Team Jelly Belly!!!

R- First off I love your belly, I just want to rub it :rofl: Secondly thanks for the well wishes and the arrival of something. As far as BCPs go I have never had this problem 2 cycles in a row.If I had an anovulatory cycle then after I took provera it went back to normal. The longest cycle I have ever had was 84 days so maybe we will beat that this time around. I do not know what to do. I am still waiting on my insurance to settle and get into effect which should be 2 more months so it is just a waiting game for me. Hope to join you before you have your little girl though :thumpup:
Hey ladies hope u r all ok?

gabs how u feeling??

Rhonda - LOVE the tummy :D I am so jealous!!

Sara - Hope u get a :bfp: or :witch: comes soon just so you know whats going on!!

L - I hope u get ur miracle!

Ash - sorry :witch: got you, u will be preggers in 2009 though :D

Me - well no i was always engaged just updated FB :rofl:

I have had a shit day today! I went to the hospital for my early scan and all they saw was a sac and no baby :cry: I am devastated, I spoke to Daisy and she said this can be normal BUT all the research I have done says I should see something if not a heartbeat they should see baby!!!!! i am going out of my mind now!!! blighted ovum?? arrrrgh and to make matters worse DF is now being a nob!!! I am upstairs sulking and have refused to cook or eat dinner and his dad is coming over for dinner!! all i wanna do is :cry:

I just want bubs to be ok!!! I want to see heart beating!! I need to see the heart beat!!! :cry:
Jenna its too early for your :baby: heart to be beating not until 6 weeks, I know you are close but give it time, and just because you did not see a baby doesn't mean one isn't forming, I've heard of this happening and baby forms late! So don't get yourself all upset hun, your levels were high so things are progressing normally, just too early hun. Please don't stress out or get upset, I'm sure you have nothing to worry about!! Lots of girls on bnb have gone through this and ended up having their baby show up a short while after, sorry I can't think of any names yet but I honestly have read about this alot...your ok and :baby: is growing wonderfully!! :hugs: :hugs:
Jai jai i posted in your thread in first tri..but they should only see a sac at this point. Baby should be seen around 6wks and heartbeat around 7 maybe a few days earlier. As long as your levels are going up and they saw the sac it all is looking good! :) Don't get upset its no good for lil bean!:) You will see your beautiful lil one in weeks time! Hang in there girlie!

I'm feeling ok....other then these painful cramps and low back pains..they are terrilbe and i never had them with the boys. Alil sick in the am and very tired..thats about it for now. I have an ultrasound next week and ob appt is jan 13th!:) YAY!
Just now waiting for my hcg results from today to make sure everything looks ok!:)

btw mother in law apologize to hubby..they went there yesterday but i refused and stayed home with Gavin. I am still upset and dont want to blow up at her. She can wait a few more weeks :) hehe.

well off to make lunch and clean the house! buh bye girls. I'll be back with my results.
I am glad everyone is doing ok. Dont worry Jai Jai everything will be fine. I am sure this happens a lot, in fact i had to wait to get my d&c done because they only saw a sac until 7 wks so they would not have been able to find what they were lookin for until then and they made me wait. so this is normal.

I got my opks and preseed today. ov is a while away yet but i am ready. after this month we are not using anything so here is to the last attempt because dh wanted to use preseed again while i am ov this time :)
Hi guys,
I'm not sure what team jelly belly is? is it just a place for us to chat? If so, can I join in??? Getting quite obsessed with this forum at the minute especially as I'm still waiting for AF or a BFP (5 days late)...
Going out of my mind :hissy:
Hello Chocolatecat, first of all do you have a name we can refer to you as? Secondly Team Jelly Belly was originally a cycle buddy group and everyone got attached and Rhonda got knocked up :)rofl: sorry I had to say it) and instead of her leaving us Jai-Jai made us a team so we could all stick together. I am sure it would not be a problem for you to join our team ( I sort of sneaked in myself right before team Jelly Belly was created) My name is Sara, I am 28, I just got married on August 30 of this year. I have a 2 year old son named Sebastian and am trying for our second child. (Just a little about myself for you to know).
Hi sara, thanks for the welcome and joining my late showing AF thread!
I'm Caroline, I've just turned 29, we've been married nearly 2 and half years and together 5 years in jan. He has wanted kids ever since I met him and is just as broody as me. although he doesn't really get my obsession with this site and my daily testing, he's full of hugs though. (I guess it's our bodies we're trying to interpret so we get caught up in it and he just had to do his thing a few days a month). he did ask if there were any guys on here, so I think he'd like somewhere to talk.
We're in our 4th cycle since having my merina coil taken out. I didn't have any periods with that, but have had 3 since at 23-24 day intervals, but now nothing and 30 days since the start of my last one...although it did start with very light flow and got heavy on the 4th, so maybe I'm only 2 days late...
Fx and baby dust to you all xxx
Hi Caroline!! Yes Sara is right - just set this up as we all grew close and didn't want to leave eachother when we had supported each other so much!! You are more than welcome to become a Jelly Belly if you wish :rofl:

Its a lovely place to vent, get opinions and just talk about random stuff!! I am Jenna, 24 and we are pregnant with our first :yipee: I was on the inection and came off it in May an had on and off bleeding until Auggust and then fell preggers this last cycle :D

Anyway with all my panicking yesterday I forgot to ask how everyones Christmas went? Did anyone have any food or family disasters?? Santa good to you all?? Where u spend it?

Love to you alll and think there is only a couple more days until 2009 and you will all be getting ur :bfp:'s that year even Sarah will be won't you darling?? How is the holidays treating you? any assignments to do? I have masses......grrrrrr love ya all xxxxx
Sara!!!! :rofl:

Hi Caroline, my name is Rhonda (yes the one that got knocked up first) I am 30, have been married for 6 years and we have a son, Brayden who will be 2 years old this Friday, we are hoping this :baby: will be a little girl but obviously will love and welcome it if its another boy too. Only 6 more weeks until we find out for sure!!!!! :happydance:

Welcome and good morning to the rest of my girls! :hugs:
Welcome Caroline! Everyone is right...this is a great support team we've got here!:) My name is gabrielle and I am 21. Been married for three years to my high school sweetheart! We have two little boys Owen(3) and Gavin (10 months), and just found out were preggers with out third!:) Welcome and I hope your stay in TTC is short and sweet, but long and happy with Team Jelly Belly!:)

Jai jai..are you feeling more relaxed with everyones advice? I hope so!:) How are you feeling in general? ANy new symptoms???

Well girls .....i called the nurse last night to get my blood results and she told me the machine that was running the test wasnt working right!!!CRY CRY CRy. So that they were sending the results over to the hospital to be tested. She also said that my levels from friday are being redone again just incase the machine was inaccurate then too. GOSH.....i was freaking out when i heard this. She said don't be upset if its lower or higher. She said she would call today with Fridays and Monday levels....ahh the waiting game! Please pray everything is fine!
I made hubby run out and by more pg and of course they are still positive!

I'm starting to feel pretty icky....we were bding last night and I almost threw up!! I did puke after supper last night for the first time! I also woke up today extremly nausea! Ahh and the fun begins! Hey this is what i asked for! hehe

DEBS......hurry back I miss you! I hope your having a GREAT vaction!!!!:) Were all thinking of you!
Hi Caroline!

Hehhe, i like this whole intro bit. It's like attending TTC-Anonymous, LOL.
I'm Liyana (pronounced Lee Anna), 25, married April this year (we were together for seven years before getting married, yeah high school sweet hearts, lol! cheesy, i know) and been ttc since June. Am praying daily for a BFP and Team Jelly Belly is my number one support system!!! *i love you ladies*

Anyhuu, Jenna!! I'm sucking in all your positiveness! I need that 2009 :bfp:!!

Rhonda, Sara's right, I sooo wanna rub that beautiful belly of yours!!

Ashley, good luck with your OPKs and preseed. I somehow did not manage to use preseed this round, but if no luck this time, then I will be sure to use them next cycle although I pray there won't need to be a next cycle (come on BFP!!)

Gabby, glad to hear that everything's ok with you!! *hugs*
Congrats Rhonda! Let's hope you've started a trend!

Thanks for the welcome and intros. It's lovely to meet you all!

And thanks letting me hitch hike on your thread. I'm afraid now I've found this site and I've got time on my hands (oh is working and I'm not back till the 5th) I'm on here for HOURS! Still in limbo with AF or BFP - but if I didn't ov on the 12/13th then I missed the eggie so no need to worry about it. And if I did ov then then I'd be 18dpo today and would have a BFP surely if no AF?

If I were in a cycle part I could understand (2ww or witchy) I might be able to stop reading this forum every half an hour! Just waiting for a sign (perhaps that someone didn't get BFP till 20 dpo or something? not likely eh?
hugs, off to cornwall to see the in laws, so see you tomorrow. xxx
See isn't this fun, next we need to all go around and declare or POAS addiction ( even the pG ladys apparently (Yes Gabby you!!! :rofl:)).
Hello my name is Sara, I have no idea what's going on with my body and am most likely not PG but I am a POAS addict, I would ask for help but do not think I will get it until I get PG (maybe not). Anyhow if you can not tell I am delirious from lack of sleep. 6 puppies, a 2 year old and a tooth ache will do that to you.
Nice to meet you Caroline hope you have fun here. are delirious! You already introduced yourself! haha!

Yes....i have become a POAS now that I'm preggers!
Caroline have you tested yet??? Don't know if your a POAS addict like some of the ladies in here...not to mention any names...Gabby, Jenna, Sara and Debs :rofl: I forgot to mention...I am on facebook and myspace, I've connected with a few of you on there, anyone else on there??? Just do a search for me Rhonda McDonald, on facebook my location will say Portland, ME and on myspace it will say Lisbon Falls, ME. Would love to see more of you on there!
I know I already introduced ,myself but that was my declaration. I warned you gals I was delirious, whatever is said from me today can not be held against me in a court of law since I am not of sound mind, :rofl: Sadly me poor son gets the same way when he is tired, well not really sadly since he gets all happy and crazy and it is kind of cute.
Jai-Jai, My x-mas was good, good food, spent it with my family but my grandpa was recently diagnosed with advance T-Cell Lymphoma and chemo is treating him badly so he was not there and that was sad but I guess it is working for him so that is good too. Sebastian had fun, he even gave Santa a High five which was sweet since he did not get to see Santa last year with being sick and all but guess what Mommy found last night while getting ready for bath? Any guesses? NO well Mommy found another staff infection sore. Great so it is off to the drs today to get antibiotics. Please cross your fingers that 2009 does not begin how 2008 did for my son (sick from 12-23 until 3-15 without a weeks break in between).
:rofl: sara u make me crack!! (about all the delerious stuff)

I really hope Sebastian is ok babe and I have my fingers crossed for u! Let us know how it goes!!

Gabs I am still a POAS addict I have ones IC left :rofl: I have not got any new symptoms - my bbd are 2 sizes bigger already which DF is loving!!! just cramping still and tired, bit of nausea but not to moan about....lips still dry still drinking lots and peeing lots!! :cry: my tumy hurts again now!!! :grr: its soooo annoying!!! xxxx xxx
Hey girls..I got lots to do...But just wanted to let you know my results!!

So according to the nurse the computer said Fridays were 322 and yesterdays were they more then doubled!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!:) My beanie is ok so far!:0

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