Team Naughties the Leftovers have now relocated to The Best of the Rest

Forgot about me!
Mostly because I've nothing to report. Still waiting. Feels like I've been waiting forever!
The weather is getting pretty cold here now. Fortunately though my lovely hubby (and his sparky mate) installed our heating the other day so it's nice and warm in our house at least. The wall unit's been lying under our bed since before last winter :rofl: Didn't heat much from under there!! :rofl:

We're planning a mini-break at Queen's Birthday weekend. Queen's birthday is the first Monday in June (don't ask why) so it's a few weeks away yet, and we're only going to Rotorua which is not at all glamourous or exciting, but I'm really looking forward to it. Rotorua is a thermal area, and we're going to stay in a motel that has private thermal pools with the rooms. Should be lovely.
I've been to Rotorua it's good fun!!!
Have a mud massage!
x x x
Yeah, I like it there - although I've never had a mud massage!
There's good mountain biking, and I like the luge too... Mostly I'm just looking forward to the break (my mother's minding Freya for us) and the thermal pool!
...and of course the mud massage!
Good morning, girlies!!:hugs:

Blondie, good luck with your scan today, I know it will be fab. Can't wait to see how mini-blondie has grown!!!:happydance:

Raz, really hope this is your :bfp: and the :witch: is just messing you about!

Samzi, I def see a line, can't wait until you test again!!:happydance:

Freyasmum, your trip sounds fantastic! Enjoy every minute!

Garkat, I never temped, just used CBFM.

Anyone heard from Tori? Hope everything's okay over there!

:hug:To anyone else I missed!
Now for me, not much to report. Had some cramping last night, which scared the crap out of me, but they seem to have disappeared, and there's no spotting or anything, so fingers Xed it's all okay.

Had a much better day yesterday, less nausea and a better mood. Hopefully today will be okay, too, as I work all day and have class until 9 tonight and all day tomorrow. Ugh.:hissy:

Hope all of you have a fab day!!!!:hugs:
Hi lovel leftovers

So sorry i haven't been around but I've been on lates last week and then this week on to 8am starts which to be honest with you has wiped out a lot of my team with tiredness and then there's me who can just about keep my eyes open until 6pm honestly i've never been so tired, But i've also been focusing alot on DH with his dad being terminaly ill he's taking it pretty hard as he is starting to act a little odd with his memory, So i haven't been on line hardly, So sorry didn't mean to worry you guys, will have to get one of you's to be a text buddy to stop the worry when i'm not on line.

There's not much of a update from me; apart from being very tired ohhh and eating like a horse, Fined that when i feel sick if i eat it goes away or isn't as nasty, But i'm sure there's going to come a point as to when i will not be able to control it so going to enjoy it while it last!

Samzi can you post another piccy hun like blondie said as it's focused on your picture (although i do like that picture)

To all you girls who are testing on May 4th you've got more will power than me and alot of you are showing really good signs with temping,

so sorry to those gils where the :witch: doesn't know if it's coming or going

Blondie I can't wait to see ickle blondie! not sure when my next scan is as my first appointment with the midwife isn't until the 25th may which would make me heading towards 13 weeks eeek i don't know if i can hold out that long :rofl:

Cailenc; so sorry i worried you hunny, I've had cramping over the last few days but i think it's George settleing in to his new found home! I know your seahorse is fine and s/he is here for the next 6 half months!

Beth; how things with you hun? so sorry to here about your friend, all you can do for her is be there when she needs you!

and to all the rest :dust: all round
Hi Ladies

Well I'm back from scan and mini-blondie is going to be a gymnast it seems - was doing fantastic cartwheels and waving legs and arms everywhere :rofl: - DH was amazed by it all and was actually waving back at it :rofl:

I'm measuring a day ahead so I've been put forward to 10w5d - due date 22nd November now :happydance:

Very relieved to see a very lively baby - it has grown loads in the last 3 weeks :cloud9:

Now got to wait until my next scan which will be in week 19 so only 8 weeks to go :(

Gosh it's feeling so so real now :) :happydance:

Not the best photos I'm afraid as mini-blondie just wouldn't sit still for one minute - why do I have a feeling it will have ADHD or something :)


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aww :happydance:

i hope i follow in your footsteps when i get my :bfp:
Yay Blondie!!! Fab piccies, I think she looks just like you!:rofl::rofl:

So glad all went well, you must be so relieved! Are you going to tell veryone now??:happydance:
awww so beautiful!!!! cant wait to get my :bfp: now :) xxx
Arrr Blondie

I'm so glad your little un is jumping about (sure isn't camra shy)

I'm really thrilled

awe blondie how gorgeous, so glad all is ok.

good to hear from you tori - im fine thanks, saw my best friend last night for the first time and it was so hard, in her words she is broken, but she will get there gradually, we are both off next week and she is worried about being alone so we are going to go do something.

well im busy playing midwife at the mo, my cat is having her kittens, 4 so far with more to come, she normally has 6 but she still seems massive so dont know if there will be more than 6
blondie - fab pic. cant wait to see the next scan pic in 8 weeks time.

hope witch stays away for 4th may testers.

beth -cantn wait to hear how many kittens you have.

3dpo today girls. ff pinpointed ov on cd 15, like i thought. got loads of creamy cm today but i'm a little confused as according to ff cm should dry up after ov and it hasn't yet.
Oh my gosh beth it's all going on - kittens and babies, hope you are keeping well!
Blondie - you're pics are amazing!!
Caitlenc - thank you for the advice!
x x
Evening ladies,
Just caught up with all the posts! Busy bees.
Blondie-fab pics. How cute????
Beth-definitely get some kitten pics on here.
Caitlenc-glad the cramping has subsided.
Samzi-any more news on the :witch:
Mumtobewaiting-where are you up to with the :witch:
Razcox-weird :witch: hope it is just playing games and you get a :bfp:
:hug: to all I have missed.
I have a question for you ladies that have fallen pregnant. Did you get any cramping/aches/spotting around the time your AF should have been?
I have been getting upper leg aches and weird minimal light spotting today. My boobs still feel larger and a little sore. Just really confused. Any thoughts or comments would be appreciated as you all have been through it before.
i got some cramping around 10dpo to 14 dpo, no spotting though.

well i think she has finished, she had 8 but sadly one was still born, i tried to revive it but no luck, still she is going to have her hnds full wth a big litter the average is 4 or 5, she has has 6 in both her other litters think i might have to do some top up bottle feeding.

will get some pics tom when they are settled and i ve changed the bedding, but i have to worn you they look like little mice when born
I have a question for you ladies that have fallen pregnant. Did you get any cramping/aches/spotting around the time your AF should have been?
I have been getting upper leg aches and weird minimal light spotting today. My boobs still feel larger and a little sore. Just really confused. Any thoughts or comments would be appreciated as you all have been through it before.

Hi missmith:

I didn't have any spotting (and touch wood haven't) but did have aching pains at the top of my left leg (which is the ov' George come from) if felt as though :witch: was coming but makinga slow entrence, I hope this helps and praying you get a :bfp::hugs:

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