yet, I need to get to my moms to get the camera, I do have one eye on one puppy open as of last night so I am really excited, They are really cute so I will get my camera soon. I never really notice EWCM and have gotten PG so maybe it is there but up high like someone said.

Gabby- I hope the cream works, it should since you said it is not that bad. good luck get lots of :sex: in.

Ashley- I think you either Oed on CD 15 or 16, either way it looks like you covered bases. I have never gotten a positive OPK except when I was on provera so go figure I have no clue about the medicine messing it up but I do know that there are some women who only show a positive at a certain time on a certain CD so maybe you missed the positive, I have searched on FF and there are PG charts where the person did not get a positive so good luck, when is your test date? So excited to get some good news, R needs a PG partner or 5.

Liyanna- glad your man made the green boxes. Go catch that eggy.

As for me I am so excited. I have my final dispersement check coming from my school and I am going to go x-mas shopping. AHH I am so happy.

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