Wow, everything I've been reading seems to show that everybody has had a pretty intense 24 hours! Goodness, I hope all of you are doing ok. Jenna, Rhonda, Gabby, Sara, Ashley please pardon me for not being online ever so often and dropping my hellos. Year end is rather taxing and I have been swamped with work.
I won't be around durin christmas, DH has to go off for work, and I've decided to tag along so it's a holiday for me, plus that way I won't miss out on the "green box" days, if you know what I mean
Speaking of the ring test, I did that once during a barbeque party where all the ladies tried it too. for those who already had children, the ring definitely moved in the right directions, accurately pinpointing their number of kids in according to gender and correct sequence. And for those who weren't married, when the ring moved, we took it that it was telling us the future number of kids (and gender) that the lady will have. Unfortunately for myself and another lady, the ring did not move, at all. I was quite upset thinking does that mean I won't have children?
Anyway, for a more fun predicting game, why don't you ladies try this one
if it works, then maybe i will have kids after all, it predicted a girl and two boys for me
Oh, this round, I'm doing OPKS and yesterday, I got a very obvious positive
needless to say i put in my best
effort yesterday night, lol! will test again today and see the outcome.