Team Jelly Belly!!!

Well, maybe the pain will be some good luck then! At least I know we bded exactly around ov, although the opks confirmed this and my temp rise, but at least thats one more reassuring thing. I just wanted to make sure nothing was wrong with my parts lol!
Well I have to get all caught up now...I've had such a busy day and I'm not done yet!

Hope everyone is feeling ok (I need to read what's going on)...hope to get back on here in the morning!
oh my goodness gracious me! So much has happened and I've only lapsed one day!

Jenna, hope everything will work out in the end, take good good care of yourself ok hun? i think all the other girls have said all that i want to say :hugs: oh, and i live in KL, so if you ever visit, we MUST meet up!

Sara, i remembered you telling us a little bit about your history quite some time ago, it still awes me that you've managed to rise up from all of that. you're such a strong spirit luv, and i know for sure the the Big Guy Up There will definitely have no qualms about giving a :bfp: to such an angelic mom soon :hugs:

Ashley, i experienced the same thing as well! Just like Jenna and Rhonda so I believe it's quite a common thing, nothing to worry about :D

Gabby, hope your scan goes well, you simply must share it with us! :D

MT, thanks for that advice on avocadoes!! will stock up on that! :D

Choco, i'm in KL!! awww, it's too bad you've never made it to KL, but it's ok maybe next time? :D it's pretty much a hustle bustle city but lovely all the same. and tioman and perhentian are such lovely islands arent they?

oh, and a tip out to everyone, my gynea says pineapple should be a big no no. it actually makes sense, the locals here eat tons of pineapple whenever we want to induce AF. so it should be bad if you're expecting, especially in the first tri.

V, yeah, stay in TTC! I haven't budged from Team Jelly Belly, lol! The only thing i did in the First Tri group was post my bfp and that's it. I'm back here. People there seem quite.. cold.

Rhonda, i miss your belly pics!! are we due for an update yet? :happydance:

Sarah, how's everything going hun? All right on your side?

On another note, i have some questions myself. I drink tons of water yet my lips keep on being so dry, they're almost cracking, is this normal? And drinking so much only makes me pee every half an hour which kind of sucks because the washroom is quite a walk from my cubicle. Apart from the dry lips and lots of peeing (and my bbs being slightly sore) that's about all of the pregnancy symptoms i'm having. I dont quite feel pregnant... err.. that's ok right..?
Hello ladies, its late i know and I am tired, but I have to rant somewhere so here it is. I just got off the phone for the girl I am doing the baby shower for this weekend. She is pg, her sis is pg, and her sis in law is pg. They will all be at the shower. :( My sis in law is coming too because she is nosey and wants to, but she is bringing my nephew to show him off as well. This is all so much to deal with while ttc, and then she drops another bomb on me. There is a girl who is a lot younger than me, who just got out of jail for drug abuse, she just found out she is pg. She is 8 wks, and has no clue who the dad is. This is so not right. Its very upsetting and I am starting to question everything i have ever believed in. I have done my share of bad things, but i dont believe i should be punished by not having a family.

On a different note, does anyone know what i should do about my teeth? I need to have some cavities filled and I have an anxiety problem when it comes to this. I have only ever had one done but it was horrible. I have 3 now that need filled one on one side and two on the other. There is a dr here that will put me to sleep to do all three fillings. I have heard it is not advised to do this when pg. Since i am in the tww, i dont have a clue if it happened this time or not. Should I wait till af is due, or schedule it the week she is due at the chance she will arrive? Or should I do it now, not knowing. I can wait, I am not in pain, I just want it done before it gets painful. But what if AF doesnt come, then do i have to wait the nine months to get this done with the general anesthesia?
Ashley I would wait until AF just to ease your mind because if you get the dental work done and then find out you are PG it will worry you for no reason. I do not think it would hurt the bean but just to be on the safe side get the work done if you do not get a BFP.
On another note I am so sorry you have to deal with the pain and questioning of what is going on. It really hurts to know there are people who just bang get pregnant and don't know who the dad is or don't even want to be pregnant. My view on this subject is that it takes us so long and is such a hard journey for us to get to be pregnant that maybe we will be better parents and appreciate our LO even in the tough times because we know how much we really wanted them.

Liyanna-thank you for your kind words, I am only able to make it through life with my faith that everything happens for a reason and that no matter how bad I have or have had it there are other people out there who have it worse than me. The path I took in life brought me to where I am now and my husband and son are worth all the pain I ever went through. And while I hate to say that I would do it all again (loosing the babies and such) it is hard to imagine where I would be today if I had not lost them, I hope that makes sense and does not sound too harsh.

MT- Wow our thread has grown so much. Good job Team Jelly Bellys. BTW there is a post somewhere that has our team logo somewhere that you can put in your signiture. I believe Jai Jai put it up. Really glad our team is growing with new people.
When DH and i bd around the time of ov, it hurts. Like it feels like it is hitting something... does this happen to anyone else, or is it just me and maybe something is wrong? I am scared something is wrong and my body doesnt do what it is supposed to do. Its like almost unbarable.

I have had that sometimes, but I can't remember if it was around the time of Ov... ?? Sorry I know, not very helpful.

Yes, I would like to get a Team Jelly Belly logo.

I am not able to focus on here to really get to match everyone up with their name, I will need to work on that. How many of us are still TTC and how many of us have beans? I think I've got it, I just want to list it to get it.

So much we all have to deal with...I am only encouraged by everyone's strength and perseverance~ Huge :hug: to each of you.

And yes, any excuse to eat Avacados for me is a great one! I LOOOOVVE them! \\:D/
Hello ladies, its late i know and I am tired, but I have to rant somewhere so here it is. I just got off the phone for the girl I am doing the baby shower for this weekend. She is pg, her sis is pg, and her sis in law is pg. They will all be at the shower. :( My sis in law is coming too because she is nosey and wants to, but she is bringing my nephew to show him off as well. This is all so much to deal with while ttc, and then she drops another bomb on me. There is a girl who is a lot younger than me, who just got out of jail for drug abuse, she just found out she is pg. She is 8 wks, and has no clue who the dad is. This is so not right. Its very upsetting and I am starting to question everything i have ever believed in. I have done my share of bad things, but i dont believe i should be punished by not having a family.

On a different note, does anyone know what i should do about my teeth? I need to have some cavities filled and I have an anxiety problem when it comes to this. I have only ever had one done but it was horrible. I have 3 now that need filled one on one side and two on the other. There is a dr here that will put me to sleep to do all three fillings. I have heard it is not advised to do this when pg. Since i am in the tww, i dont have a clue if it happened this time or not. Should I wait till af is due, or schedule it the week she is due at the chance she will arrive? Or should I do it now, not knowing. I can wait, I am not in pain, I just want it done before it gets painful. But what if AF doesnt come, then do i have to wait the nine months to get this done with the general anesthesia?

You're not being punished sweetheart, please don't think that. It will happen, and I think very soon. You deserve it and when it happens this TTC crap will be history (at least for a period of oh, probably when your child is 6 months old or so hehe).

And the teeth thing, well I can totally understand. My only advice is that if at all possible get a script for some anxiety meds (I did this pre surgery, they wrote a script for 10 anxiety pills)...I'm not a 'drug' taker, but I can definately relate to this kind of anxiety. So pop a pill and put on your mp3 player and pray. That's what I do. :)

Nite nite ladies! :hug:
1stbaby, I really feel for you hun. Please, don't think you're being punished, you're not. I know what it feels like, month after month to go through this. I do have a theory - I'm sure those girls who accidentally got pregnant did not have unprotected sex just once! I'm sure if they actually recorded it, their wait would be just as long as ours. We are just so much more aware. I know this doesn't take away the injustice and pain we feel, but please don't feel you're being punished or are in any way abnormal. :hugs:

As for the dentist, I second SRM - wait for AF hun, Not worth the guilt you'll feel if you do find out you're preg.

msTwiggy, I wonder why pineapples are bad. Hmm, had loads of them last month before I had my chemical :(
V, i'm not sure of the scientifical reasons, but it's quite a known fact for the local women (well, here in Malaysia at least) that you should stay away from these foods while ttc and pregnancy :-

1. Pineapple
2. Fermented food items
3. Pennywort / gotu kola (a type of leaf/herb, it's supposed to help with arthiritis)
4. coconut
5. sugar cane

err... so far that's what i can recall. other than that, everything is not a problem, heheheh

so i suppose try to give pineapples a pass if you can? not to say that it's actually proven, but i guess it wouldn't hur to reach out for a different fruit :D
Wow - it's been a busy night - but I suppose we're spread out all over the globe! There's always a team jelly belly awake somewhere!
I'm not sure about the dentist stuff, it does make sense to wait till AF then make a decision. In the UK dental treatment is free if you're pregnant, so I guess they probably fill a lot of cavities during pregnancy here so they'd be lots of data on if it can affect the baby - but I doubt it. I suppose a general anathestic is different though. I wonder if you can try beta blockers - they really help in stressful situations I think.

That's so funny about pineapples. They're odd fruit, they're full of strong enzymes that partially digest the lining to your mouth, so you should always have a drink when you eat them or your mouth gets sore. My friend's craving during pregnancy was pineapples she had about 1 a day - seriously - but I'm not sure how early she started craving them!

1st baby - you're are not being punished, it doesn't work like that, I promise. Bad things happen to good people. Good things happen to bad people. If you believe in a God maybe you can think it's up to him somewhat and everything happens for a reason (perhaps this girl's life will be turned around by her baby?) Or you can believe in biology and things happen when a sperm and egg meet in just the right way and there's a lot of things in the way, so sometimes it takes a long, long time.

I'm a mixture of the two, it depends on how I'm feeling on a particular day. But biology is the be all and end all, and despite how frustrating a lot of us find doctors, the things they can now do to help make it happen are amazing. Simple things like provera, clomid even preseed - I wonder how many little poeple are here because of these non invasive interventions? Believe in fate and biology and hopefully it'll happen for all of us (SOON please!!)

Rant over - sorry, I got sidetracked a bit!! Appologies!

Right, late for work again (never mind, my boss/non boss is still in Singapore) must go dry my hair. (up late BDing - loved the preseed!) Just waiting for a postive OPK in the next few days.

Caroline (I thought I'd sign off so MT can learn names easier) xxx
Hey Ladies thanks for ur support and Ashley jst wait for :af: as then u can feel relaxed about the procedure - can u book it in and then cancel it or would there be a fee??

1cre8vegrl - Rhonda - PREG 2ND TRI
Jai_Jai - Jenna - PREG 1ST TRI
Debshopeful - Debs ON BREAK THIS MONTH (bcp to shrink follicle)
Gabrielle - Gabs/Gabby/Gabrielle :D - PREG 1ST TRI
SRM - Sara - WAITING FOR :witch: after long cycle
Hattersarah - Sarah - LATE FOR :af: but WTTC
1stbaby - Ashley - ALMOST THERE :D
MsTwiggy - Liyana - PREG 1ST TRI
Mel82 - Mel - IN 2WW
Chocolatecat - Carloline - STARTED THE :sex:
Nyltin - Lea?!? - I am not sure where she has been
Meli Tia - MT - On her way after a difficult time

Hope you ladies are all having a better day today, I went to the hospital this morn for my scan and I saw my baby :dance: was the most amazing thing ever!!! Saw its little heart beating and everything but we didnt get a picture as they dont do it :cry: oh well I have it embedded in my memory xxxxxx

MT and Caroline here is the logo just paste it into your siggy but just put a [ at the beginning of the text and a ] at the end :D

Yeah I can make the appointment and then reschedule without a fee, which is what i am going to do. AF is due sometime the last week of Jan, I can even just make the appointment for the first of Feb before I ov that cycle. I dont know what i will do if I am pg though, but i am sure I wont be worried about it, as I will be too excited to care. This is the first cycle I have no doubt when I ov. FF and I are on the same page, my opks were normal and I am using progesterone. Maybe there is hope this month! DH and I didnt BD as much as we usual do, but hey one time works right. Thanks for all your support girls, I know I can be a little down. I do believe in God and there is a reason for everything in my eyes, so hopefully he has a little bean in production right now for me us all ttc, we just dont get to know when.
yes i had :sex: 3 days before ov and got preghnant so yes it happens xxxxxx we did it every day the cycle before at least once and not get preg xxx
Thank you so much for the list sweets!! I will study it an get the names down...\\:D/

Also, if you notice my sparkly new signature...yay!

Ashley-I was thinking in terms of not in the 2ww... :dohh: My advice was a little strange then...:rofl: That's what happens when I read through too quickly. Sorry about that!

Liyana-I bet you noticed my silly Avocado post threads never stick around long...:rofl:

Well Today I plugged in all of my temps and made a FF chart for the first time. It puts my crosshairs about 5 days ago, but I think I ov'd about 9 days ago because of the middleschmertz and everything...but I'll go with what FF says for now. I don't plan on keeping a FF chart though...I have my own.

If you want to see it and tell me what you think, here's the link:

Hope everyone has a great morning! :hug:
why am i the only one that cant get my logos to show up. I have the addresses so you can click on them, but they dont appear when i post!!! GRR!!! lol... ok so i went to the dentist for the free consultation and they confirmed the cavities, however they are not that bad so it can wait a while if need be. but i made the appoitment to have them filled when i know af will have been and almost left by then. i should be at the end of her if not gone for when i made the appointment. i hope i am pg and cant go though! its going to cost almost 500 bucks! grrr o well.

MT that is not the correct web address for FF. I did this in the beginning too lol! You have to go into your chart and then into home page set up and then where it says, "your charting home page web address" thats what you copy and paste on here. then we can see your chart! I am excited to see it~
oh :blush: sorry about that, I'll see what I can do.

I'm glad you can wait on the dentist thing, just be super good to your teeth from now until then (anti-cavity toothpaste so forth...I know you already know this...haha)
I have a couple cavities but I am just too lazy/busy (lazy when not busy :rofl: ) I haven't gotten a dentist yet since my insurance switched.

Ok, off to FF to get my real chart address. xx
TA DAAA! What are your thoughts?

Oh and in regards to your problem with your tickers and such...there is an html setting and one for message boards. *I think*
When you make your ticker and you go to post it on your siggy, make sure you select the link that is for message boards.
I will have to play with that later for my tickers. Right now i am off to work a bit. I am glad you got a FF chart! I think FF is correct, i can see the dip and then your temp has a thermal shift that shows ov. I often get middle whater pain lol a few days before i actually ov. But FF is not 100 %, this is the first month i have actually agreed with mine lol. I have my interview Friday for my new position, I am so nervous. I dont know what to think, if I get it, should I still ttc? If not then nothing would change, and i like that because i am afraid of change. We will just have to see if i get the job I guess. There arent any promises.
Hey girlies...home today with a sick little boy. I had a terrible day yesterday, very long story but had to leave work at 11 yesterday as I got a call from Brayden's daycare that he was running 102 fever. So I've been home with him since, his fever is much lower today, around 100.5 or so, so I'm hoping he's on the mend and it was just a 24 hour bug as I am panicing about missing all this time from work, esp now since I no longer can work on Fridays. And hubby and I are flying out to NYC on Sat, I hope neither of us will be sick and can still go or I'll be out a lot of money!! That and I worry about getting high fevers being prego. I was so stressed yesterday, had a horrible day and cried through most of it. I'm a little down in the dumps today, just can't seem to shake it! DH and I figured finances out and if I want to I'll be able to do the stay at home thing with the kiddos...such a big decision. I honestly am torn as I love working, wish I could do something part time but financially that makes less sense so I don't know, I have a lot of thinking to do!!

No new belly shots just a week and a half and I'll post a new one I promise! :)

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