Team Jelly Belly!!!

Sara thanks for the sweet comments about my belly :) I definately feel pregnant now, as its harder to sleep at night ( I hate sleeping on my side). That is so awesome about Sebastian, I can't believe how good he is doing!! If that was Brayden that came to me with his diaper off I'd surely find a puddle somewhere in my house :rofl: You have a very smart little boy!! You must be so proud!

Lea yes I got bigger much quicker this time, almost immediately, I would say I noticed a little belly around 8 weeks and I too had left over belly from Brayden. You'll be surprised how fast it happens this time around!

Ash sorry about the :witch: showing up, atleast you still have you promotion though and you can celebrate!! That's good, and you'll get em next month hun! FX for you!!

Jenna, how are you feeling today babe? I haven't seen you online at all, I hope your doing better. Its lousy to spend the whole day in the ER, I've done it too, they must enjoy making people wait, they are so good at it. I've been thinking of you and hope your doing well today. :hugs::hugs:
Yeah, I guess I wont know what makes me so sick, i wont be going to the dr anytime soon since our insurance is changed. Thanks so much ladies, and I hope we can get some pg ladies this next try! I have to say though, no more ff and temping and preseed and opks or progesterone for me for a while. Going to stop thinking about it while in the first 90 days of this job. Then maybe try the stuff again. But we are not preventing so it would be a suprise if it happened and would be great. Thanks again everyone and I had a drink tonight and my friends are throwing me a party friday to celebrate, and DH is taking me out next Sat too. Only bad thing is all this celebrating is really bad for my diet!
Morning girls.
Hugs to you all. Sorry the witch got you Ashley. Hugs
I gave in :blush: and used one of my FRER's today BFN obviously! Not really bothered, I'd be on :cloud9: if it'd been positive, but not too worried this early that it's not. No symptoms really. just lots of twinges down there ??

hope all is well with you guys. I'm glad you're bean seems ok Gabby. I hope you're feeling well today.
Lovely bump Rhonda (I got it right this time!!)
Hey Ladies. Sorry I've been MIA for a few days. I've been keeping up though. I just don't feel, um, happy. I think I usually slack off BnB around AFs showing anyway it seems. I've just got a lot going on, with the house, with work and we WERE planning a trip to Ohio but yesterday we decided that we'd use the money to get the gym memberships we'd wanted and we'll probably wait until May to go up. My mom has sent me numerous short video clips of my baby nephew and he's just so adorable and I wish I could hug him it makes tears come to my eyes. He's a whole different person than when I saw him's just sad...but he's doing so well and I'm happy about that! I need to read up on how to post pics and I'll try to do that here this morning before work.

My hub also sort of wants me to slack off using BnB. He's probably right, he thinks it's not helping right now. I tend to use it more obsessively during the 2ww, but now I've got my girls yet to get their :bfp:s with me! I'm ok with checking up on my :bfp: buddies too, but it can get a little sad to sign on here and just go to the pregnancy section to say hi and see their new symptoms...this is what I've done forever...with all my friends and so forth. I'm also still recovering from the baby shower on Saturday, it was beautiful...and they are having a little girl so it was so fun to see all the baby girl stuff they got. I stayed until the very end and helped clean up and even loaded my truck with some of the gifts to help them take them home (they got SO MUCH stuff!). I love my friend, and I'm extremely happy for them...they are so excited it's adorable!

I am so sorry for such a long post...sheesh. I didn't mean to do that!

Jenna-please let us know as soon as you know that everything is ok.
R-You have a beautiful baby belly hun! I love 2nd and 3rd pregnancy bellies because they do get to show much quicker. :)
Ash-huge :hugs: to you, I know how hard it can be.
Caroline-Your chart looks awesome! I hope it was a false :bfn: you had a decent dip on 8dpo huh...very cool!
Everyone else, sorry for the rant and I hope you all have a wonderful day. If anyone has any tips on posting pics you can let me know too! ha.
lots of luv ladies! :hug:
Here are the pics. I figured it out. I'm sorry if these are a little graphic. :hug:


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MT, I'm glad your nephew is doing so well!! Did he have a cleft palate? If so, they did an amazing job on the surgery!! Also, I'm glad the baby shower went well...I'm sure it was hard, but like I said before, you'll be having a baby shower before you know it!

Jenna, any updates hun??

Rhonda, I don't know if I said it before, but your bump is friggin precious. You look like you're carrying pretty night...which is girly, right?

Ashley, I'm so sorry that :af: showed. I too get nauseous between the time I O and when af arrives...I don't really know why, but I think thats why I've thought I was preg a few times since Michael's been born.

Caroline, I'm sorry you got a :bfn: ...hopefully it was just too early!!

Well, we had to take Michael to the ER last night. He started running a very high temperature on friday (103.8 degrees) and after motrin and a tepid bath, the temp came down a little bit. Well, he was sick all weekend and last night, an hour after we gave him motrin, he had a 104.1 degree fever! So, we decided that we had to take him in. Well, he ended up having a middle ear infection AND pneumonia. The doc said Michael just had a small area on his lungs that looked like pneumonia, so he said we caught it early enough that he should be totally fine...but it's still really worrisome obviously! Thankfully, he doesn't go to preschool today =(.

I don't really have any pg symptoms. I told a few of the girls on my website about the slip up that tony and I had, and they all think I got knocked up too, but I really dont think so. I don't think I O'd til saturday, and when I got up friday morning after sex, I washed out my vagina with cold water. I don't want y'all to think I would be disappointed if I was pregnant, but I still would prefer to wait a little longer.

Ahh, my baby is up....I'll be back later!
MT your nephew is a doll!!! He's so handsome and I think his surgery looks great, he should heal nicely!

Sarah, I think my belly looks identical to when I carried Brayden as I have been comparing the pictures. But I think some people carry the same no matter what they are having as its just the way their bodies are, so I've heard anyway. I'm so sorry to hear Michael was so sick, poor little guy!! Yeah ear infections are scary and hard to predict! Brayden had 4-5 on them in just a few months time last year and they said 1 more and we'd have to look into having tubes put in his ears, thankfully he didn't get another and so far (knock on wood) he's been free of them this year. He was ill yesterday with diarrhea several times and mom woke up with nasty stomach pains in the middle of the night, wouldn't you have it, the little bugga gave it to me as well. I'm doing better this morning though I didn't sleep well at all last night and am pretty tired today.

Girls I have a confession to make...I'm totally freaking out over here! I'm starting to worry as I'm not feeling the baby move hardly at all...I first felt he/she on Christmas eve and then maybe 3 times since but nothing since I've had that rash a week ago, and when I was this far along with Brayden I felt him all the time!!! I see my doc next week so I'll say something but meanwhile I can't help but freakout! :hissy:
Mel, your nephew is a cutie. He should heal nicely from the looks of it.

Sarah, those times are so scary. I'm glad he is doing better. It's something about hearing pneuomina and your child's name in the same sentence that freaks you out. Zoe had so many ear infections last year and borderline pneumonia. She also had issues with her sinuses, so much so that tubes were put in her ears and her adenoids were removed in March. Since then her colds have been down, no more ear infections (and no more snoring).

Caroline, Sorry about he BFN but like you said it may be to early. Don't give up you are still in the game.

Rhonda I remebered when that a happened when i was pregnant with Zoe. Try drinking something with some sugar and see what happens. I know it helped to get Zoe to move when that happened. Maybe you have a easy going baby. He/She is in there enjoying the good life and not making a lot of fuss. Try not to worry I know it's hard, but please stay calm.
Hey Girls! When its monday so back to just me in the kids!:) Nice in a way lol. I had a good weekend. We took the boys to two play gyms on friday and then saturday and they both had so much fun. And on Friday night we had a retirment party to go to which i totally forgot about! Ahh that was a mess, trying to get ready when i dont have much that fits! hehe. Then on saturday me and hubby went a saw a movie and it was so nice to get out.:) Sunday of course was church and then my hubby decided it was time to CLEAN!!! Ah when he gets in the modes he's worse then me. But now everything is clean and almost all the laundry is done.....what shall i do today? haha.

Gavin is going to be 1 in three weeks!!!!!:( I can't believe how time flies. I am going to make the invitations today.

Sarah~ Poor Michael I'm sorry he's so sick! Glad they caught the pneumonia early! Good mommy for taking him in!:) Is he just at home on antibotics now? The fever should be gone about 24 hours after the antibotic. I'm sure your not pregnant...but if you are it was meant to be !!!:)

Rhonda~Belly is so beautiful.....I do have to say that your what....5month? Thats how big i am at about 7months. I want my belly to grow bigger!!!! Totally jealous. It looks very high up too. I carry so low, i think b/c i have such a long torso and short legs my belly looks super low too!
Honey...if you dont feel your baby move 5 times in an hour you NEED to call your doctor. I want you to just sit and feel for the baby and count how many times you feel the baby. Maybe you've been just too busy to notice. Also drink a 8oz of juice a half and hour before you count the movements. IF dont feel 5 or more call your ob right away. :) I'm sure you beautiful daughter is just getting her beauty rest! ;)

Sara~ YAY.....sebastin is such a big boy!! How old is he? Owen wasnt potty trained til he was almost three! But we had a new baby in the house so it was quite hard for me. Way to go to have it done before you get pregnant!:)

Caraoline~Dont worry about your BFN...probly too early. How many dpo are you? Fingers crossed!

Lea~Sorry you got a tend to get more when your pregnant. And i know its sooo hard to take care of your LO while being sooo tired. I've had my struggles...and my TWO kids are ALWAYS home with me...hehe. NO breaks

Hey hey now......DONT pic on the ER lol i work in there!!! haha. Yes i know it takes forever!!!!! It always the doctors fault! They usually have one doctor and one PA and thats it. ANd if something more serious comes in....your totally forgotten!!! SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!! ER would NEVER EVER not SCAN a pregnant women with bleeding!!!! grrr
Has anyone talked to jenna? how is she doing! She should call her doctor today and get seen!!!!
Gabby I'm not at that point yet with this baby, I am not feeling he/she every day yet, once a weekk if I get lucky. The only reason I'm freaking out is that I was feeling Brayden every day and a lot every day by this time, I thought with 2nd preg you were suppose to feel them sooner?? Which I did but only a few times and I just feel I should be feeling it every day, but I don't know every baby is different, and maybe this baby is smaller than Brayden (gosh I certainly hope so!).

No I haven't heard from Jenna, I've e-mailed her too she's not responding which worries me....I hope everything is alright!! Gabby can you text her?
I just talked to jenna on FB. She saw her Midwife today and she said that everything seems fine. They didnt do a scan but are tomorrow. They didnt attempt to check a heartbeat either..which i found werid...? Bleeding has stopped as well.

Ok Rhonda i forgot your not 20weeks yet. Sorry hun.
Apparently over in the uk they ummmm don't check the heartbeat untill 16weeks!!!!!! Thats crazy....maybe they dont have dopplers...?
Okay so last night i had just light light pink when i wiped after going to the bathroom but that was it. Besides from all the ewcm that i have falling out of me. lol tmi sorry!! haha. Anyways i didnt have anything more. So i just went to the loo and just again a tad bit of pink its really light though. Also alil burning while urinating so maybe from that idk? We havent bd in a few days. Shall i call? I'm sure bean is fine.
Gabby if its not red and your not cramping at all I would say your fine hun but def keep an eye on it! And the burning too I hope your not getting another UTI!

Glad that Jenna is ok and her bleeding has stopped. That's crazy that they don't check the HB t ill 16 weeks, I wonder why?? It can be heard by doppler as early as 10. And yes they have dopplers over there.

Yes I am HUGE Gabby :blush: I'm going to stop posting pics once I hit 30 weeks :rofl: As I was as big as a house with Brayden and it even scared me, no since scaring all of you!! I have mild cramps today, they are not bad, I googled it and said its probably ligament pain, just my uterus stretching and growing. I also haven't been very good about drinking water so I'm working on that today!
Jenna says HI to everyone! :) Shes goin to take a nap. Her doctor isnt worried and tomorrow she has the scan. They dont have dopplers at her office so that must be why. She also said since they dont pay for it that they dont get the best care. She threw up today and that made her happy!:) hehe

About me, i've had cramping for about a week now so i never know lol. I am going to call in alittle while just to let her know and if she wants to see me or do a urine, b/c im so prone to UTI's and thats what it feels like. I'm not really worried i'm sure my bean is just fine.

Oh R! Your belly is beautiful.....please keep showing us your belly...dont be ashamed! and you know all of us will LOVE it!:)
Rhonda, are pretty big! I couldn't believe your 10 week got big really fast! But, its not big and scary, it's big and beautiful!! I can't believe you're finding out the sex in a matter of days--how exciting!!

Gabby, that is literally insane that they won't do a scan on Jenna!! and I can't believe they don't check the HB til their 16 weeks! I really am still hoping and praying for her...I just can't believe they are making her wait. Oh, and as for your light pink spotting, I would definitely just take it easy today, and if it persists, then you should call the docs and find out if they think you need to be seen. I'm sure everything is alright!!

Lea, I had tubes put in my ears twice when I was an infant...and then got my tonsils and adnoids out when I was in 7th grade. I literally had strep throat and/or ear infections probably 8 times a winter EVERY winter (not to mention the rest of the year)...and Ive had ZERO ear infections and strep throat once since getting my tonsils/adnoids extracted. The surgery has really helped me, and I'm so glad that I finally got it done! I think your DD will definitely benefit from it!

So on Feb 6th, I'm going in for my yearly girly checkup! I haven't been since Michael was 6 weeks, so I guess I'm about 6 weeks overdue for my appt (he's 15 months). Anywho, what do they do at the checkup? I know I'll be getting a pap, but do they check my height/weight and do I have to pee in a cup and stuff like that? I want to get STD checked too...not because I think I have anything, but because I know STDs lie dormant in your system sometimes, and Tony and I have been together for only 3 years, so I just want to make sure everything's still clean as a whistle haha. I guess the doc can tell me if I'm pregnant too haha!

So, what is everyone else doing today?
Haha, when I was pregnant with Michael, I used my doppler literally every day to make sure he was still happy and healthy in my belly. I bought it for only $150, but it works amazingly well! If I wasn't going to TTC in the next few months, I would let one of y'all borrow it!
Glad Jai-Jai is doing good. I would just rent myself a doppler like I did with Sebastian. I heard the HB at 9 weeks, I knew it was really early and I might not hear it but I tried anyways and DH was expecting something else I guess cuz he was all "Is that it?" :rofl:

R-I am sure your little girl is doing just fine and it might not be her size but it might be how she sits that explains why you don't feel her as much. I was so small when I was PG with Sebastian, I will post a picture here for you I think I was almost 7 months and on my way to the river. (big mistake 118 degrees outside that weekend :rofl: )

Gabs, I think the baby is fine but watch for a UTI since they can get you very sick. I can not believe you are already 9 weeks, when did that happen? Sebastian is 2 years and 4 months old, we had a poop on the floor accident yesterday but those are to be expected. :rofl:

Sarah- so glad Baby is ok, that is so scary glad you caught it before it got too bad. Hope the antibiotics work real fast. I know you would be happy if you were PG but would like to be done with school first, completely understandable. I am done with school at the end of this week, I don't even know what to do.

Ash- watch just because you are stopping the temping and preseed and stuff you will get PG, fingers crossed the relax approach works for you.

Mel- I understand your sadness and it is hard to get on BnB and be excited for everyone all the time, I have my jealous moments but I try to remind myself that when I am PG all of my friends will be there for me just as I am there for them. It is hard when I don't even know when I will get a chance to try again but I know how you feel. :hugs: Your nephew looks so cute, the drs did a really good job on the surgery this was his first right? He looks like he feels ok at least in the pictures (i.e. no sadness in his eyes ).

Caroline, I think your BFN could have 100% been a possible negative, I do not want to get your hopes up in case AF makes me a liar but if your dip yesterday was implantation then there would not have been enough HCG in your system to show up positive on even the lowest sensitivity test so don't let the BFN get you down.

As for me I am sick now, Hubby will be coming home from the store in a few and I get to go back to bed and stay there and be taken care of, it is my practice for when I get my BFP. I am on CD 90 I guess my body is going for a world record :rofl: I am ok though, trying not to get too upset about it, keep telling myself "it will happen when it is supposed to happen" Unfortunately I also respond to myself with "AH SCREW YOU!!!" :rofl: not really but it sounded good.
Sarah~ your funny you make me laugh. As far as i remember they do a pap, check for STD"S and umm height/weight, and a whole body phsical. Heart/lungs/boobs all that good stuff. Its pretty quick and easy.

Well today i am finishing the laundry(just folding!) and i just made Gavin's invitation and thats ummm about. Just going to hang out in the house with the boys. AHH its nice not to have to clean today!:)

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