Team Jelly Belly!!!

Hey girls sorry I was not on all day like I usually am. :rofl: Gabby, sorry for the scare but glad things are still looking good. Sorry you were bored and the one day I am not here you want someone to talk to. I was at my moms and need to finish some homework but just wanted to drop a line. Glad Mrs. Twiggy is good and bean is good too. LOL about the radiation. I am still stuffed up and tired but did not get a temp this morning since I pretty much have given up on it I am not really obsessed with temping now, next cycle is a different story though. Hope everyone is well.

ok everybody's at work so i've sneaked online quietly just to drop you girls a little hello!! gosh i've missed all of you!!

i'm still taking time to catch up on all that i've missed (which is a lot!!!), but just wanted to say thanks to all your well wishes and your kind concerns *hugs*

it's crazy about the whole "radiation" thing, my SIL can be quite impossible at times *roll eyes* but at least she cares enough to make me sit and do absolutely nothing so i guess i can live with it.

i skimmed through and i think there's been some scares with some of you (still trying to catch up as fast as i can), but i hope everything's getting better and healing as it should! :hugs:

I laughed at Sarah's impatience on getting replies, so anyway, Sarah, what i did different the month i got my BFP was I ditched temping and PreSeed but just used OPKs right after :witch: left. Then, the hubby and I had what we called "Hamster week", if you get what i mean :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: andsure enough, 2 weeks later, we got our beautiful BFP :happydance:

Ok i've gotta be off before someone catches me online and starts nagging :rofl:

i miss you girls!! can't wait till my appt, and to get everything back to normal so i can go on BNB everyday again like always, teeheehehee

:hug: and lots of love to all of you
Hi msTwiggy - lovely to see you :hi:

Oh girls you're getting me all excited! I'm SURE I'm out (only i'm not because you've got me all excited!!! grrr!). My temp was super high this morning - 37C! So I tested again right away thinking it must be wrong, then it dropped to 36.5C so I tested AGAIN and got 36.75C!!! Stupid thermometer/body!! BUT I did have a couple of glasses of wine last night (thinking I was out, so maybe that affected my temp??)

It's still not full flow, but there's brown stuff on the tissue every time I wipe (or poke!) and it does have small 'bits' in it (TMI - sorry) but no more red stuff. But this is exactly how my last AF started so it must be that. Oh why won't my temp drop and give me some peace... :help:

Ok, I admit, :blush: after the high temp I wanted to test this morning, but only had a FRER which I wasn't wasting so I used a OPK (stupid) - I got a faint line...if it was super strong I might have used the FRER but it wasn't...but again I've had 2 cycles where I didn't get any lines on OPKs even at what does it all mean?? :hissy:

I guess we'll have to see what tomorrow brings!

Hope you're feeling better today Gabby, stay horizontal for us honey. xxx
it could mean a positive preg hun....only cos a couple of weeks after i got myh :bfp: i peeed on an OPK and a HPT and the HPT was the DARKEST EVER EVER and the OPK was soooo faint - did the OPK as an experiment cos me and a few girls were talking about it, HCG can be picked up on a OPK so I think tomo am u should use ur FRER :dance:
Whooo hoo! So glad to hear from you MsTwiggy! You sound like you're doing very well! Miss you!

Oh my Caroline...I think you're preggo!! I have been pretty right about these things with my past cycle buddies, and I'm pretty sure that this might just be it for you! Oh I can't wait for you to use the FRER.

You ask what does it all mean...darlin' it means you're preg!!! :hug:
Oh, and the wine could have done it, I had martini's last night and mine is really high today.
Good morning girls :D I'm back to work today and ready for the madness to begin, we lucked out yesterday and only got about 10" of snow, not the 2ft they had predicted so I was happy but it still looks like a tons since last week we got 16", I'll have to take a pic of my yard so you girls without the crappy white stuff can enjoy it. :rofl: I WANT SPRING!!!!! another month and a half and it should start to arrive, sigh. Sorry I wasn't on FB last night Jenna I wasn't at work so I wasn't online at my reg times...didn't mean to scare you, I am A-OK! I'm trying not to worry to much that I'm not feeling the baby, I think if something were wrong I would know right? Like I'd be cramping or spotting and I'm not so I'll hold out till next week. 1 week from today, :happydance: super excited!!!!! Sorry I wasn't online when you were bored Gabby, I can't imagine being on bed rest, I go non-stop at home, and the 3 weeks I have to be on bed rest after my c-section kill me! I just don't like lying around, so I feel for you hun!! Wish I lived closer I'd come over and visit with ya! :hugs:

Liyana glad your doing well hun, tell your SIL you can not get radiation from the computer!!! Look at all the prego BNB girls that are on it all day long. Ask your doc if you want to shut up SIL, I'm just guessing but has she ever been pregnant? Probably not :)

Sarah thanks for saying you'd let me use your doppler hun, your such a sweetie! I'm looking at them on ebay but hubby doesn't want me to get one :hissy:
:yipee: Rhonda!! :wohoo: you are here!!!! I am glad yhou are ok and that u have relaxed I am soo pleased!! I know all is ok!! I want to get a doppler too, apparently the hibebe ones are good but very expensive and the angelsounds dnt always work for everyone so if anyone knows of a gd one i'd be interested too!!

I had an interview today for a great job and its well paid, they loved me and said i gave a great interview and answered questions well and that I seem very friendly and like the kind of person that people would get along easily with, veryh good i/view BUT I was the first and i saw the lady after me and she was much older so that may not go in my favour at all......idk its jst annoying that i dnt get any of the luck :cry: pray for me ladies and keep EVERYTHING crossed at all times until I find out (except u TTCers, I will allow u to temporarily open ur legs for some baby :sex:) :rofl:

oh and i looked very pregnant today without my suit jacket on todahy so when they asked if i wanted to take it off cos it can get warm i was like NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO :rofl:
:rofl: at Jenna not wanting them to know she's preggo...:rofl: FX for you!
:rofl: I know but I would not have a hope in hell of getting it otherwise :sad2:
Fingers crossed for you Jenna, it's great that you've got lots of interviews, I think that's a great sign you'll get one. it took Nick months and he only had the one interview!

I'm still spotting....I'm not PG (but thanks for keeping my hope high). My cramps have been on and off, but I've had loads this month anyway. I feel like AF is here. If i wasn't temping I'd think she was here. I think this might be a case of too much information causing problems!!

How you doing today Gabby?
Glad you're ok Rhonda - wish we had some snow it's just cold and damp here. :(

But on the plus side I have got a cute new haircut!
thaanks caroline! that makes me feel better!!

awwww poor u and we make it worse bhy building ur hopes up sorry :blush:

aaah a new haircut - post a piccy? xxx
Don't worry, I don't mind having my hopes up, it make the day more interesting!
Here you go. Old hair and new hair. It's not the nicest picture, I really should wear more makeup to work...I really should do more work!
I love it - it looks lovely :D

I have added u on FB now :D - no one knows I am preg tho so no mentioning it on my profile pls :rofl: thaaaaanks :hugs:
Cute cut Caroline! It always makes me feel like a new person too when I get my hair cut, even if its just a trim :rofl: which I need very badly but my hair has been so yucky and awful during this preg that I think I will wait till my birthday before I do anything with it.

Girls I think I felt my LO :happydance: felt like little bubbles popping and it wasn't gas so it had to be baby...I think, so yay!! That made my day and made me feel a little better, at least it will get me to next week! I hope its not another 2 weeks before I feel the next one, this baby is sooooo different than Brayden already. I just can't get over it!

Jenna I'm so glad to hear your interview went well, I had to laugh when you said you didn't want to take off your jacket :rofl: that would have been me too, although right now you can tell with or without a jacket on me :dohh: My fingers and toes are crossed for you hun, hope you get it, when do you think you would hear???
Thanks guys! I like it. But I don't like this tshirt and top combination, it looks a bit 'nun-esque'!

Sorry Jenna, I didn't see your reply on here before the FB one - which is why i repeated what you just said to me! no baby talk on public FB!! he he

When are you going to tell?
well i would tell, i mean my mum dad bro sis and my closest friends all know and you guys :D but Jos wanhts to wait until 12 wks til he tells his family and i know how they are gonna react, and i am not looking forward to telling my Nan cos she will react bad!!! she still thinks i am like 12 or somethin, Jos is 22 and his family believe I pushed him into marraige house and now babies :grr: actually all his idea his mum is jst intolerable which breaks my heart cos i get on with everyhone but shes so sarcastic to me and his sister is very similar ive done nothing but be nice to him be there for hihm and do everything for him and love him and i always get it in the neck that i am pushing him around blah blah blah and i know thats why he talks to me like shit and expects so much sometimes cos of them........:rofl: what a rant sorry but it gets me so down :cry: i should be totally over the moon about it all but im petrified of how they will react and i know i shouldnt be but they make me feel like a 5yr old about to tell them a broke their £100,000 china dog or something..........:grr:
:rofl: so after our 12 week scanis when everyone will know :rofl:
Caroline, ADORABLE! I love it. And yes, I'm also sorry for instigating a big 'hopes up' party...:) I still will secretly keep my hopes up because I still think I'm right.......:rofl:

Jenna, I am sorry about your OH's family. You should be able to be elated at this news, and it's not like you broke an expensive're going to give them an incredible gift, a new grandbaby! I wish they were nicer. We all have this sort of crap don't we? Well I hope they can share the joy with you two and not be ...dumb.

R-I am so happy you felt your baby girl! I wasn't worried really, I know she's going to be perfect and I can't wait to see her!!! (if this is a boy, have we all marred him for life by calling him a girl for so long? :rofl: )

I worked really hard yesterday and today I'm taking it a little easier, at least for now. I am at work but I have some stuff to get to. Signing off for now...:hug: everyone!
MT - ur right, who cares wat they think i AM over the moon and loving it all the only thing i dnt like is the secrets :(

:rofl: at if R's bubs is a boy bless it, I think I am having a boy - I have boy feelings now :)

gd grl for wrkin hard xxx :hugs: for you too xxx
:rofl: at MT no no, everyone and I mean everyone except me thought Brayden was a girl, even after the ultrasound my friends still didn't believe it and he is all boy!! Everyone thinks this one is a girl too so maybe it really will be another boy. I'll be in total shock if it is but I love my lil man so another wouldn't be bad. I actually saw the cutest little boy this morning and for .5 seconds made me wish this one was a boy, then I went back to my happy girl thoughts, lol it could be either or I know, just because a lot of my signs have been pointing to girl....7 more days...and we will know for sure :D

and Jenna yours is so a little girl, if you had :sex: 3 days before ovulation its not likely that it would be a boy(since the male sperm don't live that long)...unless...did you have the big "O" that night? I have this theory that if you do it kills the girl sperm, its out there, I've read about it and I def believe it. I did with Brayden but did not with this one so I'm testing my own theory!

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