Team Jelly Belly!!!

Can progesterone meds confuse an opk or hpt? just curious, tonight is my last suppository which has me scared that once i stop using them af will show, or will cause a mc. but if i test tomorrow would the meds mess it up? or should i wait until the meds are out of my system like wait until sat?

Hi Girls,

Just dropping in for a quick visit to see how my girls are all doing.

Gabby, sorry you fell precious. I am a bit of a hypercondiac so would probably go to the doctor or at least give them a call to ask a professionals opionion but I am sure your little buba is just fine. :hugs:

MT sorry you feel like the witch is on her way but remember that can be a positive Symptom.

Ashley, I have quoted your post. Once again I am no doctor but from what I understand progesterone doesn't interfere with a HPT. The hormone that effects a HPT is the HCG jab the one I had two days before my IUI because this is the preganancy hormone (it acts like a synthetic LH surge). Do a HPT when you are ready, but probably sooner is better because if you get a positve HPT your doctor might like to keep you on progesterone for a couple more weeks to help establish a healthy strong pregnancy. The baby needs progesterone especially for the first 12 weeks whilst the plecenta is forming.
I have my FX for you, I hope this is your month.

Sarah, I meant to tell you that my folks are also Corgi mad. They have two. The girl is 9 years old and the boy is about 5 months old. He loves to try and jump, very odd for a Corgi with such short legs!!!

Hi R, Thanks for checking up on me. Since I am not TTC this month I am not on here as much as before. I am definitely on the road to recovery. Monday marked the end of a very sad chapter in my life but the futer is looking bright.

Sara, so glad you are going to show that witch who is boss. It can't be easy but you have made it so far, the end is just around the corner.

Love to all of you, sorry for not going through everyone individually but you are all in my thoughts.
Hi ladies,

I'm sorry it's been so long since I have been on (thanks to all who reached out). I needed a break from BnB and I had to get on track with DH.

I have to send a big CONGRATULATIONS!!! to Liyana and Gabs. I'm so excited for you guys. It's wonderful. :bfp::bfp::bfp:

Hello to all the ladies I have yet to talk to.

I have to say that the break really was good for me, because I got my :bfp: yesterday. I kind of got it Monday with an IC but the line was so faint I wasn't sure if I was hallucinating or it came in past the 10 mins. So I took 4 yesterday: 2 ICs, 1 FRER and 1 CBE Digi. The ICs still came up faint (but more noticeable this time) and then I took the FRER and that line came up faint (but darker than the ICs lines) and because I still couldn't believe it I took a digi and that said pregnant. I was so happy, shocked and amazed. DH was so happy you hugged and kissed me and had the biggest cheese. At first I thought he was putting me on but he was really that excited.

Gabs, love the belly shot. I'm so jealous.
Rhonda, Almost at 20 weeks, dag the time flew.

I have been keeping up and I myself would like a boy. I have my princess so I'll go for a boy. DH heard that once you start making girls that's all you make. I told him that's ridiculous like every other wives tale. Now I just have to stay sane until my dr's appt Feb. 19th.
Lea...right? its been so long! Glad your back babe and BIG HUGE Congrats on your :bfp: that is so exciting!!!!!!!! :hugs: Gosh now there are 5 of us Jelly Bellys with So excited for you hun!! Are you going to find out what your having? So you and Liyana both want boys, ok I suppose we can allow that, I mean our girls do have to have prom dates later in life :rofl:Can you imagine if the Jelly Belly's were a community, we had our own show, kind of like desperate house wives but we'd be desperate house mommies :rofl: oh the drama!
:rofl: rhonda u make me laugh!! our own show hehehe

awww congrats Lea can't believe how many of us are preg so thats 5 - 3 girls and 2 boys!! :wohoo:

hope everyone is ok? sorry have not been on in a while been tryhing to find a job and been busy with uni work.... Ashley hope ur ok and that things work out and sorry for your loss with ur pups.

Liyana - any ms for u?? or u still lucky and no symptoms??

Sara - hope ur ok and i thik that waiting for that stoopid :witch: is the best idea, hormones and drugs are why ur body is like this anyway so to use more surely is a bad thing, IF u can get it to kick start on its own first??? also thanks for that website great help darling :D xx

Debs - hope ur ok babe, always in my thoughts and will be hoping ur follicle has ruptured. My friend has this atm but is not TTC doesnt have a bf or anything but they have done the same and its getting good results so i am very positive for you!!

MT - I think ur preggo :dance: eeeeek cant wait for you to test tomo

Sarah - good luck with your lectures hun i know how tough it can be

Caroline - 2ww now? good luck hope it doesnt drag for you!!

Gabs - love love love LOVE your belly

As for me my MS is starting to wear off now :yipee: and i am feeling happier about it all....still exhausted all the time but hey thats cool with me. Rhonda asked me the other day if i had a bit of a bump yet and i didnt think i did but i doooo :D my clothes are tight on my tummy and i dnt need a belt, u can see the lines by my hips eeeek - i will post a piccy when i get home, got last weeks too so i will put both up

I also have anh interview to work at a farm shop within stourhead house and gardens....from national trust it is a gorgeous place - if u wanna see a few pics, doesnt do it justice but u get the idea!!! WISH ME LUCK

Wow good job Lea, glad you got your BFP and you can have the boy I would surely get. Not that I would be upset I guess I mean I already know what to do with a boy right and as R said it would be less expensive to have a boy. I am sick today with the baby and my husband so I won't write much and will catch back up later. CD 85 for me the longest ever. I am brushing up on my Karate to kick some :witch: butt!!
oohhh Jenna you didn't tell me...oh good luck sweetie, def will pray for you, that place looks gorgeous!!! Can't wait to see your lil bump!!! I will post my 18 week bump on Saturday. I feel like a giant whale today, seriously, think my belly grew a lot while I was sleeping last night! I can no longer see my toes when I look down :rofl:

Oohh watch out for Sara :ninja:
Good luck Jai-Jai fingers, legs, eyes, arms and anything else that can cross is crossed for you.

Guess who just went Pee Pee on the toilet for the first time, That's right Sebastian is a big boy now!!!! I am the Happiest Mommy on the Block right now!!!!!!!!!
Thanks Girls!

Rhonda, you got it right. It's Lea! I'm def. finding out what I'm having. I'm so anxious about everything but I was the last time too. Funny I know everything that is to come (unless something throws me for a loop) so the finding out about my changing body and baby isn't the same as the first. You are right prom dates will be needed:rofl:

Jenna, I meant to ask you about the difference with your digi than than the ones in the US. I see you have 2-3 what does that mean?
I love the pics. I'm booking a flight now so I can stay until I have this baby.:rofl: It looks so beautiful and peaceful there. Good luck with the interview!

Kick her but Sara for making you wait 85 days! Isn't that first potty the best! Go Sebastian!

I think MS started a bit yesterday, but I really hope not. I'm hoping the nausea was all in my head.

I love the belly pics because it's so nice to see the progression. I've always had a pouch and then that pouch got worse after I had Zoe, so goodness knows when my belly pics will show a change. I can't wait though!
Guess who just went Pee Pee on the toilet for the first time, That's right Sebastian is a big boy now!!!! I am the Happiest Mommy on the Block right now!!!!!!!!!

OOOOH! This is really exciting!! I know what a thrill it is when they get it right! Good job Sebastian, and good job mommy for being such a good coach!

Everyone else, my thoughts echo those already posted-Good luck with the interview Jenna, that place is absolutely gorgeous! Congrats Lea on your :bfp: hun! R, I'm not feeling very positive right now...I feel exactly that AF is about to show any second, and I had yellow cm at my cervix when I checked earlier...I may not test tomorrow at all.

Good Luck Jai Jai, I know how anxious you are, i interview friday and I am waiting for an official word on the job, although I have to tell you all what my boss said today
"I will let you know when i hear officially who got the job"
me- "was it a close call, is that why it is taking so long"
"no, no close call at all, believe me you are good, "wink" believe me"

What does that mean!!!! I think i got it!!!! Ok well we will just wait till I hear officiailly!
Anyway, so I read that progesterone obviously keeps you from having your period, and keeps your temps high, so i am totally out this month. I have no signs and my temps are high and no af because of the meds!!!! Tonight is the last one, and then i will probably test on Fri morning just in case I am and need more meds to prevent m/c. That is if Af stays away that long, but my longest lp ever has only been 11 days, so here we go friday! By the way, the doggie we had put to sleep was half corgi. :(
Anyway so DH and i are going out for a nice dinner tonight and to look at puppies, we need to be cheered up!

Dont give up MT, its not over till she shows her ugly face ok!

Gabs, I am glad you are ok and no bleeding but i would call a dr.

Congrats Lea!! WOW so exciting, so thats Me, MT, Sara, Debs, and Sara left right? Anyone I am forgetting sorry! 5 outta 10 not bad! half way there!!! Hope we get a few more soon!
Good luck Jai-Jai fingers, legs, eyes, arms and anything else that can cross is crossed for you.

Guess who just went Pee Pee on the toilet for the first time, That's right Sebastian is a big boy now!!!! I am the Happiest Mommy on the Block right now!!!!!!!!!

Oh how fantastik mom, you must be on :cloud9: did he ask to go?? I started working with Brayden on the potty thing a few months ago he did his business a few times, thought we were getting somewhere but now he refuses to go on it period, I think I may have tried before he was ready and am worried I messed up. I will bribe him now and sometimes if I am lucky get him to sit on it but he never does anything on it. Instead he holds it in and pees on the floor after he gets off, its like he's afraid to go on the potty or something. its so stressful i wish I could hire someone to do it for me...good luck with Sebastian!!! He's a little older than Brayden so maybe he's ready. I was hoping to have Brayden out of diapers before this one arrives but I don't see that happening! :sad1:
Lea, CONGRATS ON YOUR BFP!! Gosh, almost all of our girls are preg!! I bet within 3 months, EVERY SINGLE ONE of us is preg (except me of course, cause we're still def. not trying to may)

Liyana, I want a boy when I get preg next too. I want all boys!

Gabs, I love your little belly! it doesn't look like you have any stretchmarks, but I can't enlarge the pic...were you one of the lucky ones?!??!

Debs, that's so cute about your parents!! Corgi's are really amazing dogs, I think we're def. sticking with getting one.

Jenna, good luck at your interview!!

Rhonda, those are really pretty pics of NY!! I still can't believe how far along you are! I cant wait till your gender u/s.

Sara, have you decided for sure what you're going to do? I wish you had insurance right now so you could go get on provera!
Ashley-Looking good about the job honey! That's a great 'hint' your boss gave you! :)
I don't know loads about it, but the progesterone, depending on how your dosage is...I am under the impression that it's probably not a high enough dose that it will make your AF show up immediately after going off of it. When I talked to my homeopathic doctor and was put on progesterone cream, she prescribed to use it nonstop...and with the understanding that AF would still show on time...she was right. If your body lacks it, then the dosage that you have is probably just the right amount. I hope all this made some sort of sense...:rofl:

Now, I'm all confused...I had very significant AF pains all day up until about 4pm and now I'm not having any. I have been checking all day and all I could come up with is just a tiny amount of yellowish cm. I've never been pregnant, and I don't know what it feels like, but I imagine this couldn't be it...unless someone tells me that it does feel EXACTLY 100% like AF...then I might think something is up. Otherwise, I am sitting here 100% sure that AF is on her way, and I don't appreciate her treating me like this!

Sorry for the rant...I expect I'll have another one tomorrow...:rofl: :rofl:
R- Yeah he is not really asking to go yet but I just have it so he knows what the potty is for and where it is located so if he wants to go it is there. I am asking him more though and sometimes he says yes so I use that to my advantage. I am trying not to push him but I did bribe him to go quite a few times but he wouldn't then do what Brayden does and pee on the floor :rofl: I think each kid is different and I also do not want to push him when he is not ready but I was so proud that he pee peed three times on the potty today. Plus it is a way for me to know what schedule to put him on the potty when we are actively trying (like every 30 mins or every hour or what).

Sarah- I want us all to be PG too (EVEN YOU)! I have decided not to get provera and wait it out and get AF on my own. My husband quit the job that we were waiting for the ins to activate and is now waiting to get started on a security job through my family so I don't know when I will get ins.
Mel- I don't remember being pg with Sebastian because I did not even have an idea that I was PG until I took a test. I thought for sure AF was coming on a friday and she didn't I convinced myself that I had miscalculated and she was due on the next Monday. When she did not show up on Tues we went to my husband's Grandmother's funeral and came back to my mom's house because she picked me up a test and low and behold a bright blue + sign 9before I knew how bad those tests were). I think if your temp goes back up tomorrow you should get really excited.
Mel- I don't remember being pg with Sebastian because I did not even have an idea that I was PG until I took a test. I thought for sure AF was coming on a friday and she didn't I convinced myself that I had miscalculated and she was due on the next Monday. When she did not show up on Tues we went to my husband's Grandmother's funeral and came back to my mom's house because she picked me up a test and low and behold a bright blue + sign 9before I knew how bad those tests were). I think if your temp goes back up tomorrow you should get really excited.

It's up a little more now, and the rest of the day. I wonder if it's because I didn't sleep well. I swear I tossed and turned all stinkin' night. It's back up to 98.5 and it's pretty much been there each time I've checked throughout the day...that's not accurate I know, but I'm grasping at straws. I'm really sorry too girls for being so dramatic. It's all different when it's YOU going through it. I can be logical with other people but not myself! :blush:
I really really hope this is it for you Meli Tia!!! Will be watching your chart!
Thanks V!! The sad thing is, though, I think my 'free trial' on FF is over after tomorrow...:rofl: I think I have one more day. Makes me :rofl: actually...I'm such a cheapskate it's incredible.

***Edit My free chart is actually over 2/9/ nevermind :)
Yeah my free trial ended a little while ago when I was actually thinking I might have Oed and blah blah blah so if you are a cheapskate then so am I :rofl: I really hope you sleep better tonight so you can get a good temp tomorrow.
Yuuhuuu! hello ladies!! How are you all today?

Ok, so i probably spoke too soon about not having MS. The past few days, i've been having bad headaches and nausea. I felt like i could throw up on everyone at anytime, LOL. Worse still, I can't stand the sight of white rice, and that's what I used to love most! The only thing i seem to be able to down nowadays are noodles and spaghetti. So that's what my MIL makes for me everyday, super sweet of her.

Anyway, i've started wearing motion sickness band around my wrists to help with the nausea and thank god they're doing some good! Would recommend them to those of you who are experienceing nausea. it doesnt get rid of it totally, but it sure reduces it!

Lea!! CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR :bfp:!!!!!!!!!!! YAAYYYY FOR YOU!!!! and whoopeee, at least i'm not the only one in the boy-wagon. heheheh.. sarah and you are in it with me. we'll bring 'em gentlemen for your pretty little ladies :D

Ash - glad everything's moving towards the better, here's parying hard that the promotion comes rolling your way! seems like it's halfway there already *winks*

MT - hun you sure sound preggers to me, here's rooting for your :bfp: test test test!!!

R - you crack me up!! LOL!! us having our own show, my wouldn't that be something. any tv producers among us? hahahahah, i guess episodes on yourtube will do :rofl:

Jenna - can't wait for your pics!!!!

Sara - look out AF!! you'll kick her butt so hard she'll give you your BFP and disappear for the next 9 mnths!! FX!! and congratulations on Sebastian's achievements!! you beat tom cruise and katie holmes in potty training so yay Sara! :happydance:

On another note, yesterday, I was bored felt like i didn't want to do much so I decided to humour myself. I did the ring test!! LOL!!

So i tied my wedding ring to a piece of string, held it up over my left palm, waited awhile.. and yeap.. it moved alright!! If the test is right, i'm going to have a boy (whoopieee!!) and then a girl. and apparently just two beautiful kiddos for me, teeheheheh!

you girls really should try it! especially those who alredy have little ones, so we can see if it's accurate. the ring test over the left palm is supposed to tell you the number of kids you have had/having/will have according to gender and sequence. tonnes of people have said it's true, so let's see what my team jelly belly says! :happydance:

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