Team Jelly Belly!!!

Sarah- Thanks dear, love the pee pee story, there will be more, oh yes there will be more. :rofl: We had poop in the potty again today, only his second poop in the potty since we started.
Jai-Jai- thanks for your support too dear, I really appreciate you all supporting me.

My son was a brat yesterday, he is getting to the age where he is testing me and I am getting a little frustrated with him but I think he is just tired cuz he is growing again. He went poop on the potty again, only the second time on his potty since we started but I am proud non the less. Hope everyone had a good Super Bowl Day.
Sara! yeay!!! go for the drugs and go get yourself knocked up...woo hoo!!!

It's snowing - yeay! (it hardly ever snows in England any more). I've booked the day off so I can tidy up after a manic weekend then hopefully take my nephew sledging, there's so few chances these days to do that.

Hope you're all well.

YAY Caroline its snowing here too :wohoo: sooooo excited!!!! :dance:
Hello Ladies! I wish I had the day off... :( I am so burnt out, I just want to relax and do what I want to do! We had company all weekend and then we had to go to someones house for Super Bowl (Yay, my Steelers won!!) and got home at 11:30p and now I'm tired and grumpy. I ate too much sushi too, so now I'm still uncomfortable!

Gab-sweets, we are all here for you...I just hope your infection goes away and you start to feel better ASAP, you poor thing. :hugs:

Sarah-Such a funny boy you have...:rofl:

Sara-Whatever it takes hun, just get that body working so you can get your baby!!

Ash-So glad to hear from you!! Sounds like you're enjoying yourself, that's awesome! :hugs:

I've got to get ready for work now. I think I'm going to try and reduce my hours at this place, I'm so sick of working so much. I am a housekeeper/caretaker/personal assistant and I have 4 clients. It really wears you out!

Oh, and yesterday I managed to get some time to finish priming our bedroom walls and ceiling and also got the master bathroom painted! :dance: so my hub is going to put the bathroom vanity in this afternoon! Soon I'll be painting the bedroom and tiling the floors and we'll get to move in to the room! I'm so excited, we have lived here for 2 years and have renovated the kitchen and living area, and we have been staying in the 'guest' room the whole time...I can't wait to get this all done!! :)

Hope everyone has a good day, and my thoughts are with you all! :hug:
Ok so I have to warn you this is a really depressing read so skip me if you want. I'm having a horrible time right now, all I want to do is cry. DH and I had a horrible fight last house has sprung yet another leak and because of that I got 3 hours of sleep last night :cry: And on top of that I think I am getting a UTI?? I've never had one so I don't really know what to look for but I constaintly feel like I have to pee, even after I just did, its not burning when I pee but I'm uncomfortable non the less. All I can do is worry about my house as I can't seem to stop the water from coming in. Its suppose to be near 40 degrees today so a lot of melting will happen (unfortunately that means lots more water in my house - I can't wait to go home tonight and see what awaits me) and [-o< that most of the ice falls off my roof today since that is what's causing this huge headache of mine! My mom called yesterday and I tried telling her what was going on with the house and she started yelling at me like why aren't you doing anything...:cry: I don't feel like anything can go right today, all I wish is that you guys lived closer, I need a giant hug right now, I can't stop crying :cry:

I hope you girls have a good day today :hugs:
GIANT :hugs:

awwwwww hunt thats not good u know if i was around i would be there in seconds!!! it sounds like cystitus babe not a UTI......pls dnt :cry: i dnt like it when u cry!!! u must be miffed that i am pleased there is snow here today havent seen snow like this in yrs tho so its different eh!! :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
Aww Rhonda, please don't :cry: poor thing...I'm so sorry it's all not looking very well right atm, but it will get loads better hun, please take some deep breaths and try to relax. :hug: sweetheart...
Rhonda, please don't cry. Your day will get better. Sometimes we just have those types of days but happy times are right around the corner. :hugs:

Gabs, you and your little one are in my prayers and i hope you feel better and come home soon. :hugs:

Sara, I agree with Caroline, whatever it takes to get you preggers.

Sarah, that had to be hilarious. I can't even imagine that little angelic face doing that.
:hugs: to you poor Rhonda, Honestly though what are you supposed to do get out there in the freezing snow PG and fix it yourself? I really hope your day gets better dear. Just think 3 more days. Just keep reminding yourself of this big day coming soon and I hope it helps you get through the day. I wish i lived closer too cuz I would send my husband over to fix your problem, not that he is an expert but he is imaginative :rofl: I am sorry your day sucks, I hope it goes by quickly and you can get home and relax. :hug:
oh dear oh dear... so much happening..

I hope Gabby's ok, she's having such a tough time with this pregnancy.. tsk.. my prayers are with you and your little one Gabby. Hope you get better soon.

Rhonda, :hugs: i hope your day gets better real soon

MT, yay for the house updo! I always love it when I make changes to my place :D (expect I don't have a place of my own, lol!)

Sarah, maybe your son was trying to see if the wii board could do more? :rofl: LOL when I read your post

Sara, go go go! Supporting you all the way :happydance:

Caroline, hope AF leaves you soon, completely! :happydance:

Ashley, glad to hear from you again :) hope all goes well with you

Jenna, hope you manage to move up your appointment!

Lea, how's it going on your side hun? Hope MS has not gotten to you

I hope I haven't accidentally left anyone out, if i did, hugs to the rest of you ladies :)

As for me, am beginning another week of bedrest, as per doctor's orders. I'm hoping that there will be no more bleeding this week so that it will at least put my heart at ease. MS has been rather ok with me, I don't throw up but I have major headaches in the mornings and evenings, and apart from that, I can't stand the smell, sight, thought of FISH. ugh. oh, and still can't down milk, another big yuck factor for me. which has me thinking this is rather bad becoz fish and milk is supposed to be important :hissy:

My next appointment is on valentine's day, hopefully all goes well till then :)
Thanks for all the hugs from you wonderful girls (BNB's finest), I needed those. I'm trying to have a better day today and not think of the mess at home. I went home to a bigger mess last night, and all but cried. We now have water coming in our ceiling, so this spring when everything drys out we have major drywall to redo. My bucket that I had catching water in my bedroom yesterday overflowed and went all over the rug in my room, luckily we are replacing that in a few months any way, but I didn't sleep again last night, so worried sick to my stomach. I helped DH lug buckets of hot water outside and he dumped them on the roof. I am hoping it helped even a little bit because we went all night without a visable leak, I am praying so hard that its a miracle and somehow the big mess we came home to was the last of it? I have my doubts though since there is still so much on the roof...but I'm going to be a little more optomistic today and DH is going home at noon to check on the house and I told him to call me. Hope it is good news! I hate that I get so worked up but there really isn't much we can do to fix it and I freak when it gets worse. I'm going to end up in the hospital with an ulcer before this is over you watch!

On a more positive scan is in 2 days!! :yipee: So lets see who thinks I'm having what? I'm starting to wonder if this might be a boy now?? I'm not so convinced guess away girls, it'll cheer me up anyway. Love to you all! :hugs:
We now have water coming in our ceiling, so this spring when everything drys out we have major drywall to redo.

I'm starting to wonder if this might be a boy now?? I'm not so convinced guess away girls, it'll cheer me up anyway. Love to you all! :hugs:

Rhonda, I wish I lived closer and I could help with the drywall, that's what I do! I'm so sorry things are a mess...I will hope for good news too! Now, I wish I could research your pregnancy a bit more before my guess...I have a reputation to uphold (here at home and throughout my life I have about a 98% rate of being right on the gender of the baby!) I'm rarely wrong...:rofl: So, here's my guess: It's a Girl. Now I'm going to look back in this thread and search for your symptoms!!

msTwiggy, Hi hun!! Yes, I love renovating...and things are moving along well! I'll have to post pics for you all when we get the bathroom done, it will be a couple of weeks though.

Caroline, how are you doing now?
Sorry MT I keep forgetting you came in a little bit later, lets see if I can list a few...

babys heartrate at 8w5d was 169bmp, then at 12 weeks was 170, then my last 2 appts was 157bmp and 140 something.

I don't crave anything sweet at all, which is so not me, I'm usually a huge junk food junkie! I really am more attracted to fruit, that's sweet though itsn't is? :rofl:

The hair on my legs seemed to have magically stop growing.
The hair on my head is dry frizzy and a mess, I can not for the life of me do anything with it and I feel yucky and ugly all the time!

I had no morning sickness at all except for 2 weeks of feeling down in the dumps, depressed and not wanting to be around anyone and mainly couch bound and very lazy most of my first trimester (again the opposite of me). I did have a week and a half of diarrhea, like 4-5 times a day, maybe that was my m/s? My boobs never hurt not once!

Hmmm I think that's the most of it, I'll let you know if I think of anything else.
Ok, thank you! I did go back and check but you don't really say much on this thread but those do help me out. I maintain that it must be a girl. Hope I'm right!!! :hug:
hi girls.
Oh rhonda, big hugs. I hope the mess isn't there again tonight. Us brits are so excited about a bit of snow and you're cursing the stuff. sorry!!!
I know it's not hugely helpful, but you know you can't do anything about the leaks right now, and come the spring there's nothing a heavily pregnant lady can do about it either so try and get your OH to do the worrying and you look after the little girl inside you (yep, it's a girl!)
So excited for your scan!!!
Nothing much happening in my world. AF is slowing down, so I think Ive got one more day or so of's normally 5-6 days. It's been very long this time because of the spotting, but I'm going to ignore that and assume the B6 will help clear that up.

I just found out last night my neighbour is pregnant again!! Really pleased for her, but it seemed a good time to tell her were TTC. She's a midwife so I was going to tell her soon anyway so I can pick her brains when something starts happening.
She's only just turned 25 and has 3 kids under 5 already!! Crazy girl! She's such a great mum though and the kids are lovely.
I told my mum today and she's like, "aw you don't need to have any, you can just borrow hers". (which I have done before for sunday afternoon baking).
I wish she could be a bit more supportive though. She's not awful, but she's not excited about us having kids yet. I'm 29, it's not exactly young! And I feel it's a bit unfair that's she's not excited because she already has 2 grandkids. I'm sure she'll change her mind when they arrive though! Eventually...

Anyway rant over...just waiting for ovulation (again!). I hope it's not this weekend, we're off to London and I kind of want to drink (plus we're staying with friends which gets in the way of BD). I'll start POAS when AF goes I think.

How's the rest of you?

Are you ovulating yet MT???
Hi Girls,

Gosh I am so sorry to hear Gabby has been admitted, but I am glad to hear she will be looked after by professionals and hopefully get the rest she probably wouldn't get if she was at home looking after the boys. I really hope she gets better quickly and her pregnancy can be smooth sailing from here on.

Sara, you have done so well to wait until 96 days for that stupid witch to show up, I think if you are ready to take the meds you must do it. I like the suggestion of taking the clomid soon after AF arrives then your chances of falling preggas straight away are improved and if not hopefully it will help your next cycle. How are things with your insurance do you know how long you will have to wait before you can get a hold of the provera or have a doctors appointment?

Rhonda, I really really really hope you are having a girl, I really do. I would so hate for you to be dissapointed. From what I was told last time around the heart rate always starts off slow when you first hear it any time between 5-7 weeks and then increases around week 9-10 and then slows back down again around 12 weeks.

BabyG's heart rate:
6w3d = 146 bpm
10w6d = 182 bpm
13w1d = 146 bpm

Your baby's heart rate definitely reads like a girl up until your last scan.
Doctors do say girls have a heart rate over 150bpm, perhaps she was just sleeping at your last visit.

As for the nubb, this is how we were told we were having a boy and you are quite right it was only said with 80% certainty. How they determine the sex based on the nubb is exactly as you explain and looking at your scan I definitlely do see a little girl there.

Just out of interest here is BabyG's and we were told he was boy and you can see the angle of the nubb is straight up, unlike Rhonda's which is horizontal.

So my guess is you are having a girl, two days to go and we all find out :yipee:

So preggie-bellies are:

TTCers are:
and me again, if doctor says I am ready

WTTC but could already be preggas....Sarah!!!!


  • 13 Weeks 1 Boy.JPG
    13 Weeks 1 Boy.JPG
    43.6 KB · Views: 9
Caroline its ok, here in Maine November-March (sometimes April) all we get is snow. I've never really been a big fan of it but can see how you guys would get excited if you don't see it much. I'm ready for April!! But not June yet :rofl: baby still doesn't have a room yet! Brayden is still sleeping in the crib, so much to do in the next couple of months and we really didn't need to add the roof stuff to the list, sigh.

Debs thank you for sharing your Angel's pic with us. I hope you are right, though I will be slightly disappointed if its a boy I will grow to love it over the next 19 weeks. Another boy would be just fine, though deep down you all know I want it to be :pink: :happydance:
:pink: it is :wohoo:

oh and I am sorryh but it has just started snowing heavily again here :yipee: although I am really cold now burrrrrr been rubbish and lazy today and done hardly any work and need to do it as my preso is on thurs - it has to be 5-8 mins but i get half wayh through and its alread 6.16 mins :grr: dunno wat to do!!

oh and I got a job :wohoo: not the one i wanted but the one at the farm shop!! sundays onlyh but i start this sat......the lady that got it over me now cant do it so its mine - lets hope two buses come at once and i get the other one too!!!
Are you ovulating yet MT???

Hi! I hope that witch just finishes her job and leaves you alone for a long time!!

I am gearing up for it I think. I don't know what to make of my temps, but I'm not expecting to OV until CD16-8 like last cycle. I hope my preseed comes today! I also got a couple of OPtest strips, you gals will have to help me know when and how to do them! I'm embarassed to say this, but I am so cheap that I only got 2 tests...haha. I don't know, that might be good enough, right? :blush:

Deb-Thank you for posting that, I found it helpful too!

Jenna-Awesome! Congrats! I hope it's a job you'll enjoy sweetie!
Ok ladies, isn't it time for bump update pics??? Come on, don't hold back from Team Jelly Belly!!!
Rhonda, I'm going to guess boy. But before you get upset I will explain. I am usually horrible at these guesses and usually what I guess turns out to be the opposite so my guess is a boy. Scan in 2 days.:happydance:

Jenna, Congratulations on the job!

Debs, I can't wait for the doctor to give you some good news!

Liyana, I'm glad you are taking it easy and hopefully all this will help with the bleeding. No MS here, knock on wood and fingers crossed it will pass me by this time.

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