Team Jelly Belly!!!

J-You're not on right now, but I hope you're ok!!! Is it red blood? I tell everyone this, my mom bled with me. Sometimes it is normal. I hope you called your doc if it's a lot of blood. Are you cramping at all? Oh, I hope you're ok hun!
i'm sorry if you all think im being nosy.... but i haven't been on this forum for very long... what is team jelly belly? :shrug:
woah, so much going on as usual!!

Jenna - are you ok? I think you should call the doctor/nhs direct or go to A and E and get a checked out - I'm sure everything will be ok, but a scan will put your mind at rest (plus you'll get to see your bean!). Massive hugs to you honey.

Sorry to move it on to less serious things, but all the sex talk has me cracked up! Rhonda, I'm glad I'm not the only one with a guy who takes his sweet time - man I wish we could have a quicky sometimes, but it never happens. He's certainly got talent, don't get me wrong! :blush: But I wish he could speed things up, especially when we're kind of squeezing it in around Ov time. I'm a busy woman I don't have time for it!!! :blush:
he was trying for it this morning, but I was soooo caught up in my book (final one in the Twilight series) that there was no chance and now he's at work for the afternoon and evening, so I get to finish it in quiet peace (although I really should be decorating the spare room!)

I can't keep up with all the happenings round here!! There's too much going on, so just a big :hug: to you all and fx for Ashley's BFP.

I'm 7dpo - my temp dropped a little this morning - fingers crossed it's an implantation dip - not sure when to test. I want to know ASAP and I'm not scared of a BFN just the witch. But I don't want to get a chemical and get both our hopes up. Do you think 10 dpo is too early? I was hoping to wait till 13dpo (friday) as we've got friends coming to stay next weekend I don't want to have to do it when they're around! What do you all think?
Wow ladies there is a lot goin on! Jai Jai I hope youre ok hun! I am worried for you! You should go to the dr just in case, even if it is just to ease your mind!

MT be strong and remember one day they will be returning the favor, and then thier child will no longer get all the attention, your belly will! LOL!

Ok as for me, I have had the craziest morning! I woke up in the middle of the night a lot, bad bad bad cramps, like so much pain kept me up! I went to the bathroom and no blood. Woke up again at 8 and same thing, so bad i wanted to cry. No blood again. I got so dizzy felt like i was going to vomit went to the kitchen sink, got so dizzy had to lay on the floor. Such bad pain I had to take extra strength tylenol, within minutes the pain was gone and I was ok again!!! What is that about! I am now 13 dpo and no blood! GRRR I wish I knew!
This has been said before but gosh, I feel like I have just read a novel trying to catch up on the past few day!

Liyana and Jenna, I am so sorry you are both having such a stressful time. I pray that everything is perfectly fine and that this is just a little reminder to take things easy and relax as much as possible. Jenna, if you can speak to a professional I am sure that will help you to put your mind at ease.

Puppies, puppies, puppies. Yes ladies pets are definitely the answer.
DH and I have two yorkshire terriers a boy and a girl. They are the loves of our lives. Our little children.

We went out for breakfast this morning and afterwards walked through the shopping mall and went into one of the pet stores (I just love to see the cute little animals and wish I could buy them all). They had the cutest little outfits for dogs, a tiny little sun dress. How prescious would that be. My little girl would just never forgive me if I made her wear it, but I told DH that if I don't get a BFP next month I am going to go right out and buy it and make my little girl wear it.
I think my little girl is currenlty saying a little prayer for me to the big man up stairs!!!!

MT so sorry the witch got you and your friends got their BFPs. I know you are happy for them but it is still difficult. Loads of my friends have just had babies and a couple of them will have them in a week or two and it really isn't easy since my little boy would have been 6days old today but our time will come we must believe it. Like me you are on tons of pills and lovely complications. Could we not find a way to make a living with all the knowledge we have learnt so far!!!!

Lea, you know the drill....we want to see your bump pick as soon as you are ready!!

Gabby sweetie, I hope you don't get another infection. You have had your fair share for a life time, I hope the lube helps.

R, it is the weekend......does this mean we have a bump pic on the way :)

Sarah, drunk sex....awesome! Sounds wild and fun.

Sara, well done with the potty training. Gosh it doesn't sound easy.

Good luck Caroline, not too long now.

I love it when you girls test....I get a little rush!

I still have so far to go, ffffneeeeeeeeeeeeef! (me making irratated sound!)
I take my last active pill on Monday 2nd Feb so AF will probably show up on Thursday and I get to see FS on Friday 6th. I had a couple strange twinges in my side yesterday and the day before. I hope that was the damn follicle bursting so that I can go back to TTC next month.

Anyhoo, that is enough from me. I think I have almost written a novel all on my own - sorry!

Take care girls, i will be popping back to check and see that you are all okay.

Big hugs,
Here are a couple pics of my childern:

And ladies, I hate to brag..........but not only are they potty trained but take a look a the one picture. My little girl even knows how to brush her own teath!!!!!!!


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Debs!! You have some cutie tootie little puppies!! I am suchhhh a dog person. I literally loathe cats...I try and try to like them, but I just can't. So you are not TTC this month, and will be TTC next month after the meds? I think it's amazing that we have the knowledge these days to help people conceive. I mean, it's amazing what these drug companies come up with!

Ashley and Caroline!! When are you ladies going to test? I'm anxious!! Oh yeah and Caroline, it took me 9 days to read all of the twilight saga...and I kid you not, I don't think I even paid ANY attention to tony at all whatsoever during my reading. I even ignored my son during it. It was baaaaad!

Mel, try and put on a happy face today hun...I'm sure its going to be somewhat difficult, but you WILL have a baby shower one day, dont worry!!

JENNA, you're totally in my thoughts and prayers beautiful girl. I really truly hope things are okay. I hope you get to the doctor's soon and get some answers!

Mrs R, we are just a group of girls that has gotten very close! Some are TTC, some are preg, and I think I'm the only WTTC in here. We'd love for you to join us!

R, I've been thinking about putting Michael in preschool full time so I can have some free time to do work and clean up around the house when I'm not in school. Don't feel guilty about you being home and him being in daycare, it really is healthy for you to get some me time.

Sara, I'm still amazed that sebastian is already doing so well with the potty. He is such a smart little guy!

Lea, are you doing okay hun?

Gabs, how you doing lady? I haven't talked to you in a few days.

Things are good with me I guess. We are going to look at puppies again today....I'm not sure if we're going to get one or not, but we're still open to getting one if we find another that we fall inlove with (assuming this one doesn't have problems). Michael last night had a fever of 103.8 with his underarm thermometer about 3 hours after we gave him tylenold, so I was getting ready to take him to the ER when my mom called and told me to put him in a tepid bath and see if that works. Although he cried during the whole thing (bc he the luke warm water felt freezing to him Im sure), it really did bring his temp down. Now today he feels a lot better and is acting more like himself, so that's good! Then, tony and I had sex again this morning. It was pretty good. I think I like tony more when we have sex a lot.
Jenna hun are you ok, I'm sorry I wasn't on earlier when you were. If you are bleeding and its red blood then please call your doctor right away, do you know if you are RH- or not??? (do you have a negative blood type?) I am RH- and if I bleed at all during my preg I have to go to the doc immediately and get a shot, so both baby and I will be safe. I don't want to scare you but if you are RH- its quite a big deal if you bleed. I hope you and your lil bean are ok!!!!! My thoughts are with you sweetie! :hugs:

Debs your puppy dogs are so cute!!!! How old are they? I see you've got them well trained! Yes today I am 18 weeks so I will be taking a belly pic soon, my house has been crazy this morning, I just but Brayden down for his nap so I'll try to post one before I leave this afternoon.

Ash being dizzy is a symptom of preg hun...take a test with a FRER please oh please I beg you!!!!!!!!!!! :hissy::hissy: The waiting is making me a little insane!

Sarah isn't that the scariest when they have a high fever and not even Tylenol will bring it feel so helpless because you want nothing more than to help them and you can't I hate that. So glad the bath worked and he is feeling better this morning. You made me laugh so hard, you like Tony more when you have sex :rofl: I am the same way with Tim!! :rofl:

I'm off to take some pics of my belly now, I'll be back in a bit to post them.
I am not testing for a bit. I got a neg yesterday and it just makes me feel bad to think something may be wrong with my body since these things are happening. These were the worst cramps ever this morning and they are still dull now. I dont know what it could have been, I thought it was af and she is still not here! last month by now I was on cd2 on my period! My lp is either really long now and af is staying away or i am pg and the cramps are from implantation? I dont have a clue, is it possible to have implantation that late on 13 dpo?
No usually implantation happens between 7-10dpo. Not really sure what the cramps could be from...maybe your bean getting all snuggily???

well DH and I are fighting so I'm not asking him to take my belly pic, he's on my last nerve today, don't get me started...I attempted taking my own pics so here they are. I'm posting all 3, 1st one is 10 weeks, 2nd is 14 weeks and 3rd is today at 18 weeks. Can you see a difference??


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Jai-Jai- Please tell me you are not online because you are laying in bed and resting. I hope all is well with you and the bleeding has stopped. PLease let us know what is going on as soon as you get a chance. :hug:

R- I am so jealous (in a nice way) of your belly I want to rub and kiss it, gosh it is so damn cute I can not help but love the living daylights out of it. I can not wait for my belly even more now. Your belly looks like it is up high and I can def see the difference between the weeks, too cute. P.S. I see the new potty, Sebastian is being difficult this morning about going on the potty and since I have a final due tomorrow and hubby is still sick I am not going to be able to sit with him all day and make sure he goes on the potty so I am being a bad mom and he has on a diaper. Oh well I am almost done with school and then it is only me and him.

Ash- Not sure about the cramps but you could have already had implantation and the cramps were /is just the bean digging in deeper. I hope tomorrow brings you a nice dark BFP.

Caroline soon you get to test too. I think 13 DPO could give you a clear BFP but it depends on a lot of factors so if you test and it is a negative it could still be false so either way just getting an answer befre friends come is all up to you and what you would feel comfortable with. Good luck.

Debs- love the puppies, so excited for an answer from your drs on the follicle (which better be shrunk by now or we will hunt them down) is shrunk all the way down and if it must still be there it is at least way way down so you can TTC a baby on Valentines Day. Good luck dear, I know how hard it is to add the days and have the thoughts of what age your baby would be. I would have a 12 year old baby coming up in March, a 9 year old in May, a 4 year old in August and a 3 year old in Feb (but I could not have conceived Sebastian because I would have been 8 months PG already). It will always be a memory to you even when you have another baby, it does get a little easier with another baby but still there so I commend you for your strength and wish you nothing but the best.

OK I am sorry I was not able to get everyone, I am in a bit of a hurry to finish my final that is due tomorrow. Will catch up later. Love you jelly bellies!!!

P.S. Mrs. R- You are welcome to join our craziness we are just a supportive bunch of girls who stay together no matter what stage we are at in our lives, WTTC, TTC, PG all of us stay together so we do not get separated.
ok ladies I am home I have been at the hospital all day and just got a pizza on the way home so just updating u cos i am exhaisted and need an early I havent really read anything u have said!!! so sorry if i repeat or dont answer questions and dont say anything abot whats going on with u guys im not neglecting or anything i will do it tomo and still love u all so much!!

I rang mum in tears and she spoke to a local paramedic and he told me to go to a&e which i did....after an hr drive to our closest hospital :cry: (i hope i dont have too quick a labour) i sat there for 3hrs before i was seen, they didnt scan me jst took bloods and bllod pressure touched my tummy checked heart and breathing etc. anyway my blood pressure was VERY low and they wouldnt let me go for ages....but in the end they let me go at 93/58 cos i was getting anxious - they wanted it over 100

anyway my bleeding is now only brown so think this is good i have no cramping and i was worried cos i am rhesus neg and dunno if u no wat means but it can be harmful to baby if our bloods mix, but i would norm have a shot of anti d but cos i am under 12 weeks i didnt need it. I have scan on Tues to check bubs is ok and til then i have to sit tight :hissy: anyway thats it, i am off to have my pizza and early night with Aladdin on Video for comfort - lovely!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxx keep us in your prayers pls

p.s. i also got an interview through this am for the HR job in a colllege i applied for (THE PERFECT JOB for me) so i really want it -Thurs am FX

:hugs: love yoooooooou :kiss:
Jai-Jai- I am so glad the bleeding has turned to brown, still I am upset they did not give you a scan there, it is ok though Tues is right around the corner and when you see the baby's HB and moving around you will be so very happy. Hope you rest and enjoy your Pizza and allow your body to resume a higher blood pressure. Your two will be in my thoughts and prayers.

Ok so I am a bad mom for not giving my son the credit he deserves. I had him in the diaper and he came out of his room naked but it did not click to me that I had put him in a diaper so I asked him if he went Pee Pee and he said yes so I said ok let me see, then walking down the hall I realized he had been wearing a diaper so now I run the last few feet in anticipation of a pee pee mess but no, not my big boy. He took his diaper off and went pee pee in his potty. WOW is all I can say, I will never underestimate my boy again.
Hey girls! Sorry we have been doing tons of stuff as a family this weekend! its soooo great! I dont have time to write to everyone b/c i'm exhausted!!! SORRY luv you all and hope your all doing well.

Jenna.....Why in the HELL didnt they do a scan? They didnt even check bean? Its too early for the heartbeat correct?...( i forget how far you are?) SO what did they say the bleeding was from? I'm upset at what you wrote.....b/c it doesnt seem like they looked into it? WHY didnt they do a scan......!!!! Are you dehydrated ? B/c that can cause low blood pressure. 93/58 isnt TERRIBLE...but idk what you normally run... do you?
ok ladies, so no af today, but some pink then brown spotting! then after that i felt like af was here cause i felt so wet! i went to the bathroom and lots of clear watery cm. hmmm so then no more blood after that. someone please tell me what is going on. if it is too late for implantation spotting and implantation then what is it? do you think i ov later than ff says, i mean i doubt it cause everything was on with temps and opk but thats all i can think of, unless af is playing another mean trick on me which she tends to do. i am goin to take a test tomorrow morning so we will see then i guess. i would be worried if i ov later than it says though, but really seriously is that possible i dont think so. i know you other girls say you had some cramps around time for af and bfp so this is normal, but is the spotting?
Jenna, I'm so upset that your docs didn't do an ultrasound on you...that is friggin ridiculous. I know tuesday isn't far away, but have to sit and wait around like a nervous wreck. :hug: to you, because you need it right now!!

Gabby, I'm glad you're having a good weekend with the family!!

Sara...double YAY for Sebastian!!!!!!!

Ashley, the first time I was pregnant, I found out when I was like 6 weeks...and the reason I found out was because I spotted one day and it reminded me that I hadn't gotten my period yet. So, you could totally be spotting and still be pregnant! Just an FYI!
Well just wanted to drop by and say the stupid :witch: came this morning. I guess I need to see a dr and let them know what happens the day before :witch: comes. I dont understand the dizziness and nausiousness and pain. Then af comes the day after? I just dont get that, and the spotting, that has only happened last month and this month. I think it has something to do with ttc. Well at least my first month of my new job wont be so stressful now, though i would have loved it. Now I can have that coffee for breakfast and we are going to celebrate with drinks with friends this friday so I can have those drinks with DH! Have a good day girls.
Oh ashley I'm so sorry babe. I thought this month was it for you too!:hug:
I can't believe how cruel that damn :witch: is being. I'm glad you seem Ok about it. You got your job so thats awesome and at least something to keep your mind off this. Also look your lp was 13days? That's awesome hun!
I dont understand why you get so sick before af..that is really werid. I know i would get nausea around O time too.

Take care hun and it seems like you have enough to stay busy and have a good plan for this next week! And as always....Don't give up! :hugs:
Hi ladies,

Well I think I have a bit of a cold which really sucks because I can't take any of the stuff I normally do. So I'll just grin and bear it. Zoe is awfully clinging today which wouldn't be so bad if my nose wasn' running and I didn't want to go to sleep. I just put her down for a nap so hopefully she and the sandman will be meeting up soon.

Jenna, I can't believe they didn't give you and ultrasound or let you hear the heartbeat. Take it easy for now and good luck on your interview. I'm praying for you and your little bean.

Sarah, I'm so glad to her that Michael is feeling better. Mom's can be a good body of knowledge on somedays. I agree with needing a break sometimes. I love spending time with Zoe but I like to have my days off where she is in school and I am at home. I love the comment about Tony, you had me dying.:rofl::rofl:

Ashley, Sorry :witch: came. I'm glad to see you are in good spirits. Enjoy celebrating your new job.

Debs, I will post a pic as soon as there is a noticeable difference. I had a belly still from Zoe so It won't be until 2nd tri that I will see a difference at all. The puppies are adorable. I'm the follicle will shrink down so you can start trying ASAP!

R, I love the belly pics. I can definitely see a difference. Did you start to show that early with Braydon? I think I read somewhere that you show earlier for second pregnancies than you do your first.

Sara, Sebatstian is becoming a big boy. I remember when Zoe went on her own. I was so excited (more than she was)!
Ash- so sorry the stupid B :witch: came, and I too do not know why you would be so sick before AF, maybe it has something to do with the progesterone? Glad you LP is longer that is fantastic news.

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