Team Jelly Belly!!!

Sara and Liyana...will you beautiful girls pleeeeeease test soon? I'm such a POAS pusher on my site, but bc I'm not on here enough, I don't feel like I can hound you all hahaha. I'm so anxious to find out if y'all are impregnated hahaha!!

Rhonda, emotional breakdowns are a part of pregnancy for sure. I don't think anyone is upset with you about your breakdown...equally I don't think anyone was actually mad at you for not posting. We just want to see your beautiful baby bump!

Jenna, I hope all is well, and you will continue to be in my prayers til tuesday and probably thereafter.

Gabby, oh NO!!!! I'm so sorry to hear about Gavin!! Gosh, you've really got your hands full. Pregnant and with 3 boys (yes, Im including hubby as one of your boys, since we know that we are all mommies to our husbands too), one of which as pneumonia =(. Your family is in my thoughts and prayers girl...I hope Gav gets better!!

Debs, where are you dear lady? I'm missin you like WHOA!

Chocolatcat, I don't know your name (sorry), but I wish you good luck TTCing!!
Gabby- So sorry to hear about Gavin, I really hope he feels better soon. That is such a scary feeling having your LO so sick and not being able to fix him. Taking care of a sick baby plus dealing with pregnancy hormones, it is no wonder you do not have time on here. Hope the medicine kicks in quickly.I am also so excited to hear how the drs goes this morning.

Choco- I am studying early childhood education but only getting my associates because I only want to work in a preschool/daycare so I can work and have my son/children at the same place. I have a phobia of daycares (don't know about anywhere else but we hear a lot of bad things out here about bad daycares). After my children are all in regular school I want to go back to school for radiology but we will see what happens then.

Sarah- I will test as soon as I get some tests. Maybe today if I make it down to my moms. I would have even POAS if I was on my period because it is such an addiction. :rofl: i have problems.

R- No explinations needed. I understand completely as long as you know I did not mean to hurt your tiny feelings i am ok. i remember being regnant and if someone said Blue when I wanted to say Red then I would get upset. You need to be able to come on here and vent to us even if it is about us because that is what we are here for. I will never take offense I promise.
Hi Girls,

Just popping by very quickly to say I love you all and hope you are well, the bumps are well and those of you with kiddies I hope they are well.

Sorry to hear about your Son Gabby, I hope he gets better soon.

I am taking a break this week, in a bit of a low place at the moment, need to take my mind off the whole baby thing. Going to see my FS next week Tuesday to find out if my follicle has shrunk. I went from 6cm to 5.8 in over two weeks.
Something to concider is that at ovulation time (peak time) it should only be around 1.5cm to 1.8cm I have my doubts, I will probably have to be on BCP for another month. Humph!

Good luck ladies, hope that when I log back on there are loads more BFPs.

PS: WELCOME BACK MEL! I missed you sweetie
Well girls im back. They said I am measuring about 6wks and alil bit further then i thought. There was only ONE baby! i saw teh yolk sac, the baby, and the heartbeat!!:YAY......the only thing is.....the babies heartbeat was only 105, kinda on the lower end. the ultrasound tech said as long as its above 100 i should be ok. She saids its not fantastic but its not bad. I told her i was worried and she said dont worry. So I'm alil freaked and am praying the lil bean is ok!!!!! Of course my ob is off today so i cant get any reassurance from her.aah And of course i have spotting...but most likely due to the ultrasound.

I will try to post a pic soon.
Yay Gabby!!! :yipee: seeing the heartbeat is fantastic, your odds of misscarrying drop greatly after seeing that! 105 is fine I think for the age your baby is I mean "her" heart just started beating a day or so ago so give it some time to speed up. I'm sure you have nothing to worry about hun!

OMG girls I just watched this weeks episode of One Tree Hill and cried like a baby through the whole episode!! Would someone who's not preg and watched it tell me if they cried at all because I'm starting to think I'm loosing it, lol
GABBY!! you saw a the beanie heartbeat!! yaaaaaaayyy for all the beanie babies!!! :happydance:

Rhonda, hope you'll get to hear your lil beanie heartbeat too! :hugs:

Debs, hope everything will turn out ok, lots of hugs from me:hug:

Mel? Where where!! Mel!!!!

3 more days 3 more days!! :hissy::happydance::hissy: i'm going cuckoo!! Please :witch:, you've stayed away so far, keep away till the 11th!! Not going to test any sooner, i dont want to jinx it!! :rofl:
Gabby- Yeah that is great news I understand your worry but I think everything will be ok. Can not wait to see the pic.

R- I saw One Tree Hill and I cried too, I was worried something was wrong with Peyton when the season ended but then when she tells Lucas she is Pregnant I cried and cried and when Brooke found Sam and saved her I cried too.

Liyanna I am going crazy over here waiting for you to test so I know you are going crazy.

Ok so I took another test and it was a BFN. Mind you I only help my pee for maybe two hours but I did not even get an evap and they are the same brand of test so I think if I was getting faint positives two days ago I should have gotten something today even if I held pee for short time. I really hope I did O though and AF is coming so I can start a new cycle. Thanks for all of your encouragement through out this whole or deal.
ok so I have an evap and of course my camera is at my moms so I can not take a picture. Funny thing is while it took longer than the 10 mins to show up, it is a darker line than my last evaps. Maybe I should time them to see how long they take to show up and if the amount of time is shorter and shorter each time then I can get my hopes up. Sadly I know it is not true so I sign off for now saying EVAPS SUCK!!!!!
ok got some pictures for you all. Before you freak out they are evaps ok, I don't care how pretty they look (and they do look pretty) they did not show up until after the time limit ok.


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I just wanted to drop in and say hey! i am feeling a bit like debs atm. I dont know why, its only month 4 ttc for me after surgery, but i am starting to think that was my only chance and something went wrong and now i wont have a chance again, crazy i know. I too MsT am getting so annoyed hearing about everyone around me being pg. My friend who just had a baby in Oct, keeps me informed on our schools gossip and who is pg now, and she text me yesterday that two sisters are pg due withing two weeks of one another! i played sball with these girls and one of them just got engaged and the other just got married! So annoying. I have my other friends baby shower i am hosting a week from sunday and i am not excited at all! I am more mad at her for not taking care of herself like i would do if i were pg! Sorry if I am ranting, i have not been on here much so there is a lot of build up. On the ttc side thuogh, I am probably about to ov soon if i have not already. The new opks i am using do not work on fmu at all so i am finding it harder to use them, so i am kinda going off temps but i am getting up at different times now so its all screwed up. we are also bding less this time because of my schedule so my chances are going down this month. o well we are doing what we can and thats all i can do.
i know u say dont get excited but i dont understand!?!?! THEY ARE PINK!!! I had lines like this on my IC's and they took ages to come up......honestly!!! I thought evap!! look in my journal!!!! then the next one i took the next day with fmu was defo :bfn: I got a FRER nd there was the faintest line. I took an IC about a week ago and it came up instantly and oh so dark!!!! thats the only one and thats like when I was 6 weeks preg so 4wkpo..........I really think u should get a FRER babe and then you will def know cos surely these PINK evaps if thats what u wanna call them are driving u mad - u need to know one way or theh other - or at least I do :rofl: no seriously babe go get a FRER xxxxxx
Sara they are pink but if they are coming up after the time limit than they are def negative. But I do agree with Jenna go and get a FRER than you will know for sure babe!

Liyanna......:test: if you don't want to look at it fine, scan it and post the pic on here and throw it away, we wont tell you what it says :rofl:

Hi Ash!! Glad your back, yay for almost ovulating!! Isn't it funny how quickly ov comes but how long the 2ww is?! Its actually good that you'll be doing less, I find that most girls that take it easy, don't temp and just let nature happen get their :bfp: that same month so fx for you hun!

Gabby how is Gavin this morning? Hope he is doing better!

Did someone say Mel was back??? Mel where are you???? :hugs:

Doctors today in 2.5 more hours...ready to get yelled at for gaining to much weight :dohh:
Morning girls!:)

Ash~ nice to hear from you! I agree with Rhonda....i think you should just stop everything and let nature work its magic. Maybe do opks and just enjoy bding. I know its easier said then done. I really hope you get pg soon!!! Hugs

Rhonda~ made me laugh, about you getting yelled at for gaining too much weight! I remember going in with gavin and i would be like 5lbs more every week!!! I swore something was wrong......but it was just me eating the house and all on bedrest! haha.

Sara!! Gosh....i so think your pg! ANd yes yes go get a frer!!!! I got one under the sink i will send it to you!!!!!!!! :) AH i hope this is your month!

MsTwiggy~ WOULD YOU TEST GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please.....agreed with R, test and post..we WONT tell! haha

Lea~havent seen you around in forever......hope your ok???

Well Gavin is doing better! YAY!! He sounds like crap but hes back to his normal self.:) He keep climbing up on the couch right now and owen is eating and gavin keeps grabbing owens food! lol He's such a cutie! I feel like such crap...this nausea is terrrible..cant wait to be done! Also have a major headache probly due to dehydration!

Hubby was soooo sweet last night. He came home with a gift certificate to get a mani and pedicure! (I NEVER do those kind of things, and he doesnt like all that fancy stuff) He said that to relieve all my stress to go and relax for awhile:) Also he did 5loads of laundry last night and made dinner!!!! lol know what he had to get last night haha.

About Mel......she wrote on my profile but i havent seen her on here?
OH and Miss you have a scan today???????? I thought i member hearing thursday...?
awwwww ur hubby is soooo sweet!! :D also fab news about little Gavin hope he stays that way!! And tell me about the nausea :sick: grrrr all day!!!! :grr: I am throwing up alot and everytime i get out of bed for a wee i urge :sad2:

My scan is next tuesday.......wish it was today :( still looking for jobs with no such luck!!!

Mel wrote on my wall too she is TTC again and on 2 or 3dpo now so FX for her she is in my hopes and prayers.......hope to see her here soon xx

Sarah - great to hear from you and thanks for the concerns and prayers i hope they work, glad to hear school is going well

Ash - yeh gd plan hun, i did that and look now i am sick and far :rofl:
Ok first...howw are you girls getting your guys to be so good and helpful?!! Gabby and Jenna....I am jealous! I've ask my dh to do the dishes for the past 2 nights and he hasn't touched them! I am going to do them when I get home tonight. GRRR!!! We usually try to alternate but he's not so good when it comes to his turn!!!!

So I'm getting ready to leave for to doctors now but wanted to let you girls know they just laid off 3 people at my work, which is kind of a big deal as I only work with 18-20! I don't know if I should be worried or not. The head boss has left so I know they are done for today but the company has posted a manditory meeting at 11am tomorrow...yikes!!:shock:
:shock: I hope that your job is ok Rhonda!!! Maybe the meeting is to confirm whats happened today and to ensure everyone else all is going to obe fine and to jst relay the new working structure xxxx good luck at the DR slap them if they say u have put on too much bubba protection xxx
I took another test this AM with FMU and it is a BFN so I know they are evaps.

Jai-Jai- :rofl: about you needing answers for my tests. I will wait awhile and play with my evaps and hope something happens before I decide to go to the drs. I got a def. BFN this morning so there is no way it was a positive last night but the pic does not do it justice. When my camera gets here today I will take a picture with my good camera and show you how pink it really is. Oh so pretty but still oh so not positive. Thanks for the encouragement though.

R- I hope your job is ok and I don't think they will yell at you for gaining too much weight and if they do F*** them. :rofl: Sorry your hubby is like mine and says sure I will do the dishes babe but then two days go by and nothing.

Gabby- Hubby is so cute and very Glad Gavin is feeling so much better and has an appetite even if it is for his brothers food. :rofl: Thanks for the offer of your test but I do not want to waste it since I know it will come up negative and I can't go get one right now money wise so I will play with my evaps and be fine. Enjoy your little relaxation retreat.

Ashley- Sorry you feel so down and sorry there are so many fertile mertiles around you that drink from the same fountain and get PG. I know how frustrating it feels because I have my moments too thinking why them and why not me. I wish you luck on your laid back month and hope it works out with a BFP.

Debs- I don't know if I responded to you but I hope you get some good news from the Drs and do not have to get on BCPs again but if you do I am sure the drs think it is for the best. You need to be your healthiest so you can grow a baby. Good luck dear I hope it is good news.
Jenna I hope you are right about my meeting tomorrow!!

Ok back from the doctors, I peed in a cup and the test came back saying I had some white blood cells in my urine which would mean an infection. The doc didn't know if maybe the cup was contaminated (since it was a little paper cup) so they had me drink more water and pee in a sterile cup, I guess I will get a call with the results later today. Hope it is nothing. The visit was pretty boring, the weighed me and talked to me, I got to hear LO heart beating!!! It was much lower, only 157 bpm today...hope that's still high enough for a girl?? They didn't do my blood work because I have to be 16 weeks and I'm only 15w5d so it wasn't close enough, I have to go back in a few days...poopy!! I mentioned to my doc that when I lay down at night my heart feels like its pounding out of my chest, its quite uncomfortable. So she's having me check my pulse rate tonight when I go to bed and if its higher than 100 I have to call in the morning and they will want to schedule and EKG....which I've had done before because I have a heart murmur, I hope everything will be fine...say a prayer for me.

Yes Sara sounds like my husband is a lot like yours, mine is suppose to take the trash out, though he never does, lets it pile up until it falls on the floor and then I get pissed and do it myself, I will ask 100 times and he says yeah I will, next commercial....yeah ok hun!

Well going to go eat my lunch because I am starving!!!
Thanks everyone, I am going to stop doing everything all together next month, maybe not preseed because dh likes it every now and then. but i will not use it every time. i just cant do the opks with my schedule unless its with fmu and these dont work with fmu. i am going to attempt to use the rest i have this month, but forget the hassle next month if i am not pg. also my schedule with work is hectic so i am getting up at diff times so no temping next month either. i am half way there maybe god will bless me with a bean this month anyway and i wont have to think of next month. i am still waiting for my interview for my new position and now i am starting to think i dont want it, they gave me too long to think about it haha. o well we will c if i get it first and then i will decide. the gym has been great though i have lost 7 lbs! o and i finished the whole twighlight series a few days ago and it was great!

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