Team Jelly Belly!!!

Gabs, I just have to say I use the word 'suite' loosely. It's a bedroom/bathroom/small walk through closet. I wouldn't really consider it a 'suite' I moreso joke about that :) I'll post pics of before and after when it's done!
Gotta go to the store now...
:hug: everyone!!
On suite bathroom would be so lovely! I'm jealous MT!!

BFN for me this morning :( Still only 10dpo, but on the plus side I'm not bleeding! Last couple of cycles I've started AF with red flow first thing in the morning followed by brown spotting for several days before normal flow. So at least something is different this month. Had brown spotting (literally 3-4 spots) for the last two days - nothing today - but it is only 9am! Been windy :)blush:) for a few days, which is not like me). Was REALLY tired yesterday afternoon, I stayed awake though but felt really drained - but that could have been all the shopping I did in the morning! only the lightest infrequent cramps...too much symptom spotting? To be honest I don't FEEL pregnant...but not given up hope at all!

MT test tomorrow! Please!!!

Michelle, I sorry for your heartache, I can not image how you must feel.

Hope the witch comes today Sara! xxx
Grrr FF has shifted my Ov date to the 14th - which makes me 8dpo - so confused and no idea why it's done that...I kind of think there's a possibility I ov'd on the 15th as got a postive OPK and globby white cm, but I can't think why it's put the 14th. Still if I am 8dpo then the spotting is more promising as implantation and explains BFNs...

Helloooo my lovely Jelly Bellies!!!!!!!

Oh how i've missed you aaallll *hugs all around!!*

Caroline - good luck to you sweetie!! I'm crossing all fingers and toes hoping it's a :bfp: for you!

Sara - has the witch reached your doorstep yet? Hope she does so soon! :hugs:

MT - have fun doing up your "suite" :D i just love sprucing up the house, and i sure hope you have a :bfp: coming up!

Gabby - how was the banquet? hope you had a great time! and congratulations on reaching your second trimester!! I can't wait to cross over in two weeks!

Michelle - :hugs: to you, i'm sorry I haven't been online much to have put in my words of encouragement for you, but trust that i'm as much as the support group that the other lovelies have been!

Debs - here's wishing you all the good luck in the world and hoping you get some good news soon hun!! :hugs:

Jenna - glad you and baby are doing great!

Rhonda - you felt baby kick!?!? oh my gosh... i wonder how that feels like.. i can imagine it to be so exciting!

Sarah and Lea - how are you two doing? haven't heard from the two of you for quite a while, hope the both of you are well :)

dear dear me, i hope i havent left anyone out.

anyway, thank god my morning sickness has subsided. it's still there but my migraines and nausea is not as severe as it used to be.

unfortunately new stuff has come up. i have these sharp pains at the back of my pelvic bone, i'm not sure what's causing it. and also, my leg muscles hurt! a lot!! it's as if i ran an 800 meter marathon without warming up properly.. anyone has any idea what i'm doing wrong? or how i can make it all better?? i can't even walk properly and have to take ginger steps to minimize the discomfort.

oh, and somehow, it's either in my head, or my stomach has suddenly gotten.. furry :rofl: there's more hair there than it used to be, i'm baffled. but i remember some of you said that about having a boy? well i'm keeping my fx!!

no bump pics from me yet, i have nothing to show!! i'm serious!! even my friends go like.. "you sure you're pregnant?" hahahahaha.. and my next scan is on the 7th of March, the very day I reach 12 weeks. So i'm hoping i will have a great picture to share with you ladies then :happydance:

I wonder if i'll be able to get a hint of the baby's gender at 12 weeks.. hmm..
:hugs: Liyana...I was hoping the ms would go away for you and you'd feel better!

Yes Lea and Sarah have been away and I've been wondering about Lea-a little worried! Sarah-What's going on in your world? :)

Caroline, sweetie, that's interesting. I don't understand your chart but I do know if you had a pos OPK and 'goo' then I would take the middle timeframe of suspected OV, does that make sense? I would suspect that you are closer to the 8 dpo mark (I think, but I'm going to look at your chart as soon as I post this just to make sure I think I see what I think I see...:rofl: )

Sara-How are you??? Any news?

Jenna-:hugs: can't wait to see your tiny bump (tiny only because you're so darn trim)!

Deb-Any more pos tests? ;) I can't wait to see your 'real' :bfp: :dance:

Michelle, when do you think AF will be gone and what were your cycles like before, what cd do you think you will OV?

Rhonda-did you have any more leaks at home? I hope you're feeling better by now and I can't wait to feel that awesome sensation of the baby moving!! :hugs:

As for me, you will see my temp stayed high. I have a mix of lotiony/creamy cm but I feel wet. I had a very very very strange dream last night and in my dream I had implantation spotting (amongst other much less delightful things). My cp is very high and so very soft, I can feel the OS and it is hard, and very closed. FX!! This could change in a moments notice, it's done this to me before, but for now, I'm hopeful! I will test tomorrow around 8am if I wake up with high temps and no signs of the :witch:. FX she meets up with sweet Sara instead of Caroline and I!!!

:hug: to all you lovely JBs!!
Lyiana....Nice to hear from you! I wouldnt worry too much about the pelvic pains..its probly just your uterus growing sweetie. Also the hair on your belly...LOL i had that with the two boys..i swear it looked almost like a little tear bear haha. But at least i dont get the DARK ugly line! hehe. I think your having a boy tbh. Yay a scan....i Can't wait!:)

Mel~This is so exciting.....your going to see your FIRST BFP tomorrow morning! I can't wait! I"ll be around waiting to hear the results. Btw my cp was low, softish and closed right before i got my BFP. Thats how it was every month before af as well..the only thing that i thought was different was it seemed more tightly closed...Fx....but I'm sure your preggers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Debs~how are you today? any new symptoms?

Rhonda~hope you and the family are all feeling well.:) .....We need a belly shot missy.

Everyone are you all?

The banquet was fine....but hubby had a few too many lol and we were going to go see a move at 955pm.....and well i looked over on the couch and he was sleeping sitting up. HAHA>...i didnt have the heart to wake him. He woke up about 20mins later and said cmon were going to be late to the movie....hehe I said it's already started babe. He felt bad but I was tired anyways. We woke up and had some fun..(hehe TMI) and then got a nice breakfast before we got the kids for church. It was a nice night/day.:)

Its sunday so need to clean. Hubbies out snowmobling with Owen so it's just me and Gavin.:)

I'm having TERRIBLE cramps today...ever since we bd I hope all is well! Second tri today! yay! And i can really feel baby Amazing
Btw Mel.......your cd 32 is this your longest cycle yet?
Hello everyone :D

Sorry I have been MIA for a while thing have been very busy and manic this week and I have been away for most of it!! I have not had access to a pc so im not ignoring you!!!

I have not managed to read everything just skimmed it through, as there was soooo many pages and posts to catch up on!! Shame on me I should make more effort being chairman of Team Jelly Belly and all - sorry :blush:

Anyway I will try and get it all right lol

Liyana - Cant believe ur 10 weks alread and cant wait til ur scan - hopefuly ur pudha will be more cooperative than my Jellytot lol its so exciting, dont worry about the pelvic pain and the sore legs i had that about 8 weeks, very painful, and I have migranes atm too, never had them before!!

Debs - I am praying so hard and glad 3 of ur follicles produced :D i like ur :bfp: and hope u will not have to hold it at 45 degrees soon!!! When is ur proper test date??

Sara - how is :af: is it in full swing or left?? love the hotness ur feeling :rofl:

Gabs - hope ur cramps have died down and glad ur ok, lush feeling ur baby move ur pleased to be in 2nd tri, i know i am :D

Michelle - sorry about ur loss, I had an MC at 11 wks, and it was tough I still never forget and it was 8 yrs ago!!! had a d&c on 30 april and bubs was due on 5 nov - NASTY i too just cant wait til 20 wks at least!!!

Rhonda - how r u my little chicken?? I did say i wouldnt be on here for a while so if gabs could text me her resulst....sorry i worried u!! everyone think my baby is a boy and i think that now just have a gut instinct :hissy: oh well i have 3 more chance after this for my girl so FX

MT - eeeeek I am soo excited looking at ur tempt they look awesome and really [positive, hope u get ur :bfp: when u testing agian/.

Caroline - when r u testing again?? all looks good on the western front for you too ;)

Lea - how are things with you? when is ur scan booked for?

Sarah - how things with u? hope school is not toooo hard?? u seem pretty busy atm :hugs:

gosh I hope I have not missed anyone??

DF and I have had an amzing week, so loving done sooo much together and had the best day yday, shopping for ages bought bubs some bits and bobs :D its all exciting!!! we get our pram and crib tomo :wohoo: I cant wait to seee what they look like i will post piccys tomo along with my bump as i found my charger and will charge it tonight ready for tomo :D here is my little jellytot though for you to tide u over!!! :D love and :hugs: to you all


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Awe....Jenna.......Baby looks adorable! Accordin to this old wives tale that i did...your having a girl. It's been right for ALL of us who have kids and as well as Rhonda's girl too. It's told me I'm having a boy again............blah lol

Glad all is well with you!:) How is the new job have you started yet?

My cramps are sooo painful they almost feel like contractions..but i dont want to go in...
Yes indeed Glad to be in second trimester...but a few things to worry about. PTL starts usually around 23weeks for me, plus my drug that i take now is not Class C is Class kinda worrisome. Also have to worry if baby is ok and has enough a few worries are goin to be kicking in, in the next month or so....:( but taking it one day at a time and enjoying my family.:)
Hey everyone. I just wanted to say hi. I am on cd 3 now. af came. i am not shocked as we werent trying just not preventing either. i hope we get pg soon though. but when its time i guess is when it will happen. i have read a few posts, sounds like a lot is going on. i really hope this is it for you mt, and debs! i will be checking in to see. not a whole lot else going on here. we got a puppy for dh on vday. he is adorable. other than that just a lot of family stuff working cleaning going to the gym, a lot of the same routine.
Hey ashley. SO sorry af came. but glad you are being positive about things. Your right...when the time is right it will happen. I think the relaxed approach is the best. I hope its soon for you as well!!! Glad work, and family are all well. How exciting new the other one isnt alone.:) Take care and great to hear from you! Miss you
Okay here is a belly shot today at 13weeks. I look big because i took my pants off so the belly has all the room to poke out. hehe...i'll try to find my8wk pic to show the difference.

Also pic of me in uniform last night...haha I look like a man!:hug:

That link should get you to my 8wk pic.?


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Okay forget I'm dumb idk how to post my 8wk pic from the bump gallery......grr I'm stupid! haha
Okay girls..Well Rhonda talked me into showing her my to be fair I figured I'd better show you girls too!

I'm 8weeks 5days in this pic.

I dont have one to compare to me before I was pregnant..but i normally dont have a bump..hehe

Well i found it in here so now you can see the difference.
AHHHHHHH grrrrrr nevermind....of course it didnt post like it should have...whatever i give up....sorry girls.
Btw Mel.......your cd 32 is this your longest cycle yet?

No, I wish. With my suspected chemical, my cycle was 35 I think. I usually am just about spot on when it comes to cycle length though-about 31 days usually. I am going by OV date now and until I'm 14dpo I won't consider AF 'late' that is on Tuesday. OH FX FX FX!!!
sooooo here is my bump pics sooo far, no wonder i feel fat for me :blush:


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Jenna..very nice bump sweetie.:) I can tell your starting to grow!:) Dont feel fat your pregnant!!!
aawww Gabby and Jenna!!! I love your bump pictures!!! Love love loooove!!!

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