Team Jelly Belly!!!

Ok girls I'm leaving work for the day and probably wont be able to get back on here again before I fly out in the AM so I'm saying bye for a few days, I'll be back Tuesday to chat with you all. :hugs:
Hope you have a great trip and glad all is well with your rash. jai jai i would stay in as well, you need to rest, if she is a good friend she will understand, and try to make plans soon again.
As for me, well I am on 5 dpo and nothing exciting going on. I had my hair appointment got my coffee went tanning and then had my interview. I think I did awesome on my interview until the end. I was honest but i think they could have misread what i meant and i feel like it may cost me the job. I am feeling a bit down and i want a stiff drink, unfortunatley I would feel bad if i had one being in the tww. I am going to lay down and watch movies. I went to the gym after and i have lost another 3 lbs so at least thats good, but without a drink i want to eat lol. have a great day ladies.
Hey ladies sorry I havent been around all day! We slept in late and then did some stuff and i took the boys to a play group! just got home and i'm exhausted!!!!!:( I've come to realize that i take in at the MOST 300 calories a day......thats terrible and I'm so worried for bean! I know bean is taking all that i got but i feel like i dont have enough for bean!:( Theres nothing i can do though, i puke all the time and cant even take my prenatals...grrrrr! Oh well i just cant wait till the placenta takes over and i can feel alil better. Its soooooo cold here too and we were in the house ALL week and even though i am so drained i had to get the boys out!:)

Rhonda~ Glad your rash is nothing serious...probly combination of dry skin and stress? HOpe you have a GREAT trip! Be safe and enjoy it!!!:) Take pics for us!

Jai Jai~ I would stay home and rest as well! Just tell her you are sick...and if she asks say the flu! When are planning on telling people? Gosh everyone knows around tell one person and EVERYONE knows! grrrrrr I am sorry you are feeling like crap and please just get all the rest you need and like R said in a few weeks hopefully we BOTH can get back to somewhat of a normal life!

Ashley....i'm jealous of your weight loss ..hehe you go girl!!:) FIngers crossed you get the job! Have a good night watching movies...nice and relaxing!

Everyone else...hope you all are well and have a great weekned!!!!!! EEEK I can't wait for you girls to start POAS!

Hey ladies! Geez, I missed everything! :hissy:

R-I was hoping it wasn't something with your liver when you first said something, but I think the cream will help. I don't even know if you will see this before you get back, but if you have access to a healthfood shop, maybe get some 'calendula' cream....?

J-You're probably already cozy relaxing and resting. I think that's the best. R was so right, you need to buid a baby, friends will understand when they find out the real reason.

A-Well done on the -3lbs again! You are smokin'!! \\:D/ You'll hit your goal soon at this rate, and when you get your :bfp: soon you'll still be able to work out since your body will be used to it! That's great!

Gab-Thankfully, we were made in such a way that no matter what, the baby will pull from our bodies what it needs. So don't worry too much about that atm...but of course this doesn't mean you shouldn't eat...but eat when and what you can, luv.

C-Have fun with family this weekend hun, I wish mine was around.

As for me, I am going to relax a bit, then we're going to work on the house (renovations). Have a wonderful night! :hug: :!:
Hi there everyone,

Sorry I haven't been around to contribute, but work is in overdrive and it's realy driving me bonkers. Not to mention I have my part-time writing work to do as well, which I have not touched but is due in two weeks, goodness.

R - glad the rash didn't turn out dangerous. hope it gets better soon. Have fun in NYC!

Jenna - hope you stayed in, because i definitely would have.

Gabby - hope you're feeling better, was thinking about you while i was doing work the other day. dont know why, my mind just floated about and settled on you, hehehe

Sara - how are you feeling hun? Everything ok on your side?

MT, Choco, Ashley and Sarah - any new progress ladies? anyone POASing soon?

As for me, today I'm exactly 5 weeks pregnant but truth be told, I hardly feel pregnant. I don't have the sore bbs, I don't have the morning sickness, I eat like normal, and well, apart from the constant peeing, everything else is just.. the same. Which got me thinking, is that ok? Is my bean growing like it should be? Is it fine not to have any of the symptoms that everyone else who is pregnant seem to be having?

Perhaps i'm just being paranoid, but it's my first, so i can't help it. There's no one for me to talk about this to it just sucks. I'm so glad you girls are around for me to pour out to.

Sorry I'm ranting. I guess I'm worried for no particular reason.

But I just hope things are going ok inside me.. dr's appointment is next week.. it's going to be a long week for sure.
morning girls.

I'm sure everything is ok hon, my sister felt fine with both her pregnancies, and look at all those (slightly annoying) people who don't know they're pregnant for weeks.

My temp is still low :( no line on the opk yesterday, will test at lunch and tea time today. Cant' check ferning as I'm not at work. But i've filled in FF and put my chart up. its not very exciting.

Had fun last night at our friend's (I had one cornona - that's ok isn't it? since I'm not even in the 2WW? or at least I don't think so!). Will be hard to resist drinking tonight as we can stop over at big sis's and we all like to have a bit of wine! I will be strong! It's great having my family here, that's why we moved back here. OH's family is in Cornwall (6 hours away) but they're lovely and we do see them a few times a year. We told them we're ttc so hopefully when the grandkids arrived we'll be able to get them to come and visit more!
Right, going to do my spring cleaning and visit my grandma.
have a great day girls xxx
Wooo hooo! I got a line on an OPK!!! It's very nearly a positive - I think. But both are faint so it's hard to tell. Will save up my pee for a retest in a few hours. I'm very excited as I've never even had a line before. BUT I've never tested at lunchtime before, I wonder if that's been my problem? Well definitely not stopping at my sister's tonight, going to have to BD!!!:happydance:
can anyone help me? do any of you know the strengths and weaknesses of a collective management model or otherwise known as a co-operative?? i am going mad!!!
can anyone help me? do any of you know the strengths and weaknesses of a collective management model or otherwise known as a co-operative?? i am going mad!!!

I haven't a clue hun...don't even really know what you're talking about:blush:

As for me and symptoms/progress, I don't know what's going on. I am pretty sure I had a chemical last cycle because I had so much going on with me, I had more unusual symptoms than I ever have and I was 5 days late and AF was horrid!

This cycle I have a lot of the same things and I'm just trying to be patient. I probably won't poas until AF is late. We'll see. :)

Thanks MT - and it sounds positive!! I had a chemical in Sept/Oct, the same month Rhonda got preggo, :af: was awful!! so hopefully this month is ur month :D ur norm more fertile after too :dance:
Gosh, I wish I had more to contribute, but this next week is going to be reeeeally tough! I'm at my regular college right now taking 4 classes and yoga...and I also am finishing up my winter session (which is 2 classes), so Im feeling swamped!! To top it off, we're getting our puppy on wednesday (I'll post a pic of her). So it will be crazy around our house!! Hubby has been kinda pushing the TTC thing, and I feel like if we got a puppy, that would help him want to wait =). We need a dog anyways, so it will be good! She's a pembroke welsh corgi, and we LOVE her. Anywho, I'm getting anxious about my TTC date rapidly approaching! We've never ttc'd before (except for 1 month, we didn't prevent...but only had sex once haha-pathetic I know). Anyways, that's my update!!

Rhonda, Be safe girl!! We'll see you Tues!

Gabby, I'm sorry you're feeling so's that baby girl inside of you doing it =).

Jenna, I'm going to start googling the thing now...sorry I didnt do it earlier, we had to go see the puppy!

Caroline, I'm glad you got a possible positive OPK!! that is a GREAT sign! I hope this is your month =)

Liyana, being only 5 weeks pregnant, you probably wouldn't be feeling much just yet. Some people experience symptoms early, but I didn't really. I was light headed and had insomnia early on, but that was it until like 8 weeks. I'm sure everything is fine!!

Ashley, I guess your 6dpo today! I totally hear ya on the stiff drink thing. I'm drinking a beer (which I guess isn't that stiff haha) right now! Are you having any symptoms right now??

MT, you are 11dpo!! I bet you could POAS and get a positive right now--but I totally understand you waiting. It does sound like you maybe had a chemical last cycle....but you know, at least that means you can get preggo =).

Anyone know where Debs is? I haven't seen her for a while =(
Thanks MT - and it sounds positive!! I had a chemical in Sept/Oct, the same month Rhonda got preggo, :af: was awful!! so hopefully this month is ur month :D ur norm more fertile after too :dance:

I've heard that...I hope I get a super sticky. I don't want another last month again, that was awful :(

:cloud9:Sarah! She is soooo adorable!!! Oh my.....:cloud9: I want one! :) I think my ticker might be off...yeah, by 2 days, so I'm only 9dpo according to FF...and I guess I'll agree. ;) I am too lazy to fix it now.

:hug: everyone!
Sorry Jai-Jai I do not know anything about that stuff but did search it and found this website

Caroline- I was reading your first post and checked your chart then was going to write that your chart looks like you are getting ready to O and see your next post that shows a line so good luck dear, I hope you get some :sex: in and catch that egg.

As for me I am on CD 80 or 81 and a little sad about it but now I don't want to go to the drs because I came this far to have AF on my own and if I get provera I will feel like I just wasted so much time. Does that make sense or am I just being overly emotional?
I tried to post the above message earlier but BNB was down and I passed out so I don't know what happened earlier.
Sarah the puppy is so cute. What is it boy or girl and what is it's name? Good luck with school.

Ok I know this is weird and going to sound crazy but there are moment in the day where I feel pregnant. I know I am not but my boobs are killing me, like actually hurting more each day it seems and I am so bloated I do not know what is going on but now I can not go to the Drs because my husband was waiting for his ins to take effect but he quit Thursday night because they kept screwing over his checks. He will be getting his guard card and working for my families security company which will be good but we will have to buy our ins at first and it might take a month for him to get his guard card, he gun card and pass his gun shooting test and get his finger prints oked so I can not go to the drs yet but if I was PG I could get temp ins until ours takes effect. I don't know what to do because I am so confused and scared to hear no you are not PG but there is something wrong. Sorry gals I just needed to vent.
Aw, Sara...I'm so sorry you're feeling badly. I don't really know your history but have you been diagnosed with PCOS or anything? (I am off to read the beginning of your journal after this post) Have you tried anything like Maca or Vitex to regulate your cycles? What vits/supps are you on if anything?

*edit* Ok, so I just read your Journal and it didn't tell me anything that I asked. I am so sorry if you've already answered these kind of questions in this thread too.
I have Vitex but I got it in the middle of this cycle. I have not been diagnosed with anything but am assuming it is because of BCPs. I know I am not PG I would be so happy to just get AF on my own because then I would have an idea if there is something really wrong by the following cycle if I O. I have never gone more than 84 days which is three days from now and I do not feel like AF is coming. I am just so scared to find anything out that is bad and do not want to bring on AF with more pills. I want my body to do it on it's own and kind of jump start itself. I don't know what to do.
Hi Sara, oh dear, the whole insurance thing is such a nightmare - I can't begin to understand what it must be like to need or want to see a dr but not be able to (with out spending money that really you dont' want to spend on Drs!). I'm glad your hubbie has got another job lined up, that's a relief - do you think he'll enjoy it? I guess security (is that right?) is going to be pretty stable in a recession.

I kind of know what you mean about waiting for your body, but I kind of think you're being stubborn! Like 'I've got this far with out help, I'm going to see it through' - which is fair enough if it's going to make you happy to wait, but I'm guessing it's going to make you more happy to get your AF (or BFP) however that comes. BUT if the Dr and drugs are going to cost heaps then wait, sometimes we all have to be practical sometimes!

Cute puppy! - I'm not sure my cats would appreciate her though!
Fingers crossed for a sticky bean!
hugs to ya!

Tried an opk late last night when we got in, a faint line, but it was late at night. My temp is a bit higher this morning (I work up at 5.30 and tested and got 35.8 then at 7.30 when I normally test at 36.2 - so I put the later one in my chart because it's what I want to see!!!!) Tried to BD last night be we were both to knackered :( But he's not at work till this afternoon - so back to bed for me now I've had breakfast (TMI???) :lol:

Have a happy, sunny (whoo hooo) sunday girls xx
Gosh Sara, I wonder what the HECK is going on?!?? I wish you could go see the doctor and figure it out =(. You're in my prayers girl.

The puppy is a girl, and my husband hasn't decided on the name. Since I got to pick out a girl, we agreed that he could name her. I'm kinda regretting that decision now, but oh well!

MT, you still could probably get a positive at 9dpo! But as I said before, I understand you wanting to wait! I hope this is it for you!! Did you use preseed again?

Caroline, I hope that you O'd yesterday!! Wouldn't that be nice? Did you BD a lot?
Hey girls. I have a baby shower to get to, I just finished up everything for it and I have no clue what to wear! I just wanted to say hi. I have no symptoms what so everr and its making me really sad because we did everything right this month. I dont know what is going on. Well I hope everyone has a great sunday and by the way sara, I have a welsh corgi mix! I love that breed, they are super smart dogs! She is cute!

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