Team Jelly Belly!!!

:wohoo: Jenna yay about the job hun. I know its not the one you had hoped for but maybe it will lead to bigger and better things, its a start hun! So happy for you!!

Thanks Lea, don't worry I would never get mad at anyone for guessing boy, I just think it will be fun to see who ends up being right...or not.

MT unless you know your body really well I don't think 2 will be enough. I knew my cycles really well and I used 7 of them (and still needed more) I ended up ov a week later that month so its a good thing I used OPKs or I wouldn't be prego right now! And don't worry I'm about as cheap as they come :rofl:
Debs- I am still waiting for ins so I will pay for the provera and blood work out of pocket but it is not much money, $35 for bloods then about $10 for pills. Unfortunately that means I can not get the clomid because I would have to pay a lot for it I am not sure but the five pills (I worked in a pharmacy and looked it it up before) were a little over $50 but that was about 4 years ago so i do not know how much it has gone up. It really upsets me because if my cousin was pregnant she would give me her tabs but she needs them to get knocked up herself :rofl: All I want is to take them for one month, I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that things will go back to normal (IE AF and O regularly) plus I do not think my insurance will cover the pills anyways. AHHHHH this sucks but if I had $50 I would buy them, shoot I would buy them offline from Canada if I had any money to spare. OK enough of that, Hope your apt goes good and you can jump back on this band wagon as crazy as it might be. Thanks for sharring your precious baby's US, I was having trouble seeing what R was talking about but now I can tell the difference.

R- Umm lets see what do I think the baby is????? Duh you already know that I know what it is. It is a G.I.R.L. no if ands or butts about it and if you come back saying it is a boy I will not believe you until she is born :rofl:

As for me stil have not gone to Drs yet. Yesterday my husband was golfing then had to take his guard card class. Today is his B-day but we had to take my mom to her Drs apt to get a shot kind of like and epidural in the back of her neck though, it is considered a nerve blocker. She needs it because she got in a car accident last April and she already had surgery on her neck for a dislocated disc and the accident messed it up but having another surgery is very risky so they are trying different things. My husband also has to finish the class tonight, then he can work tomorrow. Hopefully when he gets paid I can go. My dogs are in surgery as we speak getting fixed so no more cute puppies. Also my mother in law seems to be on board with me getting pg now, like she had a choice but either she is ready for a little girl too or she has finally realized that I do what I set my mind too and I will have another baby soon (you hear that ovaries? Listen good). Sebastian is doing good on the potty but only when he is naked. When he has his undies, pull ups or diaper on he does not take them off to go so naked is an at home activity most days. Well I wrote a novel so I will stop now :rofl:
R!! my guess would be girl!! althought, the locals here say that if you're feeling yucky and don't seem to want to dress up, it will be a boy. but then different people have different theories :D

Jenna!! congrats on the job!!
just a quick one ladies, my skin is like SUPER DRY.

i'm serious! it's almost like paper!! if i don't do anything soon i'm going to turn into a dried apricot.

so far i'm slabbing johnson's baby lotion like all the time but it doesnt seem to be helping. have any of you used anything better? anything you could recommend me?
MT unless you know your body really well I don't think 2 will be enough. I knew my cycles really well and I used 7 of them (and still needed more) I ended up ov a week later that month so its a good thing I used OPKs or I wouldn't be prego right now! And don't worry I'm about as cheap as they come :rofl:

:rofl: :rofl: I's almost pointless isn't it?? I just want to see those 2 lines, never have before. :rofl: I don't know, we'll see if it works out. I have middleschmertz and temp dips, so I'm hoping to use them in conjunction with that. I really just got them to 'play' :D
so far i'm slabbing johnson's baby lotion like all the time but it doesnt seem to be helping. have any of you used anything better? anything you could recommend me?

Hi hun! I highly recommend using coconut oil. You can get it in raw form which is a white, clumpy consistancy. I absolutely love it and it is REALLY good for your skin. Just scoop a little in your hands and rub them together to warm it up and 'presto'!! It is really great! You'll learn to adjust the amount you use too, it will soak in to your skin well, and I suggest using it after your bath/shower. If at first you do use too much, just wipe it off :)

Hope this helps!
Liyana I have this stuff at home that's baby magic baby oil/lotion, its like baby oil but in the form of a lotion, it keeps your skin hydrated longer, you could try that? Also make sure you are drinking lots too, that will help. I'm not sure what the climate is like where you are but here in Maine its so cold there really isn't much you can do to keep your skin hydrated, I too am struggling with that.

Tomorrow is the big day girls!!! I actually got to sleep last night, I was glad when I came home last night things looked like they were starting to improve but then at 4am this morning water started coming back in my bedroom :grr: I don't get it!! 6 more weeks till spring, of please hurry up and get here, I miss the pretty green grass and flowers, and warm weather!!

Anymore news from Gabby? Is she still in the hospital?
R!! my guess would be girl!! althought, the locals here say that if you're feeling yucky and don't seem to want to dress up, it will be a boy.

I think its the opposite over here, I never had hair problems with Brayden, I never felt I looked any different either, this baby is the exact opposite of everything I had with Brayden!
Gabs is still in hospital!! baby is fine though :wohoo:
she is on a drip still being pumped with lots of stuff and is on morphine for the pain, she also has a catheder to pee through........not fun!! keep her in ur prayers pls
R, A woman at my job didn't really change much or have many complaints and she is having a boy. It might be the exact opposite for you especially if everything was great with Brayden! FX!!

Not glad to hear that Gabs is in the hospital but glad to hear that the baby is fine! Still in my prayers.
R- sorry your house is still being an ass. So excited for tomorrow. What time, OMG this is so exciting so everyone says girl pretty much right?

Gab, Dear I am so sorry you are going through this but so very glad the baby is ok. I hope you feel better soon and find out you are having a girl. Take care dear and rest up in hte hospital as much as you can. We all miss and love you and wish you the best. :hugs:

Liyana- I have really dry skin in the winter but I use a combination of things, just try few different things when you are at the store next. Some times they work great but you should feel how it feels on your hands so you know if it will be greasy or not. I think dry skin is associated with a boy but I am not sure.
Hey girls! I've been so friggin busy with school, this semester is kicking my butt!! Liyana, I had amazing skin in the summer but in the winter of my pregnancy it was SOOOO dry. All of my girlfriends that had girls broke out and had oily I'm thinking boy for you!!!!!!!
My scan is at 10 tomorrow morning but I have a doctors appt after than and then DH is taking me out to lunch so I probably wont be back online again until closer to 1....but I will rush back here to tell you girls the news! :happydance:
OOOh! So excited about your appt! I can't wait to see the pics!!!
thanks for all your suggestions ladies!

I am drinking lots of water, so much so that the mineral water bottle and the toilet porcelain throne are my new best friends. I think it's got to do something with the pregnancy.

And not the weather either because believe it or not, we don't have four seasons here, so no winter summer autumn or spring. it's either rain or shine :D

So don't know if it's still related to me having a boy, but i sure hope so!! :happydance:

R, can't wait for your news!!!
Oooo today is the day!!!

Think pink, think pink!!

Hope you have a great visit to the hospital and get a good scan picture. enjoy lunch with your hubbie.

Hope everyone else is well. nothing going on here, apart from more snow (yeay!) - but i've come to work today, although I really want to go sledging.

not sure whether to start opking soon. my temps haven't dropped as far as last time, so I think the temping might not be as useful this month.
we will see.

hugs for gabby. hope you two are doing ok.

Sarah - when are you testing for your accident??
It's coooollld! Brr!

:dance: :happydance: \\:D/ :happydance: :dance: I am so excited to see the little GIRL announcement!!! I hope I can get on here and check before I get off work...I won't be able to see until almost 5p tonight otherwise! I need to see the news asap (as soon as posted) :D

Miss you Gab, warm, well thoughts coming your way!! :hugs:

Dumb question: if you sleep with your mouth open and then wake up and temp, will that effect the temp? Been wondering that because I usually have my mouth shut, but occasionally I'll wake up with a dry mouth that has been hanging open. Any idea??

Off to get ready for work~:hugs: to everyone, happy Thursday!
OMG Rhonda!! We're dying here (or atleast me and Gabby are)!!! I have class in 15 mins, so I hope you get on before then! I promised gabby that I'd text her the second you posted =). THINKING PINK =)
I'm back! So everything went really well...I have a very stubborn little baby in there, kept its legs crossed the whole time, I almost didn't get to find out the sex! They made me get up and walk up and down the hallway 5 times to try and move the baby, finally in the end they saw that there is indeed a healthy little girl in there!!!!! :wohoo: I'm in heaven right now, sitting on :cloud9: I have lots of pictures, I'll go and scan them now, I just didn't want to keep you girls waiting any longer for the news. She's so beautiful!!!:happydance:
some pics of my little girl...The first one is her profile, you can see her hands, the second is my confirmation shot :happydance: the 3rd is the face and the last one is of her sucking her thumb.


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