Team Jelly Belly!!!

Thanks Rhonda! I wasn't nervous untill i spoke to the nurse and she got me all concerned! GRRRR

Hey.....My middle name is Lynn!:) hehe
I just dealt with a screaming baby for about almost two hours~ Ah it was terrible. I first tired to put him down for a nap and he screamed for 30mins so i got him up and played with him but he still was crying......So i thought he was hungry, i tried to feed him but that didnt work. grrrrr I ended up holding him and rocking him and rubbing his tummy and he fell asleep! THANK GOD. But i moved him and he awoke again haha but now hes sleeping peacefully!:) And MR. Owen is fighting nap time as well! Now its 4pm and of course he fell asleep! Ah he will be up late! They both have to get up and leave at 6am tomorrow to go to grandmas...what a fun day she will have. hehe:)
Wheres Ms. Twiggy?? I'm really worried about her girls...? I hope her and bean are ok? Noone has her number or facebook eh?
:shrug: :nope:..........i was just thinking that :shock: i hope they are ok.......
I have not heard from her nor do I have any other way of contacting her. I am worried about her too. Hope she is just resting. I know how you feel about having a kid take a late nap and not going to bed until late at night, at least Grandma will have them. LOL. Don't let the nurse get you worried dear, they are just taking precautions. You know nothing is wrong this is just an excuse for you to see your baby and they will tell you everything is good.
Okay Girls I'm back. Good news first. Bean was SO adorable and was waving and moving all around!:) Her heartbeat was 180bpm!!! Crazy girl!:cloud9::happydance:

Now the bad news.....I have two serious things going on. First of all I have what is called Placenta Previa. My placenta is covering my whole entire cervix which isnt good. The good thing about this is it USUALLY moves up! I had it with Gavin and it moved up at about 23 weeks.
The other issue is that I have a placental bleed as well. :cry: There are quite a few broken blood vessels that are bleeding out of the placenta. There is nothing they can do to stop this and we have to HOPE/PRAY that it heals on its own. My ob called me before i could even leave and told me that she thinks it shall heal on its own.:)

But.......This means NO lifting, intercourse, and mondified bedrest! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR I'm only 9weeks and its starts already. I not only on restrictions till the bleed heals but also till the previa is gone!So it will be awhile.

So all we can do is wait it out and I follow the rules and take it very easy. She said baby looks great at this point but has a 50/50 percent chance of surviving. :cry:
We dont know the cause but it could be b/c I fell last week, or because of all the vomiting i'm doing??
I have to get scans every week now and if the bleeding ever gets worse to go in asap!!!

Thanks for being here girls and right now i need you. I'm doing ok actually and I know its all in God's hands. :hug::hug:


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I wrote to you on FB but just want to remind you what I said, Your little girl will be ok, i have faith that everything will be ok, It sucks to be on bed rest esp with two little boys who I am sure can be rambunctious at times. Now you know what the bleeding is from and hopefully the placenta will move and heal its self.
Gab...oh sweetheart you have such a good view of this! I agree with you that it's not really in your hands and you just have to listen and be a good girl on the modified bedrest. I have faith too that this will resolve itself and you will get your healthy little girl!! :hug:
Honey, I'm sorry your little girl is giving you grief! Girls make you worry - it's a taste of things to come. She'll be just fine. Enjoy a few good books in bed (try the twilight series...) I guess Grandma will have to help out more! Hugs to you.

So not fair I've got loads of spots and I'm not PG:hissy:
You can use savlon or witch hazel to help clear them when they arrive.

It's kind of brown and a bit clotty today - there wasn't anymore yesterday, but I guess this monring's gunk rules me out, despite a temp rise. boooo
Will not worry too much about LP till I've had another short one...but I did go and get 100mg Vit B and a B complex to try. I'm kind of one of those people who'll do everything I can all at once!

Hope you have a good day girls.

MrsTwiggy?? hope you're alright xxx
:aww: Gabs I am sorry that u received some bad news, but as long as u listen to ur DR's and dont do any naughty things I believe things will be ok. Sara is right girls always make u worry she is jst starting early and with the previa - u said it urself u had it with Gavin so it should be fine xxx :hugs: always here for u ok
Thanks girls. Well after my internal scan I was actually bleeding i woke up at 1230am to blood all over my pants.:(:(:(! I was freaking out and woke hubby up and he said lets get to the ER now! So we went to the local hospital(not mine) and told them what was going on and everything. When i got there i was only bleeding alittle so I was okay. THey did another scan and of course there she was beating away! (thank god! ) But they obviously don't have the other ultrasound pictures that my hopsital did so they couldnt compare. They did say that there are indeed many blood vessles broken in the placenta(duhh!) And they only gave baby a 40percent I hate this hospital!! Anyways they said that a scan shouldnt cause so much bleeding but since my placenta is attached to the cervix thats really causing all the bleeding and the scan irratatied it. They said it looks like it has almost attached itself to my cervix.!!!! WHAT???
Well anyways I stopped bleeding and they said that i NEED to stop taking my blood thinning medication while all this bleeding is going on b/c my hemoglobin was only 9.2 which is low. Soooooooooooo they called my ob so i could talk with her.

I have stopped my shots that i do twice a day for now and I'm just taking aspirin instead. I can't be off totally antigulants because I've had a PE and Septic Pelvic Thrombophlebits. So the scoop is to hang in there and just to wait and see. My doctor seems alittle more worried but said don't give up your babies are strong and always make it through anything! CRY

I hope shes right....and please girls pray for my bean. Sorry I'm kinda a mess, been up all night and just got home....alot going on.

As far as Ms Twiggy goes...she emailed me!!!:) Her and bean are doing great! her bleeding has stopped and she has an appt on saturday(werid? lol) anyways. She said her sister in law banned her from the computer!!!!! B/c she says the radiation..hehe. So Lyiana is listening to her and just staying away. She says hi to you all and to give you girls her love! :) HUGS
Gabby its a girl!!!!!!! :yipee: I told you hun, wow 180 bpm that's a nice healthy strong heart beat hun! Yay I am so happy your baby is ok!!! I'm sorry to hear about placenta previa, I don't know much about that but I have heard of it and lots of girls get it and go on to have healthy babies, so don't stress about it sweetie, sorry that your on bedrest again, that must be so tough with 2 kiddos, make sure dh helps you a lot, and follow your doctors advise so you get your little girl in Aug/Sept. You baby is so cute and I'm jealous you'll get to see your baby every week! love you hun and glad everything is well with baby, take care of yourself, we're all here for you, hope you know that. :hugs:

well we are expecting a blizzard here today, up to 2 ft of snow :hissy: so I think I'm going to stay home today where its safe!
Gabby we must have posted at the same time, oh hunny, I am so sorry for your scare, I can't even begin to imagine! I'm glad the bleeding has stopped now, but please please stay in bed today and take it easy, I am so worried for you, I'll say lots and lots of prayers for you and your baby! :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
Gab, I will definately be sending good thoughts your way. I'm also very worried about you. It's good that this baby is already so strong! Doctors/nurses tend to give the worst case they aren't very encouraging when it comes to stuff like this. I only say this because of what my SIL had to go through with my niece being born at 26 weeks.
Stay strong honey and please take it easy, get grandma to help!
huge :hug:
ur defo both in my thoughts and prayers :hugs: I am sooo sorry for your scare!!! its really weird I woke up at 4.30am here and couldnt get back to sleep thinking about u, sooo much so that I went and got my phone from downsatirs to see if u text then i had no signal to reply :grr: i got so frustrated, I must've known subconciously something was up!!! JUST REST DO NOTHING ok??? or i will be round :ninja:
Awe you girls are so sweet!:) Jenna thanks for making me laugh with your litle I'll be around.....haha:) My hubby dropped the boys off by my mother in law for the day untill he gets home. I just took a nice warm bath and going to try and rest...i'm soooo tired but i cant sleep. I'm so sick to my stomach b/c of this and well because of morning sickness lol!

With the whole placenta previa thing its really something to be cautious. Your fine as long as you follow the rules and STAY on bedrest! If you dont you will just keep bleeding it gets worse the furthur you get along. Mine resolved with Gavin which was awesome so were hoping around 25weeks or so this one shall move too. The only thing is if the placenta is attaching itself to part of the cervix they will have to give me a cerclage. A stitch to keep the cervix closed b/c of all the pressure and bleeding that will come from the placenta.

I'm doing ok. I've been through alot worse and I know God knows i can do this. He must really like giving me challenges though........BUT i only will take em if he gave me a girl! haha. :) just kidding but if i'm going through all this AGAIN for the 3rd time...please just bless me with a beautiful daughter and our family can be complete. :)

My doctor gave me her house number and said to call with any questions. I also will see my perinatologist on Friday to see if he has anything extra to add.

My family i have to admit isnt that supportive....its like okay why would you get pregnant when you KNOW this stuff happens.....? My hubby came home and was all concerned but at the same time he is just so fustrated. What bothers him is that its going to be summer and I will be on bedrest and also our baby will come at the lastest mid july!!! So bedrest then a NICU stay....its alot and i will miss out on my boys summer. :( I just feel like a terrible mom.

Okay going to shut up now.......! How is everyone today? Love you all are so awesome to me. Thanks
Okay I'm a dork..but i swear when i look at my ultrasound pics i feel ike i'm looking at a little girl. Something about it just makes me think that its a girl. ??? I never felt that way with the other pics. Idk maybe its the way the baby is lying? haha
Gabby - sorry you've been scared again. Please rest! I'm glad MrsTwiggy is ok, that's a relief.

Hugs to you all xxx
Gabby, I'm sorry you started bleeding again girl....but I'm glad that the baby is okay. Please just take it easy...I know you want what is best for your baby, so i know you'll do whatever you can to ensure her safety!

For all the TTCers, can all you preggos tell us what your BD schedule and/or ttc methods were like during the month you got your BFP? I was thinking it would be fun to hear the different methods you all used! I'm going to start TTC in may, so I'm curious also!!

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