Team Jelly Belly!!!

Sara you were right first off...she is a major bitch, and quite rude too. I've never been a fan but I am polite and I will fake a smile and be nice to her, only because she's my boss and if I was rude to her I would most likely get the boot! Not many people here like her, she's a different breed that's for sure.

I have a bad backache again today, I never got them with Brayden, this baby is so different I just can't get over it! Well I am out of here for the weekend, I'm sure I'll pop on once of twice though, I can't leave my girls for too long :hugs: anyone heard from Gabby today? I'm starting to worry, she's on bedrest so she should be able to check BNB...hope everything is ok!
I will text her and let u guhys know how she is getting on and R ur defo not invisible and never could be we love u sooo much!!! this is by far the BEST group of girls on this site and i love u all to pieces i am so happy i have found each and every one of you :hugs: :kiss:
oh and i got my 12wk scan appt its on 4th March?? 12wks??? i will be 15!!!!!!!!!! :grr: they say bewteen 10 and 14 do u think i should call them or u reckon they are jst super busy?? :cry: I dont want to wait 5wks to get my picture!!!!!!!
I'm worried about Gabs too R! I hope shes doing okay! Also, I don't think you will necessarily carry your babies differently, I just think some women really think that, and it may be true for some women!! Just not you =)

Jenna, I would considering saying something...because I think they do NT scans and stuff around that time...and if you're 15 weeks, the measurements will be off. Just a thought!
Well girls i just finished my Math test which is pretty much the last thing I had to do for my class. I am officially done with school. OMG I don't know what to do now. :rofl: jai-Jai let us know when you hear from Gabs.
R- it is a girl!!!!!!!!!!
Mel- How did you know TL is having a boy? When did she find out?

Hi girls...can't stay on long, but wanted to answer this. TL found out at her 12 week scan...YES 12 WEEK SCAN. The doc was so awe-struck that he had to ask permission to show the scan around the office so people could see that he sexed the baby at only 12 weeks. I keep up with her via email. She's doing great!
Thanks that is good to know, I know she does not come one here because of all the horrible scares she was getting in first tri. Hope that she comes back soon though, tell her I miss her.
:sad2: no nothing i am really worried its unlike her not to text me bk :shrug: xxx
Dang it, let us know as soon as you hear something, i am really worried too she is usually on here even on her busy days. Hope and pray everything is ok.
Hey Girls......SOO sorry I haven't been around!!! Thanks for all your sweet thoughts and prayers for me and bean.

Bean is doing ok so far......i think?

I've been resting lots b/c of the bleeding but also i have terrible cramps that are so bad. It hurts so bad when i cough or try to walk. I spoke with my doctor and she prescribed some tyenol with codine and told me to take that and see how it helps. Well it doesnt help at all so i dont know what i should do. I dont want to bug them b/c i feel stupid!!!! :( I know cramps are normal but these i NEVER had and they are ALWAYS there day and night! And just way worse when i walk.....? SO idk
But I'm doing ok and just lightly bleeding....

Glad everyone is doing well!!:)

Rhonda ~so excited for your scan.

Sarah~when is af due? Do you think you may be preggers or no?

Sara~Must be glad school is DONE yay!

Caroline.whats your update? I hope you tested with a FRER and got a BFP!:)

Jenna~You really should get the scan sooner....maybe have you doc tell them you need it before 15weeks!!!:)

Lea~how are you feeling?

Lyiana~Glad your doing well, i know the spotting stinks but glad bean looks great! Just take it easy babe!
Jenna...i never got your text hun. Sorry.! I didnt mean to make you girls worry, just am tired, sick, chills, scared.....and when i'm not sleeping i'm trying to do things with the boys. Its just a stressful time right now. :(
hi girls, sorry to have been slow coming on, I've got a house full of guys (4 with OH - it smells of boy!).
My period is definitly here, god it took a while to show up properly! how annoying. I was so excited to test this morning, but there wasn't much point. oh well.

Sorry you're feeling ignored Rhonda, you're a wonderful lovely person, shame on the girls in your pregnancy thread. they don't deserve you.

I'm sorry you're in such pain Gabby, please call the doctor again.

Yeay! Well done for finishing school Sara. wooo hoo!

Right, back to the boys. Oh is at work so I have to entertain them.

Big hugs xxx
omg thank god ur ok!!! dont feel silly to call them i think u should defo call them!!! :hugs:

yeh i think i am gonna ask them to bring it forward at least a week!!!

:hugs: for all xxx
Gabby I am so glad you are ok. I think you should call the dr too, there is not much you can take while PG for pain. I hope these cramps go away soon.

Caroline- Sorry you think AF is there, I would have gladly taken her for you, hope her stay is short and you get a sticky bean next month. I think you should ask the drs about the spotting, I do not know what is considered normal but just to be sure you know.
GABBY!! Oh my gosh we've been so worried, thank you for updating us! And don't be need to be resting rather than coming on here...we're just glad to know that you're still doing okay! I'm sorry that you are in so much pain...I wish the codeine was working for you. Tylenol and codeine thin out your blood (as Im sure you know), so maybe that's why you're still lightly bleeding? My advice is to just drink a lot of water (even though I know you don't like it)...bc it will keep you from coughing and stuff. Regardless, I hope you get to feeling better, and your bean is in my prayers.

That is just amazing that they can tell the sex of the baby at 12 weeks. I know with boys it's easier, but still...its pretty crazy!!

Sara, CONGRATS on finishing school hun!! I'm so jealous of you! Are you still BDing just incase you O? If not, have you made any more decisions on what you are going to do regarding provera? I still have pregnancy tests that I still want to send you! Just let me know right when you think you'll need them =).

Jenna, I think that's a good idea. Maybe get it pushed even closer probably want to see your "bubs" asap!!

Caroline, I'm sorry that :witch: showed up...she really is an evil being. Here's to next month!!

Rhonda, how are you feeling today hun? I hope you are feeling better both emotionally and physically. I still can't believe how much of a witch your boss is! Also, I hope your back is better!!

Debs, you are about to be TTC right??!?!?! I'M SO EXCITED FOR YOU =)=)!!

Mel, you're about to be Oing, aren't you?!??! Make sure you start BD a lot hun!!

As for me, I'm so happy that I am done with winter session. I will be graduating in May and then I will be onto my career! I want to do grad school within the next few years, but will work in the meantime. My hubby has decided he's kinda over working construction...and he's going to take a test to become a firefighter? I mean, it sounds like an amazing job, but it's so random!! He's been working construction for 10 years, it's his "passion" but he says he just wants a break. I support him completely, but its so out of the blue!!
As far as being pregnant, I have no idea if I am! I dont think I'll test unless my period is late. I don't even know when I O'd or anything...I just know I had a drunken night of debauchery and sex and now it's a possibility :rofl: .

Love you girls!!
Sarah, I am still getting in :sex: just in case O miraculously happens and i even threw in a few drunken sex act too to cover all my bases. I forget to add them on FF each time though so a few are missing but the just are there. I was thinking about going to the drs to just get provera since it seems nothing is happening, if I ever get the idea that I might need a test I will get a $ store one first and if I need better confirmation I will figure out a way to get one. Thanks again dear but I think you might just need it soon, when is AF due?
well, I don't really know when AF is due. Last cycle was 29 days, but the two before that were 26 days each. so, my AF is due between thursday and sunday of next week I guess. I have 2 digitals and 2 FRER line ones...I was going to send you one of each and leave one of each for me too (just in case).
LOL Thanks dear, I might take you up on that if I get any suspicion of something going on, I first need good temps. I keep changing my mind from one day to the next on what I want to do, Do I just go get provera or wait it out? Some days I want to just end it then others I have the strength to continue to wait. I guess we will see how I feel on the day I have money to go to Drs. LOL.
Well, this is how I look at it. You may have long cycles, but you are still Oing 12-14 days before you get your period. So, you could just keep BDing every other day or so and hope that you will catch O. Or, you could go on provera to start your period, but theres no guarantee that she will show up 28 days later unless you do the provera, metaformin, clomid trio. My friend who has PCOS had reeeeeally long cycles too, and her doc put her on provera then metaformin then clomid and she got pregnant her first cycle!! But, her ignorant doctor didn't put her on progesterone (even though she's had 2 previous miscarriages) and she sadly miscarried a week ago. You obviously don't have a progesterone deficiency like she does, so you won't have to worry about the m/c thing.

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