Team Jelly Belly!!!

Yes, Jai Jai-do you have anybody that you can stay with? I agree about counseling too, have you talked about all of this with him?? What's his problem?
Oh man, I have to say I've decided to stay over here in TTC if and when I get preg too! Anyone remember TigerLady? The 1st Tri section wigged her out and that's why she's staying away. Can't blame her, that section is kind of doom and gloom - everything that can go wrong seems to have and someone has posted about it!
i agree about 1st tri everyone panics and turns it into mc ect and its depressing!!!

I have no friends to stay with and I really dont wanna go to my parents and worry them i am staying there tomo throught to wed anyway as got a lot of work to do and cant do it i will be fine!! Gabs i wish u were here!!! I havent spoke about counselling im not in the mood im exhausted from crying and jst hate him right now :sad2:
Oh dear, just keep yourself safe, please. And call the police if you need to - don't be afraid. You have to think about you and your little bean now.
i know and thanks for ur concern V.........ur like the bnb encyclopedia and agony aunt - total legend!! :dance:
Oh gosh I was gone a day and look at all I missed! Where do I start?

Jenna hun I am so sorry to hear things have gotten worse since I last spoke with you, please fly to America you are more than welcome to stay with me and my family and we can raise our little girls together! :) Like everyone else has been telling you please be VERY careful, I really wish you had somewhere to stay it makes me nervous to think your not safe in your own home hun, I will worry about you! Take care of the bean, you have all the support you need right here. I only wish we all lived close together!!! XOXO

So we have a newbie...hello MT, is it ok to call you that? What's you real name? We jellies know each other by name in here, if you want to share. Sorry to hear about your terrible trek in life so far. My mother had endo so I do know what your going through, or have been through already, unfortunately she ended up having a hystorectomy when I was only 7-8 years old, she was very sick though I do remember that! I hope your stay in ttc is short, we seem to average 2 preg Jelly Bellys a month so maybe you will be next! :hugs:

Gabby no more poas!! Its only going to make you go crazy if you analyze everything, its not healthy hun. Yes its normal to be very sick one day and then fine the next, there are varying waves of hormones, it fluctuates daily. Don't worry, I know that's easier said than done. When is your next scan, soon right? Can you call to get your HCG levels checked again? Maybe that would help put your mind at ease?? :hugs:
Yes, you can call me MT-that's what I am known as here on BnB by everyone. Yes! I would love to be the next :bfp:!! And yes, thankfully they've made so many medical advances in the years that things are much less invasive! :hug:
OK well I really need to say this and it might be hard for some to read so if you don't want to read then don't but this is for Jai Jai and I need to say it. Before I met my husband I was dating a guy that I had known for years, we were best friends and after a year together we got pregnant. We would fight because he was doing drugs or when he wasn't doing drugs he was not helping me with his two children from a previous marriage. On day he was mad at something and I was home with the kids and his little brother (who is not so little). Needless to say a physical fight happened and I kept yelling "I'm pregnant you can't do this. please stop" But he just got madder the louder I got and the girls were standing right there. I yelled for his little brother to get the girls out of the room and stay with them. Lastly he threw me into the couch and I landed sideways against it face and stomach first. I began bleeding from my mouth and he stopped but that day I lost my baby. I did not find out about it for a few weeks but the dates all added up and I had some weird pains in my sides but the drs told me it was just from adrenaline. Please please please if it ever gets physical run away as fast as you can. I love my son and if I had not lost the baby I would not have my son here now but I wish I had be able to protect my baby more than I did, I should have left a lot sooner. I do not know how bad it is but you know what is acceptable behavior and what is dangerous for you and your baby so please no matter how much you love him, protect the both of you. Sorry I went on and on but it is still a sore subject with me and if all that came out of it all is the ability to inspire someone else to do what needs to be done before it is too late then it is all worth it.
Thanks V, you never really get over it even if I am really happy with my life now.

Gabby- Sorry I did not get a chance to write to you when I wrote to Jai-Jai, my dang internet shut down. Ok well I really do not think that a line can tell you if you are having a mc because each test even in the same package can have different dye amounts. Your hcg numbers looked great and while I do understand your fear about the HB I hope the drs can get you in soon to put those fears to rest. When do you get to get your check up? Just try to relax (easier said than done I know) and enjoy your pregnancy.
So much going on with you brave girls! - big hugs to you all. Now I feel like a complete cow for worrying about money and maternity leave when you've all got so much going on.

Jenna - massive hugs, please take care, men are not that special, there are others out there who will NEVER hit you and will care and love you every day of your life. If you don't think this one can do that, then leave. Because if he can't love and respect you now at your most vulnerable time, he's not going to do it later and he's not going to do it when the baby arrives. How come you stayed out all night with out telling him - I know he has his problems, but surely that's goading him into an argument? I'm far away (Sheffield) but clearly closer then sara, rhonda and gabby, so let me know if you need help, ok!?

Sara - massive hugs to you. thank you for sharing with us, hopefully jenna will take what you've said on board. I'm sorry for your loss.

Gabby and Liyanna, I hope you're both feeling a bit more relaxed today, hope your beanies messing with your hormones isn't too bad.

Have a good monday girls,
Caroline xxx
Rhonda thanks babe I might consider that........!! would love it!!

Sara - my gosh hunny, I am sooo sorry that this has happened to you, and that you lost something so precious, I am sorry!!! Thank you though for sharing it with me and it will always stay with me, I dont think he would ever get that bad, I was with someone for 5 yrs and he suddenly turned, but he came from a violent family so as soon as he did hit me i left....I was only like 20 so I knew I wasnt going to live like that (he was also the one I lost the baby with......which believes me to think it was meant to be) DF is not bad by any means and I gave as good as I got....not that it makes it any better but wanted u to understand what i meant too. But if it gets worse I will leave. I am staying at my oarents tonight anyway.

Carloline - I didnt tell him about now comin home cos it was 1am we had been to a family party. He was drunk at our house with a friend and we dont get signal at our house so if i had of text him he would not of got it anyway - it was no way being bitter or trying to stir or cause an argument.
So much sadness around here...:(

Sara...thank you so much for sharing your story, i know that it can't be easy to share that. Big hugs to you. I am so sorry you had to go through that and lose your baby. So glad that you got out of there and overcame that. You have a beautiful son and i bet a great Dh as well! Your one amazing women and I inspire you.:)

Jai Jai~ Totally can fly and stay at our house too! Might be alil crazy in all.....with my three and your one!:) haha but it should would be fun! Glad you are staying at your parents tonight, i have to admit i was worried about you last night. Just want you to know that when you say you dont think he'd ever get that bad....your wrong hunnie. I know that he probly isnt too mean and you two both hit each other..but you dont understand men....they will turn and if they can hit you once, they can do it more and harder. So please becareful and if you two want this you have to make sure you guys get help. I volunteer in a pregnancy center and i see so many women in situations like you that just get worse if you dont get PLEASE no matter what look into something. Sorry to go on and on....i just care about you!!!!!:)

Thanks everyone for your advice!!!! I know that I worry alot sometimes, and i should just relax. Of course i woke up today feeling like crap and was like....THank god..hehe. I'm sure everything is fine and i agree it was dumb of me to take another test. lol :) I have my first ob appt tomorrow and then my scan tomorrow at 2pm! I am just praying beans heart beat is higher and then i will know everything is fine!

I have to say with feeling ok yesterday.....we got tons done! It was house is CLEAN! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lol I always love the feeling of a clean house! Speaking of that, i need to clean mine haha. So wow yeah there is a lot going on here lately. Jai Jai, I just wonder what could have made him start acting this way. Do you think he is freaked out about having a baby. Maybe counseling isnt such a bad idea. I think you obviously know when to get out if you have done this before, but you need to protect that bean and if that comes to having to call the police i trust you will do what is right. I am glad you are staying with your parents for now, hopefully that will give him time to think and reconsider what he has been doing. Thanks sara for sharing your story as well, we all need a dose of reality every now and then, and it just makes this thread that much closer and real. I admire you for being so brave. Thanks all of you so much for welcoming MT i knew you all would because we are all so caring here and wonderful women! Gabs let us know how your appointment goes, i am glad you dont feel good lol! :)

So I like the new opks I am using! they are not confusing this time! I know for a fact I ov, my temp is going up, and yesterdays would have been up too if i would have tested at the right time lol, but thats how my job is now, which means no more temping after this month. We have been using preseed and tonight i start the progesterone meds so i hope this all works! I only had two days of positive opks! Woo Hoo! I am now on 2 dpo! I only have 8 or 9 more days to go since my lp is only 10 or 11 days long, but i will wait the full 14 to test in case the progesterone makes my lp longer, since i have no clue how that works, just doing what i am told haha.
I have a personal question for you ladies. I was going to put it up in a new thread but i thought i would ask you all first since its personal. :)

When DH and i bd around the time of ov, it hurts. Like it feels like it is hitting something... does this happen to anyone else, or is it just me and maybe something is wrong? I am scared something is wrong and my body doesnt do what it is supposed to do. Its like almost unbarable.
Jai Jai, I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to imply you were winding him up on purpose, I guess I was thinking my OH would see it as me behaving badly if I stayed out with out telling him, if that makes sense! and I'd see it that way if he did it to me. got to dash. hugs!!!
I have a personal question for you ladies. I was going to put it up in a new thread but i thought i would ask you all first since its personal. :)

When DH and i bd around the time of ov, it hurts. Like it feels like it is hitting something... does this happen to anyone else, or is it just me and maybe something is wrong? I am scared something is wrong and my body doesnt do what it is supposed to do. Its like almost unbarable.

I did have this happen to me a few times, and have heard about it from other girls as well, I think maybe it happens if you have sex exactly when you are ovulating??? I don't know, Jenna has had this happen also, its nothing to worry about hun.
I have a personal question for you ladies. I was going to put it up in a new thread but i thought i would ask you all first since its personal. :)

When DH and i bd around the time of ov, it hurts. Like it feels like it is hitting something... does this happen to anyone else, or is it just me and maybe something is wrong? I am scared something is wrong and my body doesnt do what it is supposed to do. Its like almost unbarable.

I did have this happen to me a few times, and have heard about it from other girls as well, I think maybe it happens if you have sex exactly when you are ovulating??? I don't know, Jenna has had this happen also, its nothing to worry about hun.

yes Rhonda is right I did have this - the month I had a chemical and one other month.....It hurt sooo much I cried and yes I think it was ON the day FF confimred my OV

Ladies I want to thank you so much for your support guidance and kind words, you really do not know how much it means to me and yes i am full of hormones so even more emotional but yhou guys made me cry with relief and happiness to know i have you in my life!! I wish we all lived close to each other but just knowing we are so close yet so far away is also very comfoting.

I have my scan tomo too Gabs :dance: I hope this one is perfect for us :D Jos is coming with me...well he said he is gonna meet me at the clinic. Gabs I think well I know your right that we need some help and if things start to progress then we will cos we both need it.

Choc - awww dnt worry hunny i knew what u meant and knew that u werent being funny or anything and sorry if i sounded ubrupt in my response i never meant to - this is why i hate emails FB, texts and just plain writing you can never hear the tone of ones response :hissy:

Thank you all for your kind words. Jai Jai, only you know when enough is enough.
I really appreciate all of your kind words. It is something horrible that no one should ever have to go through but it happened and it made me who I am today so I can not be mad about anything. I am so excited to hear about both of your scans and I hope they are able to put your mind at ease Gabby. I feel weird saying this but I am glad you are feeling like crap Gabby :rofl: I am still here waiting not sure what is going on but for today I am ok with that.
Thanks for understanding what I meant - I don't like to go round upsetting pregnant ladies!
Good luck with the scans tomorrow! Can't wait to hear about it.

Sara - any more thoughts about doctors or taking agnus cactus or whatever that stuff is called? sorry you're still in limbo.

Started OPK-ing today. negative, but I might start with the BDing with preseed - purely for research purposes you understand! (assuming OH is up for it after working till 11pm...)

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