Team Jelly Belly!!!

Ashley here is a link to my old ttc journal if you want to analyze all your symptoms, its short and sweet, and I started it the month I got my :bfp: so have a look if you want.
YEs...1stbaby....PLEASE share you symptoms!!!!!??

Rhonda..good go eat lunch, maybe it is a hunger headache!:)

Ummmmm because you seem to have different sympomts with your boy and your girl. Are you feeling uglier then usually like more pimples or anyting? The heartbeat really seems to make sense about a girl....and honestly i just have that werid but i usually.......have a sense of what people are having. I knew mine were both boys. Lol i could be wrong..but like i said ...and oh.....btw didnt want to say this but i had a dream you had a little girl and I deleiverd her..haha! I know how to deliever babies..ive done one so far lol. Just didnt want to jinx the sex by telling you what i thought it was. go me crazy!:)
Aww Gabby! :hugs: how sweet!! This pregnancy is VERY different from my last but honestly don't think that means it will be another sex because of that, my sisterin-law had that with her last :baby: swore it would be a girl because her preg was so different but nope, she had another little boy! So who knows...I am thinking this is my odds for a girl this time 80/20 (80 being the girl!) Because of the heartbeat (though I know its not a sure thing) and the nub theory, that has me really going!! Gosh these 7 weeks are going to seem like an eternity!! I knew I was having a boy last time I just senced it, this time I have no clue, I've had dreams of a boy and a girl (and I know there's only 1 in there!) so hmm...and yes have felt much uglier with this baby!!

I have been looking at the girl baby clothes in the stores though (shhhh don't tell anyone)!! ;) DH thinks I'll jinx us!
ok i will share my symptoms, i figure if i jinx myself o well. ok so the main things that made me think i had a chance were the whole dip in temperature, the sleeplessness, the yellow cm, dizziness, and ov pinches. I have not been able to sleep the past 4 nights in a row, last night was the worst i just wasnt tired! i tossed and turned and could not sleep, even when i fell asleep i woke up 3 hours later! the nights before i woke up about every two hours! i dont know if this is a symptom or anxiousness but its there and very unlike me. usually i have c cm every day and lots of it until af, this time there has been some days where it is just wet, not c cm. then on sat i went to the bathroom in the mall and noticed my thong, tmi, had yellow cm on it. just a little, well after a movie i went again and there was more, so decided to ask dh what he thought. he said why is that yellow! so i didnt imagine that. i was sitting mind you, just sitting in bed the other night watching tv, got a really bad dizzy spell just by moving over! like i felt like falling over! have been having crazy dreams, one bfp dream. have had weird ov pains like where my hips are! odd feelings like pinches every around tummy and down there. no cramps though. feels very uncomfortable to lay on stomach also. have had a couple of headaches and blood in my nose, but i could say those are due to the weather. o and very gassy/bubbly! my stomach has made bubbly noises every day for like 3 days now no matter what i eat! i think that is it. but the symptoms come and go one day they are there then not the next. i dont know what to think. right now i am feeling totally out, and the c cm didnt help because this comes before af for me.
o and one more thing, i got home from a long day of work and had heartburn and didnt feel like eating dinner! i never get heartburn! i had something greasy for breakfast that i dont usually ever eat so that may have done it, but it was seriously 10 hours later that the heartburn came! i really think someone is playing a sick joke on me this cycle.
Oohhh Ashley here you go girl, I'll hand deliver your :bfp: to you!!! I really think your in this month girl!!!! I can't wait for you to poas...:happydance:

My tummy was very bubbly and gassy in the beginning too!! Don't know if that's a sign or not but it took weeks for it to go away so thinking it may be???
thanks so much r! i really hope so! i am so nervous to though! i hope its a wonderful xmas present! i hope some symptoms come back and cheer me up, but you just did a great job of giving me hope!
I totally heart would race and I would get all nervous everytime I would poas! Just keep telling yourself while you wait for the line to appear it will be negative, so you don't get all depressed incase it doesn't show up this time. Use a FRER they pick up the lowest amounts of HCG!! I highly recommend them! Do you have any opks left? Some girls pee on those to see if they get a positive first on those??
ok R I have a trick to find out if you are having a girl or a boy. I have used it and it worked with me and a woman who was having boy girl twins. First take a ring and put it on a necklace. Lay down slightly propped up and hold the end of the necklace with the ring at the bottom very still. The ring will start to move either back and forth or in a circle. Mine went back and forth and I found out I was having a boy, the woman with twins first went back and forth then stopped and went in a circle. My neighbor also did this with all 3 of her kids and it worked too.
OK so something else. FF has officially gone crazy. I bought some OPKs from a different store so they were a different brand and they were negative. But then I got some more of the ones I used previously and it was positive. Well i took one of each last night and they were both negative. So when i took out the positive OPKs FF now is saying I am 17 DPO. I took a test and it was negative so I have no idea what is going on.

Ashely and Gabby I am so excited to hear news from you two. i hope you guys can join R and Jai-Jai. Good luck.
I will have dh try this when I get home tonight, did something similar to this when I was pregnant with Brayden, only used a needle and it was wrong, said I was having a girl! Hmpf!!

Headache is a little better now that I've eaten, I think I may have my hair up too tight or something...sigh! Is it 5 o'clock yet...this is going to be a very long afternoon!! Work is slow and I have so much to do at home...I wish I had stayed snowed in today!
Yes Sara, I've heard of that trick and did it myself! It sure has worked!

Ashley....oh goodness does it sound awsome for you! I too really THINK this is it!!!! Gosh i sure hope so!!!!!!!!!
You have some distinct symptoms that you really can't make up! I am dying for you to POAS! yes yes, do you have an opks?? could you pee on that! hehe. I dont think i can wait till wednesday for you to test!

hey guys looks like i have missed alot?? gabs is ur ticker wrong or did :af: get u?? Ash i too think its ur turn...

well i have had a very eventful 24 hrs see this:
Thanks Sara...I wish more for ashley to get her BFP then me!!! AT least her and then me!:)

I'm sorry your all over the place with your cycles.....when do you think you last o'd? wasnt it last week?

Off to work girls.....feeling much better!:)
really needed my sis last night :cry: and u gabs u so could have helped!! They took an hr to get to me cos our closest hospital is an hr away and they were there!! quite scary really!!
one ? girls....for those who get cramps before af....when do you get them? Like how many days before? b/c i had SEVERE ones on saturday night and alil yesterday i just have light ones...but this is like 3days of cramps and af is due in 3 days..? Is it normal to cramp that much before? I dont think i usually really get cramps until i actually have af?
I know jai jai..i read your post! did you go to the doctor?? whats going on ? I posted in your thread....if you want to read it.
wow jai jai, that is intense! i really hope you get to the dr soon and they can figure out what caused this, i am glad nothing bad has come of it. i hope everything turns out ok!

thanks for the pma girls! you are all so kind. at least if i am not then this cycle has tricked everyone and not just me! i hope it is your turn too gabs not just me! i dont have any opks left as you have all seen my chart and saw how many opks i used and i used them all.
aww Jenna hun I'm so sorry you had to go through that!!! As long as your not bleeding I think your :baby: is ok! It very well could have been gas like some of the other girls said. And I hope that's all it was!! I will tell you a few weeks ago I had something sort of similar happen sorry if this is tmi..but I woke up in the middle of the night with a bellyache and went to the loo...didn't know if I was going to be sick or what. I had lots of gas pains and cramps and got really dizzy and thought I was going to pass out, broke a cold sweat like you said and nearly passed out...of course everyone else was asleep so I just lay on my bathroom floor alone :( so glad Jos was there with you!! I got so cold, then once I broke my sweat I got really hot, spiked a fever and went back to bed to ly down, after a half hour I felt much better but still to this day to not know what happened it was the weirdest thing!! I had my scan the next day and baby was totally I don't know, there are lots of freak things that your body will go through during pregnancy, some unexplained...try not to freak out, just call your doc, maybe they will order an ultrasound for rule out eptopic. Lots of :hugs: and :kiss:
yes we are havin one in 2weeks, i have some infection i got a call from dr and my bloods are fine, but think i may have a UTI or soemthing, more bloods on wed too so i find out if baby is ok then, then i just have to tackle the infection, and hope thats all it is xxx

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