Team Jelly Belly!!!

Hi Girls,

Another quick little vist from me.

So sorry to read that so many of you are having a stressful time.
Gabby I am praying for you and bubs, I am sure the big man upstairs is going to look after you both.

Rhonda, I am glad you felt your little one but at 18 weeks from what I have read you don't have to worry even if it is your second child and that reverse placnenta thing makes sense that you would feel less as well. I can't wait to see your pics next week and hear what you are having. I hope for you it is a girl.

Jenna, so glad your little bean is healthy and waving it is totally awesome to see that. I remember seeing my little one punch and wave, very cool. Sorry your DFs family is such a pain, I am sure they will be excited when you tell them, everyone loves babies.

Liyana, I am glad you have had some bedrest. You must keep it up. I hope you get to see your little one wave at your next visit like Jenna.

Lea, glad that you and bubs are alright.

As for the rest of us TTCcers......what are we going to do...

I am hoping for some good news next Friday so I can join you girls in this next cycle.

Hope it works and we get a :baby:because we are going all in:

Eustrogen, Clomid, Gonal-F Injections, HCG Injection, AI and Progestrone :headspin:
Hi Debs!!! How was your little getaway? I bet it was wonderful! I wouldn't normally have worried if I hadn't felt this one at all yet but I have off and on, usually once a week since I was 13 weeks so I went 2 weeks with nothing and started to freak, I just figured by now the movements would be a little more often. And comparing them to Brayden at this same time, he was kicking me like mad every day, it just doesn't make since, but I know every baby is different. I'm just patiently waiting for my scan and for them to tell me everything looks good :D
R- I like your theory, I believe in it too so I try not to have the big O during certain times, it is a lot hard to try not to O than it is to get to O though, for ma at least because I am thinking about not doing it so I think about it more :rofl: I am still sick so I can not stay online long and am sorry that I have not kept up with everyone but will try to later. Glad Mrs. Twiggy is great, Gabs hope you are doing good. Jai-Jai sorry about having to keep it a secret, that sucks. In the end though this is yours and Jos Baby and everyone else can kiss your well you know. :rofl: Caroline, i just added you on FB too. Hey look I caught up with people, Debs- glad you are back.
As for me I am slightly excited because I got sick before I got Pregnant with Sebastian and being sick now I am hoping I get PG within a month or two now. Fingers crossed for me!!!
do u know what I am not sure if I did have the big O cos I cant pinpoint the sex but i am pretty sure it wad the random on the floor in front of the fire sex that did it and i defo did not O then........I dont always but a lot of the time i do before eeeek :rofl: i dont mind either way now i jst have a cute little pink outfit that i bought for a friend but forgot to send so its too small :rofl: so I bet I have a boy espesh with boy feelings but I am sure we defo had sex at least 3 days before
Caroline...I just saw that you posted on the cats thread. Seriously?? They're licking your hands? Hun, I wish you'd just use the FRER for us and get it over with....:rofl: Hun, I really don't want to get your hopes all in a frenzy, but I think you should test. Just think, God made more FRER CAN use yours :rofl:. I'm only kidding sweetheart, but I am so excited and hopeful...
I am so sorry if I keep hounding you, but you're not really giving me any evidence of AF having a REAL showing yet :rofl:
:!: :!: :hug: :!: :!:
:rofl: I am hopeful for caroline too and understand her hesitance so I am cautiously wiaitng for someone else to tlak her into it. (Pssst Mel :rofl: ). Either way I am very glad to be a part of this team for all the support and fun we have together, don't know if I am just emotional today too but I feel a little sentimental.
hellooo again ladies!

Caroline honey, TEST ALREADY!!! i'm going bonkers and i just know you're going bonkers too!! no pressure though :rofl:

ok, you ladies want to hear something ironic? about half an hour after i posted up telling all of you that' i'm doing ok no bleeding etc, i went to the loo and lo and behold, my body decides to have another leak. there were blood stains again, brown in colour still. i thought of just ignoring it, but i called up my clinic and they told me to come in for a check up "just to be safe". So there i was again, at the clinic for the same darned reason.

the doctor wasn't sure what caused more bleeding, but she reckon my body was just getting rid of old blood. she checked my little one and the baby's safe and sound, it's even tripled in size compared to last week!!

and i heard the heartbeat again :happydance: it was faster compared to last week.

anyway, here are pictures of last week's u/s and yesterday's u/s. i'm starting to think that these little pictures are like my doctor giving away lollipops to keep the mommies happy, :rofl:

so ever since we found out that I was expecting, DH and I nicknamed our little one Dot. Yesterday, DH asked me "so now that Dot's bigger, can we call it Splat?" :rofl::rofl::rofl: obviously i said NO!!!

Dot doesn't look much like a baby yet, I can't wait to get to the day when I get to see a little wave like Jenna did :blush:


  • Scan at 6 weeks circle.JPG
    Scan at 6 weeks circle.JPG
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  • Scan at 7 weeks circle.JPG
    Scan at 7 weeks circle.JPG
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MsTwiggy, dot is lovely. I'm getting all teary just looking at her! (and to be fair she is only a dot at the moment, I'm far too hormonal!). I'm glad everything is ok xxx

Thanks for all the support girls, you have no idea what it means to me!

Well I woke up a few times in the night, getting excited to test and take my temp. I didn't get up though and tried not to roll around. Anyway I took my temp at 7 and it was 36.5 - so lower then yesterday :( I went back to sleep and woke up at 8 and temped again and it was pretty much imconclusive on the temps, no big drops.

Went to the loo, got my frer box out and peed in a cup (thinking I'd be able to check the FMU with more tests if it was a faint positive) then checked for blood (sorry for tmi) and there was some black stuff, but more then other days - so I was thinking yeah, AF has come. Then when what the hell, I'll test anyway, the bloody box was empty!!! I can't believe it! I must have thrown a full one away instead of the new one! I can't believe it.

Anyway, pretty certain I'm out and have bad cramps today. I seriously have no other symptoms (apart from the cats acting weird, but they've not done that the last couple of days anyway).

I am going to buy more tests though...just in case for tomorrow :)

anyway, assuming this is AF - what do I take as my first day of my cycle. Obviously earlier in the week i was freaking out because she came on 10dpo and I was worried about a short LP. But that couple of wipes was the only bit of red blood Iv'e seen, since then it's been brown spotting...

I'm being stubborn and not admitting to light flow on FF just yet....I'm so daft!
hugs to you all and thanks for the support! xxx
So I was awoken at 4:20am to a little somebody poking me...I had the biggest smile on my face, and then Brayden started crying in his sleep saying I want my momma, so I got up and he was ok just having a bad dream. But thought it was cute that his baby sister woke me up to go and check on him :rofl:

Liyana Dot is so tiny and cute!! I forget now, you want this to be a boy right? So we will call him a he until we know otherwise! :)

Jenna I wont be on FB tonight as I'm not working a full day today, probably only till 3 or so cause that's when I'll have my 32 hours and they don't want us working more than that :hissy: Oh and your random :sex: in front of the fire place sounds wonderful, it turned me on :rofl:

Caroline it sounds like af hasn't started yet so you don't have a day to mark at CD1 yet. My doctor told me you count the first day you see red blood, which you said you had but it wasn't much and then you've just had brown blood, which is old blood so no af isnt here yet dear. :test:

I feel a lil sick today and just yucky in general. My belly has been upset since I left my house this morning and I don't feel like eating (which is not me at all) I hope I'm not starting to come down with anything!!
C-I know it isn't really funny, but I did chuckle when you said the box was empty...:) It just figures. I'm not thoroughly convinced it's AF yet though...but maybe in a bit you'll give us the full flow least the red report. I hope not. You're going to have a high temp tomorrow and you'll test and get your :bfp: and your little kitties will be licking you for about 9 months! :rofl:
L-I love your pics! It truely is amazing how these little ones grow so quickly from just a Speck. Which is the name I suggest because it's sort of like Splat but a little more like Dot...:rofl: Some of us know Tigerlady, she spotted after her :bfp: (and before...Caroline...) and her doc suggested a no intercourse policy for a bit until a bit later. It worked for her...and her doctor did say that she could still have sex...:rofl: if you catch the drift...:rofl: Anyway, she's 14 weeks now, healthy little one and it's a BOY! So, my point is maybe :sex: is causing some spotting. But either way, I'm very pleased you got a good report and cute 'lollipop' picture. hehe

Now, I am feeling pretty good but my gums are swollen. I flossed last night and used my prescription mouthwash and I suppose it's just doing its job, but my annoying to have these 'bumps' in betwixt my teeth!!! Grr. I have a slight case of gingivitus (eew, I know) and I have to try to keep it away. I'm hoping this goes away soon, I don't know if I can eat!

On the TTC front, I ordered more Preseed and even a couple of OPTest strips. I still have a small amount of PreSeed left, but I want to use a proper amount this month and make my chances that much better. So I'll start using it in a few days. I quite like it actually. TMI-it helps that 'sex smell' not be so prevailent along with being very comfortable stuff in general. I'm feeling pretty good, I guess a bit rejuvenated now. We've had some rain and we needed that, and I generally just feel good. We're having company this weekend until Sunday afternoon, so I must be careful of getting on BnB. I'll check in when I can but after 5:30P today, I might be MIA. :D
:hugs: and Love to you all!
Rhonda-:rofl: at being turned on. I hope you're not getting sick, that's no good!! I also think it's cute that your DD woke you up to check on you DS. \\:D/ ( I had a bad dream last night too, poor guy.) :hugs: to you!
Thaks for all the thoughts - you made me laugh!!!

It's definitely heavier today...not red yet though...I've 99% given up. but I now have lots of cheap 10muis from home bargains, so if temp is up in the morning I'll be testing. I'll keep you posted.
Have a great friday night girls. MT make the most of your last chance for G and Ts before you get down to the hard work of BDing!
Debs, Always good to see you on for a pop-up!

R, that was too precious. Wouldn't it be cute if your little girl became protective of Brayden as she got older. It seems she's watching out for him already.

Jenna, In front of the fire sex.....I'm so jealous! Forget OH's family. Don't let them stomp on your joy!

Caroline, If it's AF I wish it would hurry up and show for real so you can move on and if not a least you are still in the running.

Sara, If being sick helped before, I'm sure it could definitely be a good sign.

Liyana, Sorry about the scare, but over the moon that Dot is doing ok and you saw and heard Dot again.

Nothing much to report over here. Just counting down until my first appointment. TGIF!!
So I'm feeling hurt and a little invisible today, I just went into the kitchen to fax something here at work and the head dog was in there (she's semi-retired so she's hardly ever here) I casually just go "Hi Linda, how are you today" and nothing, she just kept right on reading her paper, totally ignored me. God I hate it here sometimes, its fine if you don't want to like me but god, really, put on a pretend act at least, don't be a bitch. And in my other June Buddies thread here on BNB the girls are ignoring me today too. I just asked if anyone wanted to guess what I was having because its just next week, we did this with a bunch of other girls last week and I guessed on theirs well a bunch of girls have written in there today and not 1 of them said anything to me. :cry: I am real right?? I do exist?

I'm so thankful I have all of you girls, that's why I love you all so much, you make me feel at home, we're like all one big family! :hugs:
Oh my gosh Rhonda!! I'm so sorry that you are feeling so neglected today. It just breaks my heart. You ARE real and you are VERY visible! Furthermore, you are beautiful!

Hope all is well. I don't have a lot of time today bc we're going shopping...but all of you are in my thoughts!!
Hi Girls,

Back a bit sooner than I expected. I am just so concerned about Gabby. I hope her and her little bean are okay. I have said a ton of prayers today. She really does deserve to have a happy, healthy uncomplicated preganancy and a healthy little baby at the end.
Gabby sweetie, I hope you aren't on because you are getting the much needed rest your doctor has said you need and that all is okay.

DH is calling me so I have to go but just want to add, Rhonda you are most certainly very real and a very special part of this thread. I am sure your boss was just having an off day and if she knew you like we do she would love you too.

As for the rest of you lovely ladies take care and have a great weekend.

Next week has lots of happy and exciting news for all of us :)
PS: I forgot to mention how much I have loved looking at all of your bellie pics they are all totally beautiful.

I am five foot eight and a half so wonder how I will carry, probably make Rhonda at 41 weeks look like Thumberlina!!!
Debs, glad you could stop by, looking forward to good news from you in the next week.

Rhonda- I am so sorry you feel neglected and invisible, I understand how you feel, i have felt like that on here before but that was before I found you ladies, and V, Ama and TL (when she is on ) now I know that no matter what you gals will post to me and make me feel loved and valued. As for your boss, you said it, she's just a bitch (either that or she is hard of hearing but I like my first assumption better :rofl: ). Some people are just rude because they were not taught how to be a nice person. You are real and have a very cute babybump to boot. P.S. so cute that she woke you up. I can not believe you get to find out (FX she is not stubborn) so soon.

Mel- How did you know TL is having a boy? When did she find out?
Debs, I'm 5'9" you'll probably carry like I did! But I guess the sex of the baby matters too with that =)
Debs, I'm 5'9" you'll probably carry like I did! But I guess the sex of the baby matters too with that =)

Oh gosh Sarah I hope you are wrong or else this one is another boy for me! I'm carrying this one exactly the same I did Brayden!

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