Team Jelly Belly!!!

Jai Jai, I'm sorry that you lost your job, but I'm glad you're feeling better honey! You're still in my thoughts and prayers =).

Ashley, are you enjoying the books? I hope so! They were the greatest things I've ever read in my life =). I was disappointed in the movie as well, but from what I've heard, the next ones will be wayyy different. They're getting rid of that quacky director Catherine Hardwicke. I'm glad you had a nice break, but I'm also glad you're back =). What CD are you on?

Rhonda, I'm glad you're not sick this pregnancy!! Ive been pregnant twice, and the first one I was sick as a dog and lost 20 lbs in the first 10 weeks...and with Michael I had no sickness at all, just headaches. I'm convinced the first was a girl since they were so different. And I'm still convinced you're having a girl!

Sara, yeah I know what you mean about Sebastian being attached. Michael is very attached to both my husband and I, but more so my I think he'd get really jealous, but I think he'd also be an amazing big brother, because he's very sensitive and loving. Oh PS, I'm about to check out your "evap" lines (which are prolly BFPs), so I'll let you know in a little bit

Liyana, I'm glad you got a new hammy! and I'm glad hubby is on his best behavior!
OK I posted my evap pictures in the BFN thread in the Gallery so go by and see them and see why I am so mad at them.

i have had a look at Sara they are not evaps!!! :bfp::bfp::bfp:Thats what I got the day before I did a FRER they are pink and clearer than mine was at 9dpo I have my FX that I am not premature with this but congratulations :yipee:

love you xxx
Ok so now I am really antsy for you to poas this morning Sara!!!!! OMG OMG OMG!!!!!! :happydance: I too think that you got your :bfp:!!!!! Test with a FRER test that will give you a definate :bfp: if it is as they pick up the smallest amounts of HCG, both Jenna and I got ours with that, GL hun!!!!!

Sarah I still think this could be my little girl too but always second guess myself because of all the things I've heard about being way sicker with a girl...and I haven't been sick at all :sad2:

Liyana you crack me up!! :rofl:

Gabby where the H are you??? Hope your feeling alright hun.

I am so tired today!!!! I am running on next to no sleep, probably if I was lucky got 2-3 hrs last night, I tossed and turned all night, could not get comfy at all. I haven't been sleeping well lately, I'm going to try working out before bed tonight maybe that will help. It is my new years resolution so I should get cracking on it anyway...I do not want to gain 50lbs with this baby!! :hissy:
Sorry girls but I got another evap today. I don't even know how long it took to come up but I waited the 10 mins and nothing and kept checking on it for another couple of mins, and the evap line is thinner and lighter than yesterdays. I knew it was not a BFP but deep down still hoped you know. So in light of this disappointment I have decided to go to the drs and get provera. I still don't have my insurance set up yet, not til next month but I have to pay for a blood test wait two days for it to come back negative, get the provera, take it for 10 days and wait anywhere from 2 days to 2 weeks for AF. Oh well though, I will get my BFP this year I know it so I will be ok. It just makes me sad that now my son will be over 3 years old when I have another baby and I wanted them closer in age.
I am on cd 13 and i dont think i will ov any time soon though. i think it will more like in the 20s again. i am going to get some coffee and go to the gym and then i am going to stick my head back in Breaking Dawn because i cant stop reading for long! I think these are by far the best books i have ever read as well! My favorite was Eclipse, they were together the whole time and it was such an emotional book. New Moon was also my least favorite because i wanted edward to come back so bad! I am halfway through breaking dawn and its good as well. i am excited for the movies too, as i have heard about them getting rid of that person.

I really hope you get a bfp, i am going to look at the evap test now. I am glad to hear everone is doing well though.

Sorry about your hampster also, I am way too sensitive when it comes to animals so i know how you feel.

I am glad you are doing better Jai Jai, sorry about your job, but i think you should be resting anyway.
oh Sara hun I am sorry!! Your body plays some mean tricks on you, did you try testing with a different brand maybe? Just remember we are all here for you hun :hugs:
Yeah I just took two more of two different brands and they are both negative, I had no peed yet this morning, the test I took earlier was done at 4 A.M. since I had puppies crying and my son fell out of bed. I am just hoping that taking the provera again will jump start my cycles this time. usually I only have to do it once and things work properly for a little while at least but maybe because I am getting older and had a baby that my body is working differently now. I do not know but as soon as my ins is active I will be down at the drs asking for all kinds of tests. I actually feel better knowing I am ready to take the next step to bring on AF, it kind of gives me a little bit of closure to this crazy cycle.

Ashley so glad you like the books, as I said I have read them 4 times and as far as the movie I think their relationship was made to look too short and the special effects were not all that, In my head Edward sparkles so bright and the movie I had to look hard to see the sparkles. They needed to switch directors for the New Moon though because of Jacob and his tribe shifting that takes good special effects. I really hope the next one is better but also follows the book.
Hi girls.
Oh Sara, so sorry it's not working out and your body is being mean. Even more sorry that you have to pay for your health care - are you not in canada? I thought you guys had free health care? Either way, I hope the provera works for you.
Sorry about your job Jai Jai - I hope it's a positive event in the long run, it often can be.

My boss had just announced he's resigned! so things at my work are up in the air. He's tried to reassure me that I'll still have a job, but I'm not convinced. I'm a research scientist and he's the head of our centre, so with him gone our funding might stop. I feel very frustrated and powerless to do anything. I mean, I'm used to not having a boss - he lives in Singapore for god sake and I work on my own, but it's still nice to have someone to answer too occasionally, even if it is only every 6 months!!! AND I was just saying how great it is to have a secure job with a contract for at least 2 years and probably 4 - grrrr. Sorry just needed to rant, it's a being a weird first day back at work! AND AF is in full, horrible flow. Hope she hurries up so we can get on with the BDing bit!
oh dear dear me, things are not looking very bright with the working world almost everywhere, i sure hope everything will be alright choco.

sara, sorry am still the naive newbie, what's provera? :blush:

it's 14 DPO for me today, and CD 25. FF expects :witch: to arrive today. Although I'm praying and praying that she doesn't arrive, I'm already feeling slightly crampy which is usually signs that AF will be arriving anytime. *sigh*

Just yesterday night I thought to myself that maybe I should go get a POAS? But with cramps this morning, i think i'll just save my money and forget about it.
Choco- i live in Ontario California and wish we had free health care.

MrsTwigy- Provera is a progestrone that you take a tablet usually 10 mg daily for 10 days and then anywhere from 2 days to 2 weeks after you take the last pill AF will start. It was once used as a pregnancy test pill because if you don't bleed after the last pill there are only 2 reasons. 1) low estrogen and you uterine lining did not get thick enough to shed or 2) you are pregnant. It is now advised not to take during pregnancy because of a genital defect it can cause on the fetus. This is the reason I have to have a negative blood test before they prescribe it to me which is good because I would be nervous the whole pregnancy if it turned out i was pregnant.
I hate/love my evaps today. Is it possible to love and hate them at the same time? i hope so because I love how pretty they look but hate that the are "fake" Positives. I tried to take a picture of them and will post it in the BFN thread in the pregnancy gallery. They are harder to see because I did not have good lighting.
aaarggghhh!! i'm feeling so anxious!! should i test?? should i?? would it be able to detect anything this early?:hissy:
I want you to test!!!! Stay away AF come knock on my door instead!!!
:rofl: @ Sara, you maybe the only ttc girl asking for the :witch: to arrive! Liyanna test....why not, cramps can also happen in early pregnancy as your bean gets all snuggly, both Jenna and I had them!! Do you usually get crampy before :af:??

Gosh all you girls are loosing your jobs :( I'm so sorry!! My work is very slow almost dead right now and it has me worried as I have heard rumors of a layoff in the near future...yikes!! I had though about not coming back after the baby is born any way....we still have to figure finances out and see if its possible, right now I'm thinking its not a bad idea, though the thought of being a stay at home mom scares me too. Brayden is VERY hyper and active, I find it hard to keep him entertained on the weekends, lol. Hopefully this baby will be a little less active so the 2 of them will be balanced. :)
Really R? You and Jenna had cramps before your awesome BFP? uuu..will keep that in mind. unfortunately, i ALWAYS get slight cramps before AF, and terrible terrible period pains during the first two days of AF.

I want to test but I'm so scared! Last three months, everytime I test, AF arrives the day after! Jinxed i tell ya!!

Anyway, guess what I found out today, a friend who just got married end of november, is now preggers. yay.
I used to be the same way, Liyanna, if I tested AF would show up the next day, if AF was late I would test and sure enough here she would come like she was stuck in traffic or something.
R- I know I am weird but honestly I would be happy if AF arrived and next cycle I Oed.

I am confused and need some opinions. Yesterday I said I was going to get on provera to bring on AF. Here are my questions: 1) should I end this cycle on a pill or wait it out since the longest i have ever gone was 84 days? 2)I have been having weird boob pain and bloating for the last few days, should I wait to see if it is AF crawling along to meet me? 3) should i stop asking stupid questions and just relax?
:rofl: :hugs: Sara babe just relax!! wait it out for another week and see if :witch: is on her way!! If she does not arrive then test and then if :bfn: :sad2: then go to the DR ok? I think u still have a chance babe xxx


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Alright that bump better start growing soon, i don't care that you are only 7 weeks :rofl: I think being bloated I am bigger than you now :rofl: Thanks for the advice, waiting another week will not hurt me so I think I might just do that. I will get more tests either tomorrow or this weekend and see what they bring me.
BTW how often will you be updating us with bump pictures? Hopefully a lot sooner than once every 2 months like someone we all know (you know who you are, I won't say and names (r) :rofl:

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