Team Jelly Belly!!!

R and Sara, I used to think the same thing with Zoe. If someone could only do it for me. It definitely makes you stay on top of their potty schedule. Her daycare teacher said I should start her when I did and with their help it was much easier.

Ashley, I'm sorry about your puppy but glad you are going to out with hubby and checking out some more. What your boss said sounds real promising. I don't want to say you have it in the bag but it sure does sound like it.

MT, If your temp stays high tomorrow and no AF what the heck test. I can't remember what it was like when I found I was pregnant with my daughter, but I realized I was late and I took a test. I do remember checking, what seemed like, every five minutes because I kept feeling something down there but it was nothing and AF never came.

I got the VIP subscription on FF and I got it before we actually started trying. I wanted to have as many cycles I could to compare. I'm actually down to 145 days. I was down to 2 days on the free trial before I decided to switch.
Morning girls!

It's lovely to check in and see lots of good news!

Hi Lea, I'm Caroline, I've kind of gatecrashed Team Jelly Belly because you're all such wonderful, lovely, supportive ladies, who I really appreciate through all this!
CONGRATULATIONS on your BFP!!! I'm so very pleased for you and looking forward to hearing all about you bump and bean.

Go Sebastian!! Clever boy - now you just have to teach him to keep holding his pee pee down every time - that seemed the tricky bit with my nephew!

How did the puppy hunting go? Fingers crossed you found one you loved - have been to the local shelters? Sometimes they have something so wonderful there that you never know you wanted till you see him! We went for a tabby kitten and ended up with two black teenage cats - they're the most wonderful kitties - although both very eccentric!

How you feeling today Gabby? Everything ok after your fall?

R - love the bump!

MT - you ready to test today? I'd so rather have a BFN then AF show on me, with a BFN I can easily convince myself of a million reasons why it might not have worked, but there's not much arguing with the witch! How's your nephew doing - hugs to the little guy.

Jenna - good luck with the job interview - it looks a lovely place to work

Ashley - good luck at work, sounds like it's yours I do hope so, but sounds like you'll be out of the running for a bit - or did you decide to stick with it?

V - what's going on with you?

Time is moving VERY slowly for me, it's only 5dpo and I'm going mad, never had a month like this, I'm thinking about it constantly!! I've got no symptoms and CM has been dryish for days (even during OV :( ) Only thing going on is the mild cramps which I've had every day since just before Ov, oh and I'm eating tons of chocolate, but that's nothing new!!

Hurry up next Friday when I can test!!!

Morning ladies. Yet another busy Thursday. I hate Thursdays lol. Well my temp dropped insanely. Last night was the last of the progesterone so we will see. At least it gave me an eleven day lp. I think we are going to continue to not prevent if i get the job. That way if it happens it happens. We found a dog we both want, it is a Shiba Inu. Beautiful dog, white color, boy, DH wants to name him Max. I said ok since its his dog. I weighed in this morning and actually still lost a lb. lol. I still have no symptoms so its no suprise when af shows up. I expect her today or tomorrow. I understand MT what you were saying about the progesterone, and I understand about not being able to give yourself advice lol. O and I have the free version of FF and I have had it for the past 4 months of ttc, and its still working for me, so you can actually continue with the basic free version. :) We adopted our first dog from a adoption shelter, the one we had put to sleep, and we looked again but they dont have any puppies and we want a puppy to train on our own.
Hello fellow Jelly Bellies! Thank you all for being so supportive!! I looove it here!
First off, my temp remains high-ish. Secondly, I would like to test but last month when I tested and got my :bfn: AF showed joke, I had nothing, no cramps etc...and once my p hit the stick and I saw the result the cramps kicked in full gear! If nothing else I'm being superstitious because I have such a horribly busy day today that I'd like to keep AF away at least until I'm done working. The first day is always the worst for me. She always comes full force and hardly any warning it seems...I don't even really spot before hand. So that's my reason, silly as it is...oh, and of course because I don't want to see that stark white :bfn: :( but that's typical.

I am not having any sign of her showing. I promise, I will test tomorrow if today is as I hope it is...:)

Thank you so much for asking about my nephew!!! He's doing great! I have yet to talk to my mom about everything in detail but she texted me and even sent me a pic! He looks amazing! I'll have to post piccys for you ladies once I have a little more time. Oh, I love him and he's doing so good! I was such a wreck yesterday with everything going on I sure appreciate you ladies keeping me grounded, or at least trying to! Super huge :hug: to each of you!

I'll get back on when I can!
:rofl: Caroline I didn't post a pic of my bump yet....believe me when I do you'll know as its HUGE!!! My feet have disappeared, almost overnight :( I promise to post one this weekend as I'll be 18 weeks on Saturday, woo hoo! I can't believe I'm almost half way through, this preg have cruised!!

MT it does sound like you are prego girl, I think Gabby had the similar thing you do right now before she got her :bfp: she too thought AF was coming because she had cramps, so I think its looking very promising for you!! :happydance:

Liyana yes those motion sickness bands worked for me too! I recommend them too, they helped a lot when I was preg with Brayden, I wore them every day in my 1st tri. I was very lucky this time around and didn't have to wear them at all. Its so funny how different my 2 pregnancies have been, like night and day, maybe the kids personalities will be that different too??

Sara I have been told to put them on the potty a half hour after they have something to drink but I personally found that to be too late...maybe 15-20 minutes? I still haven't gotten it figured out, seems Brayden is not going at the same time after each drink so its really making this challenging. I bribed him with stickers this morning, got him to sit on it but he had just gone in his diaper seconds before so I missed that window...I'm going to try every morning now in hopes to make even some progress before this one comes, ahhhh only 5 more months!!!!

There is no heat at my work today, they ran out of oil and called to get more here so it will be awhile, I'm sipping on hot chocolate now and "trying" to stay warm but not having much luck. I can't wait for spring to get here, I'm not a fan of winter at all....think I picked the wrong state to live in, lol. On some good news my rash seems to be almost all gone, yay!!! And hubby is taking me out to lunch today, going to get burritos, which will completely make my day. I had a terrible one in NY and need to make up for it! :rofl:
My GOODNESS......I'm Gone for a day and I had to read a book! Wow my ladies love to chat!!!

Well as for me I still never went to the doctor or called or anything. I am sure bean is fine in there. I'm not bleeding/spotting or nothing at all so thats great. My back is really starting to hurt though and i had a lilttle fever and chills last night....eek I'm thinking another kidney infection is on its way. NOOOOOOO :(
Also so i have only worked like one day since i found out I was preggers..! I usually work two days a week and the extra money is SUPER helpful! Gosh....I should go in tomorrow but i dont have energy for it! grrrrrrr do i just suck it up and go?
Sarah....yes i have stretchmarks..hehe they are just on the front of my belly and they arent SUPER bad but they are there! :(
As far as me and hubby we got into a huge fight last see i was home all day with no kids b/c i was on call for the fire department and well i did NOTHING all day. And it really upset him. He said that i am soooooo lazy! And of course i gave the I'M PREGNANT excuse! He got all pissy! Remind you all....i just cleaned the WHOLE house two days ago and my hubby and the kdis made a mess when i was at a meeting. SO really it just looks bad with toys and clothes and there laundry to do!!!! So he can chill.
Anyways....we got over the fight and of course we are doing sooo much better! Do you pg laides hubbies get like that with you?
One update on the m/ i dont puke like i use too so thats good. I can actually eat now but i have alot of tummy issues this diarehea alot and tummy pains..its REALLY annnoying!!!!!!!

Mel Tia.....OMG sound just like me! I had the WORST cramps...i SWORE af was on her way and i was even checking my cervix and it was LOW like it was everytime af came! I was going to keep waiting to test but i gave myself a test date of 13dpo and i tested..and SUPER DARK BFP! Remind you i had a negative blood five days before. DONT give up...and it sounds super promising! PLEASE test tomorrow!

Ashley..i hope your temp goes up hunnie...i really want this for you.

Lea! Welcome back babe! and MAJOR CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!! YAY......were all going to be preggers together soon enough!!!! :) And you can have a boy ! thats fine with me..two is enough! witch better be scared of you! Gosh i cant believe its been so long.....i know you said you are underweight? or really small.....i know that has something to do with why you wouldnt get a period....maybe you should look into it?

Rhonda~ I can't wait to see a belly pic.

Jai Jai~missed you...glad you are starting to feel better! Can't wait to see the belly too!

Another for i had a major breakdown last night before mine and hubbies fight...the kids were driving me crazy and i was crying so bad and idk i just DIDNT want another know somedays they are just soooooo much work and maybe since i didnt have them all day it was ummmmm NICE...hehe I'm better now but i just feel like such a bad mom....PLEASE tell me someone has had this too!:( ....i forget I'm the only one with two already! eek
Also my friends water broke last night and I'm sure she had her baby!!! YAY....they told her she was having a girl but i dreamt it came out a boy.....i hope that wasnt the case! Well i am dying to hear from her...but I totally forget that she will call when shes ready ...hehe I mean she just gave birth for the first time!:)

Hugs to all of you! And thanks for the compliments on my belly.:)
Gabby, no my dh is usually the lazy one :rofl: and its me yelling at him all the time. He likes sports a little too much and it drives me mad! When I do sit down to rest I tend to feel I'm usually always on the go, picking something up or cleaning. His laziness is really the only reason we ever fight and we got into it first thing this morning to,!

Also Gabs I had the same thing you do with this preg, the extreme laziness and no ms but 2 weeks of bad cramps and diarehea, like 4-5 times a day, it was awful. So maybe this means we're both going to get our little girls??? And they are already a pain in our butt!! :rofl:

We had Brayden's 2 year pictures done a little while ago and I've just now managed to scan them, I'll post them below so you guys can meet my little guy. :hugs:


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Awe hes precious Rhonda. I've seen pics on facebook but these are SUPER cute!:) I should try and get our boys pictures up that were just done!

Yeah...i USUALLY am the one cleaning everything and yelling at him...but lately you know how it is....NO energy!!!!

And yes....I pray we both have our girls!
Gabs- I know how you feel and I only have one but some days he is just so much I actually ask myself if I am sure I want another one. In the end I am sure and I know just like you know that there will be days where all hell breaks loose but when they look at you and hug you and kiss you then it is all worth it.

R- OMG Brayden is so cute, I wish I had a scanner so you could see Sebastians 2 year pictures, he was not feeling too well so he has an excuse but he is holding the #2 and almost crying but you can see his eyes are watery, I got the picture anyways because he is 2 and that's what 2 year olds do.
Thanks guys, Gabby def try to post your boys pics!! Sara do you have access to a scanner? Or take a picture of your picture :) I'd love to see them! Too bad he was crying, don't you just love the terrible 2's? I had a fork thrown at me yesterday, lord oh me some days!!!
Hello beautiful ladies! I just hopped on here to give some bad news...
AF has arrived. :cry: I'll have to catch up with you all later when I get back online.


:dust: :dust: to those of us left!
I am so sorry, i really thought this was your month. Stupid witch I can not believe how rude she is. :hugs:
Oh no Mel......I'm SO SO sorry hunny. :hug: :hugs:.
That stupid :witch:, She's an old hag! Go bug the women who are sleeping with every man they know!grrrrr

I really really thought this was your month....:cry:, Yes I actually am crying b/c your not pregnant....its my hormones but i just think its SO unfair....why can't God just give you your dream.

please dont give up hope Mel, you will get your baby. Hang in there and treat yourself to something very nice. Relax and have a drink. Maybe a pet would be a nice addition. Again, I'm so sorry and I'm praying for you.:hug::hug:
awwwwww Gabs u sound just like me!!! DF is like that with me too - when i do EVERYTHING and then one day i dont and he is moan moan moan and oh ur not the one who has to get up early in the morn its not my fault i dont have a job!! The interview went well i guess she just chatted way with me and seemed nice but i dont reckon i will get it, jst have a feeling and plus i said i was at uni and everytime i say that they think i am gonna do a runner in a couple of months and i am sooooo not why did i say i was i promised i wouldnt this time - its why i didnt get mhy fab job at orchard park grrrr

ARRRRRRRRRRRRRGH THAT :witch: you wait until i see her :grr: I mean it I am so sorry MT if I catch her :ninja: or i will def :gun: her down cant she jst annoy all the little bikes out there like Gabs said??

:awww: Rhonda I know I have seen them before but love the pics :D sooo cute

here are my bump pics below, but must warn u there is not much to see :rofl: I can see a difference in life it looks bigger and i can see that definition...u know where ur hips are and what u see on men?? lol listen to me, anyway my clothes are tight now mayve i should do updates on my boobs they grow by the second:


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oh no MT!! I'm sorry hun, that damn :witch: why couldn't she have gone to visit Sara instead (cause she would be delighted!) I really thought this was your month, your body can play some cruel jokes on you that's for sure! Like Gabby said go treat yourself to something, take you mind off it for a bit, something that makes you really happy...manicure? Pedicure? A new purse, or the thing that makes me happier than anything right! Chocolate works wonders, and a tub of Ben and Jerry's! :hugs:
yeh have some ben and jerry's that will always work!!!

oh and my digi test - thats the weeks since
My are skinny! I'm jealous! I use to be that way...well before I had!!!!!! I see a lil will get bigger i'm sure! Yes YES show your boob changes! lol i'm funny i love boobs, i'm like a man when it comes to that! Quote me..."Hubby check out the rack on that chick, holy cow!" hehe Yup thats me.

Okay so i just picked up all the messes and doing all the laundry. I gave the boys baths too. So that is enough lol. He cant complain now!! grr hehe. I'm going to see my friends daughter today!!! She was born last night! I'm SOOO excitied! Everyone is healthy and doing well! YAY I gotta stop and get a gift....but i dont really have tons to spend...but i'm one of those who buys EVERYTHING for new arrivals! hehe just wont tell hubby.
:rofl: thanks Gabs but I have huuuuuge legs - would give anything to have killer legs, but I am like u I love the boobage :D

awwwww how exciting Gabs a new little :baby: so she had a :pink: how exciting!!! I hope u, Rhonda and I are all having girls....I must admit my tummy has been a little dicky too with number 2's :rofl: my ms is almost gone :wohoo: but now a lil worried should I be or am I just being a nob?? :rofl: sorryh I always use that word hehe i just worry and seeing as bubs has been through sooo much I think 'she' must be a keeper!!! xxxxxxx
I can't possibly thank you girls enough for the kind words and support. I am so glad to have been introduced to you all!

I'm LOVING the belly shots ladies. I do have a bright side of starting this all over again...I'll be able to loose some 'belly jelly' (so I can have the hot & sexy tiny bump belly shots too) before I get my :bfp: :rofl:

Random thoughts by MT:
Once all the :sad2: is over, I'll feel tip top shape by Monday I'm sure, and by then I'll be able to resume my workouts and I'll be back to my ol' self.

Lessons in not giving up: I rationalize that my body just isn't ready yet. I had hoped 'she' was by now, but I guess I just need to keep working on it.

Obvious note: ENDOMETRIOSIS is a horrid, wretched disease that I wouldn't wish on anyone!!! (Ok, a little self-pity...sorry, I'll get over it)
MT!!!!!! Go get a pet!!! and ice cream, and a new purse!!!!!!!! I am so sorry! I cant wait to get a drink! I am going to have a huge one as soon as af arrives for me, which I know she will be here tomorrow as i have c cm, just like always before af. Hey we will get it right next time, and thats right more working out to look hot with little tummies with bumps!!! DH and I are not getting that puppy because the money is tight right now, but rest assured we will get it with our tax refund. I am just like you though gabs, i totally notice other chicks, although DH is into the lower behind area so I look at that too! i have top and bottom, lol, but a little too much in the middle too, if I could just get that area gone, I would be super perfect lol! o but guess what.....

I GOT THE PROMOTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 5 people applied, and they picked me!!! They called while I was in a meeting at 3 and i just got home. At least one thing went my way this week!!!! Now come on baby next month and I will be set for a while, then puppy and we are all better! LOL.

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