Team Jelly Belly!!!

Oh good! And in 2 weeks you'll be able to see your baby's heart beating!!! :hugs:
Wow, everything I've been reading seems to show that everybody has had a pretty intense 24 hours! Goodness, I hope all of you are doing ok. Jenna, Rhonda, Gabby, Sara, Ashley please pardon me for not being online ever so often and dropping my hellos. Year end is rather taxing and I have been swamped with work.

I won't be around durin christmas, DH has to go off for work, and I've decided to tag along so it's a holiday for me, plus that way I won't miss out on the "green box" days, if you know what I mean :)

Speaking of the ring test, I did that once during a barbeque party where all the ladies tried it too. for those who already had children, the ring definitely moved in the right directions, accurately pinpointing their number of kids in according to gender and correct sequence. And for those who weren't married, when the ring moved, we took it that it was telling us the future number of kids (and gender) that the lady will have. Unfortunately for myself and another lady, the ring did not move, at all. I was quite upset thinking does that mean I won't have children? :cry:

Anyway, for a more fun predicting game, why don't you ladies try this one :)
if it works, then maybe i will have kids after all, it predicted a girl and two boys for me :blush:

Oh, this round, I'm doing OPKS and yesterday, I got a very obvious positive :happydance: needless to say i put in my best :sex: effort yesterday night, lol! will test again today and see the outcome.


  • OPK 22 Dec 08 5.45pm.jpg
    OPK 22 Dec 08 5.45pm.jpg
    74.3 KB · Views: 11
Hello again everyone!

Ok i did another OPK and the results came back negative (as attached picture). So what does that mean?

Have I already ovulated? Or am I ovulating? Or will I be ovulating? Should I be using preseed or is it already too late for that?

Help help!


  • OPK 22 Dec 08 1745.jpg
    OPK 22 Dec 08 1745.jpg
    82 KB · Views: 6
Hi Lea! Dont worry we dont care just visit as much as you can :D

I couldnt do ur test it kept saying there was a tech prob :cry: u could try for me if u wanted??

I did the chinese test and it says girl, I did the old wives tale and it came 50/50 and I did the ring test over my tummy and my wrist and both times it went back and forth then round in a circle - does this mean i am gonna have boy girl twins?? DR last night said my HCG levels were high :yipee:
Hello again everyone!

Ok i did another OPK and the results came back negative (as attached picture). So what does that mean?

Have I already ovulated? Or am I ovulating? Or will I be ovulating? Should I be using preseed or is it already too late for that?

Help help!

It looks pos to me :) but could be the pic!?!? U norm OV 1-2 days after a pos OPK so u could be OVing today so yes I would use some preseed :happydance: yay your OVing go :spermy: go :spermy: GO GO GO get that eggy :yipee: your gonna get pregnant your gonna get pregnant and have ur own little :baby: :wohoo:
Ok so I know this sounds a little stupid but I totally buy into it, one of my best friends is great at predicting the sex of your baby when your pregnant, she's done it for soooo many girls, and only been wrong once! She predicted boy for me last time and I so didn't believe her, well she was right yet again! And I just got an e-mail from her this morning (I e-mailed her my belly pic since she lives a good 2 hours from me now) and she said she's getting boy vibes for this baby :sad2: I know I know I am soooo terrible!!!! I don't care what it is I will love it unconditionally I just have pumped so much girl stuff in my head that I convinced myself I was actually going to have a I guess its time to come back down to earth and prepare for my little boy...I am sad but feel horribly guilty about it....what is wrong with me! :sulk:
Morning Ladies!

OH Rhonda.....maybe she will be wrong a second time!!!:) Plus if it is another boy....two boys are great!:). I still think its a girl!;)

Ms Twiggy..opks are werid sometimes, i dont think your oing yet to be honest. Do you have ewcm, o pain and other signs?

Ashley...gosh I cant wait for you to get on here! Fingers crossed a temp was up!! Did you test?????

Debs...I know your on a lil vaction...hope your having a nice time!:)

Well temp was 98.2 this am which yesterday it was 98.3 so not much of a change. I had annoying cramps last night at work again!grrr I swear i think my boobs hurt and i had a wave of nausea this am..but thats it! Nothing more. ALso TMI....but at work last night i went to the loo and while i was weeing i looked down and had a long striny thing hanging and so i put it on toiet paper and it was just long stringy yellow/white discarge??? Anyone get this/ had this? What would you call that...creamy, ewcm? Gosh tomorrow is suppose to be testing day and now i am chickening out! I feel like its too good to be true. STILL no spooting(knock on wood)....I feel like ok if im not spotting that i MUST have o'd later then i thought. I'm 12dpo today....ahhhhh I dont know what to do!

I keep praying and praying to see spotting if im not pg but still none. The lord has ALWAYS answered this ridiculous/selfish prayer...i hope hes not playing tricks on me...:(
Yes Gabby I've had that happen to me when I was ovulating...I would def call it ewcm!

Yes Ashley where the "H" are you??? Temp update please!!

Girls I feel like such a terrible person right now :cry: why am I so upset?! I don't even deserve to have a little girl! God someone please slap me!!!! :cry: Stupid hormones! And Stupid 7 more weeks!!!
No PMA left here. My temp went down today, this is the same temp af comes at every month. I have c cm though this morning, but i just dont think its gonna be my month because of the temps. I am very sad and i think my body hates me and was playing a horrible game, i mean seriously i could not have made those symptoms up if i wanted to! I give up.
Rhonda......NO i didnt want to hear that haha....ewcm is present when af comes..haha guess we'lll wait and see!

Dont beat yourslef up at being mad.......for one its natural for that to happen and two you dont even know yet!!;). I cried both times i found i was having a but I wouldnt change them for the world! Now if i do get pg again.....i NEED?WANT a girl....not acceptiing boys..haha
When that baby comes out with 10 fingers and toes and screaming its healthy lungs out you wont care what the sex is at all! You will just be so glad its safe and sound :)
it is perfectly ok to feel how youre feeling r. you are a great person and you are going to love the baby no matter what, you just had your heart set on something, much like a lot of girls feel when they get a bfn, your sad that is a normal reaction, but if i were you, i would not give up on the fact that though the chances are smaller your friend is wrong, but has been wrong in fact before. maybe she will be this time. i would not give up hope, but we all know you will love that baby no matter what.
Sorry Gabs...if its any consolation I never get ewcm before the :witch:

Yes I love my little boy and would love this one just as much, and I have no problem having another boy, I just did what DH told me not to and geared myself all up for a girl...knowing very well I could be let down. I just need some time to prepare myself. And if this one is a boy, mark my word I will be having another one!! I will get my little girl, just like you Gabby, and I wont take 3 boys! :rofl: sent him back...:rofl: I'm kidding! Maybe this was a good reality check though. I did write her back and tell her I'm going to prove her wrong!! Watch me eat my words.

Ashley...oh no!! The :witch: can't come for you, I gave you your :bfp:!!!! And I wont take it back! Hey it isn't over yet, don't give up girl, don't give up!!!!!
OK so here's the thing. I went to the loo top squirt in some PreSeed and the cap broke off but there was no opening! I couldn't pick the plastic to make the hole and i wasn't going to use a pin to prick it as it might get germs on it or something.

Therfore, I am taking this as a sign that god does not want me to use preseed tonite.

Off to snuggle in bed now, good nite ladies (or rather, good morning to you :hugs:)
:yellowcard: another one of those thoughts Mrs and u will get sent off!! :rofl:

awwww Rhonda :D I am only joking!!! It is perfectly norm to feel this way, i would prefer a girl this time round being my first i think i would find it easier but i really really, like you, would love my bubs if it was a boy or a girl or both :rofl:

Ash and Gabs do not give up yet but :test::test::test::test::test::test::test::test::test::test:
Go Get him GIRL!>...and jai jai got her BFP without preseed!:) Have fun! Nite nite.

Ashley...oh no! I'm so sorry your temp dropped and it looks like witch is coming! I Really hope she doesnt come b/c that is so hard when you have all the symptoms to find out you werent pregnant..and there NO way you could make some of those up!!!! Hang in there and if the witch shows.....then at least your lp is longer and you can have some drinks on new years!!!! I'm sorry hun....but keep your head up and dont give up!!! Its not over yet
Thanks jai jai....i for once feel positive this even though we didnt even bd much ..haha. I dont know though......I will be 13dpo tomorrow..and I'm TERIFIED to test!!! I honestly havent even gotten a chance to test lately b/c i make myself wait and when i go to test af usually starts or comes the day before! SO PLEASE PRAY....I start spotting today or i get a BFP in the am! I'm ok with the witch coming....not okay with a BFN.
awwwwwww Gabs thats so cool ur attitude is amazing!! I have high hopes for u and Ash though!! Text me in the Morn and let me know the result ok cos i will be at work!!! and I NEED to know!!

Here come the girls :dance: :wohoo:
well so far no af. if she doesnt come today then my lp is longer. i will see what my temp is tomorrow and then decide on whether to test or not. i am not goin to today as i want to use fmu. so mabye tomorrow if no af, although i think she is coming.
Ashley arent you nervous to to you agree with me? you can deal with af but not a BFN..or no? Like i just called hubby and told him to get tests on his way home b/c tomorrow is testing day.....eek! hes like oohh a nice little xmas present huh? I said I hope so!!!:) It just seems to good to be true.....which im sure something will happen before tomorrow am. ahhh and if it is a BFN....was it too early, did i o late? , or is af coming...thats the WORST!

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