Team Jelly Belly!!!

I am doing good ladies. I am on cd 22 4dpo! I will be testing in 6 days which i know is only 10 dpo but my cycles are only 28 days long i ov on cd 18 so here is hoping af stays away and my lp is long enough! i have been taking vitamins now to make it longer i hope they work, other wise i called my dr today and she said next month she will do a cd 21 blood work to fix it!
Thanks for the input. I put in the later temp and will see what tomorrow brings. Will try to get some :sex: in later tonight just to cover bases. Hope to see some :bfp: s soon.
Hey yall! Sorry I've been so MIA lately! School has been soooo time consuming! Ive also been working out a lot (Ive lost 8 lbs yay!!) so that is taking up a lot of time also. Hubby and I are still WTT....I think I've decided that I will agree to start trying in May. I just don't want to be pregnant while finishing my last year of college...not bc it's hard, bc theres just so much damn work! I'm going to read through this thread now and then post again, so be ready!
Okay yayyy!! Almost all of the girls are here...just waiting on MsTwiggy!

Gabby, JaiJai, Deb, Nylatin, Sara, 1stbaby and are all of y'all doing!??!? Can you tell us all of y'all CDs and symptoms? I really am hoping and praying for yall...I know it will happen soon for all of you!

Rhonda...I'm still so friggin happy for you! I'm always checking your facebook page for bump pics! I know you prolly dont have a bump yet...but Ive heard with 2nd babies, you get much bigger much faster!

To all of the other girls...congrats on TTC!!!!!!!! you have the "Team Jelly Belly" blinkie? Something happened to my siggy!

oh my gosh, is it just me who's laggin' behind on our ol' lil thread? So sorry!!

Debs, Sarah and Jai, I'm heeeere!! :D

1stbaby, hope the vits are working for you :hugs:

Gabby, good luck with your cd21 test tmrw! :hugs: (although, i'm quite clueless as to what a cd21 test is)

srm0421, sorry can't help much with the temping dear, i'm awful when it comes to temps

Anyhuuu, picking up where I left off, more zits showing up today it's really starting to get annoying, and at places they never usually appear like the sides of my face (near my ears) and in my nose?? ugh. 1cre8tivgrl, i hope they're actually symptoms like what you mentioned to me in our other thread. If it's just hormones, i'm definitely at the butt of AF's joke this cycle.

Slightly tender bbs are back on but nothing major. However something cute happened today, as i was getting dressed in front of mirror, DH who was standing behind me suddenly exclaimed (while looking at my reflection) "are your bbs GROWING??" :rofl: it could be his imagination, prolly horny or something, LOL! I'd rather not get my hopes up just yet on the bbs issue, hahaha!

Other weird stuff happening, my sides (just below ribcage) hurt as so do my abdomen. Feels like i've been doing sit-ups although i've been doing none of the sort. Also, right side of stomach had sharp pains this morning. Not sure if these are any sort of pregnancy symptoms (i could be having appendicits for all I know :rofl:). Plus, the skin around my stomach is having this dry stretched feeling. It's either i'm pregnant (as i so would like to wish is happening) or i've just been eating too much these past few days (freakin' piglet appetite):rofl:

You ladies have any idea what might be going on?
I'm not the best person to talk about symptoms......I'm so confused and anxious. Last evening I felt soooo dizzy i though I was going to faint. I was going to wait until 15dpo to test but because of the dizziness I did a superdrug early test this morning and got a very very:bfp: faint line. Do you think i should test again tomorrow or there wont be much difference and I should wait? I'm scared!!!!! I'm still feeling quite dizzy today.
Hi Girls,

Sarah I put our blinky team logo in out old thread, you can grab it from there and add it to your signature. Lovely to have you back with us, and very commendable that you are completing your studies "you go girl!" :)

MsTwiggy, you finally made you way over here!!!!!
Sounds to me like you have lots of positive pregnancy symptoms. I too have all those twinges in my abdomen, but mine are mainly on my left side. Funny that because that is the side FS confirmed I was ovulating on.

Love and hugs to everyone else, I hope you have all had an awesome day.

I am just dying to POAS, one would think I would have learnt my leason last month about starting far too early, but apparently not!!!!!!!

I am on CD7 and still have tons of cm, had the metalic taste in my mouth yesterday but must admit not so much today...hmm.

How is everyone else? Any ideas when you are going to start testing?
First of all...HELLO Sarah, miss you babe! Glad you came to stop by and say hi!! :) Hope you get school all done soon and start making that baby!!!:)

Ms Twiggy...i know what you mean with the pains in the stomach..tbh idk if its a pg symptom or not...just make sure if its right stabbing pain alot and your sick see a dr! could be your appendixs! I've had mine removed when i was preggo! All your other things sound good, specially the hubby noticing the bbs!?:) Good luck babe.

1st baby..are you opks neg now? How are you feeling?

Debs, jai jai, any new symptoms to report?

Nytin how are you hunni!

Well today is the test day..i dont really want to go..but only going to because if i didnt o then i obviously want to find out why and do something about it fast!!!hehe!
Results wont be here for three days..sooo hard to wait!
Symptoms for me..or in my head? hehe are ....still feeling nausea here and there..bbs alil sore and seem bigger? Also is itchy nipples a sign? OMG they itched soooooo bad last night!!! EEK! Cp is medium,,and cm is creamy and umm kinda wet, ewcm here and there?

HOws everyones cp and cm?!

Talk to you later girls ! Luv ya all!!!:)
Btw..also have this sharp pain going down my left side..between my back and stomach and twinges ..only left though. Also if i did O it was on the left side because of all the pain!!!
Sarah - So glad your back. Getting that degree out the way is a great idea. Who needs the stress of all that work and then the TTC on top of that.....That would be a lot.

Srm - I think the later temp would be the most accurate to go by

Trish - Congrats!!! You should post a pic and then we could tell better but if it's faint its still positive.

MsTwiggy, Debs, Gabs - Look at all those symptoms. I can't wait to see the :bfp:s in your future.
Just to let you know I wont have the internet as from tomo until god knows when :cry: I am packing now and didn't realise how much stuff i had accumulated :rofl: anyway I will try and leave a proper reply soon but hello to everyone and wshing you all the best for the next few days!! :hugs: and love to you all
Morning ladies! Ok so i am now only 5 dpo on cd 23 and i have had so much c cm yesterday and today!! Is that a sign? I dont remember it being like this last month. I know its way tmi!!! but its like clumps so strange! This is so embarrasing but i had to look twice thinking it may be toilet paper but it wasnt, it was c cm!!!!!! loads of it! plus i am having the most odd feeling in my lower tummy/pelvic area, not af pain and not ov pain, more like a pressure or sore pain. I hope this is not all in my head! I know the cm is not i showed DH!!! He was like wow what is that stuff... hahaha
lol nice baby! yes..increase cm is a great sign..specially if its new for you! creamy cm is what alot of people get hun! Good luck hunni..fingers crossed for you!..whats your cp like?
Has anyone ever heard of itchy nipples as a sign...i had it sooo bad last night..but not right now..?
Sarah - So glad your back. Getting that degree out the way is a great idea. Who needs the stress of all that work and then the TTC on top of that.....That would be a lot.

Srm - I think the later temp would be the most accurate to go by

Trish - Congrats!!! You should post a pic and then we could tell better but if it's faint its still positive.

MsTwiggy, Debs, Gabs - Look at all those symptoms. I can't wait to see the :bfp:s in your future.

Thank you Nlytin I just don't want to get my hopes's a you can see it is very faint....please let me know what you think
please please please let me know what you think of my pic
I can see a faint line!!!!! :) Congratulations!

I think it will be a great relief to see the "pregnant" in the CB digital window though - go POAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(no bias here at all) ;)

please please please let me know what you think of my pic

I see a line Trish! I see a line! Do like adzuki said and get the CB digi and see that beautiful word pop up don't be scared.


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