Team Jelly Belly!!!

I GOT THE PROMOTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Holy Moly!!!! Sweet!!! That's absolutely wonderful Ashley hun! So happy for you! :wohoo:

And no worries, I'm doing shust fhine **drunk speech**. Gin and tonic is the order for the evening. :) I need to loose about 20lbs to be at my desired weight so no ice cream for me and I did just buy a new BMakowski purse so I'm set in that area too. DH has an awesome fire going and I'm just relaxing, cramp free too, how delightful! I imagine this afternoon is the worst it's going to be for me...AF's have been much better for me since my new regimen. (last month could have been a fluke, but I'm now even more sure that it was a chemical)
Yes, I am sure it was and I am sure you will get your little bean soon MT!! You deserve it too much but it will be worth it when it happens! I am so so so tired and i have to go to my other job at nine. I tried to quit, well put in my two weeks there and my boss was so upset, I agreed to stay until it was too much. I felt bad. :( LOL about the gin and tonic. I am going to have a huge margarita, I have pina colada mix and margarita mix and rum waiting!!!! I am excited and then i can officially celebrate my job, but i am not going to risk it just yet, plus i have to work the next two nights so going to enjoy saturday night!!! I am on vacation all next week too just before I start the next job so thats a great break right before hard work. And I can go to the gym every day! Drink one for me!!!
:hugs: I've already had yours, and I've got another on the way hun... :D

Have a good night hun, sorry about having to work, this isn't fair, this 'work' thing...:rofl:
Mt, glad she is at least being nice to you since she so rudely interrupted a delightful TWW, as Rhonda said I can not believe she did not come to see me, stupid cow.

Gabs I am the same way, I love Boobs and probably because I have boob envy since I don't have any, While breast feeding I barely fit into a small C but was so delighted cuz they were just up there, :rofl: then I stopped Breast feeding after year and lost all of my boobs, I swear I am smaller now than before I had my son which was a hard challenge to face. Oh well here is to hoping I get boobs that stay the second time around.

Ash- So excited for you to get the job, i bet you feel fantastic knowing you got chosen over 4 other people, that is so fantastic. Now if only AF will stay away tomorrow and a BFP shows up instead, GOOD LUCK DEAR.!!!!! You deserve it, Sorry about not being able to get a new puppy yet but maybe it will give you guys some time to adjust to your new work schedule and give you time to pick out the perfect dog.
Thanks so much!! I hope af stays away too! I have no doubt she will be here tomorrow though, on the bright side, my lp is 11 days now! Woo Hoo! Tomorrow will be 12 but she will show tomorrow. I hope not though! I will test just to do it because i do need to be on progesterone if I am pg. So better safe than sorry. And yes that is a good idea about the puppy.
Well it is better to put your mind at ease about testing because you will wonder if it was because of the progesterone and if you are anything like me I would drive myself crazy with the what ifs. Glad your LP is longer, mine usually is 11 days when it is working right so good luck tomorrow.
uhm, ladies. quick question.

i had quite a tiring day today, handled 200 kids for a programme, full of activities and such.

Anyway, coming back from the programme, i went to the loo and saw that there was a bit of brown spotting on my undies (tmi). and after wiping, there was a bit more on the tissue as well.

not a lot, but it got me a bit worried. I googled it up, and apparently it should be fine. my dr's in germany, and she wont be back until next week. you ladies think i'm alright? my appointment is on the 31st, that's when she comes back.

can anyone tell me if it's ok for me to wait?
hey MsTwiggy - from what I've been reading on here, it seems to happen to a lot of people and they're fine, but I really don't know. I guess if nothing more comes then there's nothing to worry about. My sis bled at 8 weeks and everything ended up fine. I don't know if that helps!

Hello everyone else - sooo much going on! I'm not sure if I've memorised all the events or not, but I'll give it my best shot. I clearly messed up last time, when I put Rhonda instead of Gabby - blonde moment.

Jenna, that bump is sooo tiny and cute, you lucky skinny thing. I already look 4 month pregnant and have for ages...:)but I kind of can't be bothered to do much about it since hopefully I'll be pregnant for real soon and then I'll get fat anyway! I'm still only a uk14/16 and tall, so who cares? I also love the boobies..I'm glad you've all admitted it first. The best thing about having put on weight is that my bubs are 2 sizes bigger and look rather fine. I'd rather keep them even if it means i have to keep my jelly belly!

Arguments with OH? Yep it's mostly about doing stuff around the house and lazyness. when I get going I keep going until things are tidy and done and I pick up as a I go and he just can't seem to do that. He just doesn't 'see' mess and it drives me up the wall. He works shifts so has 2 mornings a week at home, which is when I have the most energy to do things and so I expect him to do it too, but he doesn't (well sometimes he does, he fitted the dishwasher last week - wooo hooo!)

Sooooo sorry the (b/w)itch got you - evil cow. Enjoy your G&T - mmmm. I've got heaps of nice wine left from Christmas (also in 2ww) so if she comes calling at my door I going to drown her in marks and sparks's finest Cava!

Ashley congratulations on the job - wooo hooo. What do you do? Try not to work too hard xxx

Ah, baby pictures - very cute, yep, I want to see more babies, toddlers and bumps round here!!

Nothing new going on here. The only odd thing is both the cats keep licking me, which they never normally do - now my psychotically obsessed brain is wondering if my hormones are different so they want to lick me?? Ok, just smile and nod and send for the men in white coats, I'm grasping at straws!!!
thanks choco..

i called the dr's and they told me to come in straight away since i was in very early pregnancy.

so i went, saw a different dr than my usual, and she scanned and looked inside me.

thank God the baby was ok. I saw my little one, and saw its heart beating.. and i heard its heart beating... it was the most amazing thing i've ever heard or seen. I have this little life hanging on inside me.

unfortunely, there was also some worrying news. I was bleeding from the uterus, and though it has already ceased, i still need to take extra care. She said i had what they called a threatened abortion (?). eitherway, she gave me a jab to boost my hormones, to help strengthen the pregnancy, gave me a week off work and told me to do nothing but lay in bed, watch happy movies and think happy thoughts.

i asked if everythign was going to be ok after this. she said that since we've seen its heart beat and all, the baby's almost 75% ok. but it still can go either way, 50/50. hence why i need as much rest as possible.

my husband, friends and MIL were so supportive. but my mom on the other hand had nothing nice to say to me. she kept on going about how i don't know how to take care of myself. as if that's helping me feel better. it's not like i asked for this to happen. :cry: :cry: :cry: i've been crying non stop ever since i spoke on the phone with her.


not doing so good on the "happy thoughts" bit.

i'm going to rest now. please say a little prayer for me and my little one?

thank you ladies.. :cry:
oh Liyana!!! I am sorry you are feeling down and ur Mum is being annoying - just put her put of your mind now ok and relax and dont do ANYTHING ok?

You are in my thoughts and my prayers and will not stop until I know u and beanie r ok.

Liyana-I'm so glad you went and had it checked out. I will definately be sending good thoughts your way...YOU & BEAN WILL BE JUST FINE Sweets.

Caroline-I'm so hopeful that this is it for you! Hopes for the last 2ww for a long time!!

Ash-FX for your :bfp: this morning sweetheart!

S-I would have gladly let you have AF's visit this time, but not more than one visit! Your :bfp: is coming up.

:hug: to everyone today, hope you're all doing ok!
Ashley, YAYYYYY for the promotion!! All we need is you to get your BFP and this will be an amazing month for you!!

Sara, that's great about sebastian!!!!! What a big boy =) I'm actually going to get Michael a toilet today and we will start encouraging him to use it as much as possible!!

Rhonda, umm...Braeden is absolutely friggin PRESH!!! He totally has your eyes...has anyone ever told you that??

Gabby, I'm sorry you and hubby are fighting. I wish he was nicer to you...I actually wish all of our hubbies were sweeter. I feel like once the kiddos start coming, they start treating us like we're responsible for the kids because they bring home all the money. I know tony is like that, and I just don't think that's fair.

Jenna, beautiful bump girl!!!!! You are so makes me miss my pre-preggo body!!!!! and... I agree, I want to see boobies!!

Lea, I had no idea that you had a daughter!! Are you hoping for a boy this time? Or another girl??

Liyana, I'm so sorry about your stressful last couple of days...but I am VERY happy that things are fine now. Definitely follow the doctor's orders and rest/lay down as much as possible! You and your bean are in my thoughts and prayers girl.

Mel, I'm so sorry that AF came! Things really seemed positive this month!! Are you going to use any new tactics next month with getting preggo? What devices do you use now besides FF?

Caroline, we actually found out the ($1299) puppy we were going to buy had 1 dewclaw (meaning, either she was born with one, or some idiot only took 1 of her dewclaws off) and couldn't have puppies because she had a hernia!!!! I was enraged at the pet store...I was like "you're SERIOUSLY going to sell me a $1299 corgi, which I could get from a reputable breeder for $800 without any defects/problems?!??!?!?!" and they tried to say that they weren't giving my $300 deposit back..but then they were like "we understand why you feel this way, we're very sorry" and gave it back. So, we're still on the hunt!! I'm such a lab girl, so I'm thinking about waiting until we move into a house with a backyard and then getting a lab behind hubbies back. I think if I got a male lab, tony would bond with it I'm thinking of going that route. Regardless, I'm going to heavily research breeders and just surprise tony one day! Anywho, when are you going to test?!??!?!?!?

As far as I'm concerned, I had a big glob of crap come out of my vagina yesterday. It literally looked like a mucous plug. I've been getting those things around the time I ovulate, isn't that weird? I get them after I O though (I think). I went out last night bc my college threw a "100 days left til graduation" party for the senior class...and I got HAMMERED. I'm not hungover, but when I woke up this morning, I went to the potty and had semen coming out of my vagina. I asked tony if we had sex last night, and he said yes. So, I guess I had sex with tony in my state of drunken-ness and didn't remember hahaha. But like I said, I get the glob after I ovulate, so I don't think I have anything to worry about! So, that's all I can think of!!
Sarah, you cracked me up...I think we all can possibly relate to the drunken sex with our OHs.

I am temping and using preseed. That's it. Well sort of, you's a long drawn out story but since I had my surgery I've been sort of a freak about changing everything and getting my diet in line with the guidelines for those with Endometriosis. Anyway, since August I've been on a new regimen with this Maca root and some other stuff called Immunocal. I believe both of these things are going to (and have been) working in conjunction with each other and will eventually help give me my :bfp: The Maca helps regulate hormones, the Immunocal helps with a TON of stuff, namely immunity. But it does so many things-it's formulated to help the body produce glutethione, and this is what we need in our bodies to effectively breakdown antioxidents most effeciently. I'm working on getting my adrenal glands in gear because they directly influence how the body produces and uses hormones...think 'fight or flight'...cortisone, testosterone, estrogen and progesterone. When your adrenals are out of whack, your body will convert 'sex hormones' into 'stress' fighters=cortizone. Thus eliminating the possibility to get knocked up.

That being said, I think it's time I can say to you Sara, I really think that even if you chose to take the vitex or even what I'm on, the Maca-it might really help your body regulate and get AF back. I've read a lot of testimonials where ladies have said that in having irregular AF, that it actually did help them to become regular. Just a 'plug' from good ol' MT. haha
Okay so I fixed my ticker Gabs!! I don't know what the heck was wrong with my last one. It was about 7 months off AND the baby was black!!!!!
Mel, I remember reading about your Endo and you modifying your diet to help out with it. I think you are taking all of the right steps to get yourself pregnant!! I know it will happen soon =)
Good lord your girls wrote a book overnight! I can't keep up, lol!! Oh where to start....

Ashley BIG congrats hun on the promotion, that's awesome news!! I hope you get your :bfp: today too that would be quite a week for you girl, maybe god is going to give you all this because he had to take your puppy away and he doesn't want you to be sad! FX!!!!

Liyana you have a wonderful doctor, don't let him/her go!!! I don't know many that would give you u/s to check you all the time, your so lucky to have such a great doc and it must make you feel good your so well taken care of! Brown discharge is a little scary but as long as you are not getting cramps and red blood then you are ok hun. I spotted brown for a week with Brayden and he turned out fine. I know how you feel though, just take it easy get and lots of rest. Seeing your :baby: heatbeat means the chance of mc is dramatically lower so horray!!!! :happydance:

Jenna thanks for adding me as your soul sister on FB, your such a sweetheart!!! Oh and I do see a little bump there, I bet you'll notice it more quickly because your so thin. :hugs:

Sarah your so funny! I can't belive you got drunk enough to forget what you did the night before and your not at all hungover this morning, nice job! Yes Brayden totally has my eyes (the cote eyes) and both my nephews do too, my nephew Owen and Brayden have been mistaken for brothers before they look sooo much alike!! Funny how strong some genes are, I can't wait to see what this baby will look like....22 weeks....holy crap!! :shock:

Well today is my first Friday not working, I got up early and helped DH get Brayden ready for daycare, I have picked up the whole house, ran the dishwasher and wrote a few bills, I have to go do some laundry now, hop in the shower get ready and go get groceries and run a few errands, not really a day off by anymeans but I love cleaning the house when there is no one here because it stays clean!!!! Well it will remain clean until 6 o'clock tonight anyway :rofl:
Liyana, so glad things looked good and very glad that you saw and heard the hb this early that if fantastic. Hope you throw whatever your mother says to you out the window and focus on the little bean. I will pray for you and beany but I am sure everything will be fine, your bean sounds like a fighter so get all the resting you can and let bean fight. What shot did she give you, I never heard of a shot to help a threatened MC and do not freak out about the diagnosis, they throw that word around a lot when they don't know what it causing the bleeding, I think it is just to cover their own butts. Take care dear :hugs:

Sarah- usually that "glob" is a sign that you are going to O so I am going to assume that in your drunken state of mind you had unprotected sex and are now knocked up :rofl: I will just say I told you so in a few weeks.

Caroline- I want to know when you are testing too.

R-Glad your first Friday off is still keeping you occupied but I am lazy so I think you should take a nap!!!! Have I found you on FB yet? I play scavenger hunt so I have added a lot of friends for that game and now do not remember who I have added. On another note, Sebastian is not really telling me he has to go so I am just trying to work with him to understand that sensation and to get to the potty as soon as he feels it, I know we will have accidents but it is a road we are ready to take, Good luck to you, i heard that you are supposed to take the child to pick out their own potty to help them feel like it is theirs.

Gabs- Do you have FB? I don't remember if you said yes or no, I tell you my mind does not work right since I had Sebastian (I think it was broken before then but now I use Sebastian as my excuse :rofl: )

Mel- Thanks I was thinking about taking it now just to get things started but did not know if I should wait or not (Wait for what I don't know).

Jai-Jai Find me on FB, Sara MacDonald (I am Rhonda's sister in law apparently)

As for me I once again still have no idea what's going on So Blah Blah Blah and Yada Yada Yada!!!!
Rhonda~just curious....but why is Brayden at daycare? Will he still go every friday? Wouldnt it be nice to have him home? Gosh i could SO use a day of NO kids, hubby once a week ! LMAO

Ashley~Big congrats on the promotion, Now all you need is your BFP this morning!:) Fingers crossed for you!

Mel~Glad you doing ok! I agree with sarah that you are doing all the right steps. I dont think i ever told you but i only have one ovary and endometriosis. It's not in any condition that your in(hugs) but they told me i couldnt have kids. I've had 5 surgeries to clean out scar tissue and extra fluid. SO DONT give up! It will happen honey. I'm so proud of all the responsiblity you are taking to take care of your body! Your going to make a wonderful mommy!!!!:)

Sarah~drunken sex? I have to admit.....i've NEVER had that! haha. I dont drink. hehe but hubby has been plenty drunk and i like it b/c he lasts longer hahah~! Yes my hubby is about a 10 min man! Oh hubby is totally a I work you take care of the kids kinda of guy! Thanks to his parents.....i agree its unfair!!

Sara~ I think you should maybe take something to bring on af....its been WAY to long hun.

jenna~BIG legs? where i dont see em!!!!!! Thats how i am shaped though...i normally have a nice tummy but a big booty and big thighs. I was a dancer and runner my whole life so that has something to do with it! Thunder thighs haha.

MsTwiggy~ I'm SO glad you went and saw a doctor. They say call no matter the amount of bleeding! So That makes me happy. Please all you can do is rest. so follow those instructions! I'm sorry about your mom being a pain....i HATE when they make you feel like crap! You are in my thoughts and prayers and hang in there hun your bean will make it ok! HUGS HUGS HUGS.

Well i saw my friends baby......ADORABLE. Gosh she was 6lbs and so so so tiny......and gosh Gavin was only 4lbs! you forget how small they are!!!!! :( So i took gavin with me to see her and i tried to hold the baby..and he SCREAMED! He's getting really attached to me. I walk out of a room at home and he cries....its sweet but alil tiring to deal with! Awe, my mama's boy!:)
So I spent.......80 bucks on my friend and her baby! Now she is only a co worker / friend so were not super close! SHHHHHH dont tell hubby he will SHOOT me! haha. I just couldnt stop picking out all kinds of PINK things lol.
Ahhhhhh how much i want girl!

So we bd last night and it burns soooooo bad. Do any of you get that? It feels like raw...but i felt wet at first? Idk i guess lube needs to be used now that im preggers. lol tmi SORRY!
Sara, do you get the glob too? I always thought I got it after I O'd...but maybe it's before. I think my last period started on a sunday (it was 2 days late), so maybe I got it before I O'd. Or maybe this cycle is wacky and I O'd really early! Either way, I ran to the bathroom and put my hand it cold water and scooped it out. I'm probably okay. But like I asked before, do you get the glob?

Does anyone else get "the glob?"
Jai Jai......I didnt know you have facebook??? Add me add me! Gabrielle Wolters.

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