Team Jelly Belly!!!

Good evening how are my fav ladies on B&B doin today? :) Im doin ok i guess AF still here.. Im just in this lets feel sorry for myself mood.. I posted on main forum about it.. Just feelin bitter i guess because im not 7 months pregnant like i should be and ppl who arent even tryin or want baby they are carrying are pregnant and/or havin babies.. Life sucks! I hate my job too many young woman work there LOL
Gabs I think they are $34 + tax look up intergender online and it will pull up.

Mel well I hope you get a BFP then I only have to catch up to you.
Hi Michelle! Sweetie, I know how hard it can be, but I've never been in your position. Please know that things WILL get better and just try to hang in there through this crappy part.....:hugs: I'll try to send some PMA to you~~

Girls, I have had a little bit of crampiness since that sharp pain episode, but it didn't start right away, it just started after about 4pm. I still have the OV type pains too though. I just don't know what to think. I will see if my temp drops in the morning I guess, then I'll just try to be patient and wait on AF.

Thanks for all your concern girls, it really means a lot to me! :hugs:
Gabby I wouldn't waste your money on the intelligender test, I know 2 girls that did them and they were wrong. They are more of a just for fun thing, if you do get one don't take the results to heart. There is a test you can do that doesn't cost anything, don't know how accurate it is though, you use your urine and it if your interested??

MT maybe you ovulated later than you thought and this pain/crampiness your feeling now is the egg implanting?? And that would explain the :bfn: this morning too!! I got a :bfp: 3 days after maybe retest on Sunday?

Michelle I'm sorry your feeling sad today. I know how you feel wanting to be pregnant and seeing those around you that are, that didn't even try. It does hurt...I've been there too hun, I lost my first preg also, just hang in there, your turn is around the corner sweetie!! :hugs:
OK gals, I posted this in my journal but wanted your opinions on it too.
Ok I am so very pissed off at my mother in law today. I feel bad but I just yelled at her. My Grandfather has advanced T-cell lymphoma and is doing ok on the chemo but it is causing some level in his body to not produce oxygen right so he has to be on oxygen. Well my mother in law asked me to tell my mom something. I called my mom to tell her but she had to talk to my aunt about my Grandpa. I told my mother in law that my mom would call me back, she had to check on my grandpa. My mother in law had the nerve to say "He's dying, you guys need to get used to it" I said no I don't think he is dying right now, she continues to say "He's dying" I yelled at her and said that she does not know anything about his treatment or his survival rate and that even if he was dying, you don't say that to people. She told me well then don't talk to me about it. I said I didn't and now I won't. Am i just really hormonal or is that a little messed up to say to someone?
Ok, I feel like posting more symptoms...hehe

I haven't had an easy, proper, typical, or timely BM in about 3 days.
I can't seem to get enough food-but then feel full quickly.
Have to wee constantly but then hardly anything comes out sometimes.
More shooting pains mixed with slight AF crampiness.

Ok, that'll do it for now, just had to get it out of my system :)
OK gals, I posted this in my journal but wanted your opinions on it too.
Ok I am so very pissed off at my mother in law today. I feel bad but I just yelled at her. My Grandfather has advanced T-cell lymphoma and is doing ok on the chemo but it is causing some level in his body to not produce oxygen right so he has to be on oxygen. Well my mother in law asked me to tell my mom something. I called my mom to tell her but she had to talk to my aunt about my Grandpa. I told my mother in law that my mom would call me back, she had to check on my grandpa. My mother in law had the nerve to say "He's dying, you guys need to get used to it" I said no I don't think he is dying right now, she continues to say "He's dying" I yelled at her and said that she does not know anything about his treatment or his survival rate and that even if he was dying, you don't say that to people. She told me well then don't talk to me about it. I said I didn't and now I won't. Am i just really hormonal or is that a little messed up to say to someone?

OK, yes that is very rude. I will say that you might be a tad hormonal, but there's no excuse for her rudeness. I feel like I am experiencing a similar thing, my DH's grandfather is in the hospital atm, as well as an 84 year old woman I care for who calls me her 'daughter', she's got single cell lung cancer and is also on chemo. It's very very hard. Though I'm not blood related to either of them it's still a stressful situation...and I understand your being extra touchy when people are negative like that. Huge :hugs: to you sweet Sara, you're not over reacting.
Thanks dear and I too wish you good luck with both of your "family" members blood or not, Our hearts know no boundaries so I will keep them both in my thoughts and prayers too. :Hug:
:hug: to Sara, Michelle and MT - I'm sorry you're all having a tough time.

Sara you MIL was completely out of order - I'm sorry. I can totally imagine my mother saying something like that - she's a lovely person, but completely tactless. She was brought up fairly lovelessly and so sometimes is lacking in empathy - I'm guessing your MIL is somewhat similar.

Michelle - I understand completely - our time will come - promise!

MT - oo sounds promising - are you testing again today???

Lea - did you have your scan yesterday?? How did it go?

Me - no symptoms (boo) -bubs are fine, no cramps, only slightly bloated, no major spots. I've got plenty of energy (not lots, but no less then normal!)
Tested this morning anyway (obviously) nothing - perhaps the merest smidging of an evap - but hey I'm only 8dpo at most, so who cares. Roll on tom morning!

Have a great friday girls xxx
Caroline-Thanks hun...
I'll be testing in a few minutes. I decided to since my temp went up AGAIN. Though I feel I might see an evap too. They're pretty but I wish they meant something! :growlmad:

Ok, off I go! FX!

**edit** :bfn:

Jenna, I am so happy you and baby are doing great. I know you are disappointed about not getting the scan at the correct angle, but post her picture on her any way. We love to look at everyone little babies :)

Michelle :hugs: so sorry you are feeling so low. I lost my little boy at 14 weeks 1 day.
It was that worste thing I have ever experienced, but the girls are right, time does heal.
I have only stopped thinking about it 24/7 since his birthday on the 19th Jan.
Give your self some time. If you are like me, you will never forget but the pain will get less intense. How many weeks were you?

Sara, so excited for you sweetie. AF will finally arrive tomorrow and then you can begin your BFP cycle. I still have my FX that the clomid gets there in time. You have had a couple long cycles so CD6-10 would probably still be okay if AF arrives a bit early.
PS: Your MIL deserved everything you said.

Rhonda, how awesome you are feeling your little girl kick. I can't wait to know what that feels like.

MT, I am going to go and watch some tellie with DH but now I am going to have to pop back here later to check and see if you have posted your test results. I hope the HCG has doubled and the test is able to pick it up now.

Gabby, I am still praying for a little girl for you and agree with the girls it is too early to say it is a boy. You don't have long to go until your 16 week scan and then you will know 100%.

I am only on 3DPO, and the time is going by sooooo slowly.
I think I will POAS tomorrow just to check and see that all the HCG is out of my system from my trigger shot so I don't get a false postive.
I am already playing tricks with myself saying if I am having twins I might be able to pick it up sooner than normal, but have to remind myself how postive I was back in November and how that all didn't work out so there is no garuantee that this will be it.

When can we start symptom spotting? From about 6DPO I think most girls say.

I have tons of creamy white lotion but I think this is what all girls get who have a good production of progesterone (I am on progesterone tablets) and that will explain why one normally goes dry right before AF because that is when the progesterone dips off.
Just my own little theory. What do you think?
Debs I thank you for your input on everything. I am so excited for you to get your BFP. I think it is a good idea to wait until 6 DPO to symptom spot just to be sure that it is the baby bugging you and not the other hormones. Let us know how the HPT turns out tomorrow, how long did it take to get out of your system last time? I wish you the best of luck dear.

Michelle- I am so sorry I did not post this earlier. I am so sorry you are feeling bad, I hope today is a little better. When was your due date? I imagine that day will be very hard for you so just know we are here to listen and support you. I pray you get a BFP very soon.
Hi Michelle! Sweetie, I know how hard it can be, but I've never been in your position. Please know that things WILL get better and just try to hang in there through this crappy part.....:hugs: I'll try to send some PMA to you~~

Girls, I have had a little bit of crampiness since that sharp pain episode, but it didn't start right away, it just started after about 4pm. I still have the OV type pains too though. I just don't know what to think. I will see if my temp drops in the morning I guess, then I'll just try to be patient and wait on AF.

Thanks for all your concern girls, it really means a lot to me! :hugs:

Thank you MT.. im hopin this month will bring me good news.. and you too your chart is still lookin GREAT..I had crammps after my + test on all my kids so hopefully thats a good sign :)
Debs I thank you for your input on everything. I am so excited for you to get your BFP. I think it is a good idea to wait until 6 DPO to symptom spot just to be sure that it is the baby bugging you and not the other hormones. Let us know how the HPT turns out tomorrow, how long did it take to get out of your system last time? I wish you the best of luck dear.

Michelle- I am so sorry I did not post this earlier. I am so sorry you are feeling bad, I hope today is a little better. When was your due date? I imagine that day will be very hard for you so just know we are here to listen and support you. I pray you get a BFP very soon.

My due date would have been May 21st.. Gonna be rought for dh too because his bday is a few days later.. Im just hopin to be pregnant by then will make it lest painful
OK gals, I posted this in my journal but wanted your opinions on it too.
Ok I am so very pissed off at my mother in law today. I feel bad but I just yelled at her. My Grandfather has advanced T-cell lymphoma and is doing ok on the chemo but it is causing some level in his body to not produce oxygen right so he has to be on oxygen. Well my mother in law asked me to tell my mom something. I called my mom to tell her but she had to talk to my aunt about my Grandpa. I told my mother in law that my mom would call me back, she had to check on my grandpa. My mother in law had the nerve to say "He's dying, you guys need to get used to it" I said no I don't think he is dying right now, she continues to say "He's dying" I yelled at her and said that she does not know anything about his treatment or his survival rate and that even if he was dying, you don't say that to people. She told me well then don't talk to me about it. I said I didn't and now I won't. Am i just really hormonal or is that a little messed up to say to someone?

Oh wow.. im sorry your MIL is bein such a pain :hug:
Well AF is due tomorrow or Sunday. I still have creamy/sticky cm....sorry about all the info. :rofl: I was so stinkin' thirsty today I thought I would die if I didn't get water! I know V had that, so I'm hoping there's still a chance for me. I only have one test left and I'm going to wait until AF is late to use it. I hope she just takes a hike and visits sweet Sara instead of me!!

This 2ww has been so different for me, between the EWCM from nowhere and the massive sharp pain yesterday, I'm hoping that my body isn't just playing a horrible trick on me.

We must keep up the PMA ladies! FX for all of us who are still TTC and waiting for meds :)) ) Where are my bump pics preggies!!!???! :rofl:
I did some research on the drayno method for determining the sex because I head some bad news about it. Just in case you are deciding to use it Gabs I wanted you to be aware of the risks. This is what I found..

"First of all, it should be said that it is probably best not to predict your baby's gender using Drano. While this method of predicting your baby's gender has been around for a long time, there is not scientific evidence to suggest that it actually works, or that the results are in any way reliable. In addition to this, there may possibly be dangerous side effects from the fumes that are produced when mixing urine and Drano. Finally, there are much more reliable methods of predicting your baby's gender that don't pose a risk"

It is ultimately up to you but wanted you to be aware of problems. Good luck with what ever you decide to do. :hug:

Michelle- My due date was feb 3, 2006 and I got PG on Jan 3rd so yes it did make it a little less painful but I still thought about it so just remember that we are here for you. Feb 3rd also happens to be my DHs B-day and while the baby I lost was not his he was very gracious about my pain and held me while I cried, I think that moment was when I decided to marry him. I hope you get a BFP soon not only to lessen your pain but also because you deserve it.

Mel- I will take AF, she is not here yet so maybe she is waiting until Sunday to come to me instead of you. FX.
Today or tomorrow could be a big day for a few of you. Good luck FX.

My little update just for a laugh:

4DPO - Feb 21
- CM = C
- Test - :bfp: from HCG injection, only visable under bright light at a 45 degree angle and if you squint your eyes :rofl:
Hey ladies! How are we all?

Mel......Can't wait to see what your temp is today! So exciting...i think your pregnant! :)

Debs....yay...4dpo you'll get your bfp in no time!

Rhonda~how are you feeling sweets?

Sara~has af arrived? how are you feeling?

Jenna~Glad baby is ok!:)

Michelle~again like everyone said we are ALL here for you. I"ve personally never had a m/c but I am here to comfort you. Take it one day at a time will get your healthy baby. hugs.

Lea~how are you doing Whens your next scan?

Btw I'm not going to try the draino thing....I've heard of it but i don't believe in that stuff. Thanks though for all your info girls!:)

I know i still have a chance for a girl....and tbh I'm completly fine with a boy or girl....I've come to realize that I need to focus on my children/husband and a HEALTHY baby...the one thing i want is to see my baby come out crying, hubby cut the cord, and i hold my little prince or princess.....thats my dream!:)

Btw....I can feel baby moving!!!!!:) When i wake up in the am i always feel alittle kick or something and its so amazing. You forget how wonderful that feeling is!
And.......tomorrow I will be in second trimester! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!

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