Team Jelly Belly!!!

Gabs, I would definitely use some lube. That usually helps guys last longer too since it creates a lack of friction. I have very sensitive skin, and tony has a large penis, and the two do not go well together! I can't have sex for more than 20 minutes...unless we have tons and tons of astroglide (which I recommend, by the way).
Sarah......I get the glob.....after O i believe. Like a day after? But how did you o already??
Ok so sorry I cant read all the messages here, my friend just got here and I have to help her with some stuff. I got a BFN today, o well. My temp went up. FX for me maybe its just too early! I have a little hope left. I am a social worker for MRDD. Liyanna you are in my prayers, say a prayer for my cousin, she just had a baby girl in Oct and she has catarax, chances are she may be blind, but they are going to try surgery. I will be on later to finish!
Yes sarah thats what he have as well!:) It works wonders. .....we are in the same boat, big and sensitive haha! And hubby does say more lube he can't feel me as well so he goes longer. I'm happy with a 10min man. But the day he comes home lasting longer..I'd be worried lol
FX for everyone I hahve to run now I have an hour to run to the shops and get a few groceries so i dont et told off and to drop in on my mum and then a 40 min drive to my friends :D im excited so i have 1hr 40mins to do it all, cutting it fine so will catch up tomo........Gabs I did add you the other day i will try again xxxxxx
Ash- sorry about the BFN but glad your temp went up, hope you get some symptoms and hey maybe yesterday was implantation dip.

Sarah- I usually get it during O but since my body is all crazy right now I have no idea how my body will work when it gets back to normal. BTW When DH and I where dating I would use the restroom each time after :sex: and the one time I didn't I got PG (if only it were that easy now!!! I guess I just had good timing and Sebastian was meant to be here)

Gabs- My hubby is really sensitive but I get mine so if he takes longer to finish the first thing I ask him is if he took a pain pill because he takes forever to finish on pain pills and I hate it, even with lube I just get so sore (I have scoliosis (sp?) and my hips are a little out of place so you can imagine how I can get uncomfortable easy ) but it happens very rarey so I just tell him to hurry up :rofl: .

Now all this talk about sex I forgot what else I was going to write. :rofl:
Now all this talk about sex I forgot what else I was going to write. :rofl:


Ash, I'm so sorry about your :bfn: but yes, maybe it's too early as your temp went up!

Sarah, I don't have any glob after Ov...but I think I want a glob!! ha
And yes to the Astroglide! I used it way too much I think and I tried to avoid using it during about a week surrounding Ov...I would much rather have something than nothing, hence the preseed! I sometimes have a hard know, being 'ready'. I feel like that's it?

oh, and Sara, I used to go to the potty each time! I couldn't stand the feeling of it dripping out while I was trying to go to sleep or walking around doing something. I have had to stop that alltogether because I'm paranoid to even go after 10+ minutes always seems to come out no matter how long I try to stay we usually BD at night or in the early morning when he leaves for work (because I lay there for another hour or 2).
Hello Ladies,

So much to read to keep up. I love it though! I'm just counting down the days until my first appt. I feeling like I'm about to jump out of my skin, I'm so anxious. I'm just trying to keep my mind off the time and not rush it too much.

Mel, I'm sorry the :witch: got you but I'm glad you are taking advantage it. I think it's awesome that you stick to the regiment you are on.

Sarah, I would like a boy this time around, but I'll try not to be disappointed. When I had my daughter and the tech said girl; I can't lie I was disappointed, but I quickly got over it.

Hi, Charlotte!

Rhonda, Brayden is adorable. He looks like such a little man. I know on days off you never seem to relax as much as you like because it's always about what you can get done since your not at work.

Gabs, I'm glad you are feeling better! You and Jenna are both skinny. I'm so jealous especially since you've had kids.

Ashley, Congrats on the promotion! :happydance::happydance: You're cousin is in my prayers.

Liyana, I'm glad you are feeling better. Please take it easy and get rest. The world can wait. It's the best feeling seeing and hearing your little ones heart beat. You and your little one are in my prayers. :hug::hug:

Jenna I see your little belly. It's too cute.
Ok girls, looks like for the first time ever since my last positive hpt in Aug 08, i have almost made it through 12 dpo! Thats amazing and I cant help but feel so hopeful still. I didnt get my pos then until 15 dpo so maybe there is still hope, and then i took one every day and they were all neg until then!

Just gonna vent for a minute and then I will be ok, I know this is stupid to be mad about and I should be grateful but I will be after I am done being mad. So about my new promotion, I currently work two full time jobs. I make ok money but its social work and i am sure as we all have heard its not a job you do because the money is good, you do it for the passion. Well the new promotion was offered to me yesterday, they gave me a figure, i counter offered. They called back today and didnt even meet me half way! They only raised it like a hundred bucks! Its a salary position. I was so shot down, like belittled! I would have to leave my other job to do this promotion, and they didnt even offer me the difference for what i make combined, so technically I would be taking a cut! I was so mad, so now I am going to stay at both jobs for as long as I can take it! Thats the only way we are coming out ahead. I know this is stupid I should be thankful, because technically the promotion itself is 7,000 more year so they think they are doing me a favor. I am only 23, so I have to think this is good, this is good, I know. Sorry again for the stupid rant.
Ashley, that sucks that they couldn't meet you halfway. On the brightside it is 7 Gs more and that, I'm assuming, will help. So like you said tough it with the 2 jobs and try to stack as much money as possible in the process. Good Luck!!
Ash, I totally understand your frustration. I mean yes you want the job and yes you will work your butt off for it and yes you are grateful but why do you have to take a pay cut in order to get this dream job? I know you are glad you got the promotion but kind of wanted to be able to quit the other job and only work one job for the same amount or more right? Well maybe when they see how kick a$$ you are you can negotiate a raise.

I am so excited. Sebastian went poop on the little potty all by himself and only came to get me to show me that he had gone on the potty, I am so excited I never thought I would be this proud of poop before but man I have once again text everyone I know and called a lot of them on the phone so they can tell him they are proud of him.
1/2 hour till the zoo crew comes home and wrecks all my hard work, but I have missed my boys today! Gabby I am splitting the Fridays, maybe every other, some with Brayden home with me and others just me, (I have to pay daycare wether he is there or not) only so I can get stuff done though, honestly I was really sad when he left this morning, you never realize just how quiet and lonely your house is till its just you!

Sara...we could be sister-inlaws only you are MacDonald and I am McDonald...minor glitch though :rofl: I laughed so hard when you said Sarah had knocked herself up because I thought the same thing!! Yay Sebastian :yipee: what a good boy!!! He's 4 months older than Brayden so maybe I should just wait awhile longer? I bought a little seat for him today while I was out that goes on mommy and daddy's potty, though he might like that better as he sees us use it? I don't know I'm just grasping at straws right now. I always ask him if he has to go potty and he always tells me no :( I don't know what I'm doing!!!

And MT I ALWAYS get up immediately after sex too, I HATE the feeling of that crap running out of you, ugh! Its the worst!

What's with all the 10 minute men? :rofl: How come I didn't get one of those?!! My dh takes his sweet old time and honestly I always have to tell him to just hurry the hell up :rofl:

Ash sorry you didn't get your bfp yet but like you said its probably just to early, and your testing with IC, I don't know many girls who got early bfps with those, go get yourself a FRER and I bet you'd get you bright shiny :bfp: tomorrow!!!!
:rofl: u girls and the sex talk!!! u make me laugh!! I have a ten minute man too :D its good eh, i used to have a HUGE man but he took forever so I used to walk about like John Wayne :rofl: not fun!!!

O my goodness you girls crack me up!!! I have a ten min man too, when he wants to be. Then other times when I am in the mood he takes his sweet time and thats the best lol. :rofl: But most days when I am tired, I am like hurry it up lol.

I am to anxious I cant just lay around and wait for the stuff to do its thing, I get up right away too, and thats why during ov its before bedtime because i can go to sleep right after. I hate walking around with that stuff YUCK!

Thanks for all your support girls on the job and ttc. Its making things better. DH thinks I need to stop complaining about job. He wants me to work both cause more money, that will be hard though! But the raises for the new position are really good and the bonus so I will tough it out, but I am glad you all see my point!

I am so happy my lp is now 12 days! Wow tomorrow will be 13 I have never seen that day on ff! I am excited, and yes it was an ic, I have a better one in the drawer in my bathroom, but I am saving it for Sunday! I work tonight so i would have to use it in the work bathroom tomorrow, so this way Saturday night I am home and can use it at home Sunday morning. My only complaint is that if I am not pg this time and af waits until Sunday, she will have messed up my chance to drink and celebrate with DH tomorrow night! I wont have another chance until Wed! O well. Better safe than sorry right. :hissy:

And seriously S- that is so awesome about Sebastian! I am so excited for you! I only have one niece that is potty trained, thats out of 5 nieces and nephews!!! You go girl! and boy lol!
Thanks girls I am so hoping he stays on track with knowing when he has to go and actually going. Next I have to get him to pull down his pants and underwear to go potty, We did have an accident where he went to sit on the potty and I said No honey you have to pull your pants down first but it was too late, i still congratulated him though because he just went on the potty himself and I don't care if I have extra laundry cuz he is a big boy.
R- I have no idea what I am doing or if I am doing it right or what but I just bought the potty and showed him and gave him a cookie or my tooth brush or something I know he wants and he goes.
Gatta go make dinner be back on later.
LOL :rofl: :rofl: LOL

Crazy ladies! :D

I'll get in trouble if he knows I posted this, but I have a 'however long it takes you' man. He waits for me :blush: and sometimes I'm the one who's the 10 minute chick!! I think we're a great 'fit' in that department :rofl:

I'm very happy about your 13 day LP!! Are you having any AF symptoms?? I am only saying that because you're not having 'preg symptoms' right? This is cool! I am so hoping for you hun!!! FX big time!

R-I think it's good to leave it up to the individual kid with the potty training thing. I don't know though, I'm obviously not experienced in that area! :( My 3 year old niece hates to poot and peed on the potty (her words)...I just think they'll get it when they get it. Introduce them to the concept and see how it goes, I've heard you shouldn't force the issue. There's this program my SIL tried that's online, it's called 'Potty Party' where you get a doll that pees and the child teaches the doll how to pee on the potty and then when the doll has an accident the child has to have the doll practice 9 times going and sitting on the potty...and then once the doll gets it right then they are rewarded with a treat. Then it's the childs turn, you do the same routine with them and if they have an accident they have to go practice and sit on the potty 9 times. Ok, so my niece did this shortly after her 3rd birthday and it TOTALLY stressed her out...she got so incredibly upset at her accidents that she made herself practice 14 times and she would say things like 'NOOOO! I'm peeeeiiiinnnggg!!!' and start to cry because she was so disappointed. That being said, I like the introducing them and seeing what they think of it.

S-Sebastian is a good, big boy!!! Yay! I'm happy he's making it easy on you! :)

By the way Gab, thank you so much for the lovely compliment...I hope I get to have the chance to see if it's true someday.

I'm also flattered that you ladies think it's good that I am working on sticking to my regimen...thank you! Sarah-I know...I've advertised my love for Maca and my issues with endo all over this site...I'm amused you remembered that. :)

Well ladies, tomorrow I have a baby shower to attend...a very sweet friend of mine will be giving birth to her baby girl in the end of March. It's their first and they are beyond excited. Has me feeling a bit sad for myself but I'll get over it. I just don't know how fair it is that they (as well as my sister) got pregnant on their very first try...I guess I can't complain...I do very much like the trying part, and there are definately pros and cons of being pregnant versus being 'single' least this is how I must think, at least for the next 2 days. *sigh* So here I sit, glaring at my beautifully wrapped gifts hoping I'll be able to keep it together tomorrow. :sad2: (I know some of you have been through this very thing recently and I am proud of you for putting on a happy face and participating).

One more note before I sign off...I am elated for them, but must say...why did I not get my :bfp: when both of my cycle buddies this cycle did??? Oh well.........*sigh*

:wohoo: for my buddies anyway! At least I can see their bellies grow! :cloud9:

:hug: Goodnight.
HELP!!!!!!!! :cry: I am bleeding!!!! someone pls talk to me I am so scared I thought things would be fine after all the shit in the beginning!!! Pls is this norm tell me!!! its not a lot of it !!!!!

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