Team Jelly Belly!!!

hmm, thats how it shows up in my journal, ok try it one part at a time without any spaces.

[url][/url] /2008/10/25/441ed753 4d9e98f48a37d097191785ed.gif

You might have a problem if you have too much stuff in your siggy already and I do not know how to fix that.
hmm, thats how it shows up in my journal, ok try it one part at a time without any spaces.

[URL][/URL] /2008/10/25/441ed753 4d9e98f48a37d097191785ed.gif

You might have a problem if you have too much stuff in your siggy already and I do not know how to fix that.

ok i give up i even tried removin everything.. doin exactly as it shows above but noo spaces.. maybe i dont have enough posts? lol:cry:
:dance: CONGRATULATIONS MT :wohoo: - I maybe being presumptious but what the heck it sounds so positive :yipee: ur chart looks fab!!!

Hope everyone has a gd weekend - i had the best I have had in a LONG LONG time :wohoo: things are defo on the up ladies!! only 2 more full days til my scan :wohoo: aaaaaaaand we are defo finding out what the sex is soooo get ur magnifying glasses out to look for that nub on Wed cos I wanna know now :hissy:

Welcome Michelle :hugs: nice to meet you!! - I am the scatty one btw!! like Phoebe in Friends or something :rofl:
Hello Michelle *waves* Welcome. These lovely girls look after me and keep me sane and I only gatecrashed the party a few weeks ago!

MT sounds great! I didn't know EWCM was a good thing post ov - coolio! I think you need to POAS in a couple of days - 9dpo???
I have a fringe too and it drives me nuts but I look ridiculous with out it. I can't get over you yanks calling a fringe bangs. Weird!

Anyway, heres my update:
Had weirld low temp/high temp thing today (if I put the later high temp in FF I ov'd thursday - but I've left the low one in for now). Anyway had weird cramps this morning and pulling feeling in the middle (not at one side). Checked CM and got a white globby thing (is this EWCM - I thought it was meant to be clear?? never had anything more then watery or creamy before) I also had a bit of globby white stuff on thurs. Anyway I decided I might be oving today as I had a nearly postiive OPK at 11 am. Desperate for hubby to come home from work so I could jump him. poor mite came home early as he's still sick, but I got what I wanted anyway! he he he. But had some brown spotting afterwards (WTF??)
Now I'm totally confused - anychance today was really really early implantation symptoms?? I don't think so, I think it was all ov. But I guess we'll see when AF arrives or BFP!!!

Hugs to you all, see you tomorrow with another new confusing temp - and it was all so good last month!
:sad2:Caz :)rofl: sorry if u hate that) eeeek!! anyway I think weird temps are good :yipee: here is [-o< for a :bfp:
I know bangs :rofl: I have a fringe but I love love love LOVE it hehe

I think low lights too MT - I think I choc brown low lights and then some lighter caramel ones too then it would give ur hair that boost, shine and gorgeous undertones to really compliment ur lush blonde locks :D eeeeeeek cant wait!!

AND after much research and talks with DR's and hardressers - colouring ur hair in preg is fine, even bleach it does not go in ur blood stream but u do have to be in a ventilated room otherwise the fumes can be bad but only to ur head and stomach not baby - phew!! I would go mad without dying my hair!!!!
:wohoo: This is all so exciting!!! Caroline, I just don't understand your chart one bit, and I'm with Jenna, I think weird temps are good too :wohoo: I don't think EWCM is a preg symptom per se, but I do know I NEVER get it and to get it after known OV it's downright strange!! And DIFFERENT IS GOOD! I've also been having those pulls and pinches all day and even a bit of crampy feeling. Let this be it for us, please, please, please!!!

Jenna, thank you! I am really looking forward to getting some color. So you don't think any highlights are needed? Fringe? Hmmm, well it hangs in my eyes more than I like, and they are thick enough that I think they're like bangs...haha. What do you gals call bangs then?? :rofl: I can't wait to look at your little bean luv!!! :wohoo:

Michelle, good to see you got the siggy working! I am still not apt at that yet. I'll have to get on here at some point and give you the lo-down on me and what I'm all about :D

:hugs: and Night to all!!! :dance:
MT!!!!!! Eeee!!!! :happydance: of course that is exciting news, sounds sooo promising too!! I can't wait for you to test, are you one of those crazy poas girls or are you going to make us wait all week? :hissy:

:rofl: I don't know what I am Rhonda!!! I have been known to get very very upset when I test early, but I might just have to this time!! Maybe on ...oh, say...Wednesday?? What do you think??
:rofl: i dunno wat bangs r so wouldnt know what to call them....!! fringe and hair - layers feathered idk? well if u want to have a lift to ur hair then yeh u could have a light blonde a caramel and a choc colour which would be lush but its up to u how much u want died....i would do half a head of them first and do every other blonde and caramel and evry 4 choc, so :blonde, caramel, blonde Caramel, choc. blonde, caramel an so for the cut I think I nice sweeping fringe would look nice but if u dnt want a fringe then i would have ur layers shortened and softned and have it feathered around ur face and some of the weight taken out the ends..........i used to be a hairdresser so im not jst weird :rofl:

and wed is a gd day we could see a :bfp: and a :baby: or maybe u should test today (mon) or thurs so we have something everyday this week as Tues is Debs day and Gabs has her scan and its my bday, wed i have my scan, so maybe today and thurs??

dunno if i mentioned t before but loooooove the bedding rhonda defo get mil to buy it :dance:
Hi Girls,

Welcome Michelle, I am so sorry for your loss. I hope it won't be long before you get your BFP.

I am still feeling really sick so please forgive me I have just done a copy and paste of below from my journal. I love you all, going back to bed to get ready for the big day tomorrow :dance:

"I am so sorry I haven't visited any one. I hope you are all well and :sex: as much as you can to catch those eggies. I am unfortunately still feeling really sick with this cold, think I might have a bit of a fever as well which won't bode well for tomorrow.

I did an OPK and a HPT test today just for a laugh, since I had my HCG injection last night.

If you want to have a giggle they are in the following threads:

I am massively dissapointed in the HPT, I can only just make out the second line and it is definitely blue but you can bearly see it in the pics and surely it should be extremely dark since I only had the injection last night. Very odd!!

I will test again on Sunday when I will be 5DPO and then every second day.
Aww poor Deb, GET BETTER SOON!!! :hugs:

Jenna- I'm an idiot, I just re-read your first post and you did tell me about the highlights, but I asked again...sheesh, sorry. I think that is a good suggestion and I will be looking into doing it!!!! Thank you!!!

I'm hoping all of you gorgeous ladies have a great Monday!! :hug:

Now, I'm going to add a couple of symptoms to my growing list:
it's on there already but Vivid dreams are now making their way to the top of the list. Hubby actually woke me up last night because he said I was 'whimpering'. In my dream a little girl said to her mom "Mommy, you grew wings!" I burst into tears!!! (her mom and her died was awful!) I also forgot to mention that dreams and thirst melded together because I was so thirsty a couple of nights ago I had a dream where I just kept pouring a glass of water and drinking it, then finding more, drinking it...and so on. It reminded me of the dreams I have when I have to wee and you can't seem to get it all out...:rofl: (hope I'm not the only one with that one...ha!)

I was all excited about the EWCM yesterday but researched my little fingertips off and found nothing at all very conclusive of having that as a solid preg symptom, in fact it's considered normal around 7 dpo to get it. Humph! :( BUT...I know some ladies on BnB who noticed it post OV and got their :bfp:s. I am still keeping it as at least a good sign because I don't even get it when I OV, so why would I get it post OV!? Like I said, different is good and this stuff is definately different. Now today it's a mixture of creamy and clumpy/sticky...but there's tons of it!! I just hope it's not the Adrenal support I'm on doing this...I would be very, um, irritated about the false hope. I think I'll wait to test until Thursday or Friday. AF is due Friday or Saturday.

Sorry for the long post...:blush:
MT very vivid dreams are definately a sign!! I had lots of them the month I got my :bfp: so its looking really good for you hun! Not sure that the EWCM is a sign, but increased cm is, mine was white and creamy, unlike anything I would normally get and I had it every day since ovulation. Have you had any cramping at all or spotting?? (to indicate implantaion) I never got it when I was preg with my son but I did this time so everyone is different. Any blue viens on your chest or legs?? I can't wait for you to test!! I got my :bfp: all 3 times when I was only 10dpo. When will you be 10 dpo weds??? If you can hold out test Weds or Thursday...this week is going to be an exciting one for all of us, so much going on in the jelly belly world, I love it!!! :hugs:

Debs I hope you feel better hun, I too have a nasty bug that Brayden brought home from stuff! Take care and cant wait for your appt!!!

Oh and I had a very vivid dream last night too...I was preg with identical twin girls, ahhh can you imagine??? I know its not possible as I know there is only 1 in there so maybe my dream was of Debs future babies!!!! :D
Hey girls!:) Missed you all soooooo much! It was a busy/long weekend so didnt have time to get on. Plus forgot to post a pic of me before i went out on Friday....sorry!

Mel~OMG soooooo friggin excitied for you! I had TONS of ewcm before my BFP!:) If you google it EWCM can be a sign of pg...or anything abnormal for you is great! You chart looks FAB! I'm so excited for you to test! I think i agree with jenna some choc brown lowlights would be nice. I also cut a tiny bit of side bangs...and they drive me nuts! haha...i dont ever style my hair either.

Debs~sorry your sick sweetie...hopefully that BFP is right around the corner.:)

Rhonda~I too like the bedding. MIL must buy it!:) Your lucky about the ROSES! I only go12 red ones...and one Gold dipped one.hehe.

Sara~when is af due?

Sarah~ how are you babe...havent talked to you in awhile.

Caroline~Can't make out your chart but werid temps is great i

Jenna~how are you feeling? So excited for our scans!!!!!!!! Glad you and DH are doing good.

Michelle~WELCOME sweetie!! So sorry for you loss. I can't imagine. HUGS. Hope you get a BFP soon and a nice healthy sticky baby. :) THis is a great group of friends and we are really like family.

Lyaina~Congrats on the 9weeks ! yay! whens your next scan???

BTW you all look BEAUTIFUL in your wedding pics! I have to say me n hubby got married in our pastors house. haha. I was ummmmm 4months pregnant with Owen and my mom had cancer so we didnt want to have a big wedding b/c she was so sick. :( We had a wedding planned before i got pregnant but just bumped it up a few months. I still want to have a nice big reception with my wedding dress that i never wore but time/money is hard to find. We've been married for 3years and a few months and still no reception....ahh well time will come. I can show you my pics lol.....nothing exciting like you beautiful girls.

Well Gavins party went well. He got TONS of clothes! Yay he needed alot! I will post some pics on facebook of him and try to put em on here as well.

No one is sick and i feel good! Thats a first around here!:) I cant wait my scan is tomorrow and i am getting a nub pic to bring home no matter what~!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh and ........I'm 12 weeks and 1day! a good point! Second tri here i come!
Heres our pics of us tieing the knot. Its so sad to me to see this instead of the 6bridemaids/groomsmen we were having. I even had the dresses for them and me. We had our reception hall paid for, half the photography, and invitations we still have with our cake knives in all.........:cry: But my mother was so sick I just couldnt have a big ceremony with her like that.

Btw......were just 18 in these pics...crazy! lol


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Fine i see how it all are around during the weekend but ditch me today...:( ...thats okay i should be cleaning! haha
aww Gabby :hugs: i am in and out today as I'm not working so I'm not in front of the computer all day, Brayden is sleeping right now so I hopped on real quick, I'll be on more tomorrow I promise! I can't wait to see your scan pics tomorrow, you must be getting excited!!!!!
lol Thanks R!:) I'm home all day of course and should be doing lots of housework...but havent gotten too far!

Ummmmm excitied........ummmmmmm NERVOUS!!!!!!! penis. or angled nub. hahaha
Gabs, I think you looked beautiful in your wedding pictures but I do understand you being upset. Just keep the faith and try to have a big celebration for your 5 year anniversary. FX for no penis or angled nub

Debs- So excited for you to get your IUI. It seems like it has been forever since you had a real TWW. I agree those HPTs sucked, do not use those when you are really testing. FX for you.

Mel- I am so excited for you to test, we are in need of a newly PG woman around here and I can't join yet :rofl:

Michelle- Glad you figured it out, good luck in getting your BFP this cycle.

Caroline- I can not determine anything about your temps but I think you should continue to :sex: for a few more days to be on the safe side.

Jai-Jai- I think I am a cross between Monica and Rachel. I also have a little phoebe in me too though so it's a nice even balance.

R- hope you have a nice day off.

As for me I have 2 more days (tomorrow and Wed) of taking provera then AF should come by the latest Sat. Stil no pills yet but I am holding out faith that they will arrive in time.
P.S. Gabs I saw Gavins pictures on Facebook and he looks so cute and messy eating his cake. I love them.

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