Team Jelly Belly!!!

:rofl: at Sara! We are all having girls (well at least until we hear otherwise!!) Yes its got to be a girl, she's reeking total havoc on my body! She's completely killed my hair, lost almost all my natural curl and I can't do a damn thing with it anymore. Doesn't matter what I try I still look hideous! She's draining my beauty :rofl: My bff said the same exact thing happened to her when she was pregnant with her daughter, gosh girls, a little over 2 weeks till we find out for sure, eeekkk!!!!! :happydance:
Mel Tia......With my BFP my cervix was low, medium but the one thing i for sure noticed was it was tightly closed..alot more then it usually was. I have heard alot of women have the opening point towards your backside...thats what mine is like right now. I dont want to get your hopes up but everything is looking good for you. Just please dont go by the cervix check as its soooo misleading! lol Gosh.....test TOMORROW.....PLEASE>..ahhhhh i cant wait any longer!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you so much sweetheart! I am trying to not get my hopes up too much but it's hard considering everything. Usually my cycles are 30 days. but I'm going to wait until 32 before I consider AF officially late. I hope she just stays away....

I've heard that girls really zap their mommas of everything! I bet you all are having girls for sure! And Gab!!! You'll get your Olivia!!! :cloud9:
Okay girls..Well Rhonda talked me into showing her my to be fair I figured I'd better show you girls too!

I'm 8weeks 5days in this pic.

I dont have one to compare to me before I was pregnant..but i normally dont have a bump..hehe


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R- well I really want a girl too so when i get PG you all better tell me it is a girl even if I come one here saying the US said it was a boy :rofl: Until I see a pee pee I will think it is a girl :rofl: I have heard that girls take all their mother's beauty so there is another sign it is a girl.

Gabs- love the belly picture so cute I can not wait to get my baby bump back and this time I am going to try to appreciate it more.
I love it Gab! Such a cute belly! Thank you for sharing it with all of us! :hugs:
ok Sara your having a girl too :rofl: all Jelly Belly's will have girls! Can you imagine?!! Holy!

I know isn't Gabby's belly the cutest?!! I love it!
It is so cute and tiny but I still want to rub yours too, ok I am having a girl it is final and thats that. That would be so funny if everyone had girls. We would have to change our name to team girly jelly belly
aawww... but i'm wanting a boy!! ok, that makes me the odd one out, heheh..

sorry havent been on much girls, work is really taking me away from everything. just thought i'd drop by and say hello.

big hugs to all of ya.

p/s : gabby, i LOVE your belly!! :rofl:
awww.. but i'm wanting a boy!! that makes me the odd one out.. heheh..

sorry i havent been on much girls, work has been taking away most of me.

just dropped by to say hello, i see that you've all been rather busy, :D so not much of me is missed, hihihi

Big hugs to everyone.

p/s : gabby, LOVE your cute belly!
Ok then you can have the boy I know I will get and I will take an extra girl so make mine twin girls to go and fast!!!!
Awe THANKS seems so much bigger in person lol.

All girls! yay that would be awesome...and thats ok Ms. can have the first boy! I'm sure we dont mind!!

Ok i slipped outside tonight and fell on my side. I am not bleeding at all. I started getting back pain about 30mins later and now i have cramps.....some people say to go in others say im fine......what do my girls on here say!

I'm so worried for bean i hope She's ok!!
Oh! Was it a big jolt when you fell?? But you're not spotting or bleeding at all right? I would say unless the cramps are unbarable or feeling like contractions I would just call a nurse in the morning if you feel comfortable with that....oh, I hope you're ok!
Thanks....omg i'm sad. So i texted hubby telling him what happened...and all he said was you are going to run to bnb and facebook and whine to all your little friends! He said i'm such a baby and its my 3rd pregnancy and i need to just be normal pg mom!!!!! I'm sorry that i have other medical problems and can't be normal!!!!! :( Anyways it just really hurt me.... I HATE him at the moment!
Oh Gabby - massive hugs, gosh my first response when I read you're first post was go in, get it checked out - what harm can it do. And you're going to be worrying about it for a few days and that's not good for you or the baby. I can not believe your hubbie's response, that's so inappropriate and mean. I hope you have a go at him when you see him, he can't talk to you like that!
How you feeling now? Good luck honey i hope those cramps subside and your bean is ok in there xxx
Gab, how are you this morning hun? Hopefully you've gotten to have a talk with your OH and that the cramps are gone or eased up.

As for me, I don't know what to think. I had a temp drop this morning and it's pretty low considering how high it was yesterday. I also keep feeling as if AF is knocking at my door. I'm so bummed at the moment, and I'm not going to test, because last month it was almost like when I tested and got my 3rd :bfn:, AF came almost immediately...and was horrid. So that's it for now. Who knows. :( I'd like to think that my symptoms weren't for nothing.
On another note, this morning at 11:00, my new 3 month old nephew is getting surgery to fix his bilateral cleft lip. They all live in Ohio and I wish so bad that I could be there. Please think happy thoughts/prayers for a good, quick procedure. This little guy is so precious...
Oh Gabby you poor thing!! Are you ok hun? I would say as long as your not bleeding your fine, that baby has a TON of cushion around her and she can take a fall, as long as it wasn't really bad I think your ok, call your doc office and tell them what happened, if they are concerned they will ask to see you. You said you had cramps continuously anyway right? Are they worse since you fell??? Just call, it will put your mind at ease hun.

Liyana!! Yay glad to see you back on hun, you can def have the boy in the group! Little boys are the best!! I just want to try something different this time around, and the thought of all the cute little dresses, oh my gosh....there goes my bank account!! :rofl:

MT my thoughts are with your nephew this morning, god bless him.

I've finally uploaded some of my NY pics, I'll attach them so you girls can see where I was.


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MT I am sure you nephew will be fine, my thoughts and prayers are with him as well. Both my nephews have had some sort of surgery and they are usually very fast and painless. I live in Ohio by the way. Just because your temp dropped doesnt mean you are out keep PMA lots of womens temps drop and they still get their bfp.

Sorry DH was being a guy gabs, they can be so thoughtless sometimes. I hope he makes up for it.

Well DH wants to look at some puppies this weekend. I cant wait for this week to be over. I am exhausted. So much going on. I am still waiting for my call from work about the promotion, and I am just waiting on AF to show her ugly face. This has been a week from hell. I am going to celebrate Sat. Plus if I dont get the promotion, I took a weeks vacation next week to chill at home! Maybe we will have a new puppy for me to train by then. If I get the promotion though I will be training that week so no vacation. We have dinner a movie and drinks planned for sat, i am excited for that at least.
Can progesterone meds confuse an opk or hpt? just curious, tonight is my last suppository which has me scared that once i stop using them af will show, or will cause a mc. but if i test tomorrow would the meds mess it up? or should i wait until the meds are out of my system like wait until sat?
Thanks Ashley...I just feel a wreck right now with everything...and I'm super emotional. I'll just have to wait.
And a little note to you too...just because you don't have any 'symptoms' doesn't mean anything hun...FX for you still!!! I may need to get a pet after this crap too....:(

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