Team Jelly Belly!!!

I only use a thermometer with 3 numbers so maybe i will switch next month. I am pretty sure i ov too i just wish i knew exactly what day, but now we just have to see how long my lp is. My legs are feeling sore and some af like pains so i have a feeling my lp is not long enough.
hello ladies!

Gabby, let us know on your result ok?

Srm, hope you O soon :hugs:

1stbaby, i've been having c cm as well. guess we just have to wait and see if it is a symptom or not.

I tested with a hpt this morning, couldn't help myself, got a BFN which is no surprise really, ehehhehe.. today I am 11dpo.

According to FF, the :witch: is due to visit me on the 18th so I guess no more testing for me until then. I'm just going to wait this one out this time around.

Good luck to all of us!
Good Morning Ladies,

I just bought some ICs off of ebay. It's official I am going to become a POAS addict! I hope everyone is having a good day. Talk to you later.
Hey Everyone! hope you all doing well

Debs..hows it going, did you test today? Any new symptoms?

1st are you ? When are you going to test?

Nyltin...I see you got some tests..when will the POAS start? Any symptoms?

Jai jai..know your not on..i texted you lol...but hi and hope you get your BFP!

Ms. Twiggy~don't be down about the BFN...TOO early! Try to hold out till Monday!

Well for cd21 results are in today...idk when to call! i KNOW they are going to say i didnt O b/c i know i just did this week! Finally EWCM is gone! YAYY and negative opks! So hoping i got that eggy! I've had bad cramps pretty much all week, dont know what this is all about!

WEll Miss you all...take care girls..cant wait to see these BFPS!!!!HUGS
Ok first of all I am silently doing a celebratory dance because my temp went up this morning and I know it is still early but if my temp stays up tomorrow I will have Oed and be on my way into the TWW. So yeah, I am a little excited but trying to stay grounded since it could be a fluke temp. And I did not get any :sex: in yesterday because my husband was so tired he passed out on the couch. How good are my chances still if I :sex: the night before last and did not move around so the little guys had no where to go but up.
ok Enough about me,
Gabs- sounds like you might have caught that egg. Hope all your hard works results in a :bfp:.

Mrs twiggy- hope your wait is short and you just get this feeling to POAS and it is a :bfp:

Nlytin- so when do you start testing?

1stbaby- how are you doing? Temp still up? I really hope so.
well ladies, sadly my temp went down down down..... :( i am very sad about that, and i have been having cramps. so af is on her way. :( I called my dr because that means my lp really is only 7 days and i need to get on progestrone. as discussed with her a few days ago she wanted me to come in on cd 21 next month but i called today because to me that would be wasting another month i could have prevented the problem. I have not got af yet, in fact still c cm, but i just know she is on her way today or tomorrow and i would still have a short lp. the dr is going to see me today at 3, and i dont know what she will do but hopefully something.
aww 1st baby im sorry to hear that..but so glad you are getting in to see the doctors. i hope she helps you out! Dont get your hopes down...your not out yet! it could be an Implantion...with cramps and temp dip! Fingers crossed temps go up tomorrow! good luck at the dr!:)
1st baby I really hope the DR can help lengthen your LP without wasting too much more time. Hopefully they can give you clomid, I believe that can make you O earlier but ask if it can help your LP.
Gabs, I don't know if I'm going with these as symptoms but I have put them down on my chart. I'm gassy, bloated, skin breakout, increased appetite and by the time I get home can barely stay up til 7.

Srm, I probably won't get them until next week sometime so I'm not sure I will test then but you never know.

1stbaby, If you are normally 10DPO it might be an implantation dip. You know it's not over until the which arrives. Le't see what the doc says and tomorrow brings!

BTW, Gabs did you get the CD21 results yet?
Souns Promising Nlytin!!!! I call those symptoms!

Yes...i got my cd21 results...only obvioulsy didnt O on cd 13.....i really think this was it though..dark opks, ewcm, no ewcm, neg opks..and temps rising and ff detected o! least im not out!:)
Well at least all signs point to you having O'd on Wednesday.

I just noticed your son Owen is a exactly 1 week older than my daughter Zoe. It's craxy as much as I hated being pregnant most of the summer I'm trying to have it happen again.
Well at least all signs point to you having O'd on Wednesday.

I just noticed your son Owen is a exactly 1 week older than my daughter Zoe. It's craxy as much as I hated being pregnant most of the summer I'm trying to have it happen again.

aww thats cute! YEAH that summer was sooo HOT too! I dont want to be pregnant in summer either..but hey..beggers cant be choosers! Yes everything does point to wednesday..other than ff..they are saying cd 20(monday)..i disagree b/c of the super dark opks..and lots of ewcm after that date! WEll.....we arent far apart in the 2ww !:)
hi ladies. thanks for the optimism I love it! i have not seen a sign of af yet, just cramps and they come and go now. i dont know whats up, maybe she will arrive tomorrow. who knows. the dr gave me a rx for progestrone supositories to start next cycle after ov. that will lengthen my lp if it has not fixed itself this time. she said i should have nothing to worry about though and that since i was able to get pg the 1st time then there is no problem, i have a hard time believing that when my lp is only 7 days last month. this month is may be longer and it may keep fixing itself we will c. i will be thrilled if my temp goes up tomorrow, but i thought imlantation dip was only one dip then it rises right after, not a slow dip down a few days. i have a head ache right now from all the work i did today and i am so tired. i dont have as much c cm anymore though, just a little earlier, now its just kinda wet, i keep checking for af but just a little wet.

o and dr also said next cycle to come in for cd 21 blood work still if not pg this month, so maybe we will c whats up next month. i will also be on the supositories so maybe next month is my month.
1st Baby- if your temp goes up tomorrow that would be great. Check out FF pregnancy charts and you can see which charts had dips and how their dips work, just to get an idea. Hope your DR helps you figure it out without too much wait. Good luck. :witch: stay away.
thanks! i hope af stays away too! i keep having cramps though, so i dont know, and the c cm is kinda leaving so i think af will show tomorrow, for now i just have to wait!
Hi Everyone,

Gabby, well done for knowing your body so well and being on the ball enough to keep trying and now you know you are in with an excellent chance this month.

Nlytin, just took a look at your temps and they are looking excellent.

R, how you doing? Have you told any more family memembers?

1stBaby, I am sure the progesterone will help you. I am on it too. I would also perhaps ask your doc if she knows how to do a scan to see when you are going to ovulate.
Is this a doctor or a gynea that you are going to? If it is a proper gynea he/she will have to know how to see if you are ovulating by measure the size of the follicles your body has produced that cycle and telling you how many you have produced. This is normally where Clomid comes in, it increases the number of follicles produced so you are in with a better chance of conception.

Yesterday was our Christmas party and I was so emotional, I felt I could cry over just about anything and when I got home I did cry for about a half hour. I have also been suffering from the most incredible headaches and I don't normally get headaches.
Today is 11DPO and I POAS again, and it was a very faint :bfp:. I want to scream for joy, but I am going to call my FS today and find out if I can go for a blood test today or if it is too soon because perhaps a blood test will be too sensitive and pick up my HCG injection still. If I can't go for a blood test I will have to wait until tomorrow to test again to see the line on the stick get darker. How exciting. I am trying so hard to not get over excited just incase there was some mistake or what if something goes wrong but I can't help myself I just want have it confirmed and tell the world.

I hope we get our bfps wouldn't that just be majical, all of us with a healthy sticky bean :happydance:.

I will keep you posted on what the FS says.
FX for all of you and sorry for not listing everyone individually but you know I care about all of you :)

1st baby, not to worry luv, i'm sure your doc will do all she can to help you :D
Good luck and BOO to :witch:

Gabby, you're in the 2ww!! I'm gonna be here to support you as much as you've kept me sane hun! :hugs:

Nlytin, I have all those that you've put down as symptoms too!

Ladies, last few days for me before AF is due to arrive (18th), i'm going crazy thinking whether or not she will appear. I have promised myself not to test until the day she is due (if she doesn't appear). Here's hoping and praying like mad that we'll all get to see the double lines.

Good luck to us all!!!

A sad little update, I have done it again!

I Called FS to see if I could do a blood test or if there was a chance I might get a false + on a blood test still because of HCG injetion.
He said fine to do blood test.

DH and I went and had the test done, had a nice breakfast whilst we waited for the results and were very sad and shock to see that it was :bfn:
Very sad :cry:

Perhaps it was too soon but blood test do pick up HCG much sooner than a pregnancy test so I am not too hopeful. Don't know what I could do differently next time around. Plus I am on progesterone so the witch isn't going to show up until I stop taking the tablets. Guess I will do another blood test on Tuesday if still negative I will have to stop tablets and wait 3 or 4 days for AF to arrive. Sorry girls for the emotional rollercoaster.
Debs...hunni oh im so sorry...i read yoru first post..and then this and it made me feel i can imagine how you feel!:(...please dont get your hopes down...idk what the postive at home was...but i can tell you from my own experience that i kinda went throught the same thing.
So i was about 10 or 11 dpo and i went to the er b/c i was sick and passing out..they asked if i could be pregnant..i said well we are trying?! SO they decided to do a blood test and when they got it back it was NEGATIVE!...i cried for hours...figuring the blood test for sure would be positive. Hubby said dont worry hun...your pregnant...anyways, this was on a monday and then by friday i still was feeling sick so i took a hpt(frer) and i thought it was negative..threw it away and then picked it up one more time and hey there was a faint BFP!! the end i was indeed pregnant! Dont lose hope!

Also just wanted to let your know that you should find out if they did a quant or qual. B/c with a quant they measure the exact amount of hcg in your blood and this usually takes a day to get results back. And then a qualative just gives you a yes or no(like a urine.) the thing is with the doesnt detect more then 25 or 50 if you had 20 hcg in your system it would tell you no...get my drift?
And now adays alot of the hpt detect at 25 or under..which one did you use!
WEll hunni..sorry for so long but i just feel for you but I dont want you to lose hope! Please, you've told me before dont be stressed and you've done your best...its all in God's hands:) I will say a prayer for you!:)

Ms Twiggy~ thanks..for being here for me!:) So proud of you to hold out till af is due...very strong willed you are!:) Good luck..and bring on some symptoms!:)

Nlytin....i agree temps are looking good babe!:)

1st baby~get your butt on DYING to know what your temps did this am!:)

Well for me...nothing new here, temps still looking ok. My kids have been sick with the stomach flu..and i was suppose to work today, but hubby made me call in. LOL, kids are feeling much better but he hates when i work weekends! I am mad...i wanted to go b/c there is a new suicide patient that i would be taking care of and i find that very interesting! oh well .....what can i do? All i have to say is he better spend sometime with me today for me using up a sick day!:)

Have a grrreat weekend grils! your all almost done! JEALOUS
WOW..8smiley faces in my last post...haha im either very happy today...or just luv you all so much!:)

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