It is exciting as always in our close little thread.
Gabby I see you still haven't put your team sticker in your signature you naughty girl!!!!!
I have also been having cramp twing like feelings the last few days, perhaps our little eggies are just settling in and making them selves comfortable.
I remember I had loads of twinges last time around but my memory is a bit foggy as to when it was that I felt them, the tww or possibly in my 5th week, either way I think it is a good sign, and R's advice doesn't hurt, show your man some love!!!!!
Sarah & Sarah,
, I have no idea what book/movie you are talking about, but it is so lovely to hear a spot of something else that isn't baby related. Well done girls. My brain is so one track minded it is great to be reminded that there is a whole world of other things out there!!!
MsTwiggy, glad to see you made your way over here from our old thread that Jai-Jai started for us. Strange to think how we have been a little group since Sep
I have heard from Mel, and she is okay, she isn't going to be logging in to much at the moment since she is still waiting for AF to arrive so she can start a fresh, I hope it is soon if she doesn't get a bfp first!
R, how are you and the bean doing? Glad to hear you have your appointment all set up. So excited for you. Hopefully we will all be joining you in 1st tri in not too long
1stBaby, I have my fingers crossed that you get your long LP, perhaps so long that you end up with a bfp and have no idea how long it would have been!!!!
Nlytin, I see you have chimed in but you didn't tell us how you are doing?
Jai-Jai, I know you don't have internet access but I don't want you to feel left out.
I hope the move is going well and I read you went/going for an interview, when you get back with your bfp, please also tell us if you wanted/got the job
Me! Yes, I POAS this morning at 8DPO and I think one can pretty much say it was a bfn, but I could make out the slightest tiniest evap line if I looked at it directly under a light for long enough that I became cross-eyed...does that count?!!!
Oh well, I am still full of PMA and going to POAS tomorrow and everyday until Tuesday.