Team Jelly Belly!!!

Rhonda - wooww...snow!! I'm glad you and family are ok and heat is back on. but wooww.. what a lot of snow! Don't get me wrong, i'm so excited to see your pictures because I'VE NEVER SEEN SNOW!! :rofl: well i've only seen them in pictures and the tele but i've never seen snow for real. no four seasons here, hehehe.. hope a little miracle happens and your ear infection disappears like magic soon!

Debs - uuuu!! how exciting!!! more lines!! more lines!!! :happydance: my next scan is on 7th March, the very day I hit 12 weeks :happydance:

Sara - hope the :witch: isn't being too hard on you and waiting for more news from you on clomid :hugs:

Caroline - keep on rubbing them bellies!! You know what I did a month before I got my :bfp:? I surrounded myself with pictures of me holding kids or babies, LOL!! Helps with positive thinking they say... heheheh (and the stories come pouring out... :rofl:)

MT - here's hoping everything works out for the best and you get a super dark line!:hugs:

Gabby - i want your boy stuff too!! lol!! send me all your boy baby dust!! :laugh2: hope little owen's feeling better

Jenna - can't wait till I cross over to the 2nd trimester, then I can start browsing or shopping like you! :D hehehe.. I would imagine my bump pics looking like yours! So much fun to see you grow!

Lea - so great to hear from you! and loving your pic! :hugs:

Michelle - oh dear.. oh dear.. hang in there hun, i'm sure there's an explanation.. we've got to stay positive!! happy thoughts happy thoughts :friends:

Ashley - how are you hun!!! haven't heard from you in a while, sending you lots of hugs!!

Ok i always tend to miss out at least one person whenever i do this, so apologies way up front :blush:

Sara, Gabby and Rhonda - thank you for your take on the birthing pain relief. The 1st thing i will say to my gyne when we talk about it will definitely be EPIDURAL! :rofl: why deny myself of modern medical miracles ey?

My MS was causing havoc on me yesterday. I was absolutely fine the day before but yesterday it hit me like a brick wall. I was :sick: the whole day at the office and whole night too, would barely get any sleep or get any food in me.

DH says that i've started to have a really cute belly and he couldn't resist rubbing it (prompting his younger brother - who is down syndrome - to stare at him in the most quizzical way). So i'll probably get a belly pic up soon, since I might have something to show for after all. Although I still feel that it's all gas, and not so much of baby.

Ok I need to get back to work, my manager's calling for a meeting :) i've been on bnb since 2 hours ago! lol!

:hug: to all of you!! till later!
Liyana-I really wish I could take your M/S for a few days! I'm so sorry you are so pukey!

Rhonda-Hun, I hope it doesn't take that 2 weeks for you to feel better, I'll try to send my 'well' thoughts your way :) Get better fast sweets!

Sara-Is this a 'normal' AF for you so far?

Michelle-Do you believe in taking anything naturally or otherwise to help regulate your hormones? I suspect that there's something that isn't quite back to normal yet. I don't think the spotting should interfere with TTC though, PMA! :hug:

Still nothing for me. I have so much cm that I'm going to have to wear a liner tomorrow if AF isn't here. I don't have the yellow cm that I get on my cervix prior to AF. Ladies, I don't think she's coming. I'm sure lots of you saw my thread in TTC. I am/was just looking for encouraging late :bfp: experiences and stories. Do you all have any friends or family that had a late :bfp:? The only one I know of close to me is my SIL didn't get a pos test until she was almost 8 weeks, but she had a mmc around the 11-12th week :( I know a late :bfp: doesn't always mean it's not going to work out in the end, but I like hearing the stories nonetheless.

Ok, time for bed...I'm hoping for another high temp in the morning! FX!

Luv & :hug:
Mel- Yeah pretty regular, as far as I remember regular being since for almost 2 years (1 year non hormonal BCP and 1 year regular BCP). I am bloated, tired, bitchy and only thing different is a little clotty (Sorry TMI) but I think it just means my body is cleaning itself out good so I am not too worried about it. I hope you get a clear answer soon.
Liyanna!! so lovely to hear from you - sorry MS is getting you bad. :( Hope you feel better today. looking forward to seeing your tiny belly!

Michelle - sorry about the spotting - I'm sure it's nothing, lots of people get the odd bit here and there (having done lots of searching about spotting!)

MT fingers crossed today the day!!

Well the witch got me :( It's still light flow, but certainly more then spotting. i wasn't going to test, but I know I would have obssessed all day trying to convince myself it was still just spotting. :bfn: as expected. I have no idea what to count as CD1 - but I'll guess today. Why not? I'm definitely going to see a doctor, I'll probably not get anywhere, but at least I can try!

Feeling pretty down, it's not been a big shock, more like a slow build up to a BFN, but I still had hope.

Anyway, at least it looks like I won't be going to Boston till the 23rd March, so I should be home for ovulation next month, which makes me feel better.

Hugs to you all xx
:awww: Caroline sweetie hang in there, I'm sorry the :witch: found her way to you. Even if the doctor can't do much for you it always makes me feel a ton better to just go and talk to them. Atleast now I know what I have isn't harmful to baby, just hurts me :rofl: but I can suck it up....really hope its not for 2 more weeks though!! :hugs: to you babe!

Liyana you've never seen snow? Wow! Its so hard for me to imagine that having been around it my whole life. I'll gladly send some your way, looks like we have another storm the end of this week too :hissy: Come on spring and warm sunny weather I am awaiting!!!! I hope you start to feel better soon, your almost to 2nd tri!!! I can't wait to see your scan pics so we can "hopefully" guess the sex of your baby, your finding out right??

MT cant wait to see what your temp is today, this is nuts, there is no way your not pregnant, you just have to be, these are all very promising signs!!! I bet if you test today or tomorrow with a FRER you will get your bright shiny :bfp:!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm still in pain but just took my first dose of Robitussin and praying for a miracle! [-o<
Hey Girls!:) How are we all?

Debs~YAY.....i went and saw your line...I"m hoping/wishing/praying that its your REAL BFP!:) Everything is crossed except when i gotta pee.....hehe.

Rhonda~you poor thing..all that snow...and here i was complaining of 8inches! Thankfully like you in about a month it will all be gone!!!YAY.
Can't believe you didnt get an antibotic.....i would have gotten one from my dr?

Lyiana~BELLY SHOT PLEASE!!!!! Sometimes its hard for us women to BELIEVE we've got a Can't wait for your twelve week scan. and of course if you have a boy i will send you my stuff as well! Got TONS of it.......:) BOY DUST to you! I need the girl please!!!!!

Mel.......Hunnie...I wrote my story that i know of in your other thread but i'll put it here. I have a friend from work who was having bad abdominal pains so went to see her doctor. Doctor asked if she could be pregnant? She said well i've taken about 20 tests and they are all negative. The doctor examined her and all .......and turns out she was 8/9 weeks pregnant!!!!! And now my dear.....she has a beautiful daughter.Ava Marie, who is 4weeks old!:) Don't give up! you know Tigerlady got a BFN at 15dpo but a BFP at 18dpo!!!!:) Your pregnant you have to be!!!!!!!

Michelle~never anwsered your ? before....but yes I have two children.....Owen whose 3nhalf, and Gavin....just turned one.:)
The spotting could be ovulation....have you gotten any positive opks or anything? If its light def could be O. Some women spot when they are going to ovulate b/c of the egg trying to get released. Fingers crossed and i say BD away! HUGS>

Sara....did clomid come yet? How is the witch treating you.??? Probly cruel i bet!

Well Girls i worked all day was a good day. But about 2hours after getting home i got a sudden headache that came out of nowhere!!! I tried tyenol, then lots of water, then a nap, then caffine.......NOTHING!!!!! So i finally fell asleep.........only to now waking up to the STUPID headache! It's hurts so bad..:( Idk what i'm going to do all day with the boys.....
Owen is better !:) yay!
Thanks girls! I'm not sure what to think. I was feeling pretty sure until about 2 minutes ago. I just checked internally and I have the slightest tinge to my cm. I don't normally spot before AF since getting my hormones in check...but I do get tinged, yellowish, light brownish cm on my cervix. I might have that now. It was cd35 with my last chemical that I started AF, abruptly. I know it doesn't count, but I just took my temp and it was 99.2! I used to check my temps throughout the day and without fail when AF was on the way, it would go down gradually the day before AF. I'll probably have the thermometer in my mouth today every 2 hours!

Symptoms: Hunger. Really hungry only a short time after eating. VERY thirsty, but also slobbery :) Shooting (.)(.) pain. Dizziness/lightheaded when I get up from sitting.

That's it for today so far. I will keep everyone posted!

Caroline, I wrote in your new journal, but I'm so sorry that effing hag showed up so early and gave you so much spotting beforehand. I want to see progesterone results! :hug:
Hey hon - I've still got hope for you - fingers crossed the bitch stays away from you. I'll give her a good talking to - see if that helps

I'd love to hear about your natural hormone regulation - I've asked you on my journal, so it doesn't clutter up here, but is still in the open in case other people want to read it. Thanks!
Ok girls, I'm pretty sure this might be it for me. I just got a round of cramps that were quite ominous. I know, I know, it's not over 'til she shows, but I'm thinking she'll be here by tomorrow. :(
Awe Mel.....I hope not....:( I had lots of cramps when i got my bfp......DONT gve up yet sweetie.
and if I remember correctly didn't you almost start spotting days before your bfp too Gabby, I remember you freaking out a little cause you were checking your cervix and had some pink or red blood show up, then you got your bfp?? Am I right? If not my prego brain is in full force and I apologize!!! :hugs:
:hugs: thanks girls! We'll see............................
Debs- I saw your line dear. I am crossing everything including legs since AF is still here. Once she leaves though I will cross everything else and only cross legs in between sessions. :rofl:
Debs~YAY.....i went and saw your line...I"m hoping/wishing/praying that its your REAL BFP!:) Everything is crossed except when i gotta pee.....hehe.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Thanks girls!

Sorry you are having such a hard time with the witch Sara, I hope this is it for the next 9 months.

Gabby, oh no, headaches. I hate them, don't get them often but urggg. I hope they go away. Can your DH not give you a massage or go for some accupunture, I went when I was preggas and it really helped.

Rhonda, how annoying to go to the doctor and just come away with a prescription for saline ear drops and nose spray. I hope they work, if not do you have the number of a good Ear Nose and Throat Specialist (ENT)?
PS: I loved the snow pics if I forgot to mention it before :)

Jenna, how are things? Have you bought anything else?

Liyana, I will make a note of the 7th of March :yipee:

Lea, when is your next scan? Don't think you mentioned it yet.

Caroline sorry the witch got you but it is can't harm asking the doctors if they can give you some advice.

MT, sorry about the cramps but cramps can also be a good thing. Keep us posted.

I wasn't going to test today but in the car in the way home from work I got that urge, but of course the line is....not there.
I will tell myself it is just because it isn't FMU and I am only 8DPO, but in all honesty I am freeking out a bit. What if it doesn't work and this isn't my month, then what? I have no plan B, I always have a plan B.

My DH wants me off the machine, have a lovely evening I will check in on you again tomorrow :hugs:
Awe Debs.....sorry about the BFN!:( BUt i'm thinking of course 8dpo and not FMU.....sounds a great reason fora bfn not a BFP! Remember that you've done all you can sweetie and its in God's hands....surely he must know that you need/want to have a baby.....:) Praying for you. Hey....since you don't have a plan B this time....maybe theres a reason? eh

My headache is still hear.....and i'm stressing so its worse. I am bleeding...NOt spotting but actually bleeding, and my cramps are terrible. I've rang the docs(mines gone today) and nurse called and said she'd talk with the PA and call me back.....awaiting the call...

Rhonda....Guess your preggo brain has taken affect...haha...I didnt have spotting and had a clue i was preggers b/c of no spotting. The previous months i would check cervix and once i saw a spot of pink or brown......i KNEW i was out....:) Don't worry I have a preggo brain too! hehe.
Okay i must be emtional atm....but all of a sudden i decided i WANT a new doctor!!!! grr i'm upset at mine b/c of the whole getting confused about scans and a few other things. I've had her with both kids and all and shes nice. But i HATE her nurses and her PA...and all of the other doctors that are in the same clinic as her...!!!!!!!!

Can i change doctors this far into my pregnancy?
I guess too b/c i called the ob triage nurse and told her whats going on and she acted like oh.....okay let me see what the pa wants to she didnt care at all!!!!:( its been about 30mins..and still no call back.....WTF? I'm bleeding and 13weeks...thats not normal...
Okay I"m done moaning.....sorry just had a spurt of sadness there.:( Better now......Have a scan this afternoon.....Actually quite scared.
:hugs: for you Gabby maybe you are over doing it and should be resting more?? Just a guess. No you can change your doc whenever you want, if you really don't like this one don't stick with her just because, your going to be seeing a lot of her and she's going to be there with you through the birth of your child, you want to have a good relationship with this person and if your not happy than I say find someone you are happy with hun! I hope everything is ok!! Keep us posted!
Thanks Rhonda...:) I do like her..but it seems like we don't get along like we use to? Not sure why? Shes a good doctor but maybe having a few off days? lol. I just dont care for anyone else and days like today when shes gone and i have problems and concerns i realy dont care for any other doctor.....idk why but they all seem sluggish about things and lazy.....

My scan is at 4:30....she said to call if i start getting light headed or anything. I was planning on working tomorrow but i doubt that will be the case.

How are you feeling Rhonda? hows the ear?
hi all congrats on everyones pregs am jealous really lol,
wondering how do u know your ovulating and is there any way u think i could concieve a boy lol
I already have two beautiful girls but would love too have a son, plus was anyone on cerazette and if so how quickly did u concieve? oh and one other how long does sperm live in the body?

sorry for the milloins of questions just want lots of answers lol

cat xxx

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