Team Jelly Belly!!!

Rhonda that is a big belly. Now I know you were ready for Brayden to make his way into the world.

Sara, you are right Katie Holme's belly looks super fake.

Sarah, that's a nice belly shot.

Caroline, Sorry the witch is on her way. Have you talked to your doctor about making it longer, if possible.

Hello Amber, how long before you can test?
Thank you Sara and Sarah for making me feel like less of a whale, its good to know I'm not the only one that gets gianormous, if anything I should be happy to be so big, it means I'll have a very healthy baby, right? Sarah we have the same washer and dryer! LOL How far along were you when you gave birth to Michael?

Caroline, so sorry the wicked :witch: found you hun! :cry: Just because you had a short LP this month doesn't mean it wont lengthen, Ashley had the same problem and she's up there now. A good friend of mine just had her mirena coil removed too and she got preg right away so don't loose hope hun! :hugs:

Gabby I too only had bloods drawn with Brayden for my NT screening, but I am with a different doctor this time and they do both bloods and a scan to test, which I liked because I got to see my little :baby: before 20 weeks :) I think every doc office is different and how they test.

So cold here this morning...its been in the negative numbers a lot lately, I would even be happy reaching 20 degrees, and I never thought I'd say that! We're suppose to be getting over a foot of snow tomorrow :sad1: I just want spring to be here already, I've had enough of the cold weather and the sooner spring comes the sooner June gets here :D
Caroline...are you cramping hun? Does it feel like a 'normal' AF to you? Is it possible it's not AF? If I understood correctly you said it went straight to red and it IS or IS NOT a light flow? If it isn't as heavy as normal it could be something else.

Sarah and Rhonda-I love your big bellies, I think they are very different from one another and yes, a good indication of a healthy baby!

Thanks girls! I miss my baby belly sometimes haha.

Rhonda, I was 38 weeks when I gave birth to Michael...and he was 9 lbs 12 oz!! I went in for my 7 week u/s and he was measuring 6w5d, so my dates were correct. Definitely a healthy baby! How far along were you with Brayden?
I was 41 weeks with Brayden (so ready for him to be out of there) and I too had a 9lb baby! Tell me you had Michael via c-section!!! A good friend of mine had an 11lb baby and had her vaginally, my vajayjay hurts just thinking about it!!
Lol you girls bellies are so beautiful. IF only i could get that far along to have a nice big belly.:(

Owen was only 5weeks early and he was my babies would be HUGE if they made it all the way as well. Gavin of course was 10weeks early so just a lil tiny one.
Sarah you had a c section correct?

Caroline.sorry it seems as the witch is on her way! Dont give up hun. And 10 for an lp isnt too bad. If you can talk to your doctor and you could start taking progestrone. :)

Mel~Awe it makes me smile knowing that your doing good. I think about you alot and you are in my prayers!:)

Jenna~good luck at your scan. I'm sure your bean is just fine!!!:)

Mstwiggy.......WHERE are you!!! I'm worried about you. How are you and bean doing?

Sara~Are you feeling any better today?

Well last night i ate alittle bit of supper and about 15mins later i was puking SOOOOO bad. ANd i was choking b/c the food hadnt digested yet so it was still chunky. I couldnt breathe. it was the worst! I really have alot of tummy issues this time around its really annoying. Also have this extreme annoying pain in my upper inbetween my ribs under my sternum? It feels like something is stuck there and its hard to breathe.....???

Also had some light red blood last night after puking...but i think it was just do to all the puking i did. ? I didnt end up calling the doctor yesterday but thinking about it today. So far i only have pink this am.
LOL, yeah Sebastian got stuck and he was 6 lbs 14 oz, I don't think I could naturally have a bigger baby, had to get cut to have Sebastian, besides I do not think I could carry an 11 lb baby. I went for my scans and Sebastian measured ahead from the beginning but then ran out of room to grow I guess but he was healthy, never left my side, he did drop his temp once but I just had to strip him and put him on my chest.
Caroline- I would talk to your dr about your LP if it is 10 DPO again next month, hopefully it was just a fluke month for you, or it stops all together, that would be great.

Gabs, I think you should call the dr, I am sure it is nothing but I know there is something they can give you to not throw up or at least that bad, I am so sorry you are having even more of a problem now, dang little girls already start off bitchy :rofl: Hope you feel better and the bleeding stops, I am glad that you are staying calm about it all, last thing you need is to stress yourself out too.
Thanks sara. Yeah i might...but they have given me everything they can for nausea. The thing is I'm not nausea ALL the time..its more like know?

Also girls...okay so i NEVER get pimples and didnt with the boys..and i get a new one everyday! I HATE it and they are soooo ugly. This better be a girl!:)
They say that girls cause more achne and take their mother's good looks so I really really hope this is a little girl for you Gabs, though I know you would appreciate a health boy or girl more than anything.
Lol I should post the new pimple everyday that i get! haha. Today its on my nose. Yesterday it was on my cheek. the day before...on my chin! GRRRRRRRRRR
hello ladies!! sorry i have been MIA for a while jst trying to relax and keep away from bnb :rofl: sooo hard tho, I have tried to read ur stuff - 7pages while i have been gone!! phew!! I am sorry if i have missed stuff or anything....maybe someone or u could jst do oa lil update for me?

Sara - ur poorly?? I think...sorry to hear that babe hope u feel better, love ur belly pic and hope u feel better!! any news on :af: or DR?

Sarah - Michael ill? sorry darling is he anyh better? whats happening with ur corgie? also what doppler do u have i am thinkng of getting one

Gabs - soooo sorry ur so poorly!!! u could have pulled a muscle under ur ribs i have done that before an it makes u in pain and feel breathless - oh and the pimples?? sooooooo with u there hun, I get at least one new one everyday and I have NEVER EVER EVER in my life suffered from spots - I have perfect lush skin normally everyone hated me for it at school :rofl: now its come back to bite me in the arse!!

Caroline - sorry :witch: arrived - what has ur lp been in ur previous cycles do u know? jst see how it is next month and go from there!!!

Rhonda - I love ur beautiful belly keep growing!!!! :dance:

MT - has :witch: gone now??

well as for me, what an amaaazing day!! I saw my little baby, attached to me with the placenta, bubs waved at us wriggled about and waved again, the heart is beating and everything in her words looks perfect!! I asked about piccy and hb and they dnt print them or measure as dnt have facilities there cos its an emergency scanning centre and only there to see bubs is ok, but in a couple weeks I will have my normal scan and can get lots of different pics then :wohoo: you know I was so happy :yipee: and so overwhelmed I :cry: with joy, it was the best feeling in the entire world to see my little baby waving and i honestly can say i have never been happier!
There was no obvious reason for my bleed and she believes it was jst left over blood trying to get out as it was around the same time as my period would have is a little smaller than my dates, so we have a new date :D but I think that prob jst a little bubs as all of us in our familes have been little!!! I just cannot get over what a magical feeling that was!!! she waved at us - was just perfect!! :wohoo:
Awe Jenna!!! You brought tears to my eyes!!! Thats amazing and I'm so happy baby(not bean anymore) is okay!! I knew she would be!:) So happy for you!!!:)

I too have GREAT skin nomrally, so soft, clear and nice!:) Hubby even said last night...get away with all your pimples and dry skin. haha brat!
Whats your new date hun? We must be due the same day now???!!!
:rofl: how ruuuuude!! its so annoying isnt it??? its the thing ppl most comment on and i noticed in ur pics u have lovely skin too!! at least we are the same :D I am 9w4d so we are sooooo close now :wohoo: oh and its Fri 28th Aug now
Awe wow! I'm 9weeks 2days! hehe. Thats so cool. I'll probly have my baby early july though. but still. Our little girls are growing the same everyday!:)
Oh yes I am with you girls and all the pimples! Grrrr!! Thought I was getting better as they seemed to have stopped for a week but got 2 new ones this AM...:dohh: Its a battle we just can't win! What are you girls using to wash your face? I freaked a little when I read the ingredients of my face wash (clean and clear deep action cream cleanser) as it had Salicylic Acid in it which is a big no no when your prego. I stopped using it immediately. I don't know what to use now, the noxema product that I liked they stopped making and that is the only thing that kept my skin clear. I can't use soap as it gives me loads of pimples...just wonder what everyone else is using?
Rhonda~ I dont use anything!!! I never have. I think once in my life i've tried something to see and i actually got a rash and pimples. I have very delicate skin. I dont even use soap on my face! All i do is let the shower run on my face and i put face lotion on everyday. Lol i know i'm werid. I actually thought last night to try and use hubbies stuff on my face but i was too scared it would make it worse!?
Wow with all the perfect skin turned for the worse! I wish I had perfect skin...sheesh.
AF has gone officially...YAY!
I recommend using Purpose wash. I have sensitive skin also and it seems to be pretty good if you must use soap.
I have to get back to work, busy busy day!!!
huge :hug: lovelies!
Rhonda~ I dont use anything!!! I never have. I think once in my life i've tried something to see and i actually got a rash and pimples. I have very delicate skin. I dont even use soap on my face! All i do is let the shower run on my face and i put face lotion on everyday. Lol i know i'm werid. I actually thought last night to try and use hubbies stuff on my face but i was too scared it would make it worse!?

Gabby do you wear makeup at all??? I have to remove that stuff some how!

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