Team Jelly Belly!!!

OK girls I do not have time to catch up yet but just wanted to let you all know that DING DONG THE WITCH IS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!! Finally and yes she is very mean to me but I welcome her with open arms. So caroline and Mel, i think I got her for the three of us so she should not visit you. Mel, temps looks fantastic yet again.
First of all, good-o for you Sara! The :witch: has finally arrived! :D

ok so here's a question that's been playing on my mind ever since i saw a birthing video on YouTube (big mistake).

So what would be your suggestion?

Go completely natural and have a normal vaginal?


bring on the epidural?

Would any of you experienced mommy's care to share your experience and advice?
YAY! SARA, THIS IS AWESOME! :hugs: Can't belive how excited we can be to see AF!

Jenna and Gabs, holy moly, you have sexy bellies! ;) And Gab, I can see your hair, finally!! :D

Nothing yet, still creamy cm, cervix might be a little harder, I'm guessing my temp might go down in the morning, but depending on everything (like if AF is no where in sight), I will test around 8am!

:hug: and FX!!!
OK I am back and ready to catch up.

Liyana- I am glad MS had left you for the most part, i too got headaches after MS subsided and got furry on my belly so maybe it is a boy for you after all. FX that is what you want if you have a preference. As for the pelvic pains, I got them and was told it was my ligaments stretching and because Sebastian was a low riders, meaning he was face down and really low the whole time, Ask your dr if there are any positions you can sleep in or sit in to help alleviate the pain. I had to buy one of those maternity pillows that looks like a giant C and it was the best pillow ever. I decided to go into the hospital with a very flexible plan, since you never know what could happen. I did want an epidural though, I just wanted it and TBH I never felt the needle if that is what you are worried about. I am glad i did it because Sebastian was sunny side up (head up not down) and stuck in the birth canal for 45 mins before they finally cut me then he came right out.

Jai-Jai- Your jelly tot looks so cute. So excited that you are getting the crib and stroller tomorrow, you must be very excited. I love the last picture where you can see the arms and legs, I want to squeeze "her" already. :rofl: i love the belly shots and you are slowly growing but one day you are going to just pop out.

Ashley- Sorry the witch got you fear, i know you were not trying but I also know how great it would have been to get your BFP when you were not really trying. Glad you got a cute puppy to cuddle durring the :witch: s visit. Post a picture so I can see it (him or her? ).

Gabs- Glad you had a good time with hubby even if her feel asleep, still no kids and actual sleep is worth it. Hope the cramps have gone but if they haven't call the dr first thing in the morning. Don't worry we will all be here to pray and cross what we can for the safe delivery of your baby and with this many gals someone is bound to get the notice in and be heard. I love your new picture too, I want to rub all of these bellies.

Mel- I think your temp is ridiculously high to be getting ready for AF, I told you I was going to take her for you and now I have her so just accept your BFP and get over it. :rofl:

R- where is the new pic? I was promised a new pic and it is not here :sad1:

Debs- How are you doing? Hope all is well and you get your BFP nice and dark and quick.

Thanks gals for your enthusiasm about my AF, I am so happy because now I feel like I am back in the game. Well I think that is about it, i had my cousin's baby shower today, I rubebd her belly since I can not rub all of yours. :rofl: can someone have belly envy? :rofl:
yeay! I'm glad you finally got your visit from AF Sara. Rock on Ovulation.

Lovely bellies ladies, thanks you for sharing. Jenna yours is so tiny - I'm bigger then that now!! Gabby your hair looks lovely.

MT will you test today???

I think I'm out this month girls :cry:

Still BFN and there's still a bit of brown spotting and small black clot :( - I don't think you pass clots if your up the duff do you? :(

I think I just have a really pathetic AF that starts slowly. Do you guys think I should see the doctor? According to FF I'm 9dpo today - which meant my spotting started on 6dpo, and even if I ov'd a couple of days early spotting from 8dpo doesn't seem good.

I know I'm not properly out till AF starts properly but I feel she's coming, I've got cramps this morning and no other symptoms. :(

Hope you guys all have a great day xxx
soooo officially my dates have been changed!! I knew they would as I OV'd later than norm.....I thought I OV'd on CD17 but according to the sonographer she thinks I ov'd on CD18..........well here is my chart!!! I am suprised I got preggo, although a lot of :spermy: had been hanging around having a relaxing day camped out in by my cervix lol u norm get this weird spotting then?? idk but ppl have had clots before when preg, espesh around implantation and when :af: is due......

Sara :wohoo: thats the best news ever ever ever I am soooo glad :witch: has come (can't believe I just said that, must be the first time ever :rofl:) hope that she is not to wicked to you and it was just the first day that is painful!!

Gabs if they get persistent, the cramps, then do go in dont be afraid we are all here for you!!

As for my tummy....I dont feel fat per se just huge (for me) its a huge change for me and i have never had a tummy like that, espesh not a hard one :rofl: nothing fits me anymore so its hard, but i got LOADS of bargains on wed when i went shopping with my sister :D :wohoo:
Jenna - I really can't work out why you think you ov'd on the 18th - I guess I just don't understand the charting that well. Good news that the spermies can hang around that long though :)

Well the last few months I've started spotting a few days before AF, but the last couple of months the spotting started with a big wipe of red blood (which I thought was AF - but then I just spotted for a few days before full flow. My temps stayed high during this time too).

I'm so worried about this.
What I forgot to say before was I used to bleed/spot nearly every day when I was on the pill and also when I had the implant, which is why I had a coil in the end, which stopped my periods completely (one extreme to the other).
I think because I've had this problem with spotting before I might be able to convince the doctor to take me seriously - although I'm not sure if there is a solution ???:nope:
yeh u know i think u should go to the DR hun, for peace of mind and to just get it sorted, cos when u get prego u dont wanna be spotting and panicking when its nothing!!

no i think I OV'd on the 18th Day of my cycle :rofl: not the 18th!! hehehe she worked it out by the size of jellytot and said thats when i would have ov'd does that sound right? and I said hmmmm well i thought it was on the 4th - CD17 so yeh I guess so...x
thanks hon. I think I will try and see the doctor.

Feel really, really down today. I guess I had my hopes up more than normal and this means 6 months trying with nothing to show :( I wanna cry - but probably best not to at work. :hissy:

No, what I meant was I thought you'd ov'd on CD17 - I just can't see the justification for CD18 - not that it matters. It's very impressive that the doc's can pinpoint it from you U/S to that degree.

Hugs xxx
:rofl: I know hahaha but if i look at my due date and calculate it on FF then it gives me CD18 too - bizarre oh well Dr's know best apparently........

awwwww Hun dont feel sad, its norm to take this long, I was super lucky, but if u look at it logistically I was trying since May....we didn't use protection from May and were at it like :bunny: and didnt get preg til Dec so thats like 7 months really.........if we wanna be technical. pls dont be down its not allowed anymore or we all end up :sad2:

but seriously if u wanna chat then we are all here so feel free to cry on us ok thats what we are here for :hug: :kiss:

and a song to cheer u up!!!

:sad2: :cry: :sad2:

No AF, but slight temp drop, she'll be here by tomorrow night I suspect, that would be 18 dpo by MY calculations.


Caroline, I think you should talk to your doc sweets.

Girls I have to go to work...I might not be on later. :sad2:
:cry: oooooooh MT this is poopoocachoo news :grr: but PMA darling!!! its not over until she who shant be named lands!!
Awe Mel.......I'm so sorry. Gosh maybe get a different test...i swear your preggers chick! I'd say if that temp goes back up tomorrow test again on wednesday. FINGERS CROSSED!

Yay Sara!!!! So glad the witch got you hun. you are in now! and with that clomid i feel a BFP is around the corner!

Caroline....sorry your spotting...i agree with Jenna seeing your doctor would be a good idea.

Lyiana~ your too funny. I would go with a wait and see on the birth. Have a plan BUT if you have lots of pain or whatever dont feel like you let yourself down if you need to change your plans!:) I had a vaginal delivery with Owen. But i was on pitcoin to be induced b/c of his heart rate so my contractions were PAINFUL as hell....They were all in my back! I tried everything and it just wasnt enough. I was terrified of needles.....HONEST back then they use to have to hold me down to put an iv in!! I was so scared of the epidural..but I needed it and i got it. I didnt feel the needle at all. maybe a little pinch but thats it! And trust me it was sooooooo nice afterwards!:)
You and hubby should for sure take a birthing class and you will learn alot!

With my csection I remember being sooooo scared. The spinal for that one hurt like a big bee sting! But my contractions werent that bad and tbh i was soo scared for my preemie baby. The worst thing about a csection is you can acutally feel the sensation of them cutting you........ehhhhhhhh it doesnt hurt but you know EXACTLY what their doing and it just doesnt seem right. lol

Rhonda~why are you MIA? hope all is well!!! Need a belly shot please!

Jenna~you are sooo skinny......i miss being skinny....haha. You got tons of new preggie clothes, awe how exciting! ANd you are getting a crib and stroller......i'm totally jealous! Considering i've got two lil ons at home we dont have to buy much:( are you today? symptoms?

As for me I still have the cramps...but i really dont want to call the doctor. They seem better then yesterday but still hanging around.
ALso Owen was complaining of a sore throat last night and is running a fever. He has a nasty cough and says his throat hurts bad.......Guess i shall take him in today. Hes got that nasty seal bark cough. He was at my mum's with 4lil boys over the weekend so someone was probly sick or carrying it around.
awwww poor Owen, I hoppe he starts to feel better - maybe u could ask ur DR quickly if u have to take him anyway, jst to be safe?

:rofl: yeh I know its exciting but i dont actually know what I need to buy help!!! can someone who knows give me a list or somthing of what I need to buy......!!! idk how much clothes etc etc
Mel- sorry it is a BFN but I swear I really think you are PG. Hope the witch does not show. :hug:

Caroline- I would ask the dr just in case there is something they can test for. You would be mad if you kept trying and there was an easy solution to help you get PG.

Jai-Jai- Don't you guys do a baby shower where you live? Mostly I waited until after my baby shower to buy things but if you want a list of what you should use here is a newborn checklist.
BTW how can the dr determine when the baby implanted to determine when you Oed? I see CD 17 and while the guys can live in there for up to 5 days you got very lucky and your jelly tot was meant to be here.

As for me things are not really too painful just annoying, i was at a baby shower when AF started which is ironic I think. I had some :sex: before we got ready to go and had some light brown spotting, just barely though so I knew she was on her way and was very excited to see here. I am also very tired. I went to sleep at 10 last night and did not wake up until almost 7 and I still want to go lay back down. :rofl: So either AF is making me tired or I am just lazy. :rofl: Whichever the reason I am still tired. Other than that I am just getting nervous waiting for clomid.
no a baby shower is not the done thing over here :shrug: some ppl do have one but its not the norm and i dont expect anyone will arrange one for me!?! what stage do u have them then? over here ppl give us gifts after baby is born and its just clothes - thanks for the list!! i have no idea how she thinks it must have been then!?! i know some places go on OV date for ur EDD and some on last period so i guess cos my dates dont match she is trying to figure out when I OV'd either way u r soooo right lil Jellytot is supposed to be here for sure!!

ooooooooh she is here :wohoo: sorry she is tiring u out :( hope it doesnt last long so u can get on with the :sex: when is ur clomid due to arrive? :hugs:
Hi Girls,

How lovely to check up on you all and see such wonderful belly shots. Jenna, Gabby, you girls look amazing. Keep them coming. Rhonda, I patiently await your lovely belly, where are you?!

Sara, I am so happy for you. The witch is here,which mean we can now start getting excited about her packing her bags and the clomid kicking in some serious ovulation action. Any news on the pills? Since AF only arrived on Sunday, I guess this buys you time until Thursday for your ideal CD5-9. I am so happy for you. We can both get our BFPs in March.

Ashley, great to hear from you. I think it is a good idea to take a break if you can. I can't but I know I should. Sorry that silly witch got you but best of luck this next month.

MT, still holding thumbs for you. Are you going to use a different branch of HPT tomorrow if she hasn't arrived. You may have seen my + HPT that I posted, it was pathetic and that was with probably the same amount of HCG in it as Lea or Liyana have at the moment 10,000 HCG.

Got a lightening storm here, so have to log off quickly.

Quick note I have had strange cramping sensation in my pelvis, extremely tired and need to wee all the time.

I will be back later if the storm goes away.
great to hear from you Debs and all sounds very hoprful for you :yipee:
Hey Ladies,

This is my third time trying this so hopefully this will be the charm. I wanted to update everyone because it has been awhile. I have been sick as a dog the last couple of days and feel much better today. I had a great appt. and I got to see my pudah and his HB was 172. Everything is great! I will get to see him again at my next appt. too! I can't tell you girls how stressed I was waiting for this first appt. and I so happy that it's over and it's all good. I posted a pic for everyone to see and I don't think I will have a real belly shot until about 16 wks. I had a belly before Zoe at a size 12 and after so I probably won't get a noticeable one until probably 16 weeks. Well, let me go catch up and see what the Jelly Bellies have been up to!


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