Team Jelly Belly!!!

R- Hope the cup was just contaminated and as far as the HB goes anything between 140 and 160 is supposed to be a girl so you are in there good. Let us know as soon as you hear from the Drs.
Wow the thread's moved on quickly! I can't read it at work now as a girl has moved into the desk to the side of me - so now I have to work harder (and don't want to be seen on here - my guilty secret!) So now I'm laying in bed and OH is trying to sleep!
He can be a pain about chores, but sometimes he's ok - I have to poke him to get flowers, so a spa gift sounds amazing! We ended up writing a list of all the chores and ticking what we did - clearly I did more, even though he thought he had, if that makes sense!

sara, sorry about the evaps, they sound a pain, please get your sen to a doctor!
Congrats on your graduation, it sounds like a cool course and a great way to work and see your little boy! I'm a developmental geneticist - which is completely different, but somehow sounds the same! It's really not a great thing to be when your TTC as I spend a lot of time reading about congenital abnormalities and researching the causes. it gets me paranoid!
hugs to you all. OH is scowling at me coz the keyboard is clicky so best go! talk soon xxx
Lol about OH getting bothered by clicking. I will be going to the Drs Monday if not tomorrow, all they will do is a blood test but it is better than nothing. I have lost my PMA though today and it is probably because 2 more puppies left today and one left Monday and another will leave on Saturday so I will be left with only 2 babies. I am keeping one though so I can not be too sad but it does make me sad to see them go since I am their serogate mother.
Sara, I knw how you feel. i once had to give away my persian kittens and it was so sad seeing them leave even though I knew they were going to good homes.

Choco, BnB is my little secret too!! lol!! no one knows that I come here as often as I do although I'm starting to suspect that DH opens the links as I usually switch to another site whenever he walks by, LOL!

Ashley, here's sending you rays of sunshine, hope you'll chin up soon :) and congratulations on already losing 7lbs!!!

Rhonda, hope everything turns out ok and it's the cup that's contaminated.

Jenna, oh dear, i'm sorry you're having such awful MS. here's my confession... i'm terrified of throwing up. yes. it's weird, but honest to god I am so scared of puking. Whenever I feel like throwing up, or when i actually do, i'll start to cry. It's stupid but i can't help it! so i can imagine a tearful pregnancy if i get MS!

Gabby, glad to hear your little one is doing better!! and your dh is SO sweet!
ok i'm driving myself crazy. it's 2.30pm on a Friday (CD28 17 DPO), no signs of :witch: still, thank God!

I'm driving myself crazy too so i'm going to drop by a pharmacy on the way home and grab a few sticks :rofl: and test the moment i get home. This means i'm gonna have to hold my pee for as long as possible since i'm testing in the evening! Hopefully i'll manage that since the office is super cold and i make frequent trips to the loo!

I'll update you ladies as soon as I test k :happydance: i don't think i experienced much symptoms this round, probably since I wasn't looking, but if it counts i'm peeing A LOT, i have 3 MAJOR zits on my face and i'm being extremely gassy. Sorry tmi, heheheheh

Ok, will report next after I test!
Ms Twiggy??? Are you home yet? Have you tested? FX

Just getting a quick morning fix of B&B before work...never mind that I'm running late...finally got out of bed when the cats smashed a vase on the windowsill (it's ugly, so nevermind)

Sara - sorry about the puppies!

Rhonda - hope it's a cup-related issue!!

have a great day girls x

no no! still at work! didnt manage to hold in my pee :dohh:
so now i have to start again. have to keep telling myself, no fluids and keep pee in!!

4 hours to testing! (or if i can't keep it in that long, 3 hours!!) :rofl:
Jenna, oh dear, i'm sorry you're having such awful MS. here's my confession... i'm terrified of throwing up. yes. it's weird, but honest to god I am so scared of puking. Whenever I feel like throwing up, or when i actually do, i'll start to cry. It's stupid but i can't help it! so i can imagine a tearful pregnancy if i get MS!

well you see this is my EXACT problem I have always been like this so a i ball my eyes out when I am sick and when I think I am gonna be I start crying at the thought of it which prob in the end makes me sick cos i get so upset - glad I am not alone in this one. xxx

Good luck testing I am so excited!!:happydance:
well ladies, I managed to hold in my pee for the past four hours. :rofl:

and here's the wonderful outcome :D

:bfp: :bfp: :bfp: :bfp: :bfp: :bfp: :bfp:

clear as the bright blue sky, my beautiful two blue lines!! wheeeee!!!

thank you God!!

and you know what? You girls are the first to know!! Nobody else knows except me and the pee stick!! :rofl: Even DH doesn't know yet, as he's still at work, so i'm going to wake up in the morning and pretend that i'm testing for the first time, just to see his reaction :happydance:


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OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG :yipee: Yay Liyanna!!!!!! Oh BIG HUGE Congratulations to you hun. Oh my gosh this is just wonderful news! WOW! What a nice way to put a smile on my face first this this morning (as its only 8:24am here) I am so very happy for you sweetie!!!! :dance::headspin:

your :baby: is just starting to cook! The oven's been preheated and the bun is

YAY!!! Let us know how you tell DH ok? :hugs:
thank you Rhonda!! :hugs: i definitely will update on the DH's reaction *grin*

Just one silly newbie question though... i can still :sex: tonite .. err.. right?
:rofl: of course you can Liyanna, all you want to and more!!

So I never got a call back from my doctor, I assume that means the 1st cup was contaminated, so yay!! I checked my pulse last night before bed and it was 108 bpm which apparently is bad. Doc said anything over 100 wasn't good and to call her in the morning. However I am going to wait another night as I got really upset and worked up before I went to bed last night, DH and I had a fight and I was in tears, I wondered if that would cause my pulse/heart rate to race?? So I am going to retake it tonight and see what's up. I checked it this morning and I was fine at 78bpm. So we will see!
ok yaayy, lol!

oh dear oh dear, do take care R, and remind DH that you're carrying a human being in the making!! stress is not good for you!! :hug:
not to worry it wasn't a very big fight and I got my kitchen cleaned out of it! :happydance: We made up shortly after and he stopped and bought the :baby: a bagel with cream chesse this morning too!!
oh my god :yipee: aaaaaaaahh oh my god oh my god :dance: I am so frigging excited and sooooooooooooooooooooooooo happy for you :wohoo: u got it :bfp: oh i have the stoooopidist grin on my face I JUST KNEW IT!!! :wohoo: this is amaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazing!!!!!!!!
Liyanna! WOW!! Congratulations!!!

So, so pleased for you! And thanks so much for sharing with us - I won't say a word! Really, you're gonna be able to wait till morning! no way!

PS it's a very pretty stick, you should be proud of your pee holding abilities
PPS I want one!
mstwiggy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so excited for you!!!!!!!! how many months were you ttc? i always want to know an average to go on for me! wow so exciting!!!!!!!!
OMG WOW!!! What fantastic news to wake up to! Lyiana I'm soooooooooo HAPPY for you! I really knew that it was your turn to get a :bfp:!!! How exciting its happening each time with someone new! Just think we will all be preggos soon enough!!:happydance:

What did you do differently this cycle? I can't wait to hear DH reaction! omg YAY!!! :hug::hugs:

Rhonda~ Sorry you and DH had a fight. And about the pulse being above 100 last night...i can tell you that stress and arguments will rise your heartrate and blood pressure fast! :) If it was 78 this am that is great! Also didnt your doctor mention that when your pregnant your heartrate is higher then usual?
My heart rate is always above 100 and when im pg it runs around 125! I hate it but yeah i totally know how you feel with the palpitations you have at night.

I dont imagine she will do much with your heat rate only being a few beats over 100. If the ekg is normal sinus rhythm then everything should be great!~ :) Try not to worry about it too ok!:hug:

Well I called my doc yesterday to make sure the u/s was ok.....and the nurse called back and said the Doc said the heart rate is kinda low but everythng looks good. SO they want to recheck the heart rate next week! SOooo that makes me alil worried....but i'm sure everything is fine! R...when did you have your first scan? Do you memeber the heart rate?
I know i had a scan at 7wks with Gavin and his was 151.
Gabby, is your heart rate higher all the time or just at night? Mine is just at night right before bed, and when I lay down to go to sleep it feels like my heart is going to pound right out of my chest, its a little scary. I will check it again tonight and see where its at. My first scan with this one was at 8w5d and "her" heart rate was 169bpm, my first scan with Brayden was right around 7 weeks and he was 155. I'm sure you have nothing to worry about hun, I bet it was only low as it just started beating days before you got your scan.

Some bad news ladies, I just got out of my meeting, work is shutting us down on Fridays starting next week and we can only work m-th 32hour weeks :hissy: I'm not at all impressed but I guess its better than loosing my job right? They said it was temporary and as soon as business picks up again we can go back to 40 hrs.
phew!! That is a much better idea though me thinks and it gives u an extra day of rest!!! but yes it is pooh financially but jst think what it would have done if u lost ur job - its a great piece of news i was so worried for you xxxxxx

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