Team Jelly Belly!!!

Debs- first the movie is called Twilight, it is based on a book called Twilight and there were three books after twilight called New Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn. I loved the books so much I have now read them all 4 times waiting for the movie to come out. I know what you mean about 1 track mind. I get on here and forget about my homework (I know bad me, I do get it done though so I am not too bad). Glad your test was :bfn: at 8 DPO. That way when you test later and get your :bfp: you will know it is a true :bfp:

1st baby- I think you might have Oed on CD 16 and you just have slow rising temps. I think that if you do not get your :bfp: this month it would be good for you to get the CD21 test to determine when you O. I really hope you get a :bfp: though and you can deal with this stuff later. Remember that FF is not an absolute guarantee. Good luck.

Gabs-From your chart I really think your body geared up to O but didn't so i think you might be gearing up again. Just get in a lot of :sex: and cover it.

R- so excited to hear about your bean and the different things going on with you.

Jai-Jai- I know how you feel, I am moving also, starting today but I have homework so I have an excuse to be online. Hope your move goes good and you don't wear yourself out too much.

Me- I did not O aperantly so I changed my temps back to not being corrected. Ahhh I really thought I was or had already I am kind of sad because I covered a lot of bases. Now I just have to have have more :sex:
According to FF if my temp stays up tomorrow then they are saying that i ovulated on cd20..which was monday! I didnt BD that day!!!!! i bd on sunday night but got up right away..and we did last night! Im so nervous now because i didnt bd on the day ff things i o'd! Would i have that dark of an opk if i o'd on monday? i dont think so...what do you ladies think?
I think you could have Oed on Monday and the Darkness of the OPK could have been so dark cuz you were Oing, maybe your body got a really big LH surge. If you :sex: on Sunday night it is ok that you got up because I read that 30 seconds after ejaculation the :spermy: are already on there way up. Good luck and I hope your temp does not mess with you.
Really..but my opks were SO dark last night..and still are dark today..alittle lighter but its only 12pm....gosh i hope i o'd today! cause i will bd today did last night and will tomorrow!!! I had really bad cramps earlier and they are gone now..
Debs, I'm doing well. Just counting down the 2ww and catching up on what's going on. Nothing much to report since I am only 3DPO but I am still holding out that I still have a chance.

Gabs, don't stress. Just BD when you said and you will catch that eggy. You have me anxious to hear the results of your CD21 test because your temps are throwing me for a loop.

Srm, That girl Kristen in the movie Twilight seems like she might be ok. I have never read the book so I'm just going by previews. It's good to see her look more like a girl in every movie she does because the first movie I saw her in (Panic Room w/Jodie Foster) I thought she was a boy. I just couldn't tell.
Well girls i just had a ton of EWCm...still have postive opks and now cramps are gone. i think i o'd today! Im ok with that because i'll have a good chance of getting the eggy but......another 2ww~ ! i was almost done..and now i will be far behind you girls!!!!!!:(
Gabs, I hope you do O today cuz you got a lot of bases covered with :sex: I still have not Oed so am I the lone ranger waiting to get into the TWW?

1st baby, I forgot that was her in panic room she did look like a boy. If I had not read the books I probably would not have minded her being Bella but since I read the books I had a certain person in my mind for Bella and the way Kristen talks does not sound like Bella but Stephanie Meyer helped pick the people so I guess she would know best.

V- I almost did not read the other books, I did not like the New Moon because of the feelings and depression I felt for Bella but I made it through the book (4 times now) and read the others because I had to know what happened next. When I read Twilight the first chapter or so of the New Moon was in the back of the book and I went crazy trying to guess what was going to happen. I really liked them and had trouble letting them go but started reading a few new books by Mellisa De La Cruz. She has a Blue Blood series which are pretty interesting.

Sarah- I want the t-shirt that says "you're just my brand of Heroin" (or something like that). I read stuff Edward says to Bella to my husband and he has determined that Edward is Gay. :rofl: I told him that I was in love with a fictional character and he laughed at me. I just love my imagination sometimes.
Well SRm..hopefully we can be in the 2ww together!:) Hope that eggy breaks loose soon! and gets caught by the spermie~:)
Debs- first the movie is called Twilight, it is based on a book called Twilight and there were three books after twilight called New Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn.

Oh! I loved this series! Can't wait to see the movie on the 22nd!!
i hope ff is confused haha. but i think if she is then i ov later than sooner because of last months chart. who knows anymore. this is the longest tww ever! and i dont even have to wait the whole two weeks! i am still having c cm. but i think a lot of people get that after they ov. i dont remember getting it , at least not in this great of an amount, but if af shows up at least i will know that this much c cm for me means the stupid :witch: is coming.
I read stuff Edward says to Bella to my husband and he has determined that Edward is Gay. :rofl: I told him that I was in love with a fictional character and he laughed at me. I just love my imagination sometimes.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Does this mean that the picture of the romantic guy we grew up with in our head has always been gay?
I read stuff Edward says to Bella to my husband and he has determined that Edward is Gay. :rofl: I told him that I was in love with a fictional character and he laughed at me. I just love my imagination sometimes.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Does this mean that the picture of the romantic guy we grew up with in our head has always been gay?

If you ask my husband yes it means they are gay. He says real men do not think like that or talk like that. I know you all are jealous of the romance radiating off my relationship :rofl: His idea of romance is farting under the covers to warm us up. :sick: Come to think of it I do not know why I fell in love with him in the first place :rofl: Well at least I know he helps make cute babies so I guess I will keep him around.
Hey, he sounds practical!! Nothing wrong with that. And I must agree with the cute babies if the handsome toddler is the picture is any indication!!!
I read stuff Edward says to Bella to my husband and he has determined that Edward is Gay. :rofl: I told him that I was in love with a fictional character and he laughed at me. I just love my imagination sometimes.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Does this mean that the picture of the romantic guy we grew up with in our head has always been gay?

If you ask my husband yes it means they are gay. He says real men do not think like that or talk like that. I know you all are jealous of the romance radiating off my relationship :rofl: His idea of romance is farting under the covers to warm us up. :sick: Come to think of it I do not know why I fell in love with him in the first place :rofl: Well at least I know he helps make cute babies so I guess I will keep him around.

:rofl:Yours too Srm. He loves farting under the covers and making me smell any weird smell he has, and like yours he makes cute babies so he must be good for something. :rofl:
LMAO...girls my hubby is the SAME way! He will too fart under the covers and then wave the blanket in my face! he will fart in his hand and say..smell the cup of soup! I swear somedays i think what the heck was i thinking! But..of course he too makes the CUTIEST little boys so far! hoping the girls will look like mommie(if i get one>:))
See maybe that is the reasoning for us all staying with our DH, for cute kids.

V- yes that is our son, thanks I would tell him you thought he was cute but he has a big enough head/ego already. :rofl: He checks himself out everyday in the mirror but that is probably my fault since I have always told him he is the most handsomest baby/boy in the whole wide world. :rofl: and no woman will ever be good enough [-o< (please stay a virgin until you are at least 18 Sebastian, be my god boy) Yeah right I know but it keeps me sane to think my baby will not be like that. I am already training him, he cleans, kisses girls' hands and opens doors. What more dies he need to learn?

Gabs- I think it is a guy thing apparently we are still living in cave man days where men hit us over the head and we thought their stench was sexy. I can not complain though because in the three years my husband and I have been together his farts have maybe stunk 5 times and he farts every single night ( I think it is a bed time ritual for him). So it could be worse. I must admit though, one reason I feel in love with him is because he makes me laugh even when I am mad.
Morning ladies? How are we all doing???? Any testers today? New symptoms??? Eeek soo excitied for you girls..your almost to your BFPS!!!:)

WEll today ff detect my O finally! On thinking more like cd22 but either way im pretty sure i o'd! i didnt get too much bding in sooo hope i caught that eggy. Ff says im thinking 1dpo..either way only time will tell! Also waiting for those cd21 results..should be in today or thinking they are neg, but we'll see!
Hello ladies. Just an update on things for the day. Well I am now either 5 dpo (according to myself) 7 dpo (according to ff) or 9 dpo (ff's first guess). I am not really having any symptoms, i have had c cm for the past three days, and maybe have it today, i have not checked yet. If af shows up then i will know not to count this as a symptom next month. If af shows up tomorrow then i will know my lp is too short and i will need to get the taken care of. I am only cd 25 today so i dont think she would show up that early but who knows. I had a temp drop today which worries me just because it looks like last month right before af showed up. I am kinda feeling a little af like pain so maybe she will show up soon. Grrrr. I hope not though.

Just by looking at my temps though does everyone think i ov? I mean at least i know i ov right?
Gabs- yeah, did you :sex: on all of the days O could have happened? I hope you caught that egg. Still waiting over here to O so hopefully I will join you soon.

1st baby-I think you did O but am not sure with your temps. Do you use a BBT thermometer that shows you 4 different numbers (ex 98.46, 97.47) ? That might work better for you to see the differences in your temps. I hope your LP is over 10 so you do not have to worry about that on top of everything else but if this cycle is not yours I would get a CD21 test just to be sure your levels are good.

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