Team Jelly Belly!!!

:cry: :cry: :hissy: :cry: girls these pains are getting worse!!!!! :grr: I can't do it anymore!!! I really dont think it is preg related!!! Gabs can u take me to ur hospital pls I need some help I am exhausted constantly in pain and im off work AGAIN they are not gonna keep me on!!! Gonna ring DR in a min he is free in 5mins :cry: i need something or someone to sort this pain. If it is PG i really dunno what it is its not cramps i jst cant do it anymore :cry:
Hi Everyone,

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Oh Gabby! Oh Gabby! Oh Gabby! :happydance: :yipee: I am so happy for you and your DH, Congratulations.
I am so sorry, you have been feeling so sick, but it is all for a good cause. I told you that December would be your month :)

Jai-Jai, sorry to read that you had a scare. Gosh and you are still in pain, what is going on. I hope your DR can put your mind at ease and take the pain away.

Rhonda, how are you enjoying second trimester. Did you tell everyone at work? I love the pictures, you look amazing.

Ashley, so sorry that aweful witch got you. I trully hope this is your month.

How you doing Sara, still hanging in there. It is a new year, does this mean your insurance will kick in now, I hope so.

Sarah, how are you enoying the break from school. Just a few more months before you start TTC again :)

Lea, hope you and DH are doing well and that 2009 will be your year for a little beanio!

Liyana, are you also enjoying lots of sunshine? Not long until you start testing.

Welcome, Caroline. I am 30 next week and DH is 36, we have been trying for just over two years now. We fell pregnant last year April with the help of IUI (Artificial Incemination / Interuterin Incemination) but unfortunately the our gynea at the time (Dr A - for Arsehole) picked up a problem with the baby at 13 weeks 1 day and we were forced to have a termiantion at 14 weeks 1 day on the 4th August 2008, we have been trying unsucessfuly ever since but with the help of the girls in this thead, the many other friends on this site and the much needed help and support of my new Fertility Specialist (Dr B - for Brilliant) I feel we will get a happy ending.

The Christmas break was lovely. My DH and I went away to the coast with my folks and my brother.
It was lovely to be out in the sun and play in both the sea and the resort pool.

Still on leave but have to go back to work on Monday and must say I wish I could have another week to relax.
Being back does however get my mind right back on the TTC topic and we all know how hard it is to stop that once it has started.

I went and saw my fertility specialist today to see how my follicular cyst is doing. It hasn't gone down very much, it was 6cm and it is now 5.8cm, but he did say its lining is thining so he is hopeful that by the the 13th of Jan once AF is here it will be right down, but if not then it will be another month of birth control. I have written more about how I am really feeling at the moment my journal. I don't want to bring to much of my low PMA here to the thread, this is our happy place!!!

Wishing all of you the very best and a happy ending of your very own.

Best wishes,
Jai Jai...i want you to ask your doctor about your hcg levels...and see what he says. I am not trying to scare you or anything but from the numbers you told me...they didnt double in 48hours like they are suppose to. Now this doesnt mean that something is wrong, but with all the pain your having I'm terrified about an ectopic, only b/c they havent ruled that out. Please ask what he says about your hcg levels. Also they should try to do a scan today. Go to the er if you have too. And have them do a scan, a pelvic exam, and hcg levels. YOu need to know whats going on hunni! Also what kind of sharp, dull, stabbing? Where is it located...middle, to one side or then another? And on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the worst pain..what is it? I want you to be seen today..NOT just talked to over the phone. And please try to rest and take some tyenol(that abouts it.) they can give you some narcotics if you are seen too to help with the pain. Also..any other symptoms going on?
Debs!!!!! WELCOME BACK!:hug::hugs::hug: We missed you!:)

Thanks for being so happy for me!:) I do remember our email and you saying this month you will get preggo. Lol go figure eh!:happydance:

Glad you had a nice vaction! I totally could use one of those at the moment. Just to SLEEP...i want like 3days to just stay in bed and sleep. I am so gosh darn tried this time around, and with two lil ones to chase around...AHH its not easy!:dohh:

Well I really hope that when af shows on the 13th that everything looks good and you can get the green signal to go again!:) I realy really want you to get your 2009 bean soon!!! Well going to go read your journal! So glad your back babe!:):happydance:

:bfp::bfp::bfp::bfp::bfp: for DEBS!
you are back :yipee: we missed u!!! sorry ur cyst has not gone down more than we hoped but as soon as it has u will get ur :bfp: i know it!! glad u had a gd holiday!!

Dr has given me antibiotics so FX it works :dust:

love ya girlies xxxx
Jai jai!!!!!!!!!!! Why the heck did he give you antibotics???? Does he evenknow if you have an infection? grrrrr i am going to smack him! did you call and ask what i told you to ask!!!!!!!!
Jai Jai...i want you to ask your doctor about your hcg levels...and see what he says. I am not trying to scare you or anything but from the numbers you told me...they didnt double in 48hours like they are suppose to. Now this doesnt mean that something is wrong, but with all the pain your having I'm terrified about an ectopic, only b/c they havent ruled that out. Please ask what he says about your hcg levels. Also they should try to do a scan today. Go to the er if you have too. And have them do a scan, a pelvic exam, and hcg levels. YOu need to know whats going on hunni! Also what kind of sharp, dull, stabbing? Where is it located...middle, to one side or then another? And on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the worst pain..what is it? I want you to be seen today..NOT just talked to over the phone. And please try to rest and take some tyenol(that abouts it.) they can give you some narcotics if you are seen too to help with the pain. Also..any other symptoms going on?

oh babe thanks sooo much for your support and info!! I have had a scan and they have ruled out eptopic, and my HCG levels more than doubled (not sure what I told u but I had them on the Mon eve and then again wed morn and they were more than double. so thats ok there. i have a sac in my womb and i am not as far along as i thoughth i was so thats why they couldnt see bubs apparently, I have another scan on the 13th and DR thinks have a severe water infection as it eases with uriniating.....he has given me anti biotics. I dont know what tynol is but i am taking paracetamol which is v weak and is what the Drs advised me to take....when i have the pain though it is a 10!!!! if not more i scream and cry and thrash about its awful :cry: it started off as a cramp like pain in my uterus area and then a sharp pain up through my tummy from like my tummy button to my cliterous and then it spreads up my left side to my kidney area its nasty but the DR said once i start taking the antibiotics then i should notie a difference almost immediately and if it doesnt get any better than to go straight to ER over the weekend....but to keep him up to date and not to hesitate in calling him no matter when - we really is a gd DR the first one i saw was rubbish i admit by saying its not eptopic by jst feeling my tummy :rofl: but Dr Lewis sent me for a scan and they didnt see one.....FX I dont have one as i know there is still a small chance that i could have a bubs in my womb and one in my tube or something but they will check this out on the 13th if the pills work and if they dont then they will check sooner!!

How r u feeling anyway?? Shattered like me? I have ms too quite bad already which is irritating that its at the same time and also at the time when work are decising to keep me on or not - tomo is D Day :cry: and I think as I am off today then I will most likely lose my job tomo :cry: then I am fukked!!!

:dust: for you all xxxx :hugs:
Jai jai!!!!!!!!!!! Why the heck did he give you antibotics???? Does he evenknow if you have an infection? grrrrr i am going to smack him! did you call and ask what i told you to ask!!!!!!!!

cos i told him my symptoms and last week when i was in SAU they took my urine and dipped it and said one of the sticks came back with an infection but they didnt know what and they would test it further and send results to DR and he said he hasnt got them but it sounds like an infection!?!?!
Oh good good! I am so glad your levels doubled!! I was sooo worried..what you told me they didnt i even when back and checked lol. Anyways, the sounds like it could be a uti, and going into your kidney. Hopefully the antibotic will clear it up and if it isnt better tomorrow go in!! :) Glad you have a great doc..and sorry for Your job may not keep you ? Can't you get FMLA? Family medical leave...idk what you call it there? Yeah i am too feeling sick and SOOOOOO tired....i cant handle it with two kids. idont know what im going to do!
:rofl: sorry for worrying you!! I hope it is a UTI and that it all clears up, dunno what i would do without my little nurse ;)

Its hard isnt it, I am finding all this very difficult atm and i just want to blitz the house but i am too shattered and too sicky to do it and when i try my pains come back :cry: so I am in bed resting on DF's orders!!! poo poo cachoo. so i know mildly how u feel!!! but to have all of that and two little ones - u are super woman!!! and all so young too :D

Gabs, have u heard anymore abot your arythmia?? what have they said to you now ur preggo? Hope ur ok, it worries me wish i lived near u :cry:
Oh my gosh what a day! Today was my lil man's 2nd birthday so we took him to the city and did the build a bear thing this morning, out to lunch and then to the children's Museum and then shopping, got home around supper time and I was sooooo exhausted!!!!! But I still had to make his cake and clean the house and get everything ready for tomorrow as we are having 20 someodd people here for his party, ahhhh...tomorrow will be just as crazy as I didn't get everything done so I have to get up early and finish, I just have to go to bed soon as I am beyond exhausted now! Will be glad when Sunday comes and I can finally rest!

Debs! Welcome back hun, I hope your vacation was nice and relaxing. Sounds like it was. We missed you!!!!!

Jenna I am glad you got some meds and hope this will clear everything up so you wont be in pain anymore and you can enjoy your pregnancy, well as much as you can enjoy the 1st trimester...

Gabby hun I completely know how you feel, only you have 1 more kid than I did, it is so tough being that tired and having no energy and having to look after your little ones. I would all but cry every night as I just wanted to go to bed when I got home from work but I couldn't obviously, its definately tougher with kiddos!!! Just think though a little over a month or so and you will get your energy back !

2nd trimester is a breeze...I am loving it! this baby is so easy, I hope he/she is this easy after they are born too!!! Hey wishful thinking i know! Only 5 more weeks girls...eeeee...I'm not excited or anything :rofl:
Gosh R, 5 more weeks. Here in SA they confirm the baby's sex with 75% certainty at 12 week scan and 100% at 16 week scan. I am quite sure you can start painting that room pink :)

Jenna, has the pain gone away?

Gabby hope you are feeling too aweful with the ms.

How is everyone else feeling?
Hi everyone, I'm not exactly in the best of moods. might be small to some, but it's left me in quite an emotional state. One of my two hamsters died yesterday afternoon, after 2 days of suffering from intestinal problems. DH is to blame, fed the hammy too many fresh fruit until the little critter had severe diarrhea.

I was so sad that I cried the whole afternoon and the whole night.:cry: I'm left with one hamster so today I have to look for another, or risk the other one getting stressed by loneliness and he might die too.


Not such a great start to a new year... I just hope testing in a few days will bring better news. Otherwise, I'd be double broken hearted...
I seriously am in awe about all of the newly preggo girls!! We really have a strong team here...I'm sure I will be the only non-preggo Jelly Belly soon! Totally fine with me though =). I know that no matter what happens with all of us, we'll stick together! I don't know if I've updated y'all on my situation, so here it goes...I was planning on just not preventing until we officially decide to TTC, but I've actually been actively preventing (ie, not having intercourse around ovulation etc) instead. I've just got soooo much on my plate right now, and Michael is just about 15 months old and is becoming quite a handful. The thought of having 2 anytime soon just scares the crap out of me! Hopefully when May comes, my mind will change. So anyways, that's what is up with us!!!

Gabby, did you have nausea with your boys? I've heard m/s happens more with girls than boys. Obviously not everyone follows this wives tale, but I think it is the case is most cases.

R, I've been meaning to ask you how your current pregnancy compares to your previous pregnancy. Like, is it similar or dissimilar?

Jai, you're still in my thoughts girlfriend! I hope your little bean is okay!!

MsTwiggy, I completely sympathize with how you feel, it is very rational to feel that way when you lose a pet. I'm sorry it happened, you're hubby better be giving you back massages for the next year to make up for this incident! :hugs:

Debs, not long now sweetie!!!!!! I'm getting excited for you =).

Well, I love you all dearly and think about you all the time. I can't wait till all of you get ALL deserve it! :hugs: for the Jelly Bellies!
hey ladies well I lost my job yday as they are cutting back and MS is bad today and yday but gd news is my pains are dull aches now :yipee: so it clealry wasnt preg related and i was going through all of this pain cos they thought i was just being a woos and pregnant!!! :grr: DR's

How is everyone today? I am frreeeezing
Hello everyone! I am back, i took a short break from the holidays and from everything else. I am not even close to ov yet so time is going fast really. I have actually read Twighlight, New Moon, and Eclipse in the past week. I started Breaking Dawn yesterday and DH took me to see Twighlight yesterday as well. I was disappointed i have to say but it was still fun. I have been working out and dieting so that is fun. I fell down my stairs yesterday and have a huge bruise on my bottom and back! Glad i was not pg i would have been frightened, instead I laughed my head off. Other than that back to both jobs this week.
1st baby I love those books and am thinking of reading them all again for the 5th time. Which one was your fave so far? and which one did you not like so much? I love them all but my least fave was new moon just because I feel her depression since I have been through depression myself it just hits home.

Jai-Jai I am sorry you lost your job but really glad the pains are gone I was so worried for you. I am a big believer that everything happens for a reason and with MS you might not feel like getting out of bed for awhile so it might be good you don't have a job to go to right now. Focus on growing your baby and that is your only job for now. I hope it works out for you.

Ms Twiggy- So sorry about your poor hamster, I really understand how you feel, I am an avid pet lover and cry even for stranger animals. I cry for their passing every time. I hope you find a new companion for your surviving one soon and the union is a good friendship.

Sarah good luck on finishing your schooling I know how you feel, when Sebastian was 15 months I felt that I did not want another one yet for a couple of reasons. First I felt guilty for not giving him as much one on one time with me and secondly I really did not know how he would handle a new baby since he is so attached to me. Now i know he will be jealous but he is older and understands a lot so I know I could help he through it better now than before. Hope your WTTC is short and your TTC is short too.

As for me I am going to start off saying that I hate evaporation lines so much, Why do I let them give me hope against my better judgment? I took a test yesterday and I had a bad dirty diaper to tend to so I did that and forgot about the test (since I knew it would say NO) Well I went back in the bathroom and had a faint line. I took one last night and it said no and one this morning and it said no but then an hour later there was another faint line kind of off center so I know it is an evap but it still gave me a little butterfly. I am so mad, sad, confused and a million other emotions right now trying to figure somethings out with my body. I do have some on and off boob pain and a back ache, I can not stand for too long before my back hurts so I hope I did manage to O at some point and AF is on her way.

In other news I think my son is jealous of the puppies because now he is panting like a dog and crawling around on all fours and picks stuff up with his mouth to bring to me and drop it in my hand. I am probably doing the wrong thing but I just let him pretend to be a dog and call him my doggy. He only plays a dog maybe twice a day for about 5 mins, the rest of the time he is my Sebastian so I do not see too much harm in his playing. If anyone knows any different though please feel free to let me know. Took all 6 puppies to get their shots yesterday and of course the biggest puppy was the loudest crier. Hope everyone else is doing good.
OK I posted my evap pictures in the BFN thread in the Gallery so go by and see them and see why I am so mad at them.
ok first of all...SARA!!! Those don't look like evap lines to me hun, they have definate pink in them...evaps are colorless lines....yours have color from what i can see.....ooohhhhh getting excited for you hun, def retest in the AM with fmu and don't leave the test unattended this time :happydance:

Jenna so glad your feeling much better sweetie, I hate seeing you in that much pain, and I bet you are so relieved that its not your LO and everything is going great in your pregnancy :yipee:

Sarah so nice to hear from you hun, you will be graduating school that same time my husband does and I so can not wait for May for that reason, its been a long long 10 years!!! He's been in school since I've known him so this will be a nice change for sure! I know your LO seems like a lot right now, my boy just turned 2 on Friday and he gives me more than I can handle most days but I just think what a wonderful big brother he will be and even though it too scares the living daylights out of me to have 2 I honestly can't wait for this next one to arrive! It will be a lot of hard work but I feel like ds is just now starting to do more on his own so its probably a good time. The answer to your question is WAY different. Both pregnancies so far have been like night and day, that different. I was sick with Brayden and not at all with this one (I know I was very lucky) I was super happy all the time and in a fantastic mood with Brayden, this one I felt really down in the dumps yucky and found myself not wanting to be around anyone, grumpy and just not myself for most of the 1st trimester. BBs hurt bad with Brayden, and not at all with this one, this one I don't even honestly feel pregnant yet, if it wasn't for the bigger bbs and growing belly I wouldn't think I was! :rofl:

Liyana (hope I spelled that right!) I'm so sorry to hear about your hampster hun, loosing any pet it sad, no matter how big or small it is, you still love it just the same. I hope you are doing better and find a new friend for your other one to play with. :hugs:

Well I survived yesterdays madness and am offically back to normal...thank goodness, have been crazy busy every weekend since, god since before Thanksgiving! DH and I are planning a trip to NYC in 2 weeks and other than that I have nothing going on, it feels sooooo good to say that!!! Next Doctors appt is thursday, hoping we will get to hear the heartbeat by doppler as I haven't heard it yet (just saw it twice on u/s).

:hugs: for my jellies!
Thanks for all the kind support everyone :) I miss my little hammy so much. Anyhow, the other hamster was starting to look really glum so I went out and got him a new friend. So now it's back to two hamsters, and DH has been on his best ever behaviour following the hamster incident, hehehe..

Rhonda, you have no idea how many times I go back and look at your belly photos and go "wooww..." :rofl: If i do it any more often i might cross over to being creepy!

Sara, I see colour too!! Hope another test in the am will bring good news!!

Sarah, enjoy the last days of school dearie! :D Some of my best memories of study life were in my last days of college :happydance:

Ashley, ouch on the bruises! Hope they'll heal soon :)

Jenna, so sorry to hear you lost your job but glad that your pains are subsiding!

Debs!! It's so good to hear from you again!!! :hug:

Gabby, everything going ok on your side?

Ok, head count! If Sara gets a +ve, the only ones left would be.. err.. myself, Debs, Ashley, Sarah. Come on girls!! BFP! BFP!!

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