Team Jelly Belly!!!

Sarah! TEST!!!
(sorry, getting really forgetful about what I just read and wanted to say!!)

hmmm, wine and My Name is Earl, it's a good saturday night (although OH wants me to get off the comp!)
Ok, I've gotten caught up as much as I think I can without reading the entire 97

Here's my (long) story:
(Geez, where do I start??) Ok, well Hub and I have been married 8 years and I was on the BCP for the first 2.5 years. We decided to just play it by ear and see what happened as far as TTC. I have always wanted children, so I was ready to start a long time ago! Anyway, I knew I had problems, since I was about 15 or so I had major pain and vomiting during my AF, but I didn't talk to anyone besides my immediate family. I didn't know what 'normal' was so it went on for ages. I knew something was majorly wrong though.

At about 21 I decided that I would start eating healthier and so forth because I had done some research about endo and was almost positive I had it. So I cut out the caffeine, red meat and dairy for the most part. That did help...but nothing ever really got better. After 2 years of no contraception, I figured it just wasn't in the cards for me to be a mom and I just focused on other things...but always maintaining the contraception-free routine.

So on to 2007. I decided that it was just too much for me to handle on my own (and the pain was worsening greatly) and sought the advice and direction from my Gyn. I got an ultrasound and to my devistation was told that I had two sizeable cysts on my ovaries...but that wasn't the end...I had a 'growth' in my uterus. Mind grandmother died of uterine cancer...I was inconsolable. With the suspicion of endo, the cysts and the polyp, I was advised to get a diagnostic laporascopic surgery along with a hysteroscopy to remove the polyp. I submitted in Feb. 08 (just about 1 month after the initial news of cysts, and growth) and had (in my opinion) THE WORST surgery/procedure ever. Diagnosed with stage 3 or Severe endometriosis I took my week off to heal......what next???

I healed, I tried to relax...I had a PLAN! I was going to FIX this! I learned everything I could about endo, and natural remedies, I changed my diet drastically, I saw a homeopathic dr. (and here in the states, they are NOT cheap or easy to come by!) and attacked it full force.
And this brings me to now. Only recently have I begun to solidly TTC, temping, charting and such. I am positive that I am on the road of recovery and on a path that will lead to my :bfp: soon! I am on a specific regimine (sp?) for TTC and I am thrilled to announce (again) that I just had another ultrasound Wednesday to check out my ovaries and ALL IS WELL! In fact, I have a 'functional' (ovulation) cyst on my right ovary and I am now approx 5dpo!
We've never ventured into checking DH in a SA, but I plan to if this goes on for too long.

I am sooo sorry to those of you who had to painfully read this post, I hope you don't mind too much and I promise to be conscise henceforth!! :) \\:D/

Thank you all for letting me join your thread and best wishes to all of you and to those of you with your little bumps!!
:hug: :!:
Now, I've got to get you really up to date...
(I promise, I will not do this excessive posting once I get this all out) :)

Last month was our first cycle using PreSeed, I loved it. I was 5 days late for AF too...I had many symptoms and I am about 70% sure it was a chemical because AF was not kind to me (but had been since my new 'regimine'). I won't ever know for sure but all of the unusual symptoms and unusually late AF lead me to believe SOMETHING happened.

That only gives me hope! I CAN get preg!!! I just need a super sticky!!!

I used PreSeed this cycle from cd10-cd19 and .......we BD everyday...:blush: that's pretty typical :) I am hopeful because I am very sure the PreSeed helps.

Hope you all are enjoying your weekend and huge :hug: to all!!
I had chemicals the two cycles hubby and I used Preseed too! So I think it does work and always good to have confirmation that you can get preg!! Just waiting for my super sticky with you Meli Tia :hugs:
Yes! I know V! I have been keeping up with you hun. I am so hopeful for you, you sure deserve your super sticky~
As do you! Let's hope this cycle is our cycle! Good luck hun!!
WOW MT, that's A LOT that you've been through :hugs: whell Team Jelly Belly is the best group EVER!! You'll love it here and we'll all be praying that you get your :bfp: soon too :D

Choco, uuuu, u lived in Singapore? The FINE city.. hehehhe.. I've been there twice, once for Christina Aguilera's concert and just recently, to visit the Night Safari. Did you ever drop by Malaysia? (that's where i am :D) and OMG maternity leave for 6 months is awesome!!! We only get 2 months here. and the fathers only get 7 days paternity leave.

Sarah, hope all goes well and either way, you know we're here to sheer you on! :hugs: btw, how cool is it that you have super clear skin during pregnancy, i'm starting to look like a teen battling homone-crazy pimples.

Jenna, I went for my checkup at a ladies' clinic, so they have gyneas and all facilities with regards to women's health there :) hence, did not need to go to a hospital. Sorry to hear DF is being an absolute pain. Hope he comes around to his senses soon. You know what, maybe he's experiencing your mood swings instead of you? I've heard that there are occurrences where it's the husband/partner who suffers from mood swings/morning sickness etc instead of us women.

Ashley, enjoy your rainy and snuggly weekend :D don't give up yet on the journey to your :bfp:!!

Sara, wow! you got a positive after 4 months of dating lucky lucky you!! :happydance:

Rhonda, how are you hun? can't wait for your next scan!!!

Gabby, I'm sure everything's ok, you're the best mom+nurse+pregnancy expert all in one in my books!! :hug:

As for me, I'm still a little shocked by the whole "i am now pregnant" status :blush:, and still figuring out how to go about my diet (what i should eat, what i shouldn't be eating) so, good luck to me, LOL!
Thank you msTwiggy! Hopefully the pregnancy diet will ease its way into your routine~ I will say that if you like avacados, eat up!! :rofl: They are great for preggy ladies! :hugs:
Hi MT, thanks for filling us in, I really like posts like yours, it feels like we've got to know you a bit! Sorry you've been through so much, it sounds like a painful ride, but I think you've got a great attitude now and that is going to really help I'm sure (Plus you BD every day - which I'm very impressed by! - me OH work different shift patterns, plus I'm lazy, so that doesnt' happen much round here! - only managed it one month!)

Hey Liyanna - where are you in malaysia - KL? I LOVED Singapore, we had a great time, but my family is here in sheffield, plus the maternity leave there was rubbish!! But i do miss it a lot. the night safari and the zoo are amazing. I love the bird park too - you can feed the lorikeets, which are soo cute.
I used to go shopping in JB all the time (I like the cheap shops, not the classy ones!). We went to the perhentians islands one weekend and Tioman. And I've been to penang and the cameron highlands, I love Malaysia. Never made it to KL though!!!

Relax, enjoy your pregnancy, I'm sure what you're eating is fine, just avoid coffee, alcohol, raw meat (like spanish ham) and eat lots of that lovely tropical fruit. Hmmm pineapple!

Right off to do last night's dishes (I'm so slummy) and put up some shelves...
Hi MT it is very nice to hear your story. I admire you for having such a good attitude and taking your life into your own hands instead of just believing everything the drs tell you. I am a firm believer that drs do not always have all the answers. I wish you the best of luck this cycle and hope you get that sticky bean real quick.

Liyanna- Yeah we lucked out the first time around, now if only this time was that easy. To be honest that is why I did not get off the pill earlier, I really thought it would just happen (I know I know I was in denial). Everything happens for a reason though right? So whatever the reason I will try not to be too disappointed at my body ( I only agree to try though, I make no guarantees :rofl: ).

Choco- I am glad you felt comfortable with me to come and check out the team. There is a lot of support here and a lot of good gals.

V- you know I love you so I will be rooting for you to get the sticky bean this cycle :hugs:

As for me I am surprisingly in a good mood even though I am sad because I am down to only my puppy and I am nervous that my other puppies are not going to be treated the way I would have treated them (I.E.- sleeping in my bed and just plain spoiled). Sebastian woke up in a great mood, had a movie night with hubby, still waiting for something to happen. Was not able to get a different test yesterday and will not be able to get one today, probably not until Friday so whatever happens happens
I am glad everyone is in a good mood! I am doing a little better today, even though i have not had a day off in 8 days and i am so tired. I am not off again until Friday and then I have to start doing things for my friends baby shower Sunday. She is having a girl and her nursery is absolutely adorable. I love it. Its not your traditional pink, its more purple green and white. I like it a lot. I am a little more excited for her now, i got over being jealous for the moment. I know I am ov now i have gotten two pos in a row and these are diff opks than the last months and I have not been using fmu so i know they are working right. We have been using preseed so i hope this is our month. however i am not convinced my lp is long enough so i will be starting my progesterone tomorrow. I hope this all helps us to finally get our little bean.
Hey girls how all is well! Sorry i just had to come rant.....:(

So as you know...everyday this week i have been totally sick, puking and all! Well i woke up today and felt fine!!!!!! It was soooo anyways i ate alil bit and still felt ok. i feel okay now not great but not bad at all. It has gotten me all do i not feel good after being so sick?? So i took an hpt and of course its positve but its fainter then my ones i took two weeks ago! I am sooo scared and only b/c the heart beat was low and the doctor said we have to recheck it......i feel like i am losing or lost my lil bean. i have no cramping or spotting so thats a good sign! I am sory to go on and on but i just feel like you girls actually listen to me....everytime i post in frist tri ppl read and dont respone or response and say i'm over reacting! Its just annoying...i'm always helping out ppl and when i need advice i dont get it. :( Am i not allowed to worry.....CRY
Rhonda...did you have good days when you were sick....i cant remember if this is normal....
Oh Gabby, I'm praying everything is fine. I don't think you're overreacting - you're naturally worried for your little bean. Praying for you. When do you re-scan?
Oh Gab, I am so sorry you are worried...I have heard quite a few of my preggy friends say that they had 'good days' and 'bad days' for feeling sick. One way I look at it is: Maybe one day you're really sick because you're forming a liver, and the next day it's not such hard work so you don't feel as bad. :)
Well ...that's just one way to look at it. Hopefully it made you grin at least :) :hugs:
gabs babe I think MT is rihght and no matter how welcoming everyone is in 1st tri its not this trusty thread and most girls here have been preg before. i dont think ur over reacting at all and jst for the record I have been fine all of yday and a bit on and off today so it does come in cycles try not to worry cos that will only make it worse, and sometimes ur hcg is not as concentrated in ur urine as it was in the beg due to lots of reasons, women r jst different and different with EVERY preg.

Liyana - where in Malaysia do u live? My DF lived in Malaysia most of his life etc and has only lived here a few yrs maybe u know each other he lived in KL and Penang, i know its a small shot but u never know the world is pretty small how long have u lived there - I would love to live there for a while I know we will one day or at least visit so if i do we must hook up :D

wow I am gonna meet Rhonda and Liyana :D woohoo where does everyone live I dont actually know :D I never look at ppls locations.......does anyone else live in england except caroline? Where in England do u live choc??

TM lovely to fins out more on u and really understand ur story, i am sooo sorry u have been on such a hard trying path to get to TTC but i agree u have a fab attitude and a great mind set so go for it!!! I too had a chemical the first time we used preseed.....maybe its a miracle worker or maybe it says somethihng that we have all hhad chemicals?? but i heard more pos things than neg so its prob the miracle worker!!

Well the last couple of days have been lovely spending time with my family and everything within me about being preg is easing and I feel happier in that respect, but DF is still being soooo mean to me, I am very frightened its over :cry: we are just not in a happy place anymore and i dread coming home, i stayed out all night last night and didnt call him or anything and he text me at 3pm today asking if i was coming back today!! wtf?? he didnt know i was staying out, didnt even know wehere i was and i didnt storm out in an argument or anything as i was already out during the day etc etc........!?!?! I hope he changes and starts to appreciate me and even help me more......he has become slef involved and doesnt do anything he did a few months ago we jst had a proper physical fight too :cry: and I just want to leave but i have nowhere to go..........Its suppose to be our anniversary tomo aswell :cry:

But I have my scan on Tuesday and I am going ahead with this preg with or without his support........i just hope i can do it alone!!!
Oh my Jai Jai...I am so sorry he's putting you through this! I can't believe you had a physical fight??? Hun, please don't stay if you or your bean is in danger, that is not safe! I am thinking of you...I'm so sorry you have to deal with this... :hugs:
Physical fight? I'm with Meli Tia. Get out of there if you or your bean are in danger! So so sorry though :(
Thanks girls for all your support! I know everything is probly fine! just have to wait till tuesday!:)

Jai Jai.....HONEY! OMG>...never ever physical fighting!!! ITs not accepted!!! :( We did that awhile back a few times..and its no good! we went to counseling for it and now we are better! please honey leave if you have too...i am soo worried about you adn your lil bean! he needs to start growing up and realize that its not about him and its about you and your family you two have!!!! I am so sorry....if i lived close i would come pick you up and bring you to myhouse! do you have a friends or parents to stay at!! Please be careful and call the police if you have too! Have you two talked about counceling?
I just wanted to thank you ladies for such a warm welcome! I appreciate the lovely comments and I will say that the best we can all do is stay positive for ourselves right? I have been through a lot, but I know there are women out there who have it worse, and I am thankful that I at least have answers and can work toward getting what I'm after, a :bpf:!

On a somewhat related note-Gab, I know how you must feel, well I think I know...I am sticking to the TTC section for a similar reason you are sort of avoiding 1st tri...that didn't make sense...let me explain. I somewhat decided to go to LTTTC when I first joined BnB, because of the Endo and long time TTC, but I have to admit to you ladies...some of those ladies are sooo bitter and sooo upset that some of them aren't at all appealing to me. I do not think that being that way is the best attitude if you're going to get your :bfp:. I understand their struggles, oh yes...but I can't relate to their bitterness. So Gabs...I wouldn't fault you with staying in TTC as well! Once we've got our support groups, why venture elsewhere? :hug:
I am so sorry if this comes across as completely insensitive, but if you've been over there, I think you may see what I mean.

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