Team Jelly Belly!!!

Caroline, you are very right I am being stubborn about wanting to get AF on my own because I have waited this long and feel like I would be giving up and taking the easy way out but all I need is $35 to get blood work and about $10 to get the provera so maybe next week I will be able to get to the Drs. I kind of want to start over and have hope again since I have lost all hope.
Well that doesn't sound too bad Sara, so are you going to go for it? A new cycle and new chances to BD seem to make more sense then waiting in limbo for weeks on end - but I'm the most impatient person ever!

I'm babysitting the kids next door as hubbie is at work and I might as well sit here and watch TV and surf then at home (plus they feed my kitties for me when I'm away so I'm happy to baby sit their 3 when they're in bed already - minimal effort for me - and they might repay the favour one day!)

I'm dying to tell her we're trying as she's had 3 already (although I'm not sure they were planned as she's only 23 and he's 25!!) and she's a midwife so I want to ask her about everything! But trying to resist, but I'm sure she'll be one of the first to know!

So anyway, I'm watching Kizzy: sex, prams and exams about a 14 year old who has a baby and tries to go back to school. it's quite interesting and not too depressing as she does seem to be doing quite a good job!

Only got a faint line on the opks today, so I guess I ov'd yesterday - I hope so!!! 2WW here I come!
Only got a faint line on the opks today, so I guess I ov'd yesterday - I hope so!!! 2WW here I come!

OOhh! Implant eggy!!!

Well ladies, I had some pretty good cramping early this morning. I'm 11dpo today. I don't know what to think. I'm having a lot of the same things I had with my chemical last month. I checked my cervix and it was very very hard to reach and like it was tilted more upward. Soft and tightly closed too. I still have lots of lotiony/creamy cm. I don't have cramping right now, I just hope it stays away! I got a couple of sharp pinches last night that stopped me in my tracks too.
Here's another one, my areolas seem to have a thin band of darker around them. I wonder if this is just my imagination!?! Anyone else have this? (or any of these 'symptoms'). Oh, and I also haven't slept well for over a week.

I have to work ALL day with little or no access to the computer, how will I survive?!? :( I hope you all have a great morning and I'll try to get on here whenever possible.

Huge hugs!

*EDIT* Ok, I am cramping again. No spotting, just cm as it's been...anybody have any hope for me?? :(
Hi Ladies,

Hope you are all well.

Congratulations Liyana on your :bfp:, I hope you have a happy, healthy 9 months.

How are you doing Gabby? Glad to hear your little beans heart rate picked up so you can relax.

Jenna, How are things with you and Joss? I hope things are better so you and your little bean can relax.

Rhonda, how was your trip to NY? I hope it was amazing and you and your DH enjoyed the time you had to yourselves.

Ashley, I think I read that you are going to try progesterone this month. Which CD did your doctor tell you to start taking it. FX this works for you.

Sara, I can't believe you haven't either gotten a fabulous BFP or a visit from that silly witch. I just read this thread below where Stargazer says she had a 103 day cycle, but she now has a BFP. Perhaps you should have a chat with her, she must understand what you are going through and the questions you must be having. Stargazer: -

Sarah, thanks so much for wondering where I am. I am not on so much at the moment since I am on the damn BCP this month to shrink the follicle. My fertility specialist said he is very confident it will either have shunk down to less than 1.3cm or better yet ruptured by the time I see him on the 6th Feb for my check up.
:cry: Well girls today was meant to be my little boys birthday. It has not been an easy week.
I have had some really low moments and lots of tears. :cry:
I had a cry in the car on the way to work and then when I saw the picture my friend sent me of her baby girl that was born a couple days ago, I burst into tears all over again. DH Skyped me and said he had a cry in the car on the way to work as well.
I am glad he did, I want my little boy to know how much we love him and won't ever forget him.

The rest of the day was a bit better. By the time the work pressure was on, I had my mind distracted and it definitely did help.
It was a big step to get past so I think we are on the road to recovery.

DH is working late so I have taken this opportunity to quickly catch up with all you lovely ladies.

Can't believe my next FX appointment is only on the 6th Feb, gosh that just feels like a life time away. I just hope all is well and that by some miracle I have a successful IUI cycle, chances of a 2009 baby are seriously running short but there are still a couple months in which to try.

To all the new ladies, welcome and best of luck :dust:

Big hugs,
Glad you are back Debs and good luck at your next appointment, I hope the bcps worked. I started taking the progesterone suppositories on 1 dpo for ten days. I am on 8 dpo so thank god only three more nights of these since I am taking them at night. I have not symptoms so chances are it didnt work either. I am having a horrible day, and the week ahead can only go two ways, bad, and awful. Awful is going to be I hear on Wednesday i didnt get the promotion, also on wednesday af shows up, and the tomorrow my DH is putting our corgi-dachsund mix to sleep :cry: I have been crying all day and I dont feel like doing anything at all. Since I am off today, its ok except I usually work out and I dont want to leave. My poor dog is laying downstairs not able to use his back legs and i cant help him. Bad would be we still have to put Gomer to sleep tomorrow but I hear wednesday I did get the promotion or I am pg, or both. Either way I will still be losing a dog. Although i have to say if I were pg I would be so happy but still sad. :sad2: I can tell you one thing, after this week if af does show up I am going to be so drunk at least the night she shows because thats all I want to do right now. :drunk:
Debs, I am sorry you have to go through this pain but glad that both you and your DH have expressed your sadness and not held it in. I hope the dang BCPS shink that folicle and you get your IUI. Hey baby in 2009 or PG in 2009 both are still great. Good luck dear.

Ashley- I am so sorry your poor dog has to get put to sleep. What happened? I understand your pain and mixed feelings about being happy for one thing but it still being a bad day for another. My thoughts are with you and the poor puppy. :hugs:

Debs- Thanks for pointing me in the direction of hope. I will be checking in on her to see what she has posted recently.
Its the little dog under the bigger one in the picture. He is part weiner dog and they have been known to have bad backs. This dog was abused and we rescued him from a shelter. Although he had many health issues we were able to rescue him and get him in top shape last year. We have had him for almost two years so he is about 3 years old. He has calcium built up in his spine which cuts off the nerves and he cant feel his back legs or his lower half of his body. He drags his back legs to walk and he has lost control of his bladder. It is so sad to watch. I wish I could just be tough and consider it best to keep him alive than not at all, but he is miserable and cant play or be like he used to. The medicine I got at the vet and the shot did not help and the dr said chances were it would not. It is such a hard decision and I dont want it to happen but DH said its for the best for him, rather than live like that.
Debs!!!:) Welcome back honey! I've missed you!!!!!!!! I bet its nice to have a break from here so you dont feel so crazy least thats how i feel!:) I'm so sorry that you and your husband have to go through this. I cried the whole time reading your post..i could only imagine honey. HUGS. Like sara said though, I'm so glad that you two are able to express your feelings alone and to one another. That helps people get through tough times like this. Don't you worry I know your little boy is looking down at you and your husband and watching you everyday. He knows how much you love him and knows that you will be great parents to his sister or brother soon enough! :) Take care of yourself honey. Your in my prayers.
I really hope on FEB 6th that you get great news! I can't wait for you to be able to try again!!!! And get that BFP just in time for spring!

Ashley~ So sorry to hear about your doggie being put to sleep..thats terrible. But if its better for him rather then suffering pain, i'm sure you understand. Awe hugs, its nice that you could be there with him for his last day. Tears. I'm sure he'll never forget you. How many dpo are you now? Btw, no symptoms doesnt mean your not pregnant! Thats usually when you are sweetie! Fingers crossed for you!

Mel Tia...When are you going to test girlie?? I can't wait!!! I had PAINFUL cramps when i got my BFP...i swore af was on her way.

How is everyone else today?

Well I'm doing ok today. I cleaned my whole house b/c it NEEDED to be done. I'm of course exhausted now! I've been having lots of pains in my pelvic area.....and i have a tiny bump now too! I can't believe it.....8weeks and a bump! hehe YAY
Hi girls!!! Oh how I missed you all. :hugs: Well NYC was....interesting. I honestly didn't really like it, I'm definately not a city girl that for sure. It was sooo different there, nice to get away and do something different for a change but I don't think I'll ever go back, of course DH loved it :rofl: I did so much walking my feet ached! Walked for 6 hours straight yesterday and was so exhausted I had all I could do to make it back to our hotel. Went to times square the first night we were there, that was pretty. I have pictures but haven't uploaded them yet, I'll post a few when I do. I've only been home for an hour so I still have to unpack, go get groceries and get something for supper. I was so sad to leave Brayden, I think I was more upset that he was, lol but it was great coming down the escalator in the airport this afternoon as he was running up to it to greet me, wonderful feeling :cloud9: SO glad to be back home!!!

On another note still concerned with my rash as it isn't any better and seems to be spreading from the sides of my belly around to my back and a little over my belly button :( I will call the doctor this week and let him know what's up he'll probably want to do blood work to rule out any problem with my liver. I have no idea what it is, its worse when I get hot or am exposed to heat, only itches at night and when I put lotion on it after my shower in the mornings its the only time it looks good....its so strange!!

MT your prego girl! That creamy white lotiony cm is a GREAT sign, I only got that the month I got got my :bfp: oh and still have it now that i'm pregnant. It's looking good for you hun!!!

Gabby post a pic of your little bump, I wanna see!!!! I'll post a new one of me next week.

Ash I'm so sorry about your dog hun I know how heartbreaking that is, my heart is with you hun! :hugs:

Sara I so hope you get this all situated this week, whether af starts on her own or you get some help from your doc, I know you feel you've come this far on your own but maybe your body just needs a jump start? Maybe talking with that girl Debs suggested will make you feel better?

Caroline if you got your +OPK yesterday than you might be ov today or tomorrow so keep bding hun, fx this is your month! :happydance:

Jenna!!! I have missed you sweetie, I'll try to get online in the morning and we can play catchup! :hugs:

well girls off to unpack and spend time with Brayden, talk with you tomorrow!
lots of :hug:
Dh and I went to NYC last year a month before we were pg, I hated it as well. We went to time square our first night which was the highlight of the trip, we ate at the hard rock cafe there and i love that place. Other than that, I hated it. Dh wants to go back and do some things different but I wont ever spend money on going there again, i would rather go somewhere new.
Hey ladies! Thank you for the words of hope!! I needed that!

I had a temp rise this morning...(secretly :dance: )

I have an odd thing to report too-
When I went to check my seems to have turned...a lot. I couldn't even locate the OS. Is this weird or what? It was turned upward (inward, really) yesterday and now today this? I am trying not to get too excited because I had weird changes in my cervix last month with my chemical, but has anyone ever heard of this?!?! I also still have the wet/creamy cm. My cramps are not as bad as yesterday and they aren't even constant.

I am so hopeful!!!

Ashley hun...I am so sorry about how things are poor thing. I know it will be better soon. Stay strong! :bodyb:

Deb-February is right around the corner hun, you will be done with the BCP before you know it. "you better be gone you folicle, or I'll hunt you down myself!" :gun:

R-YAY! I am glad you had a nice time sweets! I hope you're right! I hope I am preggo! :hugs:

Gab-I am not going to test until Thursday. I can't stand the stark white :bfn: , and I can't see it again. AF is due tomorrow...or Thursday...I'm not really sure.

Everyone else, I hope you're feeling fine! :hug: to you all!
little update this morning on my rash, it looks a lot better today, so I think maybe its finally healing, didn't itch too much at all last night either, so yay! :happydance: I will keep an eye on it, maybe it was just anxiety, or stress related, because since I've been back home its just instantly much better, is there such thing as a stress rash?? So strange!

MT sorry hun I don't know much about cervix positions, just high or low, and from what I've read your cervix position has nothing to do with if your pregnant or not. It can be high or low, I've seen both happen and ladies still got their :bfp: so fingers tightly crossed for you hun!!!
I'm glad the rash seems to be going away on it's own! I hope it continues to get better! Wow, Feb 5th is coming right up...:dance: we're all going to know what to call your little bean!! :hug:

I guess I'll just relax. I have read some things online now and it seems that this change could be a good sign. I'm not even really trying to feel low, high, or soft/hard...I was moreso checking for the OS to be open or tightly closed. It's been tightly closed for a week now. :) But when I couldn't even find it, I thought it was strange. :rofl:
Ok so I voted for Obama but he has been nothing but bad luck for me so far. I hope things change. On election night thats when our water hose on washer busted causing all that drama, I know you all remember that. And then today our poor puppy got put to sleep. I am having an awful day, and I have meetings and work all day so i dont know if i will be on anymore until tomorrow. I still dont have any symptoms. I am 9 dpo cd 28, I dont plan on testing for a while though as I dont know what the progesterone is doing to my body. I have two more nights to use them.
Big hugs to you all - it sounds like there's drama of some kind in all your lives! I'm sorry about the puppy, but I'm sure it was the best for him - you did a kind thing.

R - yay the rash is going!
MT - fingers crossed the witch stays away.
Febuary is so close - I hope it hurries up, January is dragging for us all!

Well FF says I ov'd on saturday whether I put my +ve opk in or not, so that looks good. My temp rose yesterday and stayed high today. BUT I've been having cramps since last week...I'm not sure what's going on with that. they're not ultra painful, but they're annoying and so confusing. Is there a chance I've still not ovulated and it's still gearing up for the big O??

Right, sorry to be brief on everyone's news but I got to go before someone at work spots where I am! trying so hard to keep TTC a secret!
Mel Tia......With my BFP my cervix was low, medium but the one thing i for sure noticed was it was tightly closed..alot more then it usually was. I have heard alot of women have the opening point towards your backside...thats what mine is like right now. I dont want to get your hopes up but everything is looking good for you. Just please dont go by the cervix check as its soooo misleading! lol Gosh.....test TOMORROW.....PLEASE>..ahhhhh i cant wait any longer!!!!!!!!!!
Ashley- I am so sorry this day has come, I know how hard this is for you feeling conflicted with doing the humane thing and feeling the grief at the same time. Just try to take it one day at a time and know you did what was right for the puppy, I wish you luck dear and hope you get your BFP tomorrow to balance out this pain with a little happiness.

MT- Can I just say OMG your chart looks amazing, I do not want to jinx you but I can not help it. All your signs are great and that along with your chart and the fact that you have got to be PG. I can not wait for you to test.

Caroline, the cramps can continue after O for some reason unbeknown to me but your temps look right about O. We will just assume the cramps are from the biggest bestest egg that poped out and it is already fertilized and traveling down to implant right now.

R- so glad the rash is going away now I really believe it is a girl since we are so fickle from one day to the next she is just mad because you did not obey a craving so she decided to Rash you up, now remember obey her cravings. On a serious note if it comes back go straight to the drs ok.

As for me I talked to the woman Debs sent me to on here and have decided to wait for AF to show on her own. I feel good about it too like a little smug (I will show you AF) and I will feel even more triumphant when she shows so girls be ready for a celebration when I announce she has made her presence known.
Gabs- how are you doing? Hope the baby girl is treating you right, feeling better?

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