Team Jelly Belly!!!

R- :rofl: is it already time for a new belly shot? It seems to be going by faster and faster and I am not even the one PG. Sorry the baby is sick and I understand your worries about getting a fever while PG and staying home and missing out on money. Sorry your day was so horrible. Good to know that if you want to you can stay home but just because you can stay home does not mean you have to. Do what makes you happy, take a little extended maternity leave and see if that is what you want before you make your decision to quit. That way you still have something to come back to if you decided staying home was not for you. Good luck at NYC and good luck on the baby getting better.

Ashley- Good luck this month, you are right it only takes one time. I looked back on my chart for when I got PG with Sebastian and according to FF I did not have :sex: the day of O, looking at your chart you got all your bases covered. I hope you can't go to the dentist because of a BFP.

As for me my internet is messing up and I can not get onto my Math class online so I need to go by my friends house tomorrow to use her computer and get as much work done. I was on the phone for 3 hours Sunday with tech support to no avail, I am waiting for one more tech support to call me back and try to walk me through other suggestions but do not hold out much hope since I tried to fix everything I possibly could fix. Now I have a headache but oh well small price to pay to feel triumphant about fixing a problem. I also am unable to log on to FF for I am assuming the same reason so it is not updated and I have not really been temping anyways so oh well, I am on CD 76 I think, 8 more days until my longest cycle, come one body don't give me a longer one.
Hey girls! Sorry was gone all day today. Well had my ob appt and it was fine.:) THen went for my ultrasound and was feeling kinda sick and went to stand up and pretty much past out on the floor!!!! yikes! I was alert right away but of course i was sent to the floor for fluids and a 3hour observation. I got all my meds and 3liters through the iv and I'm feeling better now. They said that i was SUPER dehyrated and that i had plus 2 ketones in my urine and my bp was 86/50! Well i am home and doing better!:) And.......Lil beans heart rate was......131:) yay!!!!!!!!! He/she is doing good!
Sara yes time does fly by...I can't believe in a few weeks I'll already be half way through this pregnancy, that's just crazy!!!

Gabby, so happy your :baby: is doing well, that wonderful news!! sorry to hear about you, do you think your so dehydrated from being so sick? Do you think your sicker this time than you were with your 2 boys?? If so you can pretty much say you've got your girl!!!! I hope so sweetie! :happydance: Take care of yourself hun, drink lots and get some rest, I'll be thinking about you tonight. :hugs:
Oh, Gab I'm so glad to hear that you're ok! I agree, if you think you feel sicker, you must have your girl!!! Hope you continue to feel better and stay hydrated! :hugs:
Gabs so sorry to hear about your sickness but glad things are going better and the IV should make you feel good fast. Glad the HB is better and your worries can subside.

R- Wow half way through already man I just can not believe that soon you will be holding your little girl in your arms. (It is a girl in my mind until proven otherwise :rofl: ).

As for me I am def not PG, I took a + - red dye test and def -. I am ok though, still kind of want to wait for AF to naturally come, is that crazy of me? A part of me feels that if she comes on her own then maybe my hormones will jump start themselves.
:rofl: Sara....if you only knew...I have been so bad, and honestly not wanting to admit this to you girls but I will cause your all like a sister to me. I am thinking this is a girl, infact I'm so hung up on the idea that I have the nursery all planned out, from the wall colors, to the bedding, seriously I have a problem and if they say "its a boy" I will most likely fall on the floor in shock! :rofl: I would show you all my plan but don't want to jinx myself more than I already in 3 weeks I will show you....if my gut feeling is correct!
Lol Rhonda~ you are soo funny! I think its a girl for you too. So you go right ahead and plan your nursery!!!!:) Can't wait to see it.

WEll the thing is ....i had NO m/s with Owen, then with gavin i had hyperemesis(extreme case).....and yes i still think its worse then Gavin....but only time will tell! I just want a heathly non problem pregnancy!!!!!! Why can't i have that???:( They also had to give me potasssium b/c it was low:( The iv made me feel better....but of course that only can boost me for alil while. I try to sip on anything and everything and none of it stays down! I puke just the thought of food or fluids! ahhhhh and I'm not working at all which sucks b/c my hubby's business is a tad slow this week. I am going to TRY and go to work on friday!
So sorry about the BFN sara!!! I thought you were pg for sure....come on AF!
:rofl: I do not want to jinx you either but I can not wait to see the nursery. I wanted a girl when I was PG with Sebastian but my hubby wanted a boy so bad. He would have bet anything that it was a boy and since we had started dating he started loosing at everything (Golf, poker, video games, you name it he could not win it) So when I went to find out and the tech told me it was a boy I told him that he better double check because if I tell my husband (boyfriend at the time) that it is a boy and he pops out a she he will be so upset so the tech took like 6 shots of the turtle and I called my husband when he was on his way home from work stuck in traffic with his friend and co worker (who btw only has girls ) and told him the he will like the answer I got and he said "really? for reals? I am having a boy? " I said "Yep I have pictures of a pee pee for you" and he screamed at the top of his lungs "We have pictures of a Pee Pee" his friend was on the phone with another friend of theirs and I could hear his friend yelling "Yeah man they got pictures of a pee pee, it's a boy". It was the funniest thing to me and I wish I could have seen the expression of the other people stuck in traffic with their windows down too who are hearing these two men shout about pictures of a pee pee.

Gabs- thanks dear but funny thing is I am ok, I did not think I was anyways but I really want things to work for me this next cycle, even if I do not get PG I just want to know my body is working right. Sorry you are feeling like crap so much, I really hope it is a girl for you (not that a boy would not be worth this trouble but you know what I mean ). Have you tried sea bands or pregnancy pops that I had used when I was pregnant. Just look up prego pops, they are lollipops made with ginger and other ingredients that that help reduce nausea and morning sickness. So sorry about not being able to work and I bet it is hard to take care of the babies when you feel so bad too. Hope things lighten up enough for you to function.

Sarah- did you get my text? How are you doing?
:rofl: I can just see him now shouting "we have pictures of the pee pee" :rofl: Hope it wasn't summer and he had his car windows down! LOL!!!!! That's too funny!!
Morning Ladies! I have been getting on here more often now since I finished reading all the twighlight saga lol. I have yet to find another series I want to read right now so I have been reading a cosmo magazine at the gym and while I am bored. I have been keeping up with all my shows on tv and housework so thats good, at least I am not side tracked with ttc like i was the first two months. I am trying to stay as busy as possible to keep my mind occupied. FF and I disagree now, but not by much and I can see FFs view on things. I took my temp an hour earlier than normal the day FF says I ov, I know my temp would have been higher if I would have taken it that hour later so I disagree with FF, however we are only a day apart, and the day FF says I ov, was the day I had the horrible pain when we BDed. So it is possible FF is right then. I am now only 3 dpo and it is going so slow to me! I have a long work day tomorrow, not a bad one today and then I am off until Tuesday so that will be nice. I will not be relaxing though, I have a hair appointment and then an interview on Fri, then Sat I have to prepare for the baby shower Sunday and then Sunday the baby shower. I will get to rest on Monday. I am thinking if I get this job i will put off ttc for a year, so I am hoping we are pg this month so it happens before I have a chance to change my mind! If I dont get the job though there is another position open I may go for, but I will still ttc if I dont get this one. I have only lost 2 lbs this week which is frustrating because usually I can lose like 4 a week, but I have not exactly been doing my best so that needs to change! :)
Just thought I'd share my bean with you girls! :hug:


  • Baby 3~!.jpg
    Baby 3~!.jpg
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I have to share something with your girls cause it just made me smile so hard...just now the baby scared the crap out of me, I'm just sitting here working away and bam! Baby decides to do a summersault :bodyb: in my belly! LOL That felt so weird! LOL I grabbed my belly and shrieked, I'm glad no one saw me, hahahahahaha I can't stop laughing, that was a shocker! I have felt the baby flutter a little here and there but nothing to this extent, yay!!
Thanks Rhonda..she/he seems so much smaller then other people

Awe thats so cute! wait......please tell me EVERYONE knows your pregnant?? You just made it seem like noone Thats exciting to feel such a big movement! YAY
oh gosh yes everyone knows, how could they not, just look at me, there's no hiding it now! :rofl:
I SEE GABBY'S BEAN!!!!!! aaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwww!!!!! :happydance: :happydance: :happydance:

and Rhonda, you're baby's sure an active little princess ey? Prolly gearing up to be the next gymnastics champion, *giggle*
Sara, I wish you had gotten your BFP girl! I just wanted to see if maybe you could Text me again...Ive had to switch out phones 3 times in the last 3 days and yesterday I was in the middle of programming my new phone and then forgot to put your number in my new phone!

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