Team Naughties the Leftovers have now relocated to The Best of the Rest

Morning my lovely ladies :)

Freyasmum - what fantastic news about your friend :happydance: , I'm sure your :bfp: won't be far behind.

May the 4th girls - I can't believe you are all still holding out - I can't wait until Monday :happydance:

Samzi - oooh hope the :witch: stays away :)

Caitlenc - keep us posted on doppler usage - I spoke to DH about one last night and he said the thought just made him feel sick so we won't be getting one. Have you ever known anyone to be scared of a heartbeat :rofl: God knows what he will be like in labour :rofl:

Tori - haven't seen you for a while - hope things are ok? :hugs:
oooh and now for my little update :happydance:

Well I got home last night and my scan appointment was waiting for me, I'm a bit disappointed though as its ages and ages to wait. It's on
May 1st at 11.30am

ie TOMORROW :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:

If everything is ok tomorrow is it then ok to start telling everyone do you think?
Yeah blondie thats great news xxxxxxx I would say it would be safe to tell people after the scan. So excited for you :happydance:

I think AF showed up last night as it was full flow but still a pale wartery red. Now very confused though as my temp has gone up this morning and my CP is still high and closed . . . Here is my chart not taking into account the bleeding:

Looks pretty good but then i have cramps and blood so i am not sure what to make of it all. If my temps are still high tomorrow and Sat then i will still take a HPT to to confirm if i am out or not. My Nan had a normal AF when she was preggers with my Mum and then had a normal AF on month 3 so it does run in my family . . . .
Yeah blondie thats great news xxxxxxx I would say it would be safe to tell people after the scan. So excited for you :happydance:

I think AF showed up last night as it was full flow but still a pale wartery red. Now very confused though as my temp has gone up this morning and my CP is still high and closed . . . Here is my chart not taking into account the bleeding:

Looks pretty good but then i have cramps and blood so i am not sure what to make of it all. If my temps are still high tomorrow and Sat then i will still take a HPT to to confirm if i am out or not. My Nan had a normal AF when she was preggers with my Mum and then had a normal AF on month 3 so it does run in my family . . . .

Hmmm if you discount the bleed then chart still looks good Razcox - and it is very common for people to still have AF while pg and if it runs in your family then maybe you are still in for this month :) Fingers x'd the bleed stops and you get that :bfp:
well :witch: didnt get me in the night, so we will see how today goes

ooh blondie, thats fab:happydance:
my god its dead! where is everyone?!

still no sign of :witch: and im still getitng that cm..not sure what to think..
I'm just sitting here in a daydream :rofl:

Creamy CM and no :witch: is a good sign Samzi - fingers x'd for May 4th :happydance:
Good morning, ladies!:hugs:

Raz, hopefully it's a strong implantation bleed, or you're one of those ladies who get AF when preggers! Fingers Xed for you, hunny!:hugs:

Samzi, ooh, hopefully :witch: has gone away for good--or at least for the next 9 months!:happydance:

MsSmith, any news from the :witch:?

Freyasmum, welcome back, we missed you!:hugs:

Blondie, ooh, so excited to hear about your scan!! I know it will go great. I definitely think you can tell people after the scan. 10 weeks is a big milestone, chances of miscarriage drops sunstatially at that time. :happydance::happydance:

:hug:to those I missed!!
Now for my update:blush:

Well, my nausea came back with a vengeance yesterday, as did my hormones. I was cranky and tearful all day long, even left work early to come home and rest, as I felt so crap! :hissy::hissy:

Seems better this morning, so hopefully today will be a better day!:happydance:

Now I'm just counting down the days until my 12 week scan, so I know everything is continuing to go well...I start to get nervous after a couple of weeks without seeing the seahorse swimming around in there!

Hope all of you ladies have a fantastic day!:hug:
Now for my update:blush:

Well, my nausea came back with a vengeance yesterday, as did my hormones. I was cranky and tearful all day long, even left work early to come home and rest, as I felt so crap! :hissy::hissy:

Seems better this morning, so hopefully today will be a better day!:happydance:

Now I'm just counting down the days until my 12 week scan, so I know everything is continuing to go well...I start to get nervous after a couple of weeks without seeing the seahorse swimming around in there!

Hope all of you ladies have a fantastic day!:hug:

Completely with you on the random nausea Caitlenc :)

I was throwing up last night - it's so unpredictable, I can go a few days feeling fine and then suddenly feel absolutely crap again. Makes planning anything difficult as just don't know whether going to be a good day or a bad day :)
still no :witch: :happydance:

if she doesnt appear tomorrow then i am officially late!!! (my cycles are sometimes 30d, sometimes 31) last :witch: was on 31st march!
Fx samzi, stay away :witch: we want a :bfp: for samzi

razcox, FX it is just AF While :bfp: sounds promising if it runs in the family.

Blondie, OMG talk about short notice for your scan, cant wait to see mini blondie, and yes i would tell the world after the scan.

i couldnt wait that long, everyone knows my news now. (apart from my gran, she will be too upset if anything happens)

cait cant wait til you get a date for your scan, sorry about the nausea but its all a good sign.

:hug: to everyone else

nothing to report here really, im going to see my best friend today for the first time since her miscarriage. bit nervous about seeing her as dont want her to be upset.

will be glad when tonights night shift is over and done with i know it sounds silly but i cant help worry that my body clock being thrown out of sink will upset kitten.
I am feeling rotten today-think I may have a chest infection. I hate being ill. I am a rubbish patient. To make it worse my lower abdomen and upper legs are aching like hell. I am also not sure whether my (.)(.)'s hurt or whether it is my chest infection. i think AF is just round the corner. Just feel pretty crappy. Very little PMA here. Sorry ladies you don't want to hear me moan on.

Samzi, Fab news that the :witch: has not reared her head. Any AF aches or are you feeling pretty positive?
Blonde-roll on tomorrow. You will have a fab photo to show friends and family over the BH weekend.
Razcox-bloody :witch: playing games. I hope it is still a :bfp: for you though.
Caitenc-sorry you are feeling rubbish, but all good signs I suppose.
Beth, hope it all went ok with your friend today. I'm sure she was so pleased to see you.
Mumtobewaiting, any sign of the :witch:? Hope not.
Freyasmum, good to hear from you.
:hug: to all
well tmi but my cm has changed from a white lotiony colour to slightly brown which means shes on her way and will probably be here in the middle of the night.

im happy about it, cos i knew all along i wasnt :happydance: plus i want to make a holiday baby when we go away in a few weeks :D

i did three tests to prove it and they were neg :happydance:
well tmi but my cm has changed from a white lotiony colour to slightly brown which means shes on her way and will probably be here in the middle of the night.

Im happy about it, cos i knew all along i wasnt :happydance: Plus i want to make a holiday baby when we go away in a few weeks :d

i did three tests to prove it and they were neg :happydance:

you tested!!!!!!
Well the timing of your holiday is perfect for making that baby.
Sorry that AF got you but glad you are so upbeat and roll on next month.

I doubt I will actually make it to the 4th. Not that I will fold and test but that the :witch: will swoop in first. Trying really hard to stay positive but it is soooooooo hard.
You never know Msmith it could be your turn. When is AF due to show up??

topazicatzbet sorry think i may have asked this already either on this or another thread how long were you using CBFM? You were temping this month though too weren't you?
Do you think it will matter me not temping, it's just impossible with work. Just want to make sure I'm doing everything possible this month.

Any tips anyone else??

x x x x
*goes to loo to check situation* :rofl:

:edit - well its stopped completely for now, will see what tomorrow brings but i deff know that was the start of :witch:

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