Team Jelly Belly!!!

Okay so....I just ordered this stuff called Cosmetyn. Apparently the creator of this stuff was on Oprah, and Oprah was going on and on about how amazingly well this stuff worked for her. It's something used for stretchmark removal, and it has AMAZING reviews. I've never believed that stretchmarks can be removed (without surgery) until now...but after reading so many reviews about it, I truly have faith in it! For those of you who have stretchmarks, you should try it! Theres a promotion for it going on right now, since it's a new all you have to pay is shipping! Just a thought =).
I normally do not have long cycles either though, I think this is just because of BCPs but do I take another hormone to bring on AF and then have to go through this again next month. If only my Dr would give me provera and then clomid for just one month to jump start some things. All I want is 5 little pills well 15 counting the 10 provera, is that so much to ask for? I know the consequences and have actually taken clomid before (unprescribed of course, just to jusp start and it worked i was regular after that). I have even thought of making a trip to Canada or Mexico just to pick up a few tabs.
Oh by the way...they told me at 13weeks that Gavin was a boy too! :) It's amazing isnt it. I'm hoping this time they dont tell me till like 20weeks.......saying ITS A GIRL!:)
Thanks that is good to know, I know she does not come one here because of all the horrible scares she was getting in first tri. Hope that she comes back soon though, tell her I miss her.

I will let her know...she's actually thinking about coming back to BnB, but is too busy doing wedding/baby planning atm. Now...I have to read up on what's going on...:D
Ok, I finally got through all of the stuff I missed. Thanks Sarah, I will probably not OV for another week or so. I ordered new preseed and can't wait to get it.

I'm not able to stay on here with my company but I wanted to say I'm so glad to hear from you Gab! And I will be thinking about you hun.

Ok, I hope you all are doing well, Sara-I hope your cycles figure themselves out, but either way something needs to be done :hug:

Ash-how are you hun?
Oh! Caroline, I'm so sorry AF showed up. I really hope she gets her job done soon now so you can move on to a new cycle. Stupid :witch:. :(
Jenna definately have your scan date moved, I've read that NT scans need to be done between 11 weeks and 13 weeks 6 days of your pregnancy (before 14 weeks). Any word on the interview you went on???

Gabby so glad your ok hun you had us all worried! I'm sorry to hear your cramping pretty badly, I would definately call your doc and tell him what they prescribed wasn't helping you, they must have something else they can offer you, you should not have to suffer hun!

Sarah...secretly I am hoping your pregnant, I know you want to wait a few months but wouldn't it be awesome?? I always wished I could have gotten preg by accident (when I was ready of course) it makes it much more exciting, vs trying month after month though I know we are not all that lucky. And if you are it just means this baby was definately meant to be!! Where is the website for this Cosmetyn stuff your talking about...I've never heard of it but I'm definately interested!!!! Do you know if it also helps prevent new ones?

Sara have you decided to get meds then hun? To jump start things? I really want you to be happy hun, I just can't imagine having that long of a cycle it would frustrate the hell out of me. We will all back you on whatever you decide to do. :hugs:

Caroline, oh hun I feel for you having to watch DH's boys, ugh, tell me they are at least friends of yours too?? Sorry the :witch: showed her ugly head but at least now you know what's going on. We'll get em this cycle for sure!

Anyone heard from Ashley???

MT your friend and Gabby found out the sex of their babys at 12-13 weeks during their NT scan with something called the nub. I have done TONS of research on this, here is some info for anyone interested: What is a Nub? A nub is a small penis like protuberance seen between the legs at 11 wks to 14 wks. It can be used to assess gender using the angle of the nub. 30 degrees (to the lower part of the spine) up=Boy, Under that=Girl. Sounds easy in theory, but you need to get the baby in a midsaggital (side) view that show the nub. No curl to the spine either. Right side up also. Some nubs are ambiguous--they are angled in "the grey zone" where it can go either way. The Nub predicts what gender you are having based on the "nub theory" Its apparantly 95% accurate at the 13 week mark but only 75% at the 12 week mark. I'll post my 12 week scan photo below (the nub is the white line you see running horizontally between the legs at about belly button height, mine has a fork at the end of it) Its a little confusing, the website ingender is awesome and there is a u/s tech on their that will tell you what she thinks...she's predicted girl for me, we'll find out on Thursday if she was right or not... :happydance:

And me...I am doing better, I ended up having this weird 24 hour thing, almost flu like but I wasn't throwing up at all, just really tired and achy and yucky feeling, and not wanting to eat at all, I was couch bound all last night when I got home and most of today but I'm now starting to get a little energy back, I hope I can eat more tomorrow, feeling bad LO is suffering :( OMG I just looked at my ticker, I'm 19 weeks today :yipee:


  • 12 week scan.jpg
    12 week scan.jpg
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Wow, I never heard of that theory before, I will have to look into it when I am PG. Thanks for the well wishes again, I am undecided as of today and tomorrow is another story but drs offices are close for the weekend so not a big deal. I will def let you gals know what I decide when I decide it.
I know I wish I had known about this theory when i was preg with Brayden! Any of you girls have your 12 week scans and want to know the sex of your baby I would love to have a guess...I think its a lot of fun! And yes Jenna even though your on team yellow :hissy: I will be taking a guess for you too! Is everyone else going to be finding out??
I just got a text from seems that her Kidney infection is back, so she has gone to the ER. I'm not sure if she's still there, but everyone keep her in your prayers still...
Big hugs Gabby - I hope you feel better soon. xxx

Well AF disappeared all yesterday afternoon - very odd, so I tested this morning - BFN and then there the bitch was again straight after and now I'm cramping so hard. boo. I wish I could send her to your house Sara (not that I want you in pain!)

I'm wrapped in a blanket on the sofa while the guys play guitar hero. I'm normally up for that, but cramps and a hangover are not making me feel very sociable! Had a great night out last night, dinner and dancing with the boys and met up with my cousin because I really needed some girl time after a testosterone filled day. We had a big walk in the Peak District as the weather was lovely (but so cold). So yeah, it ended up being ok. They're my friends too, but they can be a bit OTT all at once with out nick to calm them down! Had a nice chat with my brother in law about TTC - he's not married yet but they both want kids as soon as they are so I was telling him she should come of BCP earlier so she can get her cycle sorted out then they can try for a honeymoon baby. I have pointed out that they're not allowed to have one before us!! (I'm so mean!!) But it should be a couple of years for them, so fiingers crossed it doesn't take that long!

I am a little concerned about the weirdness of my period. It's been 5 days of spotting or very light flow, and I think only now is my proper period, although I don't think a bean would stick during the last few days. Lets hope the b6 helps sort it out for next time.

that's so cool about the nub thing. I don't think we want to know...but maybe a sneaky idea from the nub would be nice...we'll see

19 weeks - wooo hooo!

Sorry for the long ramble...
Oh, poor Gab. I wish she didn't have such a rough go at pregnancy. Thanks for letting us know!

R-I haven't heard from Ashley, I have been wondering that too. Whoo hooo for 19 weeks, and thanks for the info on the 'nub'. If I'm ever blessed with pregnancy, I'm going to wait until birth to find out the sex if at all possible, so exciting! Glad you're feeling better too!

C-I'm so sorry you're in pain now...that stupid witch. I was told that not having a sufficient drop in progesterone will cause prolonged spotting :( I would definately talk to your doc about that.

Sarah-I agree that it would be so awesome to just happen upon pregnancy! That's what I wanted for so long! I can't wait to see if your AF Hopefully your stretchmark cream will work and our group will have it's own testimonial to go by! :)

Sara-I also back whatever choice you decide with the provera, but if you want to look into "less invasive" non-medication alternatives, I'm also here for you!! I still promote Maca 100% :!:

Gab-huge :hug: mommy, hope you get an easier road from here on out...

My company will be officially gone this afternoon!!! :dance: Don't get me wrong, I love having company, but the entire weekend, lost. I have house renovations to do, I need my spare time! :rofl: Super Bowl parties ensue after 4 o'clock today and I'll be gone until Monday! So everyone, have a great Super Bowl Sunday (for those of us who actually slightly care...haha)!
Hi Ladies, well I am sorry I have not been on much. With no temping I dont get on FF so I am just taking breaks. I have been training a little and have training this week. DH and I are going to pick up a puppy on Valentines Day, i am so excited. I officially start my new position on the 15th. Today is my last Sunday working, I will be off Sat and Sun now. I am excited. My mom had knee surgery Friday, she is fine. I went out a few times to celebrate and DH planned a suprise dinner out last night to celebrate with 8 of our friends. It was loads of fun. I have just been relaxing and having fun. Again I am not preventing so maybe the relaxed approach will work better for us, but now there is no rush, just hoping it happens. I have caught up reading and there is a lot going on. I really am praying for Gabby. O and my friends sis just found out she is having a girl. So there are 3 girls going to be born around me soon. My sis in laws sister just had a boy last sat. All kinds of babies around here.
I hahve spoken to Gabs today she is in a lot of pain and has been admitted to hospital with a bad kidney infection, she is on painkillers has low potassium and on a drip, DH is not being too supportive :( but thihk he is jst worried about her!!!! she is having a scan in a while so pray that she and hehr LO are ok........poor poor thing i was sooo hoping this would be an easier preg for her :pray:
Oh poor Gabby she just can't catch a break, I wish I could take some of that pain away, give some to me, its not fair that you have to go through all of that. I hope you feel better soon sweetie!! :hugs:

So I woke up this morning to drip drip...yep water coming in my my bedroom just above my window and in our bathroom...water is getting inbetween our sofits and freezing and when it thaws its melting and coming in over our windows, grrr!! Just what I need to worry about. DH is working today I hope it doesn't get worse while he's gone. This winter has been horrible I just want it to be spring already!

How is everyone else doing today?
Well First of all I really hope things are ok for Gabby and her LO. This better be a little girl for her so she does not have to go through this again. It seems like once she gets over one thing another thing pops up. I am sure her DH is just scared, men have a hard way of dealing with sickness. :hug: Gabs and LO, Thanks for updating us gals.

As for me I have decided to go get meds as soon as I get a chance. Weird story is that my friend has Tarot cards and I usually do not think too much into them but strangely last night stuff just was all based upon my fertility. Ok so you pick 4 cards, first one is past, second is present, third is future and fourth is overall. My past was the moon right side up which is supposed to mean a new marriage (just got married 5 months ago) second card was traditions upside down which mean reverse. This card meant that I do not like traditional ways or I stay away from ideas I think are conforming ( I think this is my stubbornness to end this cycle with medicine ). My third card was the future and was fertility upside down, meaning inability to fertilize a part of my life or a longing to fertilize my life ( Hello a baby). My overall card was beginnings upside down which means things will not be new. All of the cards are supposed to tie together and your future can always change so your present card is the path you are on and if you continue on that path your future card remains the same but if you change your present then your future changes too. It was all a bit to on for me to not agree and decide to get the medicine and end this cycle. I know there are a few people who do not believe in the cards but hey I am on CD 95 or 96 so I will believe anything right now.
Sara I am so glad to hear you say that! Yes I would have backed you either way but who knows how long it would have taken af to show for you, I want you to get the little girl you definately deserve and I hope this will be a good start for you and you wont have to wait long at all. :hugs:
Thanks, I know you gals all wanted to support me in my decision but you secretly hoped my decision was to go get Provera and end this horrible cycle. Thanks for letting me make the decision on my own and backing me up this long. I really hope i get my little girl too but right now I would take twin boys if I was to be lucky enough to get pregnant.
Sara, I totally support your decision. I would do provera and clomid in one cycle...because as I said before, you can bring on your period with provera but you may wait another long span of days before you ovulate....which is where the clomid comes in =).

Rhonda, I'm sorry about the leak hun!!

Gabs, I know I talked to you earlier, but you're in my thoughts and prayers lady!!

So, I thought I'd tell y'all what my precious son just did. I was on the computer while my husband was eating in the kitchen. I hear this flow of some kind of liquid hitting our wii fit balance board. Well, our DARLING little Michael decided to pull his weenie out of his diaper and PEED all over our balance board!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously, tony and I lost it and laughed for probably 15 minutes over it!!!!! Just thought I'd share!!
Sara totally support ur decision and would have done either way but i hate seeing u in this state of liminality!!!! xxxxxx

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