Team Jelly Belly!!!

So halfway down this page:
Shows the ferning, non ferning saliva - mine is very much like the ferning one, but i'll see again tomorrow what it's like. Like I say, it's really pretty to see down the microscope. I'm not sure how accurate it is as an indicator of ovulation. I'm guessing (but I really don't know) that false negatives are more likely then false negatives...but I don't really know! Just pleased to have some indication I might be ovulating!

SORRY for dominating this thread today - sorry, sorry, sorry!!! (I'm excited!)
Caroline see I told you, your body always tell you when ovulation is near, I think that's what messes with a lot of girls using OPKs because they don't work for everyone. Def go by what your body is telling you vs a stick you pee on :rofl: Hope you got your :sex: in and will be able to tonight as well, GL hun!
hey girls, so its a little late in the evening, only 8 pm here so not really late, but I have to say hi! I have an interview tomorrow and I am so so so so nervous! My boss and her boss today told me I was as good as golden! That is not always true and they are not the ones interviewing me so I am still so nervous! They said if they could they would promote me and hire me for their team, but thats not how it works. My boss' boss told me if my boss transfers, that she would replace her for me in a hearbeat! I really really hope I get this job. I would tell people we are putting off ttc, but secretly I am not going to. :) DH doesnt want to stop, and I dont want to go back on bc because it would mess me all up and i would have to go back off it again and stuff. So I am going to keep ttc and not let my boss know! Its not like they will replace me if I am pg, I wont be off work long. Well I have to go do some studying for my interview and all. I just wanted to say hi, I have a hair appointment in the morning before and I am going to tan and get a coffee to boost me for the interview! I will talk to you girls after the interview and after my work out! I weigh in tomorrow with my friend, I hope I lost weight this week! O and I am getting excited for my friends baby shower Sunday, I bought her gifts yesterday!
OOOh Caroline! This is cool! I've never seen this before! I'm so glad you checked! See?! OPKs aren't for everyone! lol

Gab-wow, you are a brave girl! I also agree, you might have an overactive imagination too...:hugs: Makes me wonder how I can work in my job (cleaning houses) with TTC. The worst thing I can come up with is not knowing where to put the baby while I'm mopping. :rofl: (on a very real note, I can sympathize with the worry you and Caroline might have with such highly involved occupations)

But!! I'm also a photographer, so I am so excited to one day photograph MY LITTLE MIRACLE! No matter our backgrounds/careers...we are going to be the best mommies because there is always an area we can use our expertice-medical, science, art, photography and so forth! :hug:
Gabs- that is scary, I tend to imagine all the worst possibilities in everything so I would have been scared of him following me too but then again I have escape plans for any kind of accident.

R- sorry I was not on earlier, I am a stay at home mom and I do love it but as Gabs has said sometimes I feel like I am not contributing and that I should go back to work. I want Sebastian to be in a daycare to gain some social skills but at the same time I am jealous that someone else gets to see all his cute moments and I would only get to see him on weekends. As you already know they grow up way too fast and I feel that I am missing out on a lot. I understand your fear about not being able to get a new job because of the economy and I think you need to find out what your options are at the job you have now, they may just surprise you. I wish you luck in your decision.

As for me I am still at my friends house because I need to finish more work and Sebastian is having a great time playing with the boys.
Morning. So the ferning is still there, but less. it's getting 'dotty' now. but here's the pics just so you can see. Sounds like lots of people get ferning at various stages through their cycle. Also I can't test before breakfast (because I HAVE to have breakfast before coming to work - or else I'll eat my husband on the way in!!)

My temps are still low, but I did it about an hour earlier then normal

...Been BDing just in case. Might have a rest tonight as going out with our friends and he's getting tired already!

Good luck with the job interview, fingers crossed for you!!
good morning girls...boy is it cold here, -22!!! I can't get warm! My car had all it could do to start this morning, and I am in panic mode, I started itching my belly like crazy last night and when I got home and took off my clothes noticed a rash on both sides of my belly, which of course freaked me out! I thought maybe its just due to dry skin so I slept on it, but it woke me up in the night cause it was so itchy. It looks the same this morning but I googled it and it could be a few things, and some rashes on your belly in preg are harmful to baby and mother, which also set me into panic mode. I've been on the phone trying to get ahold of my doctor, I left a message and am waiting for a call back, I hope she can get me in this morning as I fly out to NY tomorrow morning. Argh of course this would happen to me now, I'm so stressed already, I didn't need this on top of. I hate this week, I can't wait for it to be over with!!!!! :sad1:
good morning girls...boy is it cold here, -22!!! I can't get warm! My car had all it could do to start this morning, and I am in panic mode, I started itching my belly like crazy last night and when I got home and took off my clothes noticed a rash on both sides of my belly, which of course freaked me out! I thought maybe its just due to dry skin so I slept on it, but it woke me up in the night cause it was so itchy. It looks the same this morning but I googled it and it could be a few things, and some rashes on your belly in preg are harmful to baby and mother, which also set me into panic mode. I've been on the phone trying to get ahold of my doctor, I left a message and am waiting for a call back, I hope she can get me in this morning as I fly out to NY tomorrow morning. Argh of course this would happen to me now, I'm so stressed already, I didn't need this on top of. I hate this week, I can't wait for it to be over with!!!!! :sad1:

Did you use a lotion on your belly or a different soap in the shower/bath?? Please keep us updated hun!!

Caroline-Ferning is the coolest way I've seen to detect ovulation! That is so neat!! I'm so happy you did that and didn't just keep up with the OPKs only. :)

Ashley-Good luck hun!!
no nothing new...I guess it can happen in pregnancy there are a few different types of rashes that can develop, I have idea what causes them but if its one of these than I will need meds...I will def keep you girls updated, still waiting for a call back, I swear they like to make you wait!
awesome, just got a call back, my doc is not in today so I'll have to see someone else but they are able to get me in at 10 (which is half hour from now) so yay, I'm leaving here soon, I will let you girls know how I make out.
ugh that was painful, god nothing is ever in and out at that place, whenever I go even for something simple its a min 2 hour procedure! :dohh: So I am ok, he didn't think the rash was anything to be worried about but of course it got worse while I was there, its not itchy anymore it just feels hot, if that makes sense?? He said if its still there in a week to call them back and they will run some test to make sure its nothing to do with my liver. I have to put hydrocortizone on it and if it gets worse before hand to call (but or course I'll be in NY! Sigh, hope its nothing and I am fine. They made me repee in a cup, I thought my results last time were fine because I never heard back but I guess the cup didn't get labeled so god knows what happened! Got to hear the heartbeat :) Dr had a hard time getting it, said the baby was really moving around a lot! Then had my bloods drawn and they couldn't get me to stop bleeding afterwards, I swear its always a production with me! :rofl:
girls i have a dillema that i need u rhelp with.....its not huge but:

i was suppose to be going to a girlfriends tonght who i havent seen in ages- been poorly work commitments etc, well i have driven for 3 hrs today and absolutely shattered, supposed to be going over in 2 hrs latest and i have jst woken up after a nap feeling very shit.........i txt her saying my car broke down so unless i can borrow jos car i dunno if gonna be able to get to hers - she lives 40mins away........what u reckon i should do?? i dont wanna keep cancelling but i feel like crap......i cant say thats why as they dont know i am preg - would u go or would u stay in??? xxxx
hey there,
glad everything is ok (kind of...!) Have a great time in NY - so jealous! My weekend consists of seeing friends for dinner tonight, OH is at work tomorrow so I'm going to finally sort out the 2 million 'stuff' drawers in our house (every thing you can't find is ''in a drawer somewhere''! hopefully we'll be more organised soon...) and then to my sister's for some fun and games tomorrow night. wooo hooo! still, at least it's friday! xxx
Well I am glad it does not seem to bad to worry about right now, Hope the hydrocortizone cream makes you feel better. It should I know about the rashes in PG that you were worried about and I think they would have said something if it was any of those. I hope you feel better and are able to enjoy NYC and don't have to go back in a week. Good luck dear just very glad it is nothing dangerous.
Stay in, get some rest. Can you reschedule quickly do you think? When are you going to tell her - would it be easier to tell her, or just say you're sick?
hugs xx

Wow, it's busy on here!!
awwwwwwwwwwww rhonda!! looks like everything is gonna be ok!! i get a rash hwhen i am stressed out like that so it may jst be that - jst relax and enjoy NY - and I hope it is all ok xxxxxxxxx

p.s. i havent deleted our soul sister thing in my siggy it jst disappeared and everytime i try and put anything new in it jst deletes more stuff :grrr: dunno whats wrong with it atm xxxxx but still love u
Jai-Jai, I would stay in just because I felt like crap. i do understand your delema but you will tell her eventually that you are pG right? So tell her you can not make it and later when you tell her you are PG you can tell her that is why you canceled but only if you feel like she might be upset about you canceling otherwise you don't need to explain yourself if she is ok with it. Good luck dear and feel better.
thanks guys i know you are right i jst feel like i am always just in now and never have the energy to do anything which depresses me and makes me feel lazy i used to be such an active person and this has really knocked me for 6 :cry: thanks ladies have a fab friday night xxxxx :hugs:
Jenna def stay home and rest, your body needs it to build your LO big and strong. That's why you are so tired, because your body is using all your energy to build the baby. Once you hit 12 weeks the placenta will take over and you'll wonder where all this new energy came from :) 1 more month hun and you will feel tons better and can make up for all the lost time. You don't need to tell her why you feel awful, just say your sick. I hope you have a great weekend and feel better soon. XO :hugs:

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