Team Jelly Belly!!!

Gabs, you and your little girl are in my prayers. Please rest and try not to worry or stress to much. Do what the doctors tell you and just concentrate on bringing her into this world. Like you said God knows you can do this and he will never give you more than you can bear. You are not a bad mom you are taking care of your self and your children so in my book that makes you a great mom!

Gab, yes, rest and relax. You and your little girl will come through this!

Sarah, that is a fabulous idea, I like it!

If I ovulate the same cd as last cycle I will be due on November first...this is my new obsession...Nov. 1st, Nov. 1st, Nov. 1st....:rofl: And if by chance that doesn't work then my next due date will be DECEMBER 1st...our anniversary!

Hey Caroline...what's going on with your cycle??
Hey girls. Thanks for being here for me. It makes my day alot better. HUGS

Okay Miss sarah..haha. As you know we were fighting really bad the month i got my BFP. I actually didnt know if i was ready to get preggers or not. Of course i still was doing opks here and there but that was it. Since my cycles varied i didnt know when i was going to o. I member getting an ALMOST postive on cd 14ish and I know we bd around then. So then again around cd 21 i took one and it was SUPER i figured ok i am for sure oing now!!! Well we bd on cd 19 and that was it! I even got up right afterwards and was on top. haha. Well i got a negative blood test at about cd 30 so thought for sure that i o'd late and maybe could be pregnant?? I didnt know. Well xmas eve was my testing date that i had planned no matter what. Xmas eve day came and i took a test. Five days later from the negative blood one. And......WHAM a nice dark BFP!!!

Heres the thing.....i thought i o'd late but according to ultrasound and a 28day cycle i am excactly matching up! So.........i must have o'd on time? I can't tell you what we really bd then but i think it was one here and there haha. Its funny how it works out. other months i was temping, opk's , bding everyday!!!!
I didnt have any symptoms other then MAJOR cramps and what was werid is i wasnt spotting which i ALWAYS do about 3days before af. Also had a uti/kidney infection and my ma said she knew i was preggers when i had that. haha.

SO dont give up ladies and mabye totally take a break and ta da you could be preggers. I honestly believe you cant do much to get pregnant. Its not in your hands. You make love to your hubby when you two want to and if God has a baby in your plan it will happen. Hang in there all you ttcers and i know how hard it is to just relax! You'll get your babies, you all deserve it! HUGS HUGS HUGS
:rofl: at Sarah's impatience!!!

Well I used OPK's and preseed and :sex: like every day or every other day all the cycles before!!
We moved into our house on 12th Nov and bam 18th Nov :witch: came I was devastated!!! totally gutted as she just wasnt expected :rofl:

So this time with moving and unpacking etc etc I didnt really temp properly or do many OPK's, and we just :sex: when we wanted - wild :sex: :rofl: it was amaaazing!!! I did an OPK and it was pretty dark around when i thought i would OV and DF was too tired to :sex: we had not doen it for a day either so thought we missed it!! I was sooo peeed I refused any :sex: for rest of cycle :rofl: and BAM :bfp:
and according to my scans I am about 4 days behind what I should be so I must have OV'd late so it is sheer chance I got preggers this time round :D :wohoo: just meant to be!!! :yipee:
Totally agreed! See girls.....just forget about it and it will happen! Ha.....i know, i know i was one of the worst when ttc. ;)
Gosh girls....I'm all alone it ssooo quite without the boys..:( And of course I'm looking at the mess on the floor. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR okay done whinning. hehe
Hey Caroline...what's going on with your cycle??[/QUOTE said:
I don't know!!! :hissy: I guess I just have a short cycle. I've been on BCP or implant or hormonal coil since I was 16, so I've never really known what my proper cycle is. Last month must have been an anomaly and I really do have a 23 days cycle (eek!) It's still spotty, but that's what I've had for 3 days or so before my normal flow for the last few cycles. So not much hope this month - BUT I'm still a little tiny bit hoping I'm wrong and it's implantation. Stupid, stupid, stupid! If only my temp had dropped this morning then I'd know I was out!

Sorry Sara, we seem to be operating on the complete different end of the spectrum!

Hugs to you all and your beans xxx
Gabby, I'm sorry you started bleeding again girl....but I'm glad that the baby is okay. Please just take it easy...I know you want what is best for your baby, so i know you'll do whatever you can to ensure her safety!

For all the TTCers, can all you preggos tell us what your BD schedule and/or ttc methods were like during the month you got your BFP? I was thinking it would be fun to hear the different methods you all used! I'm going to start TTC in may, so I'm curious also!!

I copied this from my journal, hope it helps you :)

My cycle started Sept. 20th when the :witch: arrived.
DH and I :sex: Sept. 30, Oct. 1, 3, 5, 6 and 8th.
I ovulated very late this cycle, on Oct. 8th

Had implantation cramping on Oct. 15th
Tested on Oct. 18th and got my :bfp: (faint but it was there)
Tested again on Oct. 20th and it was very dark!

Here is a link to my journal if you want to read my day by day symptoms
Hey Caroline...what's going on with your cycle??[/QUOTE said:
I don't know!!! :hissy: I guess I just have a short cycle. I've been on BCP or implant or hormonal coil since I was 16, so I've never really known what my proper cycle is. Last month must have been an anomaly and I really do have a 23 days cycle (eek!) It's still spotty, but that's what I've had for 3 days or so before my normal flow for the last few cycles. So not much hope this month - BUT I'm still a little tiny bit hoping I'm wrong and it's implantation. Stupid, stupid, stupid! If only my temp had dropped this morning then I'd know I was out!

Sorry Sara, we seem to be operating on the complete different end of the spectrum!

Hugs to you all and your beans xxx

Sweetie sounds like implantation to me! Are you cramping? Have you had a super stuffy nose?? :rofl: Any symptoms, even anything unusual? I'm really quite intrigued hun!! I think that your temp dip on 8dpo and before is implantation, and I think the spotting you're having is from that, they say it's usually 2-4 days after implantation that you spot. OOOOH, I am excited!!!
Gab, I'm so sorry you're stuck horizontal(ish)...I can't imagine. Just keep it up, it will get easier as your bump grows :) You're pregnant, enjoy the being served and all that stuff! ;)
ummmm Caroline! That does look really positive for you! What is your spotting like? is it dripping at all? On the pad? Any cramps....or signs.!!? Ekk i'm excitied for you too.
Caroline I just had a look at your chart and hun that can not be your period, your temp never dropped, I hope MT is right. Maybe your prego and your getting a light flow, that happens to some girls right around the time they would expect to get af as the hormone levels are not high enough yet to stop it completely. Have you tested lately hun? It looks promising!!!! :hugs:
Rhonda~ you have no idea how excited i am for your scan next week!!!!!!! the this your last baby? Or is there talk about more?
well that hasn't really been decided...we both said we would wait and see how this one went, with money and all and would decide later on if we wanted a 3rd, so there is talk for one more, I just don't know yet. 1 week from tomorrow girlies....eeeee!!!! I'm actually starting to get nervous, I hope he/she is ok in there, a little poke right now would make me so happy, I wish I had a doppler so I could find the HB that would put me at ease. I can't help but worry when I don't feel anything, and when I went to the docs for my rash they checked the HB and said it was in the 140's which seems really low when its usually up near it normal for it to drop 20 bmp in just a week?? Maybe 140 wasn't acurate as he was having a hard time getting a reading because baby was moving around so much. If she's moving so much why can't I feel her :cry: Sorry girls I just wish next Thursday were tomorrow instead!
So I'm a paranoid little freak and google is my best/worst friend :rofl: I just googled my madness and came up with this, anterior placenta, anyone heard of it? Or know anyone who's had it? Is it normal?? It could be the reason I am not feeling this baby much at is a picture of it.


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Rhonda, honey if your really concerned I dont see why a phone call to the doctor couldnt hurt. Do you ever feel the baby move anymore? I know at 20wks once you feel it you should feel it everyday...idk bout if you've felt it should you continue too? and the heartbeat...thats fine sweetie. They tend to be all over the place, depending on position of baby and if you've eaten, their sleeping,moving etc. I wouldnt be worried I'm sure you baby is doing just great hun!!!!:)

But ......give the doc a wouldnt hurt. Some reassurance or answers maybe nice.
R- I suppose it's pretty normal to have the anterior placenta, it would explain a lot. I haven't heard it in those terms, I don't think, but I do know that it shouldn't cause a threat per se. Is the baby giving you back rubs then? ;) :rofl: I am majorly excited for you to have your appointment. I do hope that if you are that concerned you really should call a nurse at least.

Caroline, Hun you must test! Even if you did and got a :bfn: it could still be *ahem* PREGNANCY...I sure hope we're not harassing you unwantedly...:rofl: Tell us!!! Is this a 'normal' AF???
Girls I'm soooooo bored. Gavin is sleeping, hubby is snowmobling, and Owen BEGGED to stay at Grandma's.......and NONE of you are around.

What am i going to do with myself...i dont have any good books to read and i HATE tv! lol
And of course noone is ever in chat around here anymore!
Rhonda, my friend Holly (on my pregnancy website) had an anterior placenta. She didn't feel Callie (her baby) until waaaaaay later in her pregnancy!! I dont think it's bad, but she definitely was worried like you are. I wish I didnt plan on TTC in may, cause I would definitely send you my doppler to use!

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