Team Jelly Belly!!!

OMG Gabby could you imagine?!!!! Double trouble! :ball: But that would be so awesome if one of us girls had twins!!! Do they run in your family?
NOPE!.....and I couldnt handle that! lol....not with two little rascels already! Jai can take the twins!
:dance: Happy to oblige :D They do run in Jos's family (he was a twin) but i think they would have seen something yday if I were having them......:rofl: I dont think I could cope but oh how magical!! xx
yeah there would have been 2 sacs....unless....your having identical twins Jenna!! But no I hear they skip a generation so your kids will have a chance at em.

Well I'm about out of here for the day, leaving work a little early to go bring Brayden to the doctor, I think he might have a sinus infection, poor lil guy! Talk with you girls in the AM.

Hope little Brayden is ok!! give him a kiss for me!! night girlies xxx
Just saying hello, nice to meet anyone new. I am ashley I am 23 ttc our first after our aug loss. this is our 4th cycle, i am hoping for a 2009 baby. got a lot of stuff going on this week with the holiday party we are having and i am applying for a promotion. i just wanted to say hi to my girls, i am glad everyone is well! o and by the way, i am a twin too! i have a twin brother!
ooo twins all round then! I've always wanted twins, but none in my family :( Oh's mum is a non identical twin, so no chance of it influencing me. Would be happy with one at this point of course!!! :)
Hope your little one is ok Sarah. hugs. and your's rhonda!

Just wanted to say morning, then I'm going to stay off here today if I can! although I don't have to be too secretive now as OH has told his mum that we're trying!! She's not at all surprised.

We had a long chat in the car last night (6 hour drive to cornwall, so you've got to really!) He's really interested in everything I've learnt from you guys, I'm not sure what he'll remember but I'll keep drip feeding it to him. I bought a load of OPKS, PG tests, fertility thermometer and tampons yesterday! Covering all bases there! I told him about the clear blue fertility monitor and he thinks we should get one, but I said we should do a cycle with temps, CM and opks first (if I ever get my periods and a new cycle). Took my temp for the first time today, not sure where to plot it at as I'm CD31...but might as well make a start! 36.7 - which means nothing I know!!

We also talked about what we'd do if we're infertile, he says he wouldn't really want to do a sperm donor, which surprised me, but I can see his point that it's nothing from him, but it's still mine, he said he might come round if it came to that.
We'd already said we'd be more than happy to adopt, but it take soooo long and there aren't really any babies to adopt in the uk, so we'd miss the baby stages. but any children would make us happy.
It was a nice chat and he's really supportive. He doesn't really want to know the icky details but I gave him a run down of CM anyway!!! :)

Right, that's it for me today.
18 dpo and since last BD and BFN so I'm out for this month I think. waiting for the witch. get a bloody move on!!

hi rhonda, might add you to facebook, I dont' use it a lot but check it most weeks. Don't want any friends to know we're trying so baby talk has to be restricted to PM! thanks xxxxxxx
Good morning girls, took Brayden to the doctor last night, he's fine, just has a bad cold....makes me look a little silly but I don't care, it puts my mind at ease any way, he's just had this for over a month so I was starting to worry...apparently is quite common for kids to pick up multiple viruses and have a continuous illness...wonderful! So I'm at work today...not at all thrilled to be here either :hissy: as we originally were not suppose to work at all, then they changed it at the last minute. I'm hoping I will get to leave early today, there are not many people here and I have next to nothing to do...I hate this time of year! But anywho it is the last day of 2008...and I am really looking forward to what 2009 will bring as well as the rest of you ladies as well I here's to a wonderful new year... :wohoo: and may all the nonpregnant jelly bellys get there :bfp: in 2009 (preferably in early 2009 ;))

hi rhonda, might add you to facebook, I dont' use it a lot but check it most weeks. Don't want any friends to know we're trying so baby talk has to be restricted to PM! thanks xxxxxxx

No worries I wont spill the beans!
hmm, yellowy (maybe tinged with brown??) CM just now, maybe the witch is finally nearly here!! Has been white all week. although normally I have pink spotting before AF! I WILL NOT get my hopes up that it means something else :)
I'm so happy about all of our PG girls!!! Kimberly28 is preggo now too!!

Hope everyone is doing super duper well!!

Jai Jai, any news honey? I've been thinking about you!
Happy New Year girls! Hope you had a good one.

:witch: arrived today, but not feeling too sad, just glad she finally showed and we get to start the new year with a new cycle!

Hugs to you all and fingers crossed for happy, healthy bumps and babies in 2009!
Here's wishing all my Jelly Belly ladies a very HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

Thank you all for the wonderful support you've given through 2008. I pray that those who are with their little beans will have a healthy and beautiful pregnancy throughout 2009 and for us who are still waiting for a bean, may we be blessed with one by the 1st quarter of '09!!!!

Here's wishing all my Jelly Belly ladies a very HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

Thank you all for the wonderful support you've given through 2008. I pray that those who are with their little beans will have a healthy and beautiful pregnancy throughout 2009 and for us who are still waiting for a bean, may we be blessed with one by the 1st quarter of '09!!!!


i second that!!! :D Go :spermy: go!!!
Sarah I know great news about Kimbo :D she gets married tomo too :D :wohoo:

I am ok - in pain this very second, started having ms aswell now so its getting really hard to hide it from ppl at work, they keep questioning me and i feel stupid saying ummm they dont know what it is!! got another scan on 13th Jan 1 week and 5 days arrrgh its torture waiting!! havent done any work as feel shit all the time :cry: aaaah this is sooo not good!!!

wow, and I thought the TWW was bad. It's ok Jai_Jai, think happy bean thoughts and your 5 days will fly by :)

As for me, my ticker says 5 days to testing, FF says I'm at 10 DPO and yet... I have no symptoms whatsoever! ZERO SYMPTOMS! *sigh*
Hello Girls, Glad everyone seemed to have a Happy New Year. We had a last minute trip to Las Vegas and had a lot of fun but staying up and walking all over and driving home at 7 this morning makes me a cranky tired person. I only had a drink or two because I did not get a chance to test. I really doubt that I am PG but just to be sure it was a little champagne at 12 and one mixed drink which by Las Vegas standards is really watered down. I have loads of pictures and will post one on here tomorrow when I upload them.
Hello Girls, Glad everyone seemed to have a Happy New Year. We had a last minute trip to Las Vegas and had a lot of fun but staying up and walking all over and driving home at 7 this morning makes me a cranky tired person. I only had a drink or two because I did not get a chance to test. I really doubt that I am PG but just to be sure it was a little champagne at 12 and one mixed drink which by Las Vegas standards is really watered down. I have loads of pictures and will post one on here tomorrow when I upload them.

Wow - last minute trips to Vegas! I'm so jealous! We're just deciding whether to try and go to Vegas in May as one last blow out holiday :)muaha:) before the potential pitter patter of tiny feet! Just need some money!!

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