Team Jelly Belly!!!

R- yes the windows were down which made me laugh harder. So excited for you to feel the baby move more.

Gabby- love the picture, it does seem smaller but I can still make out the little bean, this is all so exciting.

Sarah- thanks for the well wishes, I will text you in a min, putting my son to sleep and lost my phone. Sorry you are having a hard time with your phone.

As for me I am at my friends doing my homework until tomorrow, she wants me to be done with work so we can chat but she has distracted me all day so now she has to wait.
Ashley- I almost forgot, read the blue blood series by Melissa De La Cruz ( I think that's her name), really good book and about Vampires but totally different, there are 3 books out and more are coming out soon.
hey girls,

Lovely bean Gabby, - it's very bean-like!!

Sommersalts Rhonda - cool! It's got to be a girl!

Ashley - Just finished listening to Twilight on my iPod (very distracting at work, I had to keep finding mindless things to do while I finished it). I'm just waiting for the books to be delivered so I can read them instead, as it's much quicker. So excited to find a saga where all the books are out already instead of having to wait for each one!
Have you read His Dark Materials Triology - Philip Pullman? or Eragon (3 out of 4 books are out for this one)? I don't normally read fantasy but I loved both of those.

Hope you're homework is going well Sara, nearly graduation soon!!!

Still no positive OPKs, temps low and no EWCM (although I have no idea if I get this or not). Had period like cramps for the last 2 days, very confusing. I hope it doesn't mean anything.

Hugs xxx
Caroline, I used to get period like cramps the day I would ovulate, but you said no +OPKs yet...hmmm...maybe your body is gearing up for the big O!

Well I'm trying to decide what to do about tomorrow...technically our office is closed on Fridays now but where I missed a lot of time this week with Brayden being sick I was going to ask if they would let me work tomorrow to make up some time, however my boss just got in and is in a really bad mood so I think I'll wait awhile before I go in there, if I do at all. I need the money, but I could also use up vacation time and use the day tomorrow to clean and pack for my trip as we fly out Sat mid much to do. This decision would be easier if I knew if I was coming back to work or not after the baby cause then I wouldn't mind using up my vaca time, I wouldn't need it. I need some help girls...I know you can't make up my mind for me but I'm having a hard time deciding what to do, on one hand I really like my job (but hate my boss) and I like working, but living the way I do and working full time with 1 kid is tough (as I live 45 min from where I work) I don't get home from work until 6:15ish every night and Brayden goes to bed at 7:30 doesn't give me much time at all for anything, I am thinking of asking work if I could work for them 1 day a week, and stay home with the kids the other 4 days, sounds perfect but I don't know if they would go for it, especially now!! Sigh....or do I work full time and change my hours and switch daycares (so that I could afford it) or just stay home full time. DH is pressuring me to decide right away, its such a big decision and I'm not having much luck figuring things out on my own. I find it helps if I talk with other girls about it. Do you that stay home with your kids love it? I'm just worried I wont be able to entertain them all day, how do you do it??? It just stresses me out thinking about it and I don't have much time left to decide as I would need to give me work atleast a months notice (to be fair) as its hard to find a good artist to replace me :) So that gives me 3 months to decide...ahhhhhh help!!! :argh:
R- I can't really give you any personal experience, but I have my
I would love to stay home with my kids! I am an old fashioned girl because I love cooking, cleaning and so forth. The 'stay at home mom' job sounds ultra fulfilling for me! I do have a niece that I took care of for 6 months after she came home from the hospital (she was a micro-preemie) and I loved every second of it. The way I see it, if you are able to...stay home. They are your kids, who better to know them and be able to entertain them?? I'm sure you can do it!'re an artist!! :D
Hey Rhonda - it's a tough decision. When I'm at work the thought of being a stay at home mum sounds great, but a after a few hours with my nephew I don't think I have the energy to do that every day (maybe it's different if they're your own - I hope so!!). But if work makes you happy then work - I think nurseries are great for kids! It sounds like your boss would be ok to have you part time since he's already cut your ours - is there someone you can jobshare with - half and half or something. I'm not sure what you do...if it doesn't matter that you're not there every day I can't see why you couldn't go part time when he's cutting everyone's hours as it will give him some spare hours to give to someone else, surely???

As for me, the cramps have gone, I keep getting odd shooting pains, but i'm not sure what they are. I used OPKs last month and didn't get ANY lines, (apart from control lines) so I'm not sure if they're going to work for me...I got what I thought were ovulation pains though, so I took it to meant I ovulated around the 13th last month, they were in the middle of the night when I happened to be awake with a cold, so there's a chance I would miss them if I were properly asleep. My period was later this month, so my ov day has probably moved as well, I'm thinking in a day or two...Best do the BD tonight just in case ;-)
Caroline that def sounds like ov pains to me!

Unfortunately part time isn't an option for me (so wish it were cause I would choose that in a heartbeat!) Finacially it just wouldn't work out since part time daycare pretty much cost the same as full time (they really stick it to ya) and I'd only be making half of what I make now so I wouldn't be able to afford it, especially with 2. So yeah quite the little predicament I'm in :hissy:
Okay Rhonda.....I'll give you my input! lol I've been going through this for years now! grrrrrr. Okay so when we got pregnant with owen we were only 18! So we had our little apartment and we both had to work full time. I was lucky to have my MIL help watch our son so we didnt ahve to pay tons! I was working full time and going to school part time as well! Ahhh i swear i NEVER saw my son. It was terrible! Well eventually my husband kept getting raises so i was able to go to part time for work. I worked Night shift and then stayed home with owen during the day and school in the afternoon! It still was crazy!!!! My hubby hated it b/c he is old fashion and wants to work and the wife stay home. Well i ended up being really sick with my heart and had to quit my job:( I then stayed home full time and we just lived check by check. Owen was about 9months and it was okay.....i felt bored alot and didnt know what to do. I would cry all the time when my hubby got home.:( Well i dont want to go on and on but i ended up going back to work! I never had any time like you for house, and baby. Well we bought a house and decided we wanted to try for another baby. So hubby said you should stay home. I got pregnant and was so sick that i had no choice but to leave my job. I did school online and then was home with owen. Okay since we've had Gavin I've worked two days a week and stay home the rest. I think its a great mixture. I LOVE my job to death and dont like i could just NEVER work, but I love being home with the kids too! When i'm at work i want to be home with the kids, and when at home somedays i want to be at work! lol

Sorry this is a mess lol but thats how its been. You just have to decide what is best for you and your family. I think if you could do the one day a week that would be great! If not....then i would stay home. Your kids are only young once and you could go back to work when they go to school if you wanted?? There are ALWAYS things to do....laundry, cooking, cleaning, shopping, parks, walks, playgroups, and much more! I dont think I'm ever bored...but i tend to sleep in which i really wish i could be one of those moms that get up at 5 before everyone else and start doing stuff! I just cant seem to do it!:(

Once we have our thrid baby i wont be able to work b/c paying a sitter for 3 is way to much. And hubby and I dont believe working opposite shifts...b/c then were not a family! I plan to work when i want. Luckily in the healthcare field you can work pool(means you make your own schedule and go alot or alittle.) SO thats great! Hubby keeps telling me he'd work all day and night just so i could stay home,..but i dont agree with that. So we've decided I stay home and work if we NEED the money.

I will tell you somedays you will want to just run away from the house b/c nothing is going right and all you do is talk to kids....but other days you just see the look on their faces and how happy you all are and you wouldnt change the world!
My friend has five kids and she stays home and i admire her soooo much!

I dont know if i was much help....but yes you have a hard decision...but i think its best for you and your children to be home..and if you can afford it then do it!:) You may regret missing out on their young days!
As for me, the cramps have gone, I keep getting odd shooting pains, but i'm not sure what they are. I used OPKs last month and didn't get ANY lines, (apart from control lines) so I'm not sure if they're going to work for me...I got what I thought were ovulation pains though, so I took it to meant I ovulated around the 13th last month, they were in the middle of the night when I happened to be awake with a cold, so there's a chance I would miss them if I were properly asleep. My period was later this month, so my ov day has probably moved as well, I'm thinking in a day or two...Best do the BD tonight just in case ;-)

Yes! Sounds like possible OV signs! Ok, I have heard that OPKs don't work for everyone, so maybe that's what is going on ??

I'm having some interesting pinching going on right now! Totally in the correct area too! I am just going to jot this down, though...*ahem* I'm TRYING not to symptom spot...but the abundant cm isn't helping this either!

R-sorry part-time isn't an option, that would be the best wouldn't it! Grr, why can't they just give us what we want! :rofl: As I've said in the past, is perfection really too much to ask?!? ;)
Aw, it's a shame you can't do part time - but if it's not going to make sense financially then stay at home. You have the rest of your life to work *eeek!* and only a few years with your kids before school. But of course it depends on your job, it will be very difficult for me to come back to work if I left completely as it moves to quickly. Hopefully I can go part time (if I ever get pregnant - sometimes I'm just so sure we will and I make lots of plans and other times I just think it's never going to happen because I've jinxed it - by making too many plans!!!)

Anyway, nope the pains aren't ov pains, they're lower down and very transient and the cramps are just cramps (and in the middle)... I just POAS - still no line - boooo :hissy: should I do one a lunchtime and one at teatime from now on?
I had to tell your girls. SO as you know i work in an ambulance. (just on call in the evenings and through the night and if the pager goes off i get up and go) well last night at 930pm i got a page for a guy who got stabbed!!!!!! I was so nervous! We live in such a nice community where nothing happens like this! I got there and it was sooooo bad. He god stabbed in his stomach and his insides were out! Oh that wasnt good for my sick stomach i've got these days! i ended up puking right on the scene! ahh it was so bad. Well anyways he was only 17yrs old and was crashing fast! We got him in to surgery right away. I was so scared when i drove home last night. It just made me think.....what if the guy who stabbed him saw me taking care of him and then was following me home!!!!!! I coudnt sleep last night and kept having terrible dreams! ahh i tell you medical field and preggo brain/stomach dont go well together!!!!
Ok so R- I think this is such a hard decision, and even harder since you cant know right now what its going to be like when you make the decision. I myself have to work. I make more money than my DH because of the field I am in and I have two jobs. He makes good money, dont get me wrong, but without all my money we would not have what we have. I could leave one job, which I plan on doing if we get pg and I dont get this promotion, but I would still work one. My mom is our free daycare so we have it made pretty well, but I would still work. I love my job and I could not see being home all day as I get restless easily. On the other side though, my SIL has two very young children a 3 yr old and a 1.5 yr old and she is a stay at home mom and she has a degree in social work as well. She wishes she could work a few days to get out. She likes staying home but she feels like she can contribute, but she does not need to. Honestly you wont really know what you would rather do until you try it. If you stay at home and dont like it, then go back to work somewhere for a day or so. Do something fun just to get out. Work in a book store or something that you like.

Well, I am now only 4 dpo and its going super super slow for me. I dont think it worked this month but we will see. I think the hardest part is keeping the PMA in the tww.
wooooah! Big hugs Gabby, that sounds horrendous! I think you've been very brave (atlhough perhaps your imaginations is a bit active...) I hope the kid was ok - was it a fight?
Hope you're feeling better today! xx

working on medical research into developmental diseases and wanting a baby also don't go well together - it's just one big paranoid thought process. bah!
oooo, just had a thought! I'm going to go and check my saliva on the microscope (one advantage to working in a lab)

...hmmm perhaps I should have checked it a few days ago as a control...but anyway, lets hope I see 'ferning' and can even figure out what that's meant to look like. will report back soon
Oh my god!! - it's soooo ferning!! Lot and lots of straight lines with side bits - looks like a housing estate from 5000 feet up!!! Will try again tomorrow. I'll have to take some pics if it's still like it to show you, it sooo pretty - but I want to go home now. :)
what does that mean caroline?? in not scientific terms!? :rofl:
Rhonda I am having the same dilemma as you atm.......Jos wants me to stay at home but i know i just couldnt do it, i have to be doing something it drives me crazy when i am ill or off uni and atm without a job i know i wouldnt feel sick and would not have this stress and have a chihld to occupy but i dunno if my sanity could handle it.....I also like Gabs have the healthcare where I can work except we call it bank :D so I think I might just do that work as and when i can and then i am not tied down to a contract etc so if bubs needs me at home or if i dnt wanna go in then i dont have to....I know u would be great at home and if u do think u would go mad do some freelance designing or work in a nice cafe or gallery? something u would enjoy!? but I dont think u should go back to work full time - no! xxxxxxxxxx
and you see this is why I love all you girls, because not one of you said "just do what you think is best" cause that's the problem I don't know!!! :rofl: Thank you all so much for your input, it has helped me more than you know and I really truly appreciate it :thumpup: My biggest concern with leaving is if I hate it its going to be next to impossible for me to find another job because of the economy my field of work is not doing well at all and no one is hiring, everyone is laying off, which is quiet scary. I know I've been with this company for 11 years and they have told me how secure my job is, I would be one of the very last ones to be let go so that makes me feel good. Jenna I think your right I deep down don't want to work full time, life now is just to crazy and I can't begin to imagine what its going to be like with 2, I don't think I'd like myself very much working full time and having the kids in daycare, the only perk to that option is we would be switching daycares so we'd be netting almost $500 a month, where if I stay home it will be more like $25 a month...I know scary and tight with no room for opps in there!

Gabby I can relate to you a lot, I think we're very similar in the sense that I too go totally nuts when I'm all cooped up in the house and Brayden is being a little SH!T I just want to run away and think oh I could never stay home full time. I like to work and feel like I need too, its the perfect escape. When I am at work though I just wish I was at home, and vise versa, no happy medium MT I hear that!! I don't have any idea what its going to be like with 2, I'm sure a lot more hectic and harder, I hardly sit down now but I can probably kiss those days goodbye forever now, eh Gabby? :rofl: I think working 1 day a week would be perfect, I just have to clear it with my work, which honestly right now I don't think they'd go for it, times being so tight and all. I will wait till April and see if things improve here, if they put us back on 40 hrs by then I will talk with my boss. So stressful but I want to thank all of you for giving your honest opinions, you are all truly wonderful and I'm so blessed to have met each and every one of you :cry:

:hugs: x 1,000
I'm glad our input was helpful (ish!) - we all have different opinions because we all have different jobs and 0,1,2 or more kids!!! So I'll not give any more advice coz sometimes too much is, well too much!

I feel sooo lucky to have met you guys. I know I'm new, but I'm really appreciating using you guys as a sounding board because I can't really talk to anyone else about all this TTC stuff, even my lovely OH has limits. I'm definitely obssesive, but I think you all understand why I'm on here 3 or 4 times a day (eek!). I think I'm beginning to understand what men are on about when they say they think about sex like 40 times a day. I couldn't comprehend how that was possible, I've never done that before, but right now...well... I think about making a baby (and charts, temps, CM and occasionally about the acutal sex part of it, about 50 times a day) - it's taking over my life!!

But you guys are all so understanding, so THANK YOU!!

PS so I learnt from this website you can check your saliva, when it dries it crystalises into a 'ferning' pattern if you're ovulating...apparently. Mine looks like the pictures that show that, but I didn't check it before today. Doh! finger's crossed it does meant that!

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