Team Jelly Belly!!!

MT dont trust IC (yes internet cheapies) as I did not get a pos until I was 7 weeks!!! I did a test got an evap did anoter with FMU got bfn, kept fmu and got a FRER test and boom :bfp: go get urself a FRER darling

:hugs: Thank you, I went out and got a box after work, comes with 3 tests and one YES/NO digital. I don't think I will use any until Wednesday/Thursday IF my temps stay up and so forth.

I really really appreciate everyone's support!!! Love to you all!!!
You are very welcome dear, that's what we are all here for you know. Hope you get a really dark line.
:hugs: Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :hugs: I know its only been 4 days but I missed you all so much! I was having bnb withdrawls :rofl: Our power just came back about 1/2hr ago, thank you Jesus!!! 16 hours with no power and this storm came out of nowhere, first of all they were saying just a dusting to 3" piece of cake...but then just hours before they change there tune and say oh well 1-2 feet!!! All the trees in my yard are all bent over and snaping in half, its so scary, i took pictures which I'll post in a bit, so glad to have heat right now!!!! We were bored out of our mind all day and decided to go out the eat since there was nothing we could make here, and when we got back we still didn't have power and we tried to light our kerosene heater which hasn't been heated in ages and could not get it to light :cry: I sat in the dark crying as I didn't know where we would go but we couldn't sleep here tonght without glad its back, hopefully for good this time!! Ok so i tried to play catch up but you guys wrote a novel while I was gone!!

Gabby - your so sweet to worry about me hun, we're all ok and finally warm again! :happydance: your little belly is growing I can tell!!!! And so cute!! I hope that Owen is feeling better too, your such a wonderful mom!! :hugs:

Jenna - lovin your little bump!!! I can see it growing!!! :happydance: I'm glad your back online I missed you tons!!!!!!!!!!!! :kiss:

Liyana - one word for you hun, EPIDURAL!!!! Yes I highly reccommend those, most wonderful thing on the planet!! Saved my life I swear, I was in labor for 14 hours and baby wouldn't desend and I only dialated 3-4cm with no improvement and extremely intense contractions, I was in the next before half way through the first, it was aweful and nothing they were giving me was working, except for that, and I felt nothing, maybe because I was in so much pain :rofl: but seriously once they shot me with that I was in heaven, all the pain just instantly disapeared, and I was able to enjoy the birth of my son! I too had a c-section but I didn't feel anything at all, not even a tugging or anything, maybe it will be different this time as I wont be in labor...well hopefully not :)

Sara - hun I know I am soooo sorry I haven't taken a pic yet but I will soon and will post it right away, I feel bad I know I told you I would on Sat, but then my weekend just feel appart on me! Oh and soooooo happy the :witch: found you, you must be thrilled, I remember I few times in my life when I welcomed her with open arms and its a great feeling when she finally arrives!!

MT - def agree with the FRER, they are the best, I got my :bfp: with one at 10dpo, as they pick up the smallest amounts of HCG...good luck sweetie and it aint over yet!! Don't loose the PMA, your doing great hun!

Lea - your baby is so cute!!! Will you be having a 12 week scan?

Debs - oh hun your sounding soooo prego already :) tiredness is such a good sign, I can't wait for you to test, when will you be? :happydance:

Caroline - lots of girls spot when they are pregnant, don't loose hope yet hun, when is :af: due for you??? FX hun!

Ok so here are some pic of my house I took today, 4 more weeks of this crap and then it will all go away and i'll get to see my grass and flowers and hear the beautiful little birds chirping, oh how I miss that, roof is ok right now but hasn't had a chance for the ice to build up yet, fx so tightly that we don't run into that again, I wouldn't be able to take it right now. Love you all!!! GIANT :hug:


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Ok Sara as promised I just took a really quick belly shot for you, here I am at 22 weeks 2 days, don't think I look any different from my 18 week belly pic, I'll post both so your guys can see them side by side and tell...


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Yeah R- I feel like I just got my hit of crack i had been jonesing over. :rofl: I was not mad at you for not posting it. Gabs and I were talking on FB and i was trying to keep her calm that you and baby were probably ok that there had to be a different explanation. Sorry it was such a crappy reason. I hope the snow leaves you sooner than you expect. Big :hug: back at you.
P.S. My husband said to ask you if you need a shovel. (I showed him your pictures) :rofl:
Morning girls!

wow - that's a LOT of snow. A little bit jealous, it does look so pretty (and fun - and of course if we got that much in the UK we'd all be off work as we wouldn't be able to get around!).
your bump is beautiful, your right - it doesn't look much bigger, I guess if you placenta is on the front your baby is growing towards your back - just guessing!

Sara - how you doing? hope the PMS isn't too bad.

MT - anything yet? hope the b -itch stays away :)

Debs - anything new to report???

Michelle - how you doing today?

I woke up expecting blood, but nope, just very brown CM. Had a couple of tiny clot-like bits...I'm trying to not get my hopes up, my temp was up again, but last month it stayed high during my spotting phase.

I asked in first-tri if anyone had spotted like this and still got PG and one girl did get PG - she had low progesterone and was getting that checked out when they found out she'd conceived that month even though she had a light period with clots (but her progesterone was ok that month). It's giving me hope for this month, but also something to get the DR to check out!

Fx for me please - I soooo want this!! (especially as next month I'll probably be in the states during ovulation)
:rofl: Sara we have 3 shovels, unfortunately that snow was very heavy and wet, you couldn't shovel it unless you wanted to break your back! Thank god I am pregnant this winter and DH has to do all the snow cleanup!! :happydance: Well I'm still feeling pretty lousy this morning, calling my doctors as soon as they open as I really do think I have an ear infection :hissy: Its hurt for a little over a week now, I'm ready for drugs!!!! I haven't been at work since last Thursday so I have TONS to do today...wish me luck!
Sorry you're still feeling sick Rhonda - big hugs! I find a hot water bottle or hot compress on your ear is soothing - although certainly not a cure. I hope the drugs help xx
Rhonda, I think your bump is bigger, I can see that it sticks out more at the top, slightly. And the snow pictures are beautiful, especially the last one with the covered twigs and limbs. I know how hard it is to live in that, so I'm not envious at all :D :rofl:

Caroline and Deb-FX for both of you! Caroline, seems like this is just going to be a guessing game for both of us----

I tested again this morning with a FRER-got a STARK WHITE :bfn: I'm 15dpo. I don't know what's going on. I do have to say this though, I've been wrong before, but I feel like I'm pregnant. I have all these twitches and pulls and stabs followed by slight cramps and I never get anything like that I just get the cramps. Another thing last night is I was sitting there and I got this tiny little stinging, tingling, itching and burning in my right BB underneath, and occasionally I'll get sort of a hot flush in my bbs. I never get shooting bb pains, I only have with this and my suspected chemical. They are getting more and more sore, like I've worked them out:)
I still have tons of mixed cm, it's very wet on the outside of me and creamy, and sticky with specks inside. I can't see how this could go any other way.

Maybe I just don't have a sticky bean??? I heard once that a high metabolism will process HCG and you won't get a pos test for weeks! Is this possible? Either way, my temp is still up, and I keep having 'symptoms'. I just don't understand why I'm not creating enough HCG to have a test pick it up.

Does anyone know if with a chemical it takes time for everything to undo what it's already done for pregnancy? For instance, like with a MMC, your body doesn't really recognize things aren't working and doesn't get the elimination process started immediately? I'm sorry, I am just so confused...

Thanks Caroline, I got an appt at 11:45 this morning so hopefully they can treat me with something...I'm just so sick of being sick!
oh Mel - sorry about the BFN. I have no answers on why no AF and no BFP - but the high temps is a good sign. :)

I have no idea about symptoms either, as I really haven't had much to obsess about! I'm not really being helpful am I? Like you say, we're in a waiting game. I'm still getting brown CM - I'm checking internally (TMI!) so it's not brown from taking ages to get down, if you know what I mean! but no blood yet...I'm wishing the days away to take my temps again tomorrow. I didn't test today, but if no AF tom morning I'll test again - thank good for cheap sticks from home bargains!

Fx for us both xxxxxx

Ps going to see my cousin's new baby tonight. I rubbed her belly last week - I hope its' brought me luck!
Mel- I do not know why you are not getting a BFP, I have heard of the high metabolism thing but not sure how that works. As for a chemical taking time to get undone, I think a chemical produces some HCG but the baby does not stick properly and it uninplants so no more hcg but you also start bleeding since no HCG is produced. Hold off testing with all of those First responses since they are expensive. Wait until Thursday or Friday so that way your HCG could double. It does not mean that if your HCG is on the lower scale that you will def MC, I will cross everything for a nice clear BFP for you. Glad your temps went back up again but I wish they were accompanied with a BFP.

Caroline- I am not positive but a progesterone deficiency could be linked with the spotting which is good because that problem can be fixed. Speak to your DR because you want to have a longer LP and no spotting while you are waiting for the baby to implant. FX for you dear.

As for me I am ok, not too many cramps, still very tired and *TMI*...... not really leaking through any tampons so that's good but I have passed so big clots that made me a little worried for a sec but now I am taking it as a good clean out and a good sign. Sorry for the TMI but oh well :rofl:
:rofl: TMI is fine! I'm obsessed with what's coming out of my VJ at the moment!!!
I've kind of got my mind made up that I have a progesterone problem...but still hoping for a BFP! If we discount the spotting then at least my LP is longer this month - min 10 days (9 last month till red) and possibly more :)
Hey Sara - I forgot to ask - did the doc prescribe clomid because you've not ovulated for ages? Where is it coming from that it takes so long? We don't buy drugs over the internet here - is it cheaper in the US?

Fx for clomid (and twins???)
Oh Rhonda, so glad you are okay. How aweful to be stuck with no heat, no power and sick with an ear infection. I had a middle ear infection back in 2001 and I was in pain beyond description, definitely see if you can get some antibiotics.

Jenna, you baby is too precious. I was naughty and dialed into BnB the other day at work and read that page but obviously because I didn't log in I was unable to see any of the pictures.

MT, good luck for Wednesday/Thursday when you test again. A brand change can make all the difference.

Sara, how things going? Has the witch packed her bags yet? Any news about Clomid?

Caroline, hope the spotting goes away and you are still in with a chance.

Liyana & Lea when are you two going for your next scan? Will you have one at 12 weeks?

Michelle, what CD are you on now? I am assuming you are almost about to start trying some time soon.

So of course I am only 7DPO but couldn't help myself this morning I had to POAS any way :rofl: I got another extremely faint positive with the same brand I was using,
It should have been completely negative as it is the same brand I used back in November and if I take a look at page 1 of my journal I see it dissapeared completely that time around at 6DPO.
I then did a test with a completely different brand and there is a very definite very faint BFP but no squinting or special lighting required :yipee:. I tried taking a picture but the flash makes the lines dissappear. I am not reading too much into this since I have been disspointed with false BFPs before but will keep testing to see if it gets darker. Will test again on Thursday.

UPDATED: Here is my silly very faint line, just for a laugh:
MT dont trust IC (yes internet cheapies) as I did not get a pos until I was 7 weeks!!! I did a test got an evap did anoter with FMU got bfn, kept fmu and got a FRER test and boom :bfp: go get urself a FRER darling

I would get a FRER if u dont get AF today.. ur chart looks WAY to goo to have a bfn hon Hang in there !! :hug: Back to work.. What a crappy day ugh
R-sorry I forgot to write to you. Get well soon dear. I hope that if it is an ear infection it clears up quick.
Caroline- my DR did not prescribe it for me so I bought it online. I am not sure if that is illegal or not but at this point I need something. I am tracking it right now but it is coming from Canada and I am in California so it takes a min to get here.

Debs- I saw your line dear. I am crossing everything including legs since AF is still here. Once she leaves though I will cross everything else and only cross legs in between sessions. :rofl:

Michelle- Hope you are doing better dear. Take care and know that we are all here for you :hug:
Back from the blasted Doctors, god why do I keep going there, I hate that place!! I was there for 40 minutes in the waiting room and finally went over to the lady behind the desk and was like my appt was a 1/2 hr ago can you tell me when I can expect to be seen....she's like who are you seeing, I said Dr. Holt. She goes ah yes she's running behind by a half hour, WTF why couldn't you have told me that when I got here?!!!!! Or before I came for that matter. Seriously I was there for an hour and a half, something that should have taken 20 minutes tops! Anyways...I don't have an ear infection... yet, but I have a sack full of fluid in my ear that may or may not become infected, she told me to take Robitussin and saline drops for a week and if that doesn't help she also prescribed me Nasonex. She said you should start to feel better in the next 2 weeks, 2 weeks???!!!!! :hissy: So in the meantime I guess I just suffer...lovely eh!
Poor girl. I can not believe how rude and inconsiderate some drs can be. I hope the saline drys it up quickly and what a waste of time. It might have been worth the wait had you actually been able to take something to help.
*sigh* WTF i just went to RR and was havin Blood Tinged Cm.. Im only CD 9 wtf gives.. This is so aggravating...

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